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Orono Weekly Times, 26 May 1966, p. 1

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mChamber PromotesS3unday aTour The Oronio Chamber of Com- merce are this Sunday, May 29t-h, c moting an Apple Blossom lorthrougb the district along 'ith extending the tour to in- -plude other points of intcrcst., Favourable weat-bcr conditions ýi-ould provide an abundance- of ORON ýOLUME 28, NUMIBER 19 blossom in the area east of Bow- manville. The tour is to start- at Lamb's Road on Highway No. 2 and then proceed for some forty miles througb the apple growing district, Orono Tree Nursery, Mosport and scenic Ganaraska Forest-s. The Cliamber will have t-be route well marked wîth yellow signs. Its drive youir own car and proceed at your own rate. Furt-ber to' viewing the apple blossoms, atirangemienits have been made for a showing of col- oured sldes at, the Orono Tree ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 26th, 1966 Nursery where eaceh, year eight million trees are shipped to vari- our parts of the Province. The slides wilI outline the operation at t-le nursery and wiIl be fol- lowed by a tour oft-be Nursery. Curvply Wood Products are supplying a bus at t-be Orono Tree Nu]îsery wbere people are in- vited to go on a coaduct-ed tour of the Nursery. The route then proceeds through t-be Village of Orono and along scenic road ,to Mosport, north of the Hamiet- of Lesrard. Here it will be possible to drive on the world-fair.wis track, open from 2 to 4 p.m. but under close super- vision. The wooded forests of the Ganaraska are also t-o ho mapped ont- for those taking in the tour on Sunday. A view of t-be area from Tower Hlli is aIwÈys spectacular, as is the drive along the scenie route. The tour car- thon proceed through Kendal t-o Newt-unville and Newcast-le for a further view of Apple Blossoms. Picnic a-ýeas will be apen at th.e Orono Park and lu the Ganar- a1 ka Forests. Police Tute oiid0 The Orono Police Trustees beld liseir regular montbly meeting on Mojnday ev-eing in the Orono llydro Office2. In the correspond tence the Pol- _te Trustees were notified by the Pýepartment of Public Works that tlDepartment was negotiating ' building site for1 the new, Orono ,iPost Office with Mr. K. Lycett. -The Departmnent- is also awaiting .r report from t-be Northumbcr- land (-Durham leýalt-h Unit in con- r cectionr with sewage disposaI ar- ,rngement-s for this location. It v~the 'Intention of the Depart- ~t a pump-out tank as q\nd aalable is not sufficient 'for a sept-ic disposai system. Also in connection w itbpacing lePost Office on t-be1K. Lycett- i ~ropert-y, t-be corner of Churcli -rcct and Centre Street-, a letter ý,as received from t-le Building inspector in regards t-be set-back -, was pointed out lunt-be letter ihaîft-t-be size of t-be lot did not ,low t-be Deport-ment- t-o biild Ihei- usual Posýt Office and t-bt biey were obliged t-o ater thieir plans. The letten aslçcd if t-be rsesWou11ld approve a set-- sack of t-wo feet-. To t-is t-be -rust-'es ý gave t-hein approval. A letter from Mtr. R. C.Honey approval bad been receîved from ..lso iuformied t-be Trustees t-bat ircharbfeci-s for changles in the ?ost ffice t-o suit-t-be building lot- att-e corner of Churcli and -,ctre Street-. in t-be correspondence t-be Or- ,ono Police Trustees neceivcd a -'opy of a Count-y by-law wb wicb legulat-es parkingÏ and parking- ;ime limit-lu t-be business section sf t-be'1Main Street- of Orono. T'<l ~ylwestablishes parrallel park- .tng on t-be west- side of t-be tre et, wit-b angle parking- on the eatside. If- also establishes a parkin1g time limit- of two hourfs. The Truistees