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Orono Weekly Times, 26 May 1966, p. 2

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wiý2 lllý MN. . ... 0mi~ i o ý iï URONO WEEKLY TMSUJIRDY A'YZ6th, 1966 ORONO WLEKLY liMES jAuorieda. Seço D.Çlas mail, Post Office Department, ottawa) Published every Thurs3day at the of'fice of publicatier Main S3Treet, Pnoýne 109, urono, unzarjo EeVablished ir, 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edïtor an-d Manager A Thoughtful Gift The Orono Public 'Lihrary has received what is a mrost generous bequest from tlhe estate of a former citizen, Miss Lena Renwick. Miss Renwick, in hier wîsdom h as presented the Village and area with a living memorial hav- ing infinite value. The bequest' will certainly reacli out to everyone who makes use of the library and this, in Orono, is a growing number. There are but a few organizations that reach aah age groups and interests in an area. A Library, we be- lieve, is one of these few groups for it caters to ail ages and to ahl interests. In that Miss Renwick chose the Library to bequeath a portion of hier estate and the return of money to the cou ntry of its origin does show the wisdom in which the choice was made. The Orono Public Library lias, in the past two years, been providing an outstanding service to this community. Ti'bis service has actually only begun for much more can be done an-d no doubt will be done. The sumn of money will, in a manner chosen by the Board, make for a better Library service in Orono and its benefits are available to everyone. This community should certainly be greatful to the generous and thoughtful bequest given to it by a former tfizen of the area. Know 'Your District This Sunday an 'opportunity existe for those in'titis district to become more acquainted with the area. The Chamber of Commerce tour not only' caîls attention to the array of Apple Blossoms in the municipality but also other points of interest within our midst. It le somewhat surprising to learn what littie some of our residents know o! their own area. This became evi- dent during discussions on holding the Chiamber of Comn- merce tour. Some had not travelled through the Gana raska Forests and others had flot been' inside the Mosport oper- ation. The Orono Tree Nursery is well-known for growing trees but what does one know of the operation and the carrying out of titis project at ourvery doorstep. The to)ur on Sunday opens the door to these interest- in,,g featuires . 'ithin our Mun4iipali ty. T1he btond Tree Nursery is holding two showingsý of coloured sldes of the operation and is furtheringthis with a conducted tour of the Nursery. For thie purpose Curvply Wood Producte are poviding the use of their bus. tinder this scheme it wil be possible to provi de a commen- tary while the tour is being routed thirough the Nursery. Times 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. SThe gates of Mosport are also to be open to the Public on Sunday and conducted tours will also be insti- tuted. It will also be possible to drive around the track, Xut o! course,, at reasonable rates of speed. 1The route through the. Ganaraska is always an en- joyable outing and for Sunday the route will be mapped out-for those unfamiliar with the road. It may be well worth your time titis Sunday to take advantage of the opportunity of vîsiting 'these features within our own municipality. Who's To B5lame? WHAT OTHERS SAY_ In a recent Report fromn Ottawa, Mr. Russefl -Honey is critical o! Opposition Leader John Diefenbaker for at- tempting to cast doubt on tlie impartiality of th~e judicial inquiry into tlie Munsinger affair. It appears to us that the termis of reference of the enquiry are sucli that they ahmost invite such an attempt, and the government, not Mr. Dief- enbaker le responsible for an degradation of parlîamentary or judicial institutions that may resuit. We can aIl agree that the judiciary should remnain non political, but wlien it is asked to perform what is es- sentially a political task - judging on the competence of a previous government - it has littie chance o! remaining Whetlier or not the commissioner finds that Mr. Diefenbaker acted unwisely or improperly, the eîtire pro- ceeding is a disgrace to the country. In general terms tlie peopleofo Canada have already indicated at the polis their oissatsfaction witli Mr. Diefenbaker's discharge o! his duties'as prime minîster, and that shouid be enough.. It is liard to escape the conclusion that the whole 'natter lias been ired, from Jsie-iitradn + np Orono Fuel & I Orono Weeklv Sundries Good Showing In The Orono Juvenile 'Basebal Club opened their season last Saturday when they visited Little Britain to Play the Little Britain Juniors. Although Orono was kept off the score card they 1in turn left few openings for Little Britaiùi. The game ended in a score favouring Little Britain 3-0. Paul Jones pitched for Orono taking fourteen strike-outs in bis ,seven innings of pitchinýg. Gary Parks completed the« game for Orono. Jones also gave up onhy tliree hits., A grouping of three walks te Little Br 'itain andi a bit scored the tbree runs for the home club in the fourthinig Orono had few threats -going excepting for the first inning wlien they7advanced four runners to the bases off a hi-t, two errors ad a waik. A scoring run was John Mather and Earl Cobbledick however cut off at the home plate. coflected two bits each for the Orono's other ht of the game. These bits were spread through- out the gamne giving Orono littiej chance to capitalize on tlim, The game was well played and warranted the low score. The Orono Club plays in Orono this Saturday evening when tliey host an entry from Peterborough. Game time 6:30 p.m. Bantams Lose Opener The Orono Bantam Basebal Club, played in Keene on Sunday afternoon and lost to the home Club by a score of 6-4. 