¶6 ..~ -~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUIRSDAY, MAY 26th, 1966 Taken fromi a sermon preaclied byv Rev.. Basfil E. Long of) Rural Life Sunday. The command of Jsu,s, "Go ye into ail the world" was given.to 3-is disciples in, a rural setting. -Tt challenges themf to go out into the highways, fields and homes of the, people and tell them of the ove of God. The people to whom they went had littie understand- ng of -their message, but where- ever it was received the people were drawn into a relationship which expressed a new sense of COMMUTNITY. Many years' haeer, when the Gospel -was being carried into the new world, the followers of Christ had to hew for themselves a home out of the wilderness. They knew danger and privatiop, which drew them -together as a community. They depended upon each other for manpower, protection and help in times of sickness. When the messengers of Jesus Christ -ame into their midst their doors wvere open to receive them. They too were conscious of COMMUN- Today, it is just as important that, the good newvs of the King- dom lie carried into every area of life, but conditions are vastly different. To a great extent the sense of need bas been lost as man seeks to withdraw fromn any involvement with community and live by hi1mself as well as to him- self. People berome lost in the -masses thrown together in in- dustry, apartments and schools where ,they are little more than a namne or a number. They also become lost ia another way as they try to maintain a home, in the country as well as in the city while cutting tliemseîves off from real involvement in either place. People who reside perm. anently in the country or, rural areas no longer confine them- selves to a limited location. They drive many miles te, work, for -re- crainand to shop. Life be- TOP Drivers Join- ing Moz~port. Race Two more top racing cars have entered the 1966 Player's 200 at Mosport, June 4. And one is owned by television ;tar Dan (Heoss) Blocker, star of the Bonanza series who plans to accompany driver John Cannon to -Mosport. The other is ovned by f' ormnier lriving ace Roger Penske, it -Mark Donahue as driver. "These two machines both a;re, apable of, winning," said race dîrector Jim Muzzin of'the Can- adian Racing Drivers Association. We are confident this year's ?layer's 200 xiii provîde fans with 1',c- best collection of machinery v-er assembied at a 'Canadian ace" The Bledcle r ar t ed Vïe- 7-oon Genie Olds, won the first '-ent of the, United States Road .acing Cham nooiship at Las Ve- -,as with Cannon at the wheel. iharlie IHayes, the other haif of B]erc ixick, ty n von the hast champion h-ip evcnt iý ýt Lag- Ura bsc fç e !rY n othe ,th ar-- .n NY. Blocker,.who stars with Toron- tolan Lone Creee in the Bon- I auza series, is expected to arrive in Toronto the night before the race. "lHe -ias it marked on lis ,chedule," Cannon f old race of- .icials. "Unless sonie last minute t:ches ln lis TV filming develop, ne -~ Il be he're." Donahue, one of the rising cornes less personal with littie dependence upon encli other, 50 'fnat no real sense of COMMUN- ITY is felt. The challenge which presents itself is to carry the good news of the Kingdom into . lives of people and their en- vironment and bring tliem to- gether into COMMUNITY. Our generation bas becomne oli- sessed with the idea that bignes means success. This is not nec- essarily true for often the bulk lHealth Unit1g Report FOR APRIL 1966 Communicable Disease 0f 127 cases reported during the mont-I, 62 were chickenpox, 34 mumps, 16 red measies ancd the balance Gerl)ian measies, in.- fectious hepatitis, scarlet, fever and wlioopîng cougli. Two rabid animais, - bovines in Hamilton township, - were reported by Laboratory finldings. Rabies vaccine for preventive of numbers means that tîlere lias----------------- ---1 been littie of personai encouinter. sons. tws gvn o wopr The other extreme also presents suonsu.si a problem, however, for of ten Tbruoi when people limit tliemselves in At four monthly cliest clinics, number they set up conditions 80 persons received a 'clesýt x-ray. contrary to tliat which is, effect- Three cases of active tuberculosîs ive in bringing others into the were reported during the month. warmth of a COMMUNITY ex- These were in chidren, two aged perience. 31/2 and one aged 7 years. Ail are being treated at home witli anti- We cannot deny the fact of tuberculosis drugs. change, nor should we wish to do so. But it is of the utmost imn- Nursing ,portance that we seek to under- Supervision and inspkýction of stand change and relate ourselv- nursiàg, homes is increasing. Up es to it in a more meaningful and until the end of April, there had positive way, by accepting the re- been'20 visits made to, the nurs, sponsibility of involvement ani ing homes, boardýing homes and the recognition of - the fact that lodges for the elderly in the two man cannot live unto himself. Counties. *'Go ye into al] the world" means The preventîve programme car- to live the kind of life that draws ried out by the staff of the health people together into a warm and unit -as part of the geriatric ser- vital relationship with each other -vice is designed to enable older being bound together by a sense1 persons to mainýtain themselves of commitment to God ln Jesus Jindependently outside of the nur- Christ. sing home if at ail possible. The giving of nursing care in the 2aws concerning homes require home is preventive in that it may that these homes have regular ;a- avoid or at least delay the, need spection by 'the Medical Office~ ýfor nursing home c'are. During of Health or lier staff. Specie the mionth'l, nurses made 80 nurs- requir ements' regarding such ing care visits. tig as spacé, heating and n Municipalities which have hy- I (Cmotinuedhae t 5) mt UNDER NEW: ALL PASSENGERS FULLY INSURED, partË of i>tspiractical na.ture., L.ook over Chevy II. We guarantee you'il lHke what you see: modern styling, conifortable, colorful in- teriors, a choice of 7 power teams and a price tag that's way below what you expect. After all, it's Chevy II Nova Sport Coupe made by Chevrolet... so you mod'e! and color in stock. So corne know you're going to get more for your money. To find out about Chevy II, see your Chevrolet dealer now, during Car Buyers' Field Days. He has just-about every Chevy II on in. You'il neyer get more car for your money than a Chevy IL IH-3~66C I Y I H L M T L TPhone 728.6206 COURTICE B('WMAN VILLE - 6325 Re Besure to see B onanaote cr>c-Tv network each S'unday, Check your !ca lsting for channel and time. Go Y e lotwo Ail T hee ,Wo1rd TAXI