f7~' ORONO WEEKLY'TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MIAV l2th, 1966 'E asmore than $50,000 in purse and Tbat runnerup spot, hos ever. at Mont Tremblanit-St. Jovite iii a Two Of The W oria's FastestC r starting money. Bruce won the helped him toward fourth placnp McLaren Elva, and drove an ex- 1964 event and the Player's Cup, in the Fall racing series which perimental Ford GTX in the Can awarded annualiy to the winner this year was re-designated as adian GP. An overheated engine by Player's Cigarettes. the Canadian-American, Challenge forced him out. Entered In P'yrs 0'l' The28earol This year, Amon won a f ormula lat hm in a sports car or a two race at Stuttgýart and took ForerwinerBrce cLre lireOlsmoil enins.forul oe rce, on heGo-1 On the 1965 world chiampi on second place in Great Britain"s orme N w aa" n d nmn ened b Bruc cae ir lsoie e, te Mcar-erors upneraceratNasawo n Jano ship circuit, McLaren gained a first international evert' of the rafsNgwZepdarnchrsAonhav- e senase1966Broestfeatilr uary, setting a track - record of eighth'place tie in the standing season at, Snetterton ,in the cav eacn redto of he rds mnfat en i rvsupensi6 on systemsat nd104.62 m.p.h. With Amon, McLar- with a third in the Belgîum GF which h- will drive at Mospo-t. spotscas n he196 laers sorerwhelass.Muzi siden co-drove'to fifth overail in the adtreffhpaesoig Both New Zealanders will bc 2port arMspinrthe 9Jun ae r 4. tecrrw e cable of doin g idgruelling Daytona Continental the South African, Monaco and onhand for the June 2 limne trials moeta17 ...o tagi two months ago. Itla GadPrx decide the f irst five qualifiers Race di' eetor Jim Muzzin of away. In bis last appearance at' Mos-Ii h 0-iefaie nJn the Cao adian Racing Drivers' As- port, McLaren ran a neck-and-1 Amon, 23 years old, is one o 3, the, remaining drivers. will at- sociation - oganizers for the 6th This, will be McLaren's third ncck duel with Jimmv Hall in the Imotor racing's rising youn.g starF temtt ulf o h te annual event- said both cars are'appearance and the first for A- Canarlian Grand Prix and was nîp- I w aainap.rne ,ýf2 positions ope i on the starting McLaren-Elv7as, powered by five- mon in the "200" which will carry ped at the finish uine by seconds. season, lie won the Pepsi .r aces 1 grid. partial assistc Since the aim of OMSIP leg-W The Disabled Persons' isiation is to provide adequate Allowances Act medical insurance for Ontario *ThGeraWlfr residents, full or partialpre- Th eraWlfe mium, assistance is available- Assistance Act for those who require it. * The Mothers' Allowances Legisiation approving the Ostario Medicai Services Insurance Pian-OMSIP for short-was passed in the Onfario Legisiture on Feb. 1 8th of this year. Coverage commenced April 1 st for social assistance recipients. Coverage wili begin July 1 st for those who have already enrolled, or who enrali now before May 1 6fFi., OejMSIP PROVIDES COVERAGE REGARDLESS V0F --AGE, lINýCOME OR 'HEALTH OMSIP lias been estab- lished to provide adequate insurance coverage for the paymnent of doctors' bis, and to make this coverage available to ail Ontario resi- dents regardiess of their age, income or state of heaith. Enroilment in OMSIP is voluntary. The Plan is intended for îndividuals andi their fam- ilieà andi does not provide group coverage. (Group cov- erage is where a number of individuals collectively pur- ehase insurance through their place of empioyment, union, etc.) E-veryone who lias lived in Ontario for the past -3 months is eligible to join, except those who are enti- tled to physicians' services under another Act. Members are free to choose their own doctor. If a member travels outside the Province, and requires, care, OMSIP wiil stili pay the doctors' bis up to OMSIP establisheti rates. People who find, they can- not continue to pay for ail. or part of their OMSIPcon- tract because of unempioy- ment, ilîness or disability, may apply for temporary assistance in paying their fees.