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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jun 1966, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMESýlýý, THURSDAY, JUNE Znd, 1966 Local Newa- At presý-ent, there is; a move- a county library system a ia' Mrs. H. H. Barlow of the Clarke mn"tot to promnotethe estab-1to the joining libraries e n Township School, along with Mr. lishmen*t of« a County Public Li- county. Jon1ckr n1Ms m brary'ý for the United Counties of 5. If A Municipality 17es Ne'1ýt Storks of the Newcastle Board, Du 1-1 am' and Northumberland. Wish to Join in the Counit y s~t- attended the Public School Trus- Let's talk about 'County Libra ry em, Is It Possible to Join ... th. tee's. Assoc iation Zone Conference 1. What is a Couuty Public Lib- Future?ý at Cedarville Lod ge, north, of rano? Ysdefinitel. enln aison Wednesday. A Couty Public Libraty estab- d. What is Dune For Areas of the Special- speakers spoke on FÉdu- ishes on, a county-wide basis a County, Where There 1H as . Been cational Trelevision, Audit-visual system of lîbrary service much No Library Service? aids and School Libraries. The the saine as a public library does Service is established. evenitu- Hon. W, GI Davis, Minister ofEd- In a large municipality,, combin- ally by cither: ucation, spoke on Education of ing branches, mobile units and (a) a branch library (b) booýk- the Future. other mnethodts of booký distribu-, mobile service (c) ý service by MranMs.oyBdGa- ion;. ensuring, thereby, that ev-' mail from co'unty headquarters. qeaevstngti ekwt erv resident in the countv bas ac- <d'I residents of that area usina Ur I-W, Riin. cess to good library service, thus any library outietin the county vr iu~~' Y equalizing the library opportun- system free of charge. Miss Lynn Bailey is spending i ities available for the rural and 7. What Becomes of the Library this 1week at homereurtig urban dwellers.> Board Whose Library Becomies A from a tonsilectoluy in Bowman- 2. How Many County Public Lib- Branch of the County Public Li-, ville hospital last Thursday. raries Exist in Ontario? 1 brary? Mr. and Mrs. J. ýR. Eastabrook, Middlesex,. Haliburton. Oxford The Library Board ceases to ex- Mvain St., Orono celebrated their and Elgin have oýrganized county lst as a legal ehtity, but, will 25th wedding ýanniversary at their libraries., other countries are in the probably remain as a "Friendshoen at,196 process of reýaching this goal. of the Library" group to advisehoenMa3t,196 3. IIow is a County Public Library the County Public Library Board Formed? on local conditions. owner wpu1d probably be made if ( ,a) If 75% of the municipality S. What Becomes of Existing those quarters were suitable. in a county (whether they have Public Library, Buildings i Mun- 9. What - Becomes of the, Books libraries or not) vote "yes in Icipaities Joining the County Li- and Equipment and Furniture Be- favour of the estabiishment of a brary System? , longing to, the Libraries Joining county public library OR in County Librariès formed the County Systemn? (b) if 50% of the municîpalities thus far it has been the practice Ail assets and liabilîties of ini a county. (whether they have to ensure in the by-law that the joining Library, Boards are vested ibraries or not) representing, municipality retains ownership of li and açsumied by the County 25,000 population or more vote existing library buildings, but'this Library Board unless otherwise "ýyes" would depend on the county con- provided by the by-law establish- THEN cerned. The County Public Lib- ing county library service, i.e. (c) the County Counil passes raryr may pay rent to the munici- any local municipality' may re- a by-law to establishi the Counity pality for the use of the lacis tain ownership of ail assets and Public Library uinder Part IV of If rented quarters were in use, liabilit ies if the county library the Public Libraries Act, such by- a similar arrangement with the by-law is ,50 written. 