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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jun 1966, p. 4

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__________________________ ON~O WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 19f66 Report From( by Alex Carriuthers, M.P.P. for Durham bu on People will not look forward to Si r,î'sterity wbo neyer look back teý Io their ancestors. P bc The above words came tomyb irldas I stood, with parliamen- tr ýtrians, city officiais, distinguish- ea, gucsts and a large group of visiting students, before the sta- tae of the fl-st Prime Minister of ab tCanada, 'and paid tribute, to his bïe and Ivork on the 75tb anni-, versary of bis deatb.1 Sir Jai nA. MaëDoniald's paeý the hsti-y of our nation is soi arg n, seaisorbing, that it festrie imagination to con, eive what migbt bave been the iestiny of' Canada had not bis i.sion, and genhiusbcén available îr the devlopment of our Fed- e aiP Syste mi-of Government. Largely due to bis courage and MJs ability, millions of people have E some to Canada from every nia- j fion and 'every clime since 1867. ýThey bave found in this country z new land, new in liberty, lu op- portunity and promise. The above concepl was moist ap- - arent on this occasion for, iin th, absence, of Prifte Minister Ro- barts, wbo was fulfilling a coin- ,mitmcent lu Western Ontario, tbe Eonourable John Yaremko, a Uk- rainian by birtb, spoke on his be- 'ialf and in so doing experssed nas personal appreciation for the ,)oportùnities opened to bhlm in Canada. Sir John A. MacDonald and the .ether architects- of this nation ~acus Confederation. Confeder- -."ion gave us unity but it wasa nity of, diversity; a unity that I-rougbt from 'the four corners of1 ,e earth settiers cndowed witb cw skills, new ideas and ncwi ,mltures. ýei occasion for the Liberal part, -tated that ini an theatre Sir 5 ,johrI A. MacDonild's personal i-ualities would lui 'c shoneé like a reacon. He chose polities, lie'said, and .i this demanding ai-ena, he dem- ànstrated the superb ýart of gov î,rning men. H1e blended together! most heterogeneous, shades of nolitical opinion and loyalty mak- ng bis team of advisors' a com- p.act whole, working together to- v9ard building a great nation on lhe nortbern baif of this contin- ent. To tbe large number of stu- dents present, the occasion pro- ided an opporttunity fo« an im- oressive and memorabie bistory 'esson. indccd it was in sharp eontrnst to the scene lu the Lcg- :slature a few days ago, wben the Member for Scarborougb V/est ýStephep Lewis, NU .P.) before -a~ere rowded wiih impres- -lontab)le school childi-en deiivered sex ridden speech which added iothing to the political statue of -lie province. One could not help but wondei- Mwbat the old warrior of so, many oitalbatties would say if be foud hve. on this occasion, ex- prse his tboughts about bis Car ada of today. REPAIRS AND Phone 1395 Orono ivlent n e<fdrecen sOnte under the leadership of Sir John ue n s ark > wonders, too, what message he A. MacDonald, saw a vision, and Lo al N ewvs would wish to give on the eve of built a shining and prosp'erousM.adMs ele MCe Controller Dennison, .paying tri- celebratinýg a hundred yenrs of I Mrs. Rena Waddell and Miss Lou- bute on behaif of tbe City of Toi- Confederation.of CwnltModa01atp oto; reale hefcttatM