Prfesin~ )~eioy W . FRANK HALL, I>ERK!N, M REAL ESfLAIE MaMILA &CO. LIITE f1hartered Accountants g 21 KING ST. WEST [ 3týi King St. E., Oshawa i [ Bowmanville 623-3393 0 725-6539 P er t923-9174 0 Kmng St., Box 245,, Newcastle [jPrt Hope Office- 987-4240o 98 Walton St. - 885-4548U partners: [ Exclusive Agent for Wilia C Hll B ýom.,C.A.J. OCHONSKI Wi vi d C. 'Perki;0V CCONSTRUCTION 1 3-Bedroom Bungalows g àGraham MacMilano Priced from $15,375-00 f3 on lots 75x200 oMembers of the Oshawa0 I and District Real Estate g I IKALYCETTI, >rono Board' 'O g. Area Representative Barite -Solicitor [ ROY FOSTER g lu te Ofice of [30 Kendal -- Phone 321 g ggA large selection of Farms,g RR.Waddell QC., 0j Homes, Lots, Retreat Pro- MAIN ST., ORONO g~ prisi hsae Telepholie 138 Ozone -~ ~ à tMERRILL D. BROWN PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (civil) Ontario Land SurveYOr E 121 Queen St. Box 1659t[P Bewmanville, Ontario f Telephene 623-7251 L. i. SKAIFE Chartered Accoutiftant ,975 Water Street pETERtBOIROUGR Phone 742-5482 General SEE FRED LYCET OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 BeL ZV21G JACK REID Orono's Lîcensed .AUctoneer a-nd ValruatoT C0rnsuit me for terms and dates PHiONE OlRONO 319 PUMPING OUT WRIITE WASHING S -TABLYfES Phone 786- 255 JACK A. FERREN ORONO BOOKKEEPING bIcorne Tax Returus Prepared Orono, Bowmanville, Osltawa Telephone Orono 3R2 i rville Chattertoni Eleetrical Contracting and Service I j PHONE 245 Off,1041Z g Orono Electric PHONE 129q COINTRACTORS FOR FARM andTI 1013E WIRING Free Estimatemî APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Gùaranteed Repaira to ail kinds of Electrical Equipmeut and Applianees Such at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irors 8amiltons g Insurance 0 Serviceg ~Auto, 'J o Fine Façkage Poricies Fidelity Bonid, LlabMlty Life First Mrtgage Loans ôSadie HamiIton~ g Phone 1-R-16 Orone f SBox 133 MO. 8-35521 Stafford rohs 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont- Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials, Dealers lu Domestie & ]Foreign Granites aud MarbIen - InscrlPtIons Cut and ceJuetery Repair Work ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TH1URSI)AT, MAY 26thi, 1966 FOR SALE An outboard, mfotor, ten HP., Johrnson. Phone 2679, Orono. a-p FOR SALE Ail kinds of boxe d vegetable and fiower plants: also Gladiolus bulbs at: LEAMEN GREENHOUSE Station St., Orono Phone 421W. d-20-p FOR SALE One crib, one high chair, one play pen and one baby carniage. Phone 15610 Orono. a-c WANTED Farm House wanted with con- veniences, three or four bed- rooms. Aronud Orono. Phone 14R3 Orono. a-c DEW WORMS Dew Wormns for sale. Notify Ray West Jr. Phone 135J. 0 LYCETT 0 0 0Plumbirig & Heating Phone 33R11 Orono, Ontario WATSON'S marine and Cycle Orolio uiane 14G MeCOULLOCE BOATS & MOTORS CHTAIN SAWS Repaira te ai makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engiues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINEBY PAIT-TIME RAD>IO TV REPAIES - HI-FI - Stereo - Record Players - Antennas - Towers - PA Systein for rent All, parts and labour guaranteed HfARET WIERSMA Phone 1737 Orono Buillding a flouse? or. remodeUing your present1 one, then contact Floyd NicholsPon PHONE 2191 ORONO Real E state When Buying or Selling cali WII awke 1r12Orono Representing Jack Ricard REALTOR .1 ~i King St. E., BowrnanvMle 623-2503 Member Oshawa and DIstrict Real Estate Board 1 require lots of any size pro- viding they meet local build- ing regulations.I Write - Harry O. Perry, 46 Rossland Rd. E., OshawaU NOTICE Ment cut and wrapped for freez- ers. Caîl C. E., Miler, Orono 2233. DANE'S MAINTENANCE£ Floors, Basements, Attica and Windows cleined. Painting, Gardening and ail odd jobs. Phone'416W Orono. RECEPTION Mr. and. Mrs. Charles E. Tay- lor, Main St., Orono, Ont, will bel "At Home",,to their relatives and1 friends in the Odd Fellows Hall, Orono, Ont, on Sunday, June 5th 1966 from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9~ p.m. -on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. No