-~ r ~ ~ - - Y- ~ TIMElfS, TIWtfRSDAY, 1MY 12tb, 126v Report fron Qtueen's Park Alex Carrthers, M.P.P., Durhami New drugs have brought new A few days ago four scientists jhope and indeed life to thousands of the Federal Department of Ag- ýof mentally iii people, who, but ricultuîre revea!ed the develop- a few years ago, were doomed to ment of a new drug, which in ail live sheltered lives within the con- probabihity wiil make medical fines of a, provincial institution. history. Today, large numbers of these Developed after years of re- people are being restored to a useful place in society, through search, the drug, it is said, has the miracle of modern drugs and the potential* of controlling a advanced knowledge. large number of diseases, includ- ùng perhaps cancer; diseases -that There will be no more large in- uip to thec preseUt have baffled the stitutons built for the mentally mninds -of medical scientists. iii in Ontario. With the changed thinking of society, mental fll- This, major stride in medical ness will now be treated on the knowledge, although flot receiv- same basis as other ilînesses. ing the publicity it deserves, does Voluntary admission to theI mark an outstanding development mental facilities of hospitals is in the control of disease and in now possible. Every patient also bealtb improvement. bas the right to appeal to a board Whil, 'iw v da. mdicl ~ of review if thÏere is any doubt erfNts -o'~tine th 1 about bis ability to rejoin society. strugele to conciie" the d4-5i" No longer, therefore, is mental tha raagemanind weas enillness considered a permanent lhatravae mnkin, w as en-affliction. eficares of that strugg'e, are made conscious. of the impact Ail these advances in medical thbe advances are making on so- Fience are impress4ve, but we eietv. i mnust constantly remind ourselves Tt is but a few vears aco tha± 'hat the advances represent con-1 dý1read. epidemies of cholera and trol rather than extermination. ttyphoid fever. resulted in death We must aiways be on our guard, to large numbers of our Deople. and, through programs of pre- i Polio, that' crippling scurge of vertive mectici!.e, make sure that children, bas now been brqught the dread diseases cf the past will -under control; indeed last year not again aff lict mankind. -liere was not a single caçe of In order to make this fact a polio with resulting paralysis in certainty it is important that gov- the province.. ernment play a leading role. The Hospitals that once cared for extent_ to which your Ontario hundreds of Tuberculosis pat- Government is involved was made' lents are now being used for quite apparent last week, when' other types of care. This wasting tbe estimates of the Department disease no longer is the powerful jof Healtb were presented to the enemy it once was, thanks' to Legislature by the Minister, the mnedical research and new drugs. Honourable Mattbew Dymond. For those sufferîng from the Seven years ago when Dr. Dy- disease there is also the know- mond first took over the departl- ledge that the average stay in ment, the total bealth budget was bospital for treatment bas been $81 million. The budget, present- reduced from 15 montbs in 1959 ed by the Minister, for this year Io 3 weeks in 1966. was $560 million THE FRIENDLY GARDEN CENTRE Highway No.2 Between Bowmanvifle and Oshawa Phone Bowmauville 623-5757 a li CARROK USE AIE SPRING STEEL ORA KE SUPER 99M A record low price for Smooth sturdy bondie. this popular 20- tine lawn rckel - 2C4 BRIGGS & STRATTON HEAVY DUTY . '« 4 H.P. $134 95 HORIZONTAL SHIAFT TILLER- Recoîl starter, 14 inclh tines, 10" adjustable transport wheels, power take- off, simple trouble-f ree reverse. BR IGGS &ST RAT TON MOWER S201'.5 8 Cornucopiao design. Turbo lift blade, double , sc wheel, float safeW handie, Hed%èy 14 -gouge steel* deck. 7" wheels, 245 SPECIAL CARDINAL WHEELBARROW See cur. Pro Sale Bills For Real ýBig Savigs LUNN' HARDWARE PHONE 1661 ORONO COLOUR LTV' 19" ADMIRAL 21" CONSOL PIIILCO $675*00 $S39.oC P lywWood CHERRY, 4'x8 ' ....... $11.65 NATIJRAL BIRCII, 4'x8' $6-95 ROCK ELM, 4'x8, ...... 8.95 HICKORZY1 ELM, 4'x8' .. 7.30 ANT43'S ...1.6 ANTIQUE ELM, 4'x8' ... 6.30 OAK, 4'x7"............ 15.95 These py.lywoods you must sec to.,appreclate. They are all Canadian manufactured and prefin- ished wvi tour coats of Wax. Greatly reduced ln price. (Factory imperfeet) Watch lFor Further FOR THOSE WHO SLEEP LATE SPECIAILS. OPEN SATURDAY NEXT WEEKj UNTIL 3:00 P.M. ORONOFUL &LOuM BE PHONE 14816 ORONO, ONTARIO ORONO Wi-.,VlKL-y