0PLUMBING and IIEATING g Sales and Service f 24 MOUR BURNER SERVICE- [3 owInterest fRat e s 1d 1{Phones. p o O Tyrone CO. 3.2650 f Other Interest on bank Io Payment on boan - Hnorariura ---- H;Forse Falls, Local Driver Thr.own From Race Harness racing continues luin _________ Peterboroughi on Saturday last DAIRY CALF CLUBM with local horsemen very much inl TM.AP A thecometiion The second regular Reid Harnes's horse, Maudeens our 4-H- Dairy Cal! CI Mlssey, driven by Junior West,1 the home of Mr. and placed fourth in the second race. ILarmer, Blackstock, er Keith West, racing in the samne evening May l9th. TI race with Frisky Herbert did net was under the leaders] finish. The horse feil throwing Francis Jose and Wn, Keith free o! the cart. 11le suffer- Club leaders. ed ne injury and returned to race Th ishafot. again in the fifth with Mr. Oban- Tefisba!ot ion pacinglast.was held at the barn* ion lacng hst.class o! Guerneey hE Jack Williams with bis own judged,. Mr. Tamblyn herse, Happy's Mac,, tooli the top geted point to watch fo honours again in the Invitation Trot with a time o! 2.17.4.* Return- ing in the sixth race Jack Wil- ORONO COMMUNITY liams drove Bud Giet te second position. Junior W'est in the samne race placed third with Kitty Wit- Palance forward !roir ty, a Norwood herse. Operating Income- Picnics - ---- Grattan Portage came through Parking ------- for Junior West in the seventh Swimming ---- and tentli races with-.a firet and Rent o! Booth second. The win was in a time Rent from Oron Keih Wst rivng peeway Other Income- Keit Wes drving SpeewayProvince o! Ont Pat racedi second in the eighth Intereet ---- race but was placed« firet due te a disqualification o! Tawny Van 1 for interference. Junior West la the camne race placed fourth with Trixie E. Grattan.I Racing at Port Perry on Mon- day agala saw local horsemen Operating Expenses- competing. Gerald Robinson Commission on placed sixth with Bachelor Estate Hydre -------- fret and second with Jerry Hat, MacinenTances o! and two firsts with Simcoe Boy. PaintinancPol 1 Keith West driving Speedway Pat Lifeguards and piaced f ourth la both tripe la Partner Plumbin which Robinson won with Sim- Lycett Plumbing cee Boy. Harold Hooey *!th Flash Lycett and Gard Wingay racedl to two sixth plac- Rolph Hardware ings la a race which, Gerald Rob- Lunn's Hardwarî inson placed firet and third wîth JCuz4ic td Siade Hanover, a Cocharne horse. CKemsec d. Keono FedersL Total Receîpts ------- Total Expendituirks B alance on hand ---- EXPENDITURES i parking ----------------- Pools and Pr Labour Gatem en ---- -z ----------- ig and Heating ---------- tg and Heating -------- rden re - paint for pool ---- ----- i - repairs ------- ------- Lumber ----- - Timesi $ 898.3-a ------ $ 46.15 ------ 917-00 ------ 2,715.06 ------- 150.00 ------ 100.00O 183-40 82-35 252.00 499.58 42.00 972.80 331.78 752.22 14.27 51.33 28.05 53.32 85M5 56.00 19.07 27.02 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Operating Expenses----- loan ------------------- 141.47 ------ ---------- ----- 1,000.00 , ----------------------------- 100.00 3,928.21 106.2«Y 4,g32.84 4,74Ô.82 $ 192.02 3 ,49g.35 Total otner Expenditures ------- 1,241.47 Total Expenditures ----------- $4,740.82 NOTE:- The Bank Loan as. of December 31st 1965, amounted to $1,500.00 which amount is fully securled, by Province of Ontario Bonds. Our Big May 1Salecon,%ltinnues ti i 1 Satulrday MaIy 2 Check ithour sal bIIsent you i ~ ~ J intemi or the I SWpecial Buys of 1 yo "ur choice Bargain 1Basement Beauties Galoree Orono 5à to $1.00 Store l Phone 122, Orono ~WHERE VARIETY IS KING" eral instructions on judging' dair,,ý,- cattie.- Aftýer judging, Neil Tink, Brian Bradley and Neil Allin gave o ral reasons. The rest of, the meeting tooT,;; B ike place in the house. Sharon Larw, er, president, conducted the bus, iness. We repeated the 4-11 Pied- MEETS ge, and had minutes of the last RMER'S meeting. Questions on Work Smeeting of, Sheet No. 2 were taken urp. Fran- Clu me atcis Jose discussed a Club Dem- 1lu m et Rat onstration, to be given at Orona, Mn rs a api Fair. Neil Tink and Brian Kno\,, rhe meeting will gfve this while Brian Brad- rship of Mr. ley will direct. m. Tamblyn,1 Sheets of paper having a dairy- cow drawn on it were. given out. Mr. Jose had the juniors identi- the meeting fy the parts and discuss them. m-nwhere a Meeting adjourned with Mr. heifers was and Mrs,. Larmer serving a delic. Sfirst sug- ious lunch. for and gen- Murray Yel1owlee, 'Y MEMORIAL PARK STATEMENT FOR 1966 BALANCE SHEET n 1964 - ---------- wn- Wat er Safety Club tg Incom e ----------- ntario Bonds->

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