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Orono Weekly Times, 19 May 1966, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURsD)AY, IMAV l9th, IQ66 Report from Al',ex Carr"tk ers, M.P.P., Durham On Tl- --sday of last week, ma- jor le'--*,lation affecting the Agri- cultu eno-'owv -vas introduced iii th- Onta'-io Legislature by the floro- -hbe William Stewart, Min- Lster cif Agriculture. Tise Ti nr'-"vovules fo'- Q ueen 's Park ercniino ihr aad. PRAETY Q ~ ~~~~~~~2. It will enhance his credit1A 5yàolbyhabens- be on a voluntary basis, but ap- 'pesding aencie. l r thrpended fromi his Grade 9 classes -oiable province-wide, and will edn agces in Cobourg Friday, because he be effective in the 1967 crop sea- 3. it wilî encourage greater preferred going home for lunch, sol. specialization, as the farmer will to eating in the scbool's cafeteria. 2. The programme will provide not need to diversify his. crops The school, Cobourg Collegiate Poverage up to 80(/, of the norm- las protection against crop f ail- District East, bas a rule that for- ý a, oro4uction of a particular crop. ures. bids 600 students from going 3. 60% or 70% coverage will i home for lunch. They only have -1ý0 he available if desired by CONCLUSION 40 minutes and probably would tho farmer, Farming, whether we realize M&ved st",'x'- hi,- ' o, -I r w-p v at a level of coveraee rep- try, and as such, every effort -ro, Azricîiltlir'e. o a q-lect Comn- "~t the , rocjutivity of must be made to improve and mitfn-- of the Lnçdglatire, wbhich Ohit far.-i Thi, eliminates the maintain the economic position tabled its report in 1962. I ,riicism of area coverage wbere of the farmer. Indeed this is a i It was iJe i-animons opinion q ve-a-ý~ vield mav be low. major problem facing the indus- ,f the Committee. af that time, 5 1~- fa-me,- will set hi- own try at the present time., b at no action sbould be taken as r-duction standards, ba-ed on Farm costs' are rising much ti-,e niairi-ty of farmers and farniêb nqçt ne-orma-ce of bis farm. -ogn7tosindicated a desire fi Protection will be offered faster than farmn revenue, and in -lt carry their own crop insurance. Rqainot su-h p)erils as drought, - -der to keep thse industry sol- excesiv ranfai. ecesivemoi vent, either farm pices must rise c~o LOS-Pi~re. flood, frost. hal, winter or farm income be subsidized. 'Hovever. that was befoe the i id iesad ohr Througb this legisiation, thse '~vee d-oucts f th lat fe pets.farmer will have an effective ýars, r tlcPremiim rates for each in- weapon to assist hlm in struggling 195 1as rteec~i~rifl sured crop will be cetermined on with the hazards that are beyond ~f195.actual yields b)y county. his- control in crop production, Particularly bard h. it during 8. A farmrer will not be comn- and it will be one major step to- -'ils period lias beeni eastern and pelled to insure al bis crops. wards grea ter economic security '-erb-a OenOxtario, but last . for rural people. Sris well, there wiere, pockets 9. The insurance will be mark- A. weather damage i cash crop eted through commissioned. ag- ~."mas tbroughout the province. In ents,,who may be regular insur- Mo ý,ar own area, severe 'damage to an ce 'representatives. Commission'un~ ,o.rn and tobaeco crop 1s was ex- will be pa id on .a combination of .rîenced, witb "severe, economic fiat service fees, plus a percent- Fau! M no as ruîsses toe oa, fres age of the total premiums. Ag- <l e111s wi Uv hpur p eourat uth GO0VEUNMENT ASSISTANCE Th.e Ontario Goverument bas 1- --oided assistance in - varioýus ýars to mieet the se losses. 1. Provided subsidies for the sansportation of bay tbrougb aink guarantees. 2. Co-operated witb thse De-. ý1artment of Energy and Resourc- <~ management in the construc- osof farm ponds. 3Provided coupons. for the ur;chase of livestock feed, with --xtension of thse programme to ray 3lst of this year. 4. Guarantee&' interest-free bank ,,aais, to a maximum of $1,000 to > -rýmers for the purchase of seed 1nd fertilizer. The reesnt FdrlCrop in- zurance Act, as i!no stands, is Mot suited to Ontario's needs for :he 'following reasons: 1. The present loss coverage at ~0%, is not sufficient. 2. It does not provide for spot sscoverage on an individual .rop. This is a ne cessary require- m,,ent in Ontario. 3. It does not provide coverage ~or forage crops sucis as corn, bay ýind pasture. 70% of Ontario's ag- ;icultural -revenue is derived l'rom the sale of livestock and ,ivestock products. These are de- rendent on -forage crops. AI- ïhougb no amendments bave as yet been made, The ilonourable Joseph Green, the Federal Min- !-ster of 'Agriculture, bas agreed ~othe legislative changes sought -,oy Ontario, and without whicb, he provincial Ilegislation is. of littie value to farmers. OTHER JURISDICTIONS In drafting tise Ontario legis- iation, Mr. Stewart. and bis De- -artment,. had the benefit of the -xperiences of other jurisdictions .n this field. (a) In 1961, Saskatchewan iu- troduced Crop Insu rance with 194 -participants. At tise present time, there are stili onlY 3200. (b) Mýanitoba, althougli start- iing a programme six years ago, is stili in the process of developn the Crop Insurance Comm.-.iission. 10. Thiý e'atual premium cost to thse producer will be reduced by a contribution from the Gov- ernm-ent of Canada of 20% of the total 1preiumil. ADVANTAGE S it will insure, a satisfactory return of -the farmer's investment uothing to be desired Ask the person who boughi from us, a neighbour, friend or i ePlath > The RU1 UE R G41.A- 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE I"Largest Display in Soudhcrn Ontario" c) Aberta began a linited pro- gramme in 1965 on a test area lbasis. (d) Nova Scotia brought in leg- -isiation in 1963 but no program ha e"establîshed as yet., (e) P"ýnýce Edward Island's prograrj-me. established' in 1963, ,Covers o ýly potatoes and grain. V'SINVOLVED In estishsing tise Onitario Prog' arrie many factors haive to ie co --idered: 1 The great variety of arcl tural crops to be found in Ontario 2. Premiums will bave to be, ,established for the various crops, ,nd provision for the speedy set- t'ement of dlaims. 3. A major consideration will 1 be procuring capable personnel. None of these mtters can bel tatduntil after the Legisla- tuegrants its appnroval. Featurie, of the Onýtar!o Plan Some o-f tfLe tr of tihe On- .tario leg;- slatonlude the fol1- tilt wing:il Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and b-uild, a F-lamily Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your family sees Expo 67-Aprl28 to Oct. 27 at MontreaL be back late, officiais said. But John West was followlng bis fath er's orders to eat at ho=ê Hie can make the trîp In three minutes. The father, George West, sald: "My wife works from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. a nd noon hour is the only time we can get together fra good meal." Dr. D. E. Mikel, chairman of the school board, said the school cannot make exceptions. ' OrnoCustom Fencing Owned by Wm, Hooey ÏWISHES TO ANNOUNCE 1115 APPOINTMENT AS A REPRESENqTATIVE FOR LUNDY FENCE "SEE US FOR YOUR FENCING NEEDS" Phone Orono 1414J 66-3 TUE CIIARTFERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COiMMN iTrY ;4;ï;;î «-i - ýLù nn nû

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