took no action t-o imlemnent t-be conditions of t-be hy-law. A letter was neceivcd( from Mr. A. Pos r stating he wisbed a new cont-ract for garbage removal in rt'be Village of Orono. The letter also st-at-cd t-bat- if tbe new con- ract was not in effcct- by Jâme 2st t-bat lie woud discontinue gar- ,age pick-up on May 31st-. Tbe Týrustees are t-o set up a special mneeting wit-b Mr, Pos t-o discuss t-emat-t-e. Let-ters w,7ere tabled fromn Mrs. JArnott opposing any closing of ýrincess Street- next t-o ber prop- -rty from Mrs. W. Staplet-on re- ferAng t-o being charged Commirer- Mýal rates for bydro <and wat-er bie- 1-ause sbe did part--time bairdress- ;ing; and from Mrs. Jennie Richi- ardson complaining of t-be in- creases in taxes and t-be fact- t-bat ýsbe was liaving t-o pay for garbage pick-up even't-bougb ber-bouse in LJrono was, vacant-. A sum of $300,00 was furt-ber allott-ed t-o t-le Orono Public Lib- rary. Mr. Leslie MeGec was rccom- mnended t-o t-le Town-1ipi Counceil of Clarke as Orono's repjresenta- ive of t-be Clarke Towniship Plan- ning Board. Mr. MelGee vwiil re-, place Mr. Gordon Cotter wblo last- year resigncd from t-be Board as lie wasmvigt-o Peterborougi. R. C. Fretrwas appoînt-ed -,o t-be rnoPublic Library Board týo fi one of t-le vacancies ieft >y t-e rsinatonof -Mn and Mrs. Jas. Rickaby wbo are m3,oving t-o T'oronto. Mlr. Woodyard st-atedt-bat-lhe nýxpect-ed t-le report-01o, sewage in t-be mfiddle of t-be Village t-o be present-ed vcry sbort-iy t-o t-be Trust-ces. The sunvey and report- was undertakeni by t-be Counties Ifealt-l Unit earlier in t-be year., Mn. Woodyard also report-ed t-bat- sometingi would, bave t-o be donc t-o revamp t-be:beating sy- st-em lu bot-h t-be Fire Hall and t-be Municipal Building as bot-b buildings were costing t-oo mnucli t-o beat. lie was aut-borized t-o cal t-be enginleering firm of Tot-tem and Simýs t-o sec wbat- is holding un t-hein report- and plans for st-onm sewens for-t-be central sec- tion of t-be Village. It- was aiso ncport-ed t-be Counties are now considering fixing up t-be inter- section at MUi and Main Street. Mr. Doug Simpson, reported t-be Village dump was in a mess and t-bat- sometbing would bave t-o be donc t-o dean it- up. Debris, it- was neport-ed coversîa large area away from t-be dump. It- was; feit- thiat- t-bh lae would bc vacat-- ingI t-be present- dump wit-hin a wcck or two and t-bait-h-e general dlean-up would take care of t-be present- unisiglit-ly imess. Du to thý,_resîgnation o' AMrs. M. Gilbart- as secret-any of t-be Or- onio Police Trust-ces, Mr. Bob MIi- 1er wasappoint-ed as t-be new sec- i FIying CreatsItrs Kite flyinig at t-be Orono Fair- grounds on lMond(ay evening, flot only created consideraÉ1e interest but also noted t-he fact t-bat there is some skill connect-ed ini putting tbem ialoft. The eariy part of the evening, with no wind, was damnpening the enftusiasmi of the kite flying en- thuisiasts who ranged in age from pre-school chidlren t-o aduits. Alas a ligllit- breeze djld blow and those sk.Iled ini the art ha(] their kites aloft wit-hin i-ult-es Once' the kit-es were up there appeared ,Ilttie effort in keeping them Up. At- one time abot! six ites were ip the air and the com-,petit-ors were addn more and nmore 'string to ,sentffhleir paper flying objects f urt-ber fromn the cont-rol centre. A number )Cl'Of the kit-es were al- mst a haf mile from those fly- ing tem aving- 2200 feet of A,)t one timle some lunes became entang-led and it appearedi that some were (1doomed to fali to he gon.Onle kit-e brokçe loose from'- ifs string and was later founid in the Village dulnp. Prize moniey,, donatedl.b~y Mr. Chas. 