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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jun 1966, p. 6

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ORONOWEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1966 kply, conservation, sewage, and waste disposai; studios of direct Re'ot Fr m Qu ens ark investment, power supplies, mar- Al4ex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham development-of the Province; roads, commiuter 'habits, bousing ;omie' few miles north of the (2)' The Provine's efforts and social services.4 Cityv of St. Thomas at the junction should be dirocted te co-operating ý of Hfirhvays No. 3 and No. 4 is with private, business interests in Complimentary to this program. iocated the town of Talbotville.* creating an atmosphere for will ho upgradfing the Ontario De- rhis quiet community dorivos Igrowth and development; velopment Agencv into the On- l its namo f rom that of an historic (3) Ail policies should ho mold- tarie Dovelopment Corporation and colourful figure, Col. Henry ed fromn Ontario 'conditions -râth- lith authority to !end money to Talbot, who played such an im- or than borrow the programmes industry. portant rolo in the sttliment of of other jurisdictions. 1I-The Talbotville development Western Ontario. This design for doveloPment points up -tho necessitv that'gov- A few montbs ago, th15 rural m~ include consideration Of ei-nmenit expenditures ho direetedý coymmunity was joltedou~ot of its wVater supply, sewa-ge disposai, t the, n'ëds of the régions, and routine formu of life by the an- htrn1nrn'-tion facilities. higihwavs will require- the co-oporation of nounceinont by the Ford MCtr riculture. mining, the location îdsr na~etn oogv Company that it was establishing )f industrv, the supiply of labour. ei-nment> direction when'. locaýting, a $65 million assembly plant in -ý ii aq the social and cultural.- the community, and somre 1500 eviomelin an area. acres, which was Up to this time Tn orr ta mm-itoato There are something like 90Q proucivefam lnd beam a h taken. Mr. Robarts, as units of local, government in On- 1500-acre induistrial dleveloýpment.ltliirman of a cabiniet committee, tarin. t is not esse'itial that these The announcomoent was a wel- eo coordirate reeionalnannaagmt o om rgoa corn 'sot-n-te-am" o te O- ,t9linc the followilng stops: , governments, but it is necessary oùnomy of the area, but it also (a) The setting iip of an rr-Ifor themn to co ooerate -with each 1brouglit mariy now problomis - visorv committee of> senior civillother, wvitlh the Provincial Govern- To meet the needs of this 1in- vra ment, and with industrv, in orderl dusril Ian, heProine nd (b') The setting unp of reczional that decentralization of industryi the municipalities 'had to scram- ý1vijn'-v boards nmadle up of son-jcan be carried out efficiently and, hie- to see that services would ho !or civil servants from each Gov- at reasonable cost,'i established, services which could errment DeDPartment wth offices Industry must be created in On- have been provided with loss cost, located in designated regions of tario as fast and as ýefficienfly as if somo thon ght and planning had the Province; possible in order to absorb ail heen given in advance te the in- (c) The co ordination of. the the post-war babies who are a- dustrial development of the dist- regional activit1 as of al1 Gove,-n- bout to emerge fromn our schools, riet. - ment D)epart,,,euýts and Agencies. to keep these young people from New highways now must ho The aim is to have them ail adopt 1 eaving the Province, and to. keep built, power linos relocatod and a common administrative and ge- them out of the big cities. a pipe line froi Lake Erie built ographical unit. Croation, of jobs in ail parts of te provide the vast amounts of In order to plan the growth po- the Province is the aim of, "De- water needed for the new indus- tential of our resources, research sign for Development." try. ~~~~~must ho carried out ln several ar-. _________________ or. as. This will, ho done throughFOETYCU To meet the needs of a rapidly the reconstituted Regional Devel- FRSR