i sa hi tiE be ag M pi er Ca te As Mi-., Grafftey and many others have pointed ouf, thxe auto manufacturers have 'simply nof done this and have sbown themselves to be reluctant to introduce safety feat- tires on their own in the face of evidence thaf their cars can pracficably ho made much safer. As a result, in the Unitecd States, thc federal government and over 30 state governmcnts have been devising legislation which would produce desirable s'afety, standards. This wcck, the Ontario godvernmnent - which, li view of fie facf fiat most cars produced li Canada are made -in, Ontario,, is tic most i-e- sponsible one- has announced auto safefy legisiafion of its own. The Minister of Transport, Irwin Haskeft bas infro- duced li the Legislature a bill thaf would empowcr the cab- inet f0 require 'fie use or incorporation of any device in ,ùr on any motor vehicle whici may affect the safe opera- lion of the vehicle - . ?' And if is cxpecfcd fiat, for a stax-t, tic government will set ouf standards for auto tires whici, in view of whaf Senator Gaylord Nelson described as a 'national scandai in tires' before a U.S. Federal Trade Com, maission hiearing, seemns to ie a desirable sfep. But Mr-. Haskcft bas made cîcar that tic Government lias nio plans to use ifs powers immcdiately. Prcsuimably this tactic is bascd on the belief thaf ilt is beffer to persuade than to legisiafe and thaf fie manu-, facturers' reluctance is now being overcome by a mounting public concern. But, aIt hough fie Ont ario initiative is a commendable one, if is a perplexing and optimistie way of going about tiings. If th'le government 'thinks fthe manu- facturers will acf voluntarily, legisiafion is not necessary et ail. On fie other hand, if fie government thinks fiat auto safety legisiation is necessary and thaftih govern- ment bas- a respoxisibilify fo set standards (jusf as the Dýomrinion goverament does wifi drugs, food and other basic it.ems), if should set and enforce standards under ifs legis- lation. Pasf experience and the uphili figit for safer cars, bas demonstrafed in the United States fiat if is necessary for governmenf ifself to set and enforcè auto standards. Tie growing researchx in this field now provides government s ~with the tecinical information to do this. If the Ontario goveximent does not, the Dominion governmenf will, as Mr-. -Grafffey urges, have f0 set national safefy specificafions. -Peterborough Examiner Clarke Fashion Show 0f Great Iuterest. Clarke Hîigi Sehool wenf 'Mod' the show. on Wednesday l.ast when students1 Following the show fie stu- of fthe Home Economies depart- dents furtier exemplified their mrent displayed their talents de, skill in serving a delicious lunch rived firough this deparfmenf of in the' sciool cafeteria. Here the fthc school. Istudents had madee fie sandwich- es and cookies in ficir Home Tic evening was a mammoti Economies classes. Coffee andi fashion show with stuclents moti- punch was also serveti hy the efing their own creafions and stutients.' their own work. The younig models dasplaycd slacks, blouses, suifs, Enjoyable entertainmenf for the granny dresses, belI>bottoms, evening was provitieti by a group evening gowns, shýorts,> skirts, sis of young musicians,' Tie Ekos' fer ouffits, andi beach, coats. Ahl and also the Country Four quar- fthe attir e motielleti was madie b tette. A humor'ous skif was pre- fthe stutients in their classes. ýsented by Carol Glbank, Anna .Ail in fie style of a profession- Marie C ameron anti Mary. Lee -i. fashion show the motiels pro-1 Sirpson. cetie i down a i-amp built ouf from the stage. A full commentai-y was The evening was a gi-caf suc- given on 1 aci exhibit in the show cess with the auditorium wiell -addîing greatly f0 fixe calibre otf i fë1d for fie occasion. to u isfrsi. în at 1eterboro oSî Saturday evening. In ifs two pi-e- vious races fhe horse placed in foui-fb postion at the finish. The Win was driven by Junior West Who aiso drove Kitf y Wiffy 3rd, and Tri!lje Grattan 4fh. lI the sevenfh race a four horse pileup involved Junior West as he drove Pafsy G 2nd. No one was injured. IKeifh West dove bis own horse, Mr. Obanion, to a third placing and Keen's Dean to second. Geraid Robinson placed 8th wifh Jerry Hat and second with Simcoc Boy. JJack Wiliams placed fhird with Happy Mac and sixfh wifh Bud CENTRAI, ONTARIO TRUST AND SAVINGS CORPORATION 82 is pleased f0 announe flic csf- ablishment of an advisory board composcd of. local business and professional men,,who will direct the deveiopment of the services offered by the Bowmanville of- fice of the Corporation serving fthe Bowmanviile, Newcastle and Orono area. Members of the hoard arc:- Mr. A. A. H. Strike, Bowmanville Mr. Ross Stevenson, Bowmanvilie Mr. Byron Vanistone, Bowmanviile Mr. W. K. Lycetf, Orono Mr. William Reid, Orono Mr. William Taylor, Branch Man- ager a representafive from tlie Newcastle area is also, cxpected to join the board. The advisory bogrd will com- mence regular mont hly meetings sliortly and, will review al ban applications and branch develop- ment procedures in general. We Hope Yon'II Joie evea if: -you've been too busy te sigh - up. OR -You're flot interested in- saving moxxey. OR -you neyer have to borrow moaey., You Can't Afford to Pass Up 1Membership lxi the Orona District, CREDIT UNION Treas.