2Armlsi-ronig., vsawret- ,Steven, West, Toimm-y MacDonald, Elaine Scbi' and B lake Vanden ileuvet. T ownship Delegates To Meet in Library Seminar 1The Township of Clarke Coun- cil at a recent- meeting- made ap- point-ment- of delegat-es from Ceuncil t-o attend a meeting in Cobourg being beld by t-be Lake Onttario Regional Library Co-op- erat-ive to promote thIe formation of a County, Library system with- in the Counties of Northnmber- land and Durham. Messrs. J. Ston,e, L. Perrault- and L. Lowery were appointed, delegates to at- tend the June lst meeting being held in Cobourg. The Regional Library Co-operative in support- ing this move: feel that such a Count-y Library would be a great asset to the area. Such County Libraries are being set-up in oth- er Counties throughout the Prov- ince land are able t-o furnish more (Continued on Page 8) Large Attendance At OronoFireworks A very good crowd was in at- tendance at the annual fircworks displa- hcld at- the Orono Fair- groùnds on Monidy evening, May 23rd. In fact- it could almost- be called a record crowd for this event- over the past few ycars. The event,, as in former ycars, was sponsored by thbe Orono Cham ber of Commerce, who took in an amount -,,;,$171.00 at the gat-es. The cost- of the fireworks amntffs to $200.M0. The large crowd of children eni- joyed not- only the kîte flyving w',hicli wýas held in connection with tho show but also the array of colours and exploding sounds of the fireworks. The fireworks dis- play was carried out'by t-be Orono Firefighters. and a wîder select-ion of books t-o t-be residients of t-be Count-y tbrougb existiug Libraries and t-rougb t-be use of bookmobiles. Council refenred a letter from t-be Building Inspect-or, Mr. H. R. Best-, conccrning a new Post- Of- fice in Orono, t-o t-be Orono Pol- ,(Continued on Page 8) Mr. Robert,, George Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Robinson, Onono, recenrtly graduat-ed wit-b a B.A. lu General Art-s from Queen's Uýnîrersity. Mr. Robinson intends t-o eniter t-be teacbing pro- fession and will attend Teachers' College, Toronto, t-bis faîl. Fav ur 3-400 Pupil S'chools The Orono Mcn's D)iscussi= Group Met- at- t-beOrono Unit-ed Churcli on Thursday evening wbnt-bey ,werc addresser by pubi- --lc ehool 4111spect-ov. Mn. C Aý Holme-s. The subject fordics sion for t-be evening . . Education. MIr. Holmnes point-ed out- t-bhat- over t-be past t-en years there bias been a great- changýe lut-be field of education. The biggest- change lie felt- was wit- t-be People wbo bad accept-ed centralizat-lon of education. The speaker referred t-o t-be strange and irregular area t-bat- bad been set- up ln Clarke Town- slip prior t-o t-be' recent- complet-c Townsbip area. Many lu t-be Town- sbip proclaimcd t-bat-t-o include t-lecntire Townsbip in one area would make t-be area t-oo big. Mr. Hoimes poiut-ed out t-bat- Town- slip areas bave been in existance in Western Ontario for a number of ycars and bave been working well. Mr. Holmes- pointcd ou! -u areas wcre moving towandst-i forming off Senior Public Scboolsý as is now,ý, being estabisbed ln the ne-,g'hboiurJrng To)wnsip o f Darlfin-on. Thc objects of't-be Durbam HiB"gl Scbool Co-ordinat-ing Committee was otlndby t-be sek This Committ-ei edevori, t-o bridgle t-be gap bet-wecn t-bie Element-ary level and t-be Second- ary level of edlucait),in is aIso standardizing t-est-s and gat-being report-s and eoniduct-ing reading seminars. The speaker informed t-he gat-li ering t-bat- there was a definite move t-owands Boards of Educa- tion wbicb wouid bandie ahl as- pect-s of boi elemnentary and sec- ondary educat-lon. In t-be question pcriod, Mr. Hiolmes said t-bat- sucl