ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MAY 19tb, l1966 JUNIORJUVENILE Bowins. Mission, study on Trinidad was tknby Mrs. Armistrong. Mission Bae ai Schedue 1 work on the island is done through the schools that have ?4,ýturday, May 21 Orono at Littlei been built and partly maintained Britain ---------- 8:00 p.m., by the diffçrent churches. -aturday, May 28 Peterboro at' Orono --1 ------------- -'6:30 p.m. Our study period was led by ~'Y1ursday, Junie 2 ono ----- --- rnday, Jýne 19( H ope -------- - tXvnday, June 26 0 , orough ------ lTf.ursday, June 30 ono --------- - ~Tursday, July 7 Orono ------ Wednesday, .July Kendal ------ bc~urday, July 16 ni flronn ----- was sung and the business part of our meeting was conducted. There were ten members and one visitor present. There were seven home and eight hospital visits made. We were reminded of the bale to be packed on Monday, May 9th. Slips from plants were then exchanged and between 4 Kendal at Or- Mrs. Rainey and Mrs. Sherwin. ac )aiastKni rmLi exe ace -----6:30 p.,,;. ymn, 'Open my Eyes that 1 mav hne. Orono at Port See' was sung. Our study gave us An abundance of delicious food :0pm.a great deal of food for thought., was served during a very happy rono at Peter- Fear is pvidence of the lack ofIsocial hour. 6:0pmFaith. Chrstian venture is Faith j in God. The Christian life means lOtLawa, May lth, 1966 - Durhani Oshawa at Or- following, living and serving. Con- jM.Pý. Russell C. Honey was re-el- ----6:30 p.m. version may or may not be sud- ected to the Executive Comimitteý Port Hope at den. Revelation and Life go to- 'of the Canadian Group, Inter-Par-1 -----6:30 p.m. gether. We' reveal what we are lIamnentary Union at its Annual 13 Orono at by what we do.ObY1 Meeting. Mr. Honey was first el- -----6:30 p.in. The hyma "Trust and Oey ected in 1965. .Lnday, July 17 Orono at Osh- awa --- ------ - 1:00 p.m. S3unday, July 24,Orono at Little Britain ---- ------- 2:00 p.m. 2'ursday, July 28 Peterborough at Orono ----- 6:30 p.m. ,ý)aturday, July 30 Kendal at Or- ono - -------- ------ 6:30 1p. ïhursday, Aug. 4 Oshawa at Orono ----- ----- 6:30 p.m. Stunday, Aug. 7 Orono at Port Hope -- 2:------ 00 p.m. Practice Time: Thursday of each Week at 6:00, p.m. Np Jack Leroy Reid, 30, former -ektreasurer of Bowmanville q7ho stole $38,711 from the town ,. three years, was sentenced on 17riday to two years by the On- ï,iro Court of Appeal. The Appeal Court alowed an ttorney-general's department ap- peal from a suspended sentence Iarch 15 by Magistrate R. B. Býaxtcer of Port Hope. Mr. Justice Frederick MacXay aid that Reid was in a position ,,f trust when he stole from his nmployer. The judge added that Reid ,ou1d have been given a more ievere sentence except that Rod- .,crick Cormack of the attorney- general's department hnd asked "or only a reformatory sentence. Reid has made $17,529 restitii- don and was paying the remaind- er to a bonding company at the rate of $50 a week, The bonding rompany has made up for the loss the town. Unit No. 3 Our May meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Drummond. Our leader Mrs. Sherwin called the meeting to order by reading a poemn 'A Garden for Ail Time'. With. Mrs. Drummond at the piano, we sang several weII loved hynns and a lovely solo, 'Blessed Assurance', was sung by Mrs., L. t~HOME IIEAT SE.YCE T REPAIRS AND REMODELLING -Free Estimates - F.(Sam) Bruton Phone 1395 Orono 49c WIHORDE0 B EST'BY Save lOc! ~ BES BUY!Save lO)c! IETBUY! Save 8e! FABRIC SOFTENER79 64-oz. Size Save 10e! 12-oz. Tin CA M LUNCIREON MEAT 9 c Save 6e! NMaple Leaf 1-lb. Prmntqh onc LARD TENDERFLAKE lb Save lOc! Free Freshie with 16-oz. Pkg. MAPLE LEAF u Ci eese Suices59 Save 20e! F"MR ESIjI 1 E 0$1 Reg. 35e! Weston or Sunbeam Chocolate 4 to Pkg, S. IýSS ROLLS 31C with MJETAL LOCKING HANDLES COLOURS RED, GREY, MTFiTffff TURtQUOISE, YELLOW B'EST BUY! Saýve 32c! Assorted12dz New Swedish ServeýrJars BESTBUY!Save16c!Colored -lb.Family ae BEST BUY'ý, Save 10e! Free Pkg. of Freshie with 16-oz, a ~ he, - reMaple Leaf BEST BUY!Sa've Fines Orange Pekoe 60 to Pkg. B3EST B! Save 27c! Twin Pe iseWieor Clue w HI1T ESWrIl BEST BUY! Save 25W! 2c Off Packz Govt. lnspuctedý Feuture! Crusb or Royal Crown Save 4e 2i Fot Rol Softrins6-9c Fiii RAP33C 1Ini Cans Case of 24 - $1.93 12 Inch Wide Alcan VIE SUPREME TURK EY 43b Specially Selected - Value Check'd Plump, Young, Grade 'A' (Broiler Size) Maple Leaf - Readi-to-Eat 1 PORK BUTT' Boneless - MiId Cured - Smoked Malple Leaf - Four Varieties LUNCHEâo#N MEATS Maple Leaf - WeIl Streaked RINDLESS BACON Maple Leaf - Mild Seasoned WIENERS SKINLESS Holiday Farms - Always Tender BEEF STEAKETTES' PRODUCE LIYSUNKIST ~doz.77C Finest Puerto Rïcan Pl NEAPPIbtàLES ea. 9c New Green ABA GE lbi1Oc Red Ripe Luselous Good Size1 79Pb 6-oz, Pkgs. 2for49c IL.99c lb. 53c lb. 65c $500.00 WINNERS Mrs. A. Smith, 165 St. Georges Ave., Sault Ste. Marie L. Laidmen, 195 Aldercrest Ave., Hamilton $100.00 WINNERS Mrs. E. Zettler, Walkerton Mrs. R. St. Louis, Ferris Mrs. Gordon Laing, Cromarty Mrs. F. B. Ferguson, Amherstburg Mr. A. Tberien, Timmins ,Wm. A. Ewing, Kirkland Lake Mrs. W. Desarmeaux, North Bay Mrs. P. Offrodi, Durits Falls C. Hogean, Wawa Mrs. L. Dykstra Beamsville Albert Gaylor, Texiskaming-, PQ. Mrs. J. Korver, Stratford Mrs. MargaretBell, Mount Forest D. J. Campbell, Camîp Borden Mrs. N. VaniTright, Welland IUrs. Mary Cumpitsch, Warren Park MAPE iý",RED& WHITE Maiple Grove -rron CIean-up Campaigo IN ORONO A special garbage pick-up bas bee'n arranged for this Saturday, May 21. Please have your gar- bage at the Curbside for pickup this Saturday. -dillil enc ---ý 6:30 D.M., 1