ORONÔ WIEKLY MI!ES, T'IUURSDAY, MA. ®~ ®I! mnoderw, for just pennies a adayl A Superior Water Heater delivers Ml hot water 4 ..i,: times faster i alutomcagicaiyý.,. Scosts Iess to /voperate too!1 Cail your Superior man, he'Il explain the features of the Superior Water Heater Rentai Plan. Automagic Temperature Contr . . . 25 gallons of hot water per hour. .Clean, fast, low cast *..Free- installation . . . Free automagic fuel de ivery ,. . Free service. Now enijay ooeans- of hot Water 'the modern wvay'. aâROPAV Lî' Victoria St. E. Wbitby, Ont. - 668-3328 66 5 w ýayMore.... *' FS.lAVE FUEL ON 1"RE MIUM QUALITY OIL PHTONE NERWCASTLE 987-4215 DX FU'jEL OIL, Serving OronoI,. Newcastle and District SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL AREA RESIDENTS Store Wide SALE, COATS - DRESSES - SUITS BLOUSES - SPORTS WEAR -, SKIRTS FABULOUAS0BARGAN BALLETT'Se. 73 WALTON ST., PORT HOPE sWear Phone> 885-2372 300-400 PupiIs' (Continued Ir om page, 1) flot be large enough to be fea~ ible if not connected with larger area. It was pointed out that it wl desirable to have Public Schoq of 300 to 400 students. Und~ suich a scheme it is Possible give specialized instructions f4 ail students. This, said Mr. Ho6lè" es, is the thinking of the Ministi af Education, In speaking of Clarke TownsI it was said that if the entire il ea had been brought in und one Board some twenty years aý that not likely the small two-roe schools would, have been buý Tt was, pointed out by the se er that Darlîngton was now bu 'ï ing a new central Senior Schl at a cost of $600,000 and t Manvers were also building a et tral school for ail its studentsij a cost of $450,000. Millbrook tj Cavan Township now accomi date their students in three î lic schools. Clarke Township is now sidering an addition te the dal Schooi and, also a ne room school to be built nort1h Orono, possibly in the Kirb' ea. Mr. Hoimes outlined te~ cedure which must beý followed submitting the building proga to the Consultative Committeea_____ committee setup by. the County. It was also pointed out that local 4,~ B3oards generally have the final Z'O say where schools are to be, bulit and to what size they are 10 be. The Department may, however, y hold up approval if the plans do not seem to be the best suited for the area. on question, Mr. Holmes in- formed the meeting that one area Ihad called tenders for a 2, 4, 6 and 8-room school. It wasý found that per classreoom it was cheaper, to build the larger school. It is also much easier, 10 get teachers for the larger school aiand cheap- er to operate, it was tte.The1 linspector statedi that it was ev- i en difficuit to g1et teachersý today for the four-roomi schools. 'Discussion centred around the need for the long term view in education. It' was questioned whether or not the sinaller High Schools such -as Clarke and Mill- brook were serving the purpose that had originally been intend- ed. Also these schools did not at the time. meet with the approval of the Department of Education. These sehools today çan only of- fer limited courses because of their size. It was ciuestioned if .they can offer grade 'thirteen when the new course cornes fully into existance. It was stated iu the discussion that the use of five local commit- tees in the High School district ta operate the five schools was a re- version to almost the former sy- stem prior to the forming of the district. It was also cailed a cost- ly system. Also on question, it was feit that -students from a senior publie schooi, as being developed in Dar- lington, would' be better preparedý to face High School, than those coming from an area not operat- ing such a system. TeOrono H [Csoend h meeting to business alter the sec- retary's report was read. It was then brouglit to our attention that we had received an invitation from Port Perry Hi-C to attend a Folk-Service at 8:30, at the Port Perry United Church. Due to ex- ams being so close however, few of us are able b attend the ser- vice. A lunch is te be served fo us afterwards. Also decided was to postpone our next meeting to a later date because of examinations. We also decided bo have a party at the close of our Hi-C year and it is to be held on June 25th, 1966. Because there was no more bus- iness, we were served a lunch and closed wit1j the benediction. tF nanclal, Assîstarà.ce AvailaUle for ea FARM POND the oer enof' Onittiq ioll pay 50,% of the cast oDf an apopravedl pond, up ta a maximum of $500. This financial assistance is available to farmers for: 0 CONSTRUCTING A NEW POND * IMPROVING AN EXISTING POND To apply, cousait yonr County Agicultural Bepresentative Olt Agricuitural Engineer for Informatlon, application forms, and advle. Ontai-lo Department of Agriculture son. Wm. A. stewart, minister Ontario Department of Enerff and Resources Management Hion J. B. Slmonett, Ministerj Commerce financing and bank services helped this farmer buy a new, pick-up truck. Are you planning any purchases? Corne ta the farmer's batik. CANADUAN lMERD~ALI> 1ANK 0F COMMERCE lh