we. as Rev. W.Dow r o he CMariltim. o ti S r hcA a D oenat tht if was Dufferin,-Simcoe, said in the clos- oteMrims ir ohnA.Maçonld hocrea- Part of that messaýe, 1 beleive ý beeuajo i Master Clifford Bruton. -young td the >lyal Canadian Mounted -vould be,' to guard those frece- tz rutand beriqaltage, rvre n0f of Mi-. and Mrs. James Brut- Police Force; a force that bas doms that-lie. and Our fo1-efather. s t ad geat eiaorvr n i 'orsigfvual fe been distinguished as being one st ruggied so bard to establish and heue ffedm,; ti teaî: apc:-aUozi at the Sicki Child- of th gretestlaw nforemen to restore a sense of responsibil- exercise of power, and, generousrW HsiaTon. I i~~~~~~n the protection of weaknes e' opiaTrno bodies to be found in any coun- i+- and order to society; a society Mrs. Fred Bowen is moviflg this ty. i hi which licence bas to a large ex- ________________ week to an apai-tmeflt in New- +p7at replaced time tLested stan- cast1e. 11cr daugbter Mary Bowen Wbat would his views be to-Iay '-trdsý. I of Mont-eal iN visitiniz ber and bout this fo -ce, c'ilei" The Fatiiers of Confedrto, Use the classifiedI 1V21,e- motoh th sutuc BEST BUY! Save 10e!-12o. i BESTBUY! Save 22c! Gem ooue Parchmient or Reg-ular BEST' BU-Y! Save 24e! Mail In Offer! Maýxine The Elephant C OFFEE HOUSE Instant BES-'T BUY! Save 12c! Kraft n EEZ WH1Z 1-lb.. Pkgs. lO-oz. Jar sel.ý65, -~16-oz. Jar lDEST BUY!. Save ï2e! Assorted 12-or. Server Jars REL S -41$ 33EST BUY! Sav~e 8e! York Homiogeznized 16-oz. !;ES T BUY! av 23c! Kellogg's Gant EooySz F L S,ý iýiý" n SAVE 12e! Swift's Pramium 24-oz. Thi -,~III SP2AGHETTI & 5e Off Pace SAVE 31c' 2e Off Pak-z ins PARD MI X 'EM O0R MATCH 'EM ARROW BRAND Vou'qir Choice -20-oz. Tins BIG SAVINGS! Reg.- 97e! -Roll-On A DEODORANT l Rig 89!3-oz. Tube S H"lar Dressing 5C t~ eiow Swet -Chiquýita GOLDE ýN YELLOW FRUIT Luscious - F uil of Fiavour Pluinp - Greexý - Sweet No. 1 PEPPERS - 3,for Crisp and Crunehy - No.1 C EL E RY Jumbo Sizo týk Juicy Sweet California Sunlîst Ouri %AN GE I~f n. c 29C 29c 1Ice Box Jar 45( 16-oz. Pkgs. 3F$ SAVE 10e! Swift's Pros SAVE Me!Shor-tening3 SAV;E :,!O! Brdns SAVE 6c! French's Pre EASY CASH CGAMEr IS OVER! SoeaLast IMiute inners $poo Mrs. Kay Sherk Niagara Fails $1,oooû Mr. Ray Haert Sudbury mium, Beef, or Irishi 4-oz. -,Tin 49 c ;ceOff 1-lb. Pkg, 3 43C ~tant 3-1b. Pkg. pared , -i.Jar MUSTARD SAVE 10e! Liquid Detergent SW A~N .24-oz. h SAVE 6e! Jet Spray Ae SAVE 10e! Gold Seal Fanicy Soekeye S A L MO%7âN SAVE '10c! Palm Garden 100 to SAV~eEddsPieture Book, MATCHnES 5 ?-c Lerosol Tin Collo Bax Carton 50 WVeston or Sunbeam Pk-g. 12's Cinnamon Buns 5c FROZEN FOODS, SAVE Ce! - OIdSouth Florida Orange J uIc E 6-oz.tins 2 for4-,,7c upreme Faney 2-1b. -Bag KERNEL CORN 5.3c Save 10e . Fresh, Crispy, Hawkins - Twin Paek Large 14 oz. Pkg. 3-doz$1 n P OTATO CHIPS 59C IT'S SWlFT'S WEEK ATRE &WHITE. Spec. Sel. Branded- Value Checlk'd- Tender Juicy élub Lean Boneless Pt Roast "YouSv TieWith Trirn aný-d Frice" Swift Premium -Well1 Str eaked -Vue PakIj RINDLESS BACON ......... ...... b. 99c Swift Premium - Mild Seas-oned SKINLESS W1NRS 1. 59c Swift Priirlnm1-ui ' FRESH SLICED BOLOGNA..... lb. 49c Swift Pr nîlui - Thi-ce Varieties SNACK CHUBS....«.............. 2 for 59c "Il, Il,, ý 'Ç", -mn A m 1 C», lm 1%T:K ffl ]MI 9m

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