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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jun 1966, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE Znd, 1966 Scripture Leaýson Philippians fillhng of any Iife' For many, 2: 116 Christ bas beeni releýgated to the ranks of those wbo do nrot matter. Taken fromi a sermon preached But He matters for us and that by Rev-. Basil Long. is why we are Christians. We -We nleed to see that tbeI need Him and canùot do, without Cbureh's mission is not only to 'Hlm. Others need Hlmi tooe and be found la missionarles and in that la wby we are m.issionaries. church, institutions, wonderful W esddcto en tbogh bei cotriutin bs IWhat did it mean when yeu came been, and la today. God is calliag with your gifts this morning? us to recegaize that every Christ- You were brînging 'something , it [an is responsible fer the mission was moaey but I hope it Was of the cburch. Furthermore. miany more than meney. In the Service Churches bave te learp that it it was being dedicated te God niuat net concentrate tee muach se it can bring blessing te other on its 'own life and growtb. ' It is people. Far beyondl this dedica- true that demonic forces aise tien perbaps each ente of us in our have a sbare la the sbaping Of feelings stood, saying te God, history, but we must try te dis- "Here arn Iý-. Ral dedication cern the signas of the timres and mneans net ony offeriag thelittie relate our misqsion te the life of býit Of lmonleyT or somiething else, mian in the world. I wanlt te ay but the offering of ourselves, se womething about Mani, mission j that in re-lationship te us, other and dedication. i nenn1e have access t (Christiani What la man? True man can- not be seen or touchïeci in the &ense that the rest of ouir body tan be seen. The mnost important part1 of man's naturelis wbat is Inside in the way of bis hopes and dreams, his motives and morale, bis purpose and his sense of val- ues, that will mean most for suc- ceas or failure. What la man? The Bible tells us that man is made in the image of God and Cod seeks to bring man into that full image, because somehow or other the image bas been distorted. If we can realize what la in any person and can only see that God w ants us to help others to find who they. are, then we would have a better idea of what mis- sion is. Mission means more than send- ing a f ew dollars to needy people in another country. If we could look deeply into our own lives we would realize sometimes that we are giving in a proud way to poer, needy people. The fact is ihat many of these poor, needy people have graspedl somnetbing mnore of the nature of God than we have ourselves, who have se much of material thinga. They need God, of course, but se doý we. One night a little girl prayed, "Oh God, bless memmy' , daddy and mie and dear God please take good care of Yoaurself, because if anything should happen to You, 1 do not know what would be- come of the rest of us." la that riot the, trutb? Without God we are in trouble. Although notbing happens to God by way of being deatroyed, when we are careles about God and ignore Him in our lives, ia there not a sense inwhc we are without God? If we are without God what will happen te us? Certainly net the beat things In life, not what God wan1ted, se there needa toa be a dep- feeling of dedication to mission.Miso is more ý nan sending money. away. MTissqion is concern for, manr with- eut God; Mission mieans belpîng others to find a saving relation- ship with God, and1 that la why Jesus came. What is -happening ln our day? Do you think people really, un- derstand wbat Jeans came to do for tbem? Are they concerned a- bout wby Jesus gave Hlis, life? Are they really thankful He gave lus life for them, for us? Jesus came to fulfil the mission of God in relationsbip to Hims'elf, An artist drewv a picture of Christ standing on one of' London's f ar- eus bridgea. Christ is holding out His banda in appeal to the crowds wbo are drifting past without a second look. Only one girl, a nurse, gave Hlm any response. T'he outstretched arma and banda This la a very modemn situation. of Christ, are ignored by a great er portion of aociety. In our country tliere la no real hotility to Christianity'. Somne may poke fun at us, but there is no real de- sire to déstroy Cbristianity. There is a blank indifference ta it which la choking the 1f e eut of it. If we weme- pesecuted for Christianity, told to close up our eburches, get rid of oýur Bibles, no tat talk of Christ or have fellowship tegether ainy moare', what would happen?:- Maniy would give their lives tej restore Christ- ian fPreedom, but tee mrany people take easily the Gospel oif (ChTria4t littie realizing how great it isý and how miuch it meana lu, the -fti- truly effectiv-e is,îionaries and tLhat is s w ,e keýep close to Jesus Ch rist. A grape v;ie grew and fastened itsel to a dýead 11mb. Wben a storm came th1e dead limb fell and the grape vine with it. So human life will fali, crumble and be destroyed, if we ding to those thinga whichb are dead and life- lesa. Surely everything that has been. done this morning helps us to realize once again that we 'must have our moots in, the living Chri st. FIREMEN PRACTICE IN BEWDLEY More than 75 firemen and spec- tators attended a fire fighting demonstration in the village of Bewdley last Thursday. The demonstration was put on by Hope Township and the, Bewdley fire department using foam and fog methods, as well as th e Col Giles, "Coventry" traiTer,' toextinguish a fire set in two fellowsbip, which is love. Te wrecked cars. hiave access to financial 1elpif1 Following the demonstÉation a the.y needi it. In felowship theylmeeting was held where Gordon find encoura-gemen-t, strenrgth and 'Wright, EMO co-ordinator, ex- light. If each one of us goes so plained further details on the ac- far in dedication that we' were quisition of a new truck for Bewd- dedicating our lives, it will mean ley Fire Department. The truck that Christ's purpose will be ful- wll be purchased with the assis- filled far beyond us. There is tance of an EMtO grant which only one way that, we can be pays 45 fier cent of the total cost of the vehicle. The only thing that says"low price" about Pontiac is its price tag.... and that's removable. It wouùld be easy for a guy like you to'get excited about a new Parisienne convertible, wouldn't it. Breezy, fuil-sized styling-. Ricli interiors. The carlins success written ail overit. Sure, you'd like to ewn a Pontiac. But if youtre ike a lot of people we know, you miaybe figure that Pontiac is just too good to be true. You figure it costs a lot of money. Of course we can tell you ail kînda of nice thiags about Pontiac; how well it's built, how mucli yeu deserve on, but the nicer we make the car sound, the miore expensive you think it is. The only way we can get around this is lin invite you in to have a look at the price tag. It's maybe not quite as colorful as the car, but it's liable te turn you on just the same. People forget (and who cani blame them), but Pontiac is flot an expensive car! And thiat's flot just talk. We can offer you the kind of a deal thý)at could put you behind the wheel of your own new Pontiac this week. Aý guy ike yen could really go places in a Pontiac. If there's any better way to get there, we can't think of it. And an easier way, we're sure there isn't. So drop in and get acquainted with ail our price- tags. You'il know us riglit away. Just look for one of the--% names listed be- ,N low . Be seeing you. -L on t. C AUTHý9oelIz D ONTACDEALAER EIN BOWMANVILLE OR ROATE 26KngSt. E. BOWNANVILLE, ONTARIO Pbone MA 3-3$90, Bemaito wthTdcpfl ToPIv' 5 Th kokonouenowah"Wino d ucnhelrr~ NEWCýASTLE TAXI UNDER NEW .MANAGEMENT TWENITY-FOUR HOUR SERVICE PHONE DAY or NIGHT NEWCASTLE ALL PASSENGERS FULLY .INSURED

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