0RONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUMSAY, JUNE 2nad, 1966 )m Ottawa Russell C. noney, iM.P., Durham The major item of legfisiationJve lsLo eOu -before Parliament this week isi u e ie o s u .he Government Reorganization -Pill. This bill-is designed to effect The Orono Juvenile Basebal a more efficient organization of Clutb last Saturday evening et '-averniment, and to enable us ta the Orono Park played five flaw- -deal more effectivelY with the less innings but' lapsed In two 1.5mplex and changing problems others to give Peterborough a 10 4 ifour national life. This-reorgan- to 0 win. A rash Of walks ander- ation is the inost extensive ýange in the administrative or- ganization of the governnent ever, 7 d npeacetimle. The m11nistry of Citizenship and a!,Imigration will disappear. The s ýesporribility for imm1igrationi ,iii. be given to the new Minister pf Manpower. This seemis to be a7 1gical step. Immigration policy mýust be administeredAnthe in- - _-rests of the country and of the ;immigrants themnselves ir, a corn- text that takes into account the -mtire position of employment, "~iigand placement in Canada. y The citizenship asp'ect of the ~ rer Depadivnt of Citizenship '1 nnd Immigration is to be trans- ý'ýu-ed to the Secrpflrvr of State, a-4 the reqnonsibi1if,7 for Indian -1fýirs. which formerlv came un- ,er Citizenship and immigration, has beýen'transferred to the newlv ln P r -~tdDepartment of Indian Af- u s in Fr -airs and Northern T)e-,7,,oment, TE,'NDER CR ,here it séeems to logically ,belong. Ï The overload carried by' the 'Uinister ýof Justice bas been rec- ,gnized for many years. As a re- suit of this reorganization this 1 NO. 1 inistrv will return to its tradi- LARGE donal functions of drafting legis- HEADS îation and documents, the conduct ý,f itigation and prosecutions andConr es N. -he appointment and maintenance CutyFeh-N ýrf Our courts.SW E CO The RCMP criminal investiga-, <rions, detentions, paroles and par- Sniow..hite - Californîa ýi ,ons are transferred to the Sohlie-A%1 tor-General from the Justice Dýe-C U I L V ,_artment. 'Also, the newly createdUL F O Department of Registrar-General Refreshing - Flavourfi wýill take over from the Minîster of àE" justice those' funtions whicb LEiIU tM 1àight be called business law, .uch as patents, trade-marks,- ommpanies, bankrun)tcy and rest- LIBBY'S FR( -ictive trade practices. ISv O~Lsin The, newly created Department RED RASPBERRI fEnergy, Mines and Resources Save 10c!. Sweet will have the repsonsibility of WHOLE KERNEI with the faciities to develop and BRUSSEL SPROU -the autbority to implement nat- »inal policies with regard to the resources of Canada. SAVE ON BREAD and1 The Treasury Board supervises FIRST GRADE the expenditure of federal money. One of the recommendations of the Glassco Commission was that re~ I a separate ministry. This recomt. inendation is implemented in the ETBY Sae13 1legislation and Revenue MNinisterBETBY Sae1 Benson wil now servýe as Presi- I dent of the Treasury Board. The Government Reorganiza- i ifz Tom lion legisi ation is progressive, but it is necessary for Parliament BEST BUY! Save 6c! ta keep this subject under con-_ stant ireview. The reorganization M from time to« time will ensure that it keep in sb3p with the so- BEST BUY! Save 161 cial, techuological and Other a- eas of hfe in Canada, whic!h are I ýàanging so rapidly from year ta bo year. y av  BEST BUY! Save 24< Pu[rex Te BEST BUV! Sa)ve lic 12e Reul ( rors by Orono gave Peterborough and W. CObbledick. 'Pet6rborough for the Bantam basebail club'. five runs in the scn innings collected four bits and,,six wa]k& anda simllar number in the thIrd off the three Orono pitchers. Fr!., June 3, Orono at Welcome frame from the sanie lbse play. Pitching'for Orono were- Paul Wed., June 8, Keene at Orono. In the remaining five inntings Or- Jones, Gary Parks and EarI Cob- Sun., June 19, Kendal at Keenç, ono allowed only one Peterboro bledick. Mon., June 20, Orono at Kendal, batter to reach the bases and this The Orono Club will play this Mon., June 27, Keene at Kendal. runner advanced only to third. Saturday evening in the local Wed., June 29, Welcome at Orono park when they face the Kendal Mon., JuIy 4, Welcome at Kendal Orono did not reçeive any entry. Sen., July 1, Kena at Welcome breaks in the game leaving a total _______________SnJl 0 rn tKee of thirteen runners on the baes ANTAM BASEBAIL Wed., July. 13, Kendal et Orono Orono registered five hits in theFrJuy1,rooaWecm game by John Mather, Gary Parks SHDL Sun., July 17, . Welcome at Keene Earl Cobbledick, Johin Baskerville The following is the schedule Wed., July 20, Keene at Orono Alh Pro uce LSPY -fflS for 1 Grade MN 4 for 33c ia No. 1 VER ea.35c Fui 6 6for 39c ZOZEN FOODS 15-o z. Pkg. lIES ..... ... 39c iz2-oz, Pkg, L.CORN.. 2,for 39c Sty l0-oz. Pkg. JTS .............. 29c - BUTTER AT CORNISH'S- iery BUT1 nato Ketchup 2 n Family Size 6-1 >owders I2i 6c! 20, keans BROWNED c! Fancy Quality 20 ['omato luice5 :c White or C oloured ilet tissue~ cSliced 24-oz F ty 15-oz. Tins IT'S SCH Specially S Well Trini Schneiders SKINI Seluxiders cou? Sehneiders LUN( Schneiders HEAI z, Bottiles 45 .«. Plkgs. 39c )-oz. Tins -oz. Tins 77c I$1 z. Loaves Fresh Baked! Weston or uea E.Asy ANGELFOOD, 4c ýIY Reg. 45c Ieaeh Save llc! Libby's D eep Buttered c ~VEGEl'ABLES 5 Varieties 14-oz. Tins INEIDER'S WEEK AT RED & WHITE Selected - Value Check'd - Fresh Picnic Style lb [med> - Tender- Lean T ~ À PU ~~ ForC Frying lb Famos fo Flaor -Red ots 1-lb. Pkg. LESS WIENERS 55c - MiId Seasoned - Pure Fork 1-1b. Platter MTRY SAUSAGE 65c, -For Lunches or Snacks 4 Varieties :«H .MEATS '2for 49c - Mild Seasoned >CHEESE l2o'z.pl.astic 49c Save 13e! Layer Style Duncan Hines Deluxe - CAKE MIXES î&O Save 10c! New Detergent Discovery!am GIANT Size BOLD 897C Save 6c! 4-M-oz. Jars Gerber's AssortedF Strained Foods4i49c~ Save 16e! 6-oz. Pkgs. Puffed Wheat or Puffed Rire Save 6c On ALLET NpkînL, 250 Pack- Jumbo Pkg. Save 10e On Kadana 100 to Cello Il3ag <-À e71i7 Report Frc' CARP ENTFRING REPAIRS .AND REMODELLING - Free Estimates- Cali: F. (Sam) Bruton ]Phone 1395 Orano