aBoard wouid not likely be set4 up for a Townsbip but- wouldli- ly ,by an cntire Count-y. It wam feit- t-bat an isolat-ed Higli Scbool for Clarke and Newcastle would (Continucd page 6) Mon ey returned to country of origin Wben t-li late Miss Lena R. Renwick willed a sum amounting t-o over $18,000 t-o t-be Orono Public Libnary Board, tbene was onue stipulation concenning 't-be bcquest. The followîng excenpt- from t-be will outlines ber wisb: 1 "t-bat- it- be known t-o ail pen- sonst-bat t-bis Flift represents t-be ret-uru of money t-o thé count-ry of lt-s oigin, t-be Province of On- tario, Dominion of Canada being t-be inhenit-ance of Lena Racliel Renwick and ber sisten. Edua Is- abel. Renwick, daugit-ersi of Herbent- W. Renwick and bis wife Sybil Lockhart- Renwick, t-be granddaugliters of John Rcnwick and thle great-i5rand-dauphters, of HTerbenrt Renwick (1779-1869) who caefrom Dumfiesbire,. Scot- land la t-be yean 1833, and set-- t-led t-be nearby farming area, known for generat-ions as Ren- wick's Corners, 114 miles sout-l of t-be village of Orono, at thbe in- tersection'of Gravel Road, and t-be Fourt-l Concession, in Clarke Townsbip, Durham Count-y, Ont- ario, Canada." The Rcnwick's Corners refen- red t-o in t-be above stat-ement- bas beeni known lu recent- yeans as Dcan's Corners. The farm- home bult on t-bis pnopert-y by Miss Renwick's great-grandfat-ber was named Rosebank Farm, and t-o t-bis day, retains t-be original name. Miss Rcnwick was a registcred nurse, a graduate- of St. John's Riverside Hospital, Voukers, N.Y. Iu May 1917, she signcd up for Foreign Service ln t-li U.S. Army Nurse Corps, and was calied into active dut-y. She served with t-be Army of Occupation in France and Germany. Foliowing bier discliarge, she joined t-be newly organized Vet-- crans' Administration, and senvcd as Head Nurse at Hines Hospit-al, Maywood, Illinois, and at-t-le Vet- crans Hospital Palo Alto, Calif. 1She retired t-o live in Redlands, California, until ber deatb on, August- 16, 1965. Miss Renwick became interest- cd in t-be Orono, Public Library wlien she beard of lt-s ne-organi- zation and officiai ne-openîng iu January, 196f4. She sent- lier non-nesident ie for a membership card, lat-er don- ati ng money for t-be purchase of books. Several 'books fnom bier own pensonal libnany arc at t-be ,Orono Libnary - t-wo of t-hem le- ing Canadiana volumes: "Back- woods of Canada" and "Roughing lt-lu t-be Buýsh." To keep la touch %wit-h t-be pro- gress of t-be Library, she cornes- pondied frequent-ly, wit-h Mrs. S. Norton, t-heu secnetary-treasuner of t-be Board. Mrs. Norton compiled an inter- esting book of Miss Reuwick's let-t-er. This book lias been bound under t-be ittle of "Rcnwick Mcm- oins and Cornçspondence." It should prove t-olic a wort-b-wbule itemn of Canadiana for future gen- enations as. Miss Renwick wnote of t-be emnignation t-o Canada lu !B33 of ber ,rcat-gnandparcnts In t-bis short- essay, slie t-oid many inter- esting toie of early life on t-be Th scondl1 part- of t-le book is tited Logofa USý.,Army Nurse, Woinld iWan 1". Ot-her mement-nes of Miss Reu.- wick at tle Lbr are ber fram- e d pliotognapli and a photograpbi of Herbent Renwick, The members of t-ie Onono Pub- lic Libnary Board aret-w'idy Miss Renwick's de ocn -a t-be original Renwick fllnoney le ne- turned lunsome wy t-o dt-be and of lt-s onigin, and -bey are grate- ful t-bat- she chose thLie Onono Pub- lic Library t-o fuilil t-bis wisb. A memonial plaque will lie placed la t-le Librany witb an ap- propniate inscription set-t-ng fort-b ber request concerning t-be pur- pose of ber gift-. tà

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