î Afornatic fully-paid coverage Many résidents and their dependants have automnatic- ally received fully paid cover- age under OMSIP. These are people who are already re-, ceiving benefits under the fol- Io wîng Acts: OThe Blind Persons' Allowances Act *The Old Age Assistance Act *The Rehabiitation Services Act Automatic fully-paid cover- age is also provided for old age security pensioners and their dependants declared ehi- gible for coverage by the Ontario Departznent'of Public Welfare. DO YOU.QUALIfY FOR PARTIAL Yes, if you are a single person and. your taxable income in 1965 was $500 or less. Complete cost.. .$60.00 Government pays.-.. 30.00, You pay...... 30.00 ($ 7.50 every 3 nionths) Yes , if you have one depen- dant, and if together your total taxable income in 1965 was $1,000 or less., Complete cost.-.$126.00 Government pays, 60.00 You pay... .......60.00 ($15.00 every 3 months) What is taoxable income? r fuill or ince FulIy-paid coverage en~ application ' People resident'in Ontario for ,the past 12 months and who had rio taxable income in 19,66 get full assistance. This means if these people make out their application form now, before May lGth, they will get OMSIP protec- tion, f ully paid for by the government, Étarting this July lst. In addition, many *rho'have been resident in Ontario for' the past 12, monthà will be eligiblp for partial assistance, depending on their taxable income and number of de-. pendants. (See below)., ,ISTANCE?, Yes, if you have a family of 3 or more, andi if, your famiIy's total taxable income in 1965 was $1,300 or less. Complete cost... $ 10.00 Government pays.90.00 You pay .......... 60.00 ($15.00 every 3 months) Taxable income is the amount of your income upon wýhich you pay tax after exemptions, for dependants andi other aliowances have been deducted. HERE'S YOUR. APPLICATION FORM-Please use B ALL PO INT PEN. Cut out form corefully. Mail today! INSTRUCTIONS 1. If you havesa Social insurance Number write it in the squares provided starting with the first number in the first square. f you do not have a number, place a %/ mark in the square marked NO. 2. Pint your lest or Family Name in the box. (Exemple: Smith, Jones, BrowVn, etc.). 1. Print yourfirstand second Given Names in the boxes. (Exemple: John, Harry, Mary, etc.). If you have a nckname or are commonly known by another name for mailing purposex, please indiCate in the box marked OTHER. 4. Prit your address n the first boý; your City, Town, Village or, Post Office in the next box; and your County or District in the last box. 5. Write the number of the day on which you were born in the box marked DAY. Print the neme of the month (or ils abbreviation) in the box marked MONTH., Write the number of -the year in the box, marked' YEAR (Example: 9 Feb. 1927). S.Men should placesa % mark in the box marked MALE. Women should place a mark in the box merked FEMALE. 'L If you are single place a a/mark in the boy, marked SINGLE. If you are rnied place av', mark in the boxc mnarked MARRIED. f your status le other than single or married (Example: separsted, divorced or widow- ed) write your status on the uine rnarked OTHER. S.Write your occupation and the kind of business or industry inwhich you .,Ioik (Example: Carpenter- Building Trade; Farmer-Ag ricufture: Salesman- BaJcery). 9. Prrit the first names of your wife or husband (spouse) in the firat, box. Then pfînt the firxt' names of ail your eligible dependant chiidren, starting with the oIet, in the following boxes, If you have more than five eligible dependant children continue your list in the section ôn this aide of the form. If you have more than 10 eligible dependant chýIdren, ist them separately and return with your application forrm. Under BIRTH DATE, write the number of the day of birth, print the month and write the number of the yeer of birth, (Exemple: 18 Sept 1954), Under SEX, write M if the child ix maie, F if the. child ix fermaie.. 