gifts please. b-ID-p COMING-1 The Orono Figu: will hold their ani Thursday, M#y 26 in the United C School. General bi of Officers. Every( tend. COMING Corne to the EVENT Ure Skating Club Inual meeting on 6th at. 8:30 Church Sunday business, election, yoneurged to at- b-19-c EVEN' Penny Sale at DIED MALLEY-At the Oshawa Gen- era Hospital, Tuesday, May 24th, 1966, William John Malley, be- ioved husband of the late Hattie Harris. Age 82 years. Resting at the Barlow Funeral Home, Park St., Onono, Ont. Service wilI be held on* Friday, May 27th at 2 p.m. from the. Funeral Home. Interment Orono Cemetery. CROP INSURANCE PLAN OUTLINED) FOR ONTARIO A government crop insurance plan to proteet Up to 80 percet of a farnier's Production from de- stuction by drought, nain, floods, hail, winten kili disease and other factors was announced necently by the Ontario Ministen of Agri- culture, William Stewart. Mn. Stewart said the plan hing- ed upon amrendments to the fed- el-al cnop insurance legislation, should be in operation in to cover the harvesting of 1966 win- ter wheat next sprinýg. The govennment hopes that in- surance premiumns will be subsi- dized at à level of 30 percen.ýt - 25 percent by Ottawaand five per cent by Ontario: Cnop yields, for insurance pur- poses, will be established on an indîvidual farmn basis rather thanj by townships or county. Star1'velkS ,hcoolo My28h No hint of premium rates waaý 8 wl eIgven althoughl the Minsîter ld( I ïkt ilb available at the sas' that bis departmnent didj have, 1,door. w%,orkinig figures. Pnemiumri ates? Lunch will be served. Admnis-1 or each enop to be inisuredj wijl j25e and 10c. b-l9-p nUV et ______________________________statisties e ounty. TITANK VOU comipelle, ýend1al W.1. wish to than-k ai the farn prepatd and served dinner the District Annual, also ai assisted. in making, the Pen- Sale so successful. a-c :LOWER SHOW je Or-ono Horticuiltural ýoci.' and Orono Junior Gardeners' 1) Spning Flower Show 'andi ieral Meetings will be held on irsday, May 26th in the United ich Auditorium. unior e ntries- 6:15 p.m. tili p.m. (See year book for clas- enon Soc iety entries -s 7:30 li .tilI 8 p.m. )i 3s 1 - 'Natures Portrait'- An rrangement of spring flowers Me d natunal wood, front view. ss 2 - 'Sunday Tea' - A dining ible centnepiece of spring bwers, any foliage. Not over, Dinches high. Ail round view, ýs3-'Tail Story' - A live ar- c i 1gement featuring 3 tulips- nd branches, in a long necked' ottle. Front view. PLUMI ýs 4 - 'Reflection of Spring' - 1 in arrangement of spring flow- rs in a shallow container, ater to be exposed as part of ie design. Rocks., pebbles, ss, branches and small acces- ries allowed. Front view. F ;5 - Novices only - one sel- Far tion of the above classes. 'A Our quw vice is one who has neyer noti on a pnize ln any ilorticultur- Ask the .show on fair.'us a neil ;6- Afnican Violet plant, lThe RI iy variety or colour. 7s 7 3 red Tulips s8 3 pink Tulips 7 ;s 9 3 Parrot Tulips, any one bour. "Largest ;10 - 3 yellow Tulips s. -1 5 Tulipas, mixed colours 12 12 3 Daffodils or Narcis- 13 13 3 Flowering Branches. B pecial award for the best Tu- 3in the show. . 11 A film strip illustrating the art of fiower arranging entitled 'Ad- ventures with Flowers' wil be shown at both meetings, countesy, of the "Oasis" manufacturens. Show Director - Mrs. T. Fair- brother 987-4403. Assistant director, Mrs. C. Bill- ings 354.J Shows and meetings are open! tü the public. erme fromVU I1Uu avpa.,lwjie on actual yields by A. farmer will nôt ho ýd to insuire ail crops on n.. CailYour censed Plumbing & ýc-hanical Contractor who selis, instalis and quanes BING AND HEATINGý Phone 143 Orono inut~Isand ily Md morials alitY and service leaves 'ing to be desîred person Who bought from Ihbour, friend or relative J¶'I'7ER GRANITE COMPANY 13 Ontario Street PORT HOPE ;t1isplay in Southeru 'ING OR SELLING AR m U ,1, "a9rO Sion for who REARL LýIlAI A. J. McGILL REAL ESTATE BROKERt Phones: Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 Lii.-