LB developing Province and toe nsure opment Agencios, of which there May 24th the third meeting of orderly industrialization, the On- jlare 10, the local one being L.O. the Durham Forèkry Club was tarlo Goverument has unveiled a!DA. -hleild at the Orono Forestry Sta- policy on regional developmenti These agencies will bo renamed tion. and planning which might bo councils and will get $25,000 per 1 The President oPened the meet- termod 'Design for Development.' [year from the Province to carry ing. The Minutes of the last Regional development must ho out their responsibiities. meeting were read and approved. dîstinguished from regional gov- These responsibilities will in- Losson Shoot No. 3 was ýdistribut- ernment in that it is based .onfl cludo: analysis of the potentiai ed on the Management of -Natur- three particuar principlos: ! of the resources in the 'ai Woodlots. (1) Tho Province's responsibil-1 region; manufacturing and agri- > The next meeting will be a ity for guiding, encouraging and cultural potential; rural, urban, and 'field trip,, June 30thi at a a.m. assisting the orderly and rational recroational land use; water sup-until 12 o'clock. cli tiscoupon, 2PER GALLON ON POWERFUL ITTSD3URGH* PAl NU Take this coupon to.your Pittsburgh, Paint dealer.You can get $2.75 off the suggested retail price of every QCQOSE FROM THESE EXTERIOR PAINTS: SUN -PROOF OIL BASE .' Special fume-;esistantpigments protect against smolçe and fuel fumps that discolour or- dinary paint - Stays-bighter, longer. Suggested rotaï! $ 10.50 gai. $M.5 qt. SUN-PROOF LATEX * Needs no primer on previously painted surfaces - Dries in just 30 minutes to discourage insects sticking toa aint - Brushes, hands rinse clean in water. Suggested retail $ 10.50 gai.. $335 qt. SALE PRICE SALE PRICE $775 7gai. ONE C OAT WONDER WHITE - Easily SALE PRICE the finest house paint money cen buy $950 - One coat gives a durable, dazzlingwhite gal., gallon and 75 cents off ever quart can of top q'uality Pttsburgh Paints. H urry! CEMENTHIDE RUBBERIZED MA- SONRY PAINT * For brick, stucco, con- crete block, asbestos siding and shingles.. cement e Resists suri and moisture *Dries quickly. Suggested retail $ 10.55 gel., $3.45 qt. WATERSPAR ENAMEL - Ai-purpose interior and exterior high gloss enamel *For furniture, woodwork and trim. Suggested rotai! $ 12.75 gail, $3_90 qt. FLORHIDE FLOOR ENAMEL - Atough durable f il m f or f loors and stops of wood, concrete and metal - For exterior and inte,ýcr use* Dries to a handsome, hard- SALE PRICE SALE PRICE finish - Saves time, money, labour. $300 wearing finish. $260 S Sggcxtcd retaiI $ 12.25 gai., $375 qt q t. Suggested ratai $1050 gai., $3.35q1. qt FILL IN YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AND TAKE TO YOUR PITTSBURGH PAINT DEALER NAMi. ______________ _________ ADDRESS_______________ DEAtR NAM1E __________________ CHECK ONE ONLY- galion C] quart CI (Mreaer el.ern this coupon according 10 the terma of the coupon offer, provided you and the - stomer have complied w;,,; these twïmsý Any othýei application constitutes fraud.) CýNAD1AN PITTSBURGH INDUSTRIES LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30, 1966 -~T1( -u. O T'MCwrHnty -Oi i RCf . DurhamFarniers' C;ounty Co op Orono ~~1 - I -I 4-H BEEF, CLUB and reasons were taken by Don Riekard and Ken, Wilson. Mr. The second meeting of the Dur- Riekard gave a lecture on tdu ham 4-H Beof Calf Club was held, functions and importance of the at the farm, of Mr. Sid Cornish at parts of the cow's stomach. after Tyrone. The meeting foliowed by1 which he gave us a short quiz. the roll cali. After this the club Mr. Cornish was thanked by Ken leader, Don Rickard took Up thej Wilson after which the meeting ofwas adjoirneid. Refreshments :second worksheet. A class of were thon served to the members. Hereford cows was thoen judgo'd SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL AREA RESIDENTS Sýtore Wide S AL COATS - DRESSES - SUITS BLOUSES - SPORTSWEAR - SKIRTS FABULOUS BARGAINS ýFRO'M 251% TO BALETIS Laidies Wear Il3 WALTON ST., PORT UOPE Phone 885-2372

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