- Manx., Angus Loucks Phone 4r10, Orono 0 PLUMBING andl HEATING - t] Sales and Servicé 'e;24 IIOUR BJRNER SERVý-ICEc B-A FINANCING, fLow Intcrest Rates o lamPton CO. 3-2288 j] Tyrone CO. 3-,2650 F~arm Tanlks 1vaflable DX OIL WB1TBY 668-3341 Collect NEWCASTLE 9817-421à HARD, 0F HEARING? Consuit Vour Ear Specialist IF HE CAN'T HELP YOU, WE CAN! With a GUARANTEED FITTING o fthe world's finest aida. Don't wait tilli its too late, take care of your hearingr now. FREE AUDIOMETER HrEARING TEST AND'DEMONSTRATION TUESDAY, JUNE 7th FROMN 2 TO 5 P.M., AT ORCNO ELECTRIC >ORONO, ONT. Guaranteed BEIUND THE LAR HEARING AIDS From $9.0Complete Batteries and Repairs f or ai makes c4f Hearing Aids. End ot 'May Attractions ,at, Orono ~c fo $1 .OO store Phone 122, Orono Men's 1rz ~,Koratron treated with Permo-Press, only in Olive, and Tan, $7.95 Me'ns Madras plaid Shirts, shortslee medium and large, prîced at....$2.29, Ladies' Blouse and Skir Set, sizes f rom 10 to 18, priced set.............. $4.88 Ladies' Jainaica Shorts, each..........$1.59 Ladies' Bermuda Shorts, each..... .... $1.29 Jardinares, in brown and green only .. $1.89 Men's 100% Stretch Nylon Socks, 3 pair $2.19 Plaid Garden Piliows Qnly............. $1.79 Peonies, ready for planting, reg. 69c for 49e 1 Plastic gallon Decanter........ $1.09 Ladies' Nude HReel Nylons oly'at pair . 49e "The Store Where iar Dollar Buysý More" ORONO WEEK-.lLY TIMES, THURSDAV, lUNE 2nd, 1966 ?1ublished every Thursd;(ay at fLic ofi(>f p'Ubuîcat!cwA *;,, Ie Main ~repnrie 17 Fooutal IIi uuumit uu EsýabIish1ed in 1938 by F- A. Forrester ok'mtu tlei soito Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager On Wedinesday evening the Or ~ "' ________________________________ made plans fo hold a Carnival,atr yJn 4, 1 6 dance and draw in aid of Art ifi- cial Ice in~ Orono. TheSwuinung Pool wxll be open on Saturday, June The Atliei have taken over 4th, weather permittixxg., the annual carnival which has in the past- been, promoted by the TIMETABLE FOR lUNE .<)NLY.ý i- ir t.Orono Chamber of Commerce. Weekdays-. 3:30 p-m. to 5:00 p. 6:30 te 8:00 p.m. LeQislation wJLLIOUt. Leeth The Chamber was not going to Saturdays and Sunday - 12:00 »oon t., 8:00 p.m. S hold their carnival this year. 1esnsTcesnwaalbeb oteigete er The Art if ical Ice Fund carni- es'sTcesnwaafb ycottiglhrTry val wiIl be held on Wednesday, Graham or Aima Cuttel - The controversy that bas swept North America about August 17f h on the Main Street The prices for the Seasons Tickets (excludlng Sundays) ato safety has had several important resuIts. If lias put of Orono. A dance and draw for are as follows: Lîe auto manufacturera on the defensive; if has permitted a 2,linch ceor Television will ai- $5.00 for one child overxxment to take fthe offensive; and has convinced the so be added to the annual event. $8.00 for two children UbUce that mach more cari and miust be done to make cars The Athletie are hopeful of $10.00 for three chlldren or more dfer vehicles to travel ii.ý The essence of fthe argument be- r'aising, needed funds f0, help pay igeamson3cfrteda ând the auto safety drive is this. Most safety efforts have î the remaining p)ortion of the pre- ig diso 5 o h a ýen directed at drivers under the probably correct assump- sent ar7tificial ire installation and ýn that they are the major cause of accidents. But driv- also to provide funds for the plac- s are not very amenable subjects for rcform and pro- ing of a cemernt floor in fthe rink. ess lias been negligible. Therefore, further avenues must ________________ eexploreil, a major one being the car itslf-the actual ent of destrucion. As Heward Grafffey, the Conservative O o o H reA T N IN F R E S L.frBrome-Missisquoi and the leading Canadian pro- r oH rs onent of car safety says: "We should try to protect driv- w ý sfrom the effeets of their inevitable errors by building A N PIIM oir irs in such a manner as to offer a large measure of pro- M wî erS V on Premium Quality etion against inj ury to occupants." Maudeens Missey, a horse own- G S LN IS LU1O OLOL cd' by Reid Harness of Orono,I G S LN DES L B M T R IS