'I actual law taking effect on January lst - practice, li ciut libraries thus of the following year. far formed, owners'I!p of books, 4. What Happens to Exlsting Li- ~ ' UNITED) CHURCU equipment and the like, bas been brades in the County After the retained by the local municipal- County Public Library is Form- Orn Psorl ity. ed? X O. What Bcomes of the Staff of a (a) Ail municipalities with pub-. Charge Library Which Joins the Cuunty lic libraries which voted in fav- Public Library System? our of a county public library, In ail probability, the majority will have its libraries become Mnitr of the staff li the libraries would branches in the county system. Rev. B. e. Lieng remain In their positions but (b) Ail assoc-)iation libraries be- would become employees of the corne part of the county public SUNDAY, JUNE th, 1966 County Library. Uniform rates of fibrar systm. SEVICES pay would be established for0 the1 (c) Muncipalities with public Or ono - 11:15 am. -eduatan, taini orsof wor libraries voting against the estab- Leskard - 2 p.m. diailtanig or fwr lishment of a county public libl- Kirby - 9:45 am. anüther factors. This would rary carry on as before, They will SUNDAY SCHOOL probably resuit in most libr:ary not'be taxed for the county ser- Orono - 10 a.m. workers in the county receiving vice but neither will they.,be able Leskard - 10 am. more salary than they do unr to participato in the benefits of Kirby - il a.m, the present circurnstances. When ____________________________________________________a local librarian would be needed fpoco o=>oco=:>oc=c=o:=O=oc=c=oat a service point, the County t? ~ ~ Public Library would hire n ~ OIV A I Bwmanvlle trinthat ibrarian. - 623-5589 V t) is TIIURDAY at 7:30 - FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 7&93 'MATINEE SATURDAV at 2:.00 p.m.L a es SUMMERIIANDBAý à~ Corne ini and sýee ou aebaskets, straws and Vis 0 ~Crocheted look. several stylE gg white, brown, navy and black A L L fi Priced frOm - ~~ AND SIIELI g A ew stock of Knitti Al R BOCOL Shirts and Sheils by Rege g SÀTL~À ~ ~ 1I~I i1I4 E o Several styles with white, g KDEICLRY, AC WITINHA ad AN LEIN PMÀ$2.5I iSiE IIRIEO RIIAL S UNDIRALE MUSIC FR IHUNDER@LL " ~ / A nother S i i e t o fi b AA VBLEEXCLSIVÉLY ON UNITED AUSISSRECORS UN~ R I E D AI! SUNDAY TO WEDNESDAY, lUNE 5 to 8 ] *' -- g One Complete Show at 7.30 Strig EIENANNY Af Strin ETEDAVIS Aduit Entertainmen(;A R N GS br assortmenit agS. îincïlded iscas. with the les iii naturai, .98 to $398 LS led Cotton'T. ,nt Knitwear. powder blue *y se-veral to ý5O to $2.95 GIRL'S SHORT SETS .Shorts and Tops to match in floral dsgswith predoml1nating -sha'ies of pink, blue, yellow and orange. Sizes 8 - 1I Price per set .........$.1$U8 short sets with Hienley style madras Tops and ýJamaica Shorts of Corded Cot- beige, yellow and navy. Size 8 to 14. Price per set ......... $3.98 GrRL'S TERRY T-SIIIRTS Good quality Terry Cloth T-shirts te wear with Slims or Shorts. Easy to care for - machine washable, no ironing. Aqua, yellow and white. Sizes 4 to 14 yrs. Priced at......... $1.00 fLADIES' COTTON DRESSES arriving km Th3 range Cur ~in BUI Taylor, Manager of the Bowmanvile 11Office of Central Ontario Trust "A dollar saved is a dollar earned and NOW is a good time to start earnjng more on your savings."1 NOW... I Is the timue to, switch . It's that time of the y ear 'when interest is paid on savlngs accounts. . THE t. PERFECT TIME TO SWITCH 4%-% on SAVINGS 4% on CHIFQUING 6% on 1 to 5 year G.I.C.'s 7% yield per anmn on 10 year ACCUMLATING G.I.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS * 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Monday to Thursday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Friday * 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Saturday (Closed Wednesdays) SWITCH muPr .to Central Ontario Trust &Savings Corporation 2KigS623-2527 F SERICEA 19 Simcoe St. N. 0F SEVICEOshawa - 723-5221 anmd GirI'esà mS ISTRONG'S"

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