10. Sign your neme on the line marked SIGNATURE 0F APPLICANT and write in the date and year. IL. IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE Read this section very carefuily and complete ather the section marked 'A' or the one marined 'R (not bath). 12. Remember, if you recei;ve benefits under any of tne Acta listed under #5<1) in the folder entitled ,omsip...wHAt il MEeS ANOW*IATITCAN0O FOA-OU". you should flot comxplete an. application form. You wSfl1 be proývded autornaticafly with fully paid coverage. f Birth Date Sex ADDITIONAL DEPENDANTS IDay1 Month1 erMoF FOR ADDITî0O4AL CH&ILREN ATTAC H A SEPARATE ffl£IT PARTIALLY ASSISTED PREMIUMS Cost, for those eliiible for Complets Govemment Yeu premium assistance Cost Pays a (a) The single person .................$ 00.00 $30.00 $30.00 (coveringoholiy the member) (75 with a taxable incomnein 1965 of $500 or Is (b) The famiiy of two ................ .$120W 34000 30.00 m lcoverino the Bhead of the fniç(55o and-one eligible dependant) mots with a total taxable incrne in 1M0 of $1,00or less <c) The tamity of three or more ........ $150.00 $90.00 (coxering the head of the famiiy and a&l eligiie dependants) with a total taxable income in 1965 of $1.300 or lesa 3 ,.intt$) FULL PREMIUMS Coat for those flot eligible for premium asaisteafc COST (a) The single person ..........................3$010.00 a yaar, covering only the member) ($15.00 every 3 monttt4 (b) The famlty oft*0 ........................... $120.00 a veer (covertng the head of the farniy ($30.00 exery 3 mon«(a) arid one eligibie dependant) (c) The family of three or more............ .......3$150.00 a year (covering the head of the fanety $3750 every 3 mo<ths) antd ail eligible dependantx> SEND YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM TO: OUSIP, P.O. Box 1700, Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. ONTARIOMEIL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN 'F A PPLICA TION FORM PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE I. Do you'have a Social Insurance Number 'For office use only Social Insuranice s nsr Number? n L -Your Nemie Last or FamiFy Name 3. Given Names (First) (Second) Other Please print 4. Vour Addrees RR # or P.O. Box or Street & Number City or Town or Village o or Post Office Co unty or District Fiease print S. Esirth Date 0 e 7. Marital Statua 8. Occupation & Nature of Business or Iodustry Mai Feale Single Married Other (specify) t. UST DEPENDANTS spoisand/.,cSit*e xlilnirenmuisbe ider 21 andunuieri)Othe dpedntsandtultv.mpiod clildr matàoltniirsepa,,te overage. Given Names Only Brth Date Sex Given Names Only Birth Date 'Sec Day1 Monith year M or F Day Month Yesr M or F Spouse 3rd child Isn chid 4th child 2nd child Sth chiid 10. In ap plyi ng'for coverage unrder The0Ontario Medical Services Insu rance Lst adiditional dependant children in space provided aboya. Act, 1965, I1confir n that i have lived in Qntario for the past 90 days, iarn not co.ered ffor total medical care Îy goxernment and that ttse nformation iven by me ix correct. APPLICATION FOR PREMiUM ASSISTANCE 11. 1 have ivedin Ontario for the past 12 months. (arn not cçveeed for lotal medical care by government. 1 agree ta alow the Medical Services Insurance Division ta verify ail st asements made by me on this application. (SIGN A OR 8 ONLY) A. NO TAXAeLE INCOME I hereby apply for full premlurn assistance 1 and my eligible dependants had no taxable in- coma for the 12 montha ended Decemnber3lst lust 1 state thaf the informeation given by me is correct. Sienatiie of Appicant Date ______________19-___ B. TAXABLE INCOME 0F $1 .30.00 OR LFSS I hereby apply for partial premlum assistance My taxable incarne end the taxalble incarne of my eligible dependants was in total $ -______for the 12 monthe ended December 31lst last. 1 state that the infoirmaion gîven by me is correct. Date 4 SIEe