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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jun 1966, p. 7

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O ~ V'5~ II~LY T ~ Y f Y~ J1VN~ ~4h, 1§~G _____ ý7,. F'RANK ïýLAL ESfA'tE- W. KAY LYCETI, . LIMITED Bariser- olcier 21 KING ST. WEST lu fthe Offices of f Bownanvilie 623-3393 TorOffice3911 R. R. Waddell Q.C., f Port Hope 923i91-4 MAIN $T, (JON 98 Walton St. - 88É.4548 MAINST.,ORON 10f3Exclusive' Agent for Telephone. 138 Orono ,J CHONSUT n 3.Bedroom Bungalow$ ____ - - ~t riced from $15,37500 --r-. o- ~ &io lots 75x200 MERRLL . Pý,',IWNand District Real Etate O Board, 9 B S.A. B.A.Se- ::: f f ENGIEER Oronê ,Ares Representative PBOF~SJOAL j ROY FOSTER (col Kendal -- Phsone 321 Optarie Land'SiiflTeyor g A large selection of ýF#rms, 15rgHomes, Lots,. Retreat Pro- 121 Qlfl'OIs St. o perdies in tisis ares Éowmanv'iI1c. <)tario Telephone 2*7. L. i, SKAIFE 'M Wter Cener ai IN SURANCE FRED -LY CE il OFFICE- MAIN ST,. OlONO Poe12516 Res.201 JACK a £ID Orono's Licensed Àuctâoneer and 'Valuatoi Specialîze in Farm and Furniture saes Consuit nie for terms, and dates PHONE ORONO 319' PUMPING OUT jSEPTIC TANKS t Phone 7862552 (àRoNO BOOKKEEPINIG SERVICE Inconse Tax Rçturns Prepared Oroue, Bouwmanville, OsLawa 'Telephone Orone 3R2 O#Ur qua1llty and service-leaves nothfing ta be desired AsktheUi person who bought f rom us, a neighbour, fri-end or relative The RUTTER (GLAN!T1 COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE ~Laget Dspaylu Sonthern o g g g g g g o g g g g g g Ocv4iie ChAiterton E k'el ri<-~i ('v~nIr~îefin' PHONE 245 OR 10412 Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FAMand flOUSE Fret Estimateà APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guarantecd Repaira1 te ail kinds of Eleetrical Eq uipment and Appliances Sucb at Metors - Water Ileaters T.xT* - Radios - Stoves - hrs lt.amiitons Insurance Service 'Paae Policies Fidefity Bond, Liabffity Life Firsi Mortgage Loans uSadie Hamilton~ Box 133 MO. 8-3552 Stafford rohes Lhnlted 318 Dondas St. E. Wbstby, Ont. Manufacturera cf Cemetery Memorials, Deaers in Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cut aud Cemetery Repar Work COMING EVENT CARD 0OF THIANKS ROWE TOURS The General M~eeting of U.C.W. wili be held an June l6th aM 8 aui1d "je ta express my sin- ESCORTED p.m. in the s ,ainï Auditorium of h1st y rednih Western and Stamnpede Tour the Church. Unit 7 wili be in our and relatives for their Twny-five Days- June 22nd 'tilI rha ,j of. pro gramn and have as -thoughtfuiness ta my f amily and 'Twentth their guest speaker the Rev. J. A.'iduring my stay in hospitai and Plee of Jules:yl ton Ramjitt o atnand armerly ic onPghm.a rk of ~I Trndd1niniao a Doreen Bairstow Pr, Vancouver, Victoria, Banff, of Tiniad.An nviatin hs iJasper Park, Edmon~ton and Cal- been extended ta thse Membersi-1 gary Stampede.. of Leskard and Kirby U.C.W. ta 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL PC 'l No night travel. jain with usat' this tîme, IifriaTu Fallawing the meeting Unit 2Il Orono United Church- SchoolClfonaTu wilI hold a bake sale, and Family Picnic, in Orona Park Twenty-three 'days: July 23rd 'till a-c on Wednesday, June l5th after Tae eAugust l4th ed Trael DeLuxe, was h-room motor _________________4:00 .o'clock. Games at 5:00 p.m. Cah FOR SALE picnic supper at 5:45. Everyone Ayn ihn osedSù Ail kinds of baxed vegetable we]come. Dishes, ciPlery and dayoJne 1wishîng oa pnd ua- and flower plants; aiso Giadiolus, bevei ages w ili be supplied. a-c day, Jugne Bath a na cisie byulbs at: Marftyr's- Shrine. LEAMEN GxREENHOUSE NOTICE For information ta above tours Statian St.,1 Orono The Senior' Citizens are having poeo rt:. Phoene 421W. a bus trip.ta Centre Island on ROWE TItAVEL AGENCY, d-20-p' Wednesday, June 15th. There wili 'Port Hope- Phone 885-25.27 be vacanicies for others wishing b-21-e ~~~~ ~~~ta go. For further information________________ 1 re Ïusie 1lots of' any size pr--I cati Mrs. Bowen 132M or Mrs. viding t eY Meet locisl bufl- 1Hoar, 345W. a-p regulatioas.I WYrse- Han-y O. Perry, SOE 46 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa A Police Dog, black. ard brown jIaround the heàd and four feet. ______________________ Ativone finding this dog, answers ta3 the name of King, plea'oe not- ~ ~ if- Percy Robinson, Pontypool; epho-e 60R5 Bethany, Central. 'j ' (i_ _ _ _ _ _ LYCETT LS - 'iPIumriing & Heating 0U; One yellow colouired, long 'baireà ru n - - - Imale cat. Phone 2182 ,or 35r18, SOrono., Phoiiýe 33R11 Orono. Ontario WATSON'S Marine and Cycle McllCILLOCII BOATS & MOTORS CHIAIN SAWS Itepairs to ail makes of Lawi> Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACINEBV PART-TIMWE RADIO TV REPAIRS 11HI-FI1- Sterec - Record Players - Antennas- Towers - PA Systein for rent AUl parts and labour guaranteei2 HARET WIERSMA Phone 1737 Orono Building a bouse? or remodelllng your present~ one, tise» contact Floyd Nicholson PHONE 2191 ORONO HIELP WANTED - MALE Sehool boy 16 or older, spray- ing weeds in Christmas Tree farm. Phone Andy Sutch 30r-5. a- Be a Rwleigh Dealer in- Dur- ham Caunty.. Good year around Jea-niiI -.,, Ne alcaîtt'I uecessa.ry.-- Write Rawleigh, Dept. F-306-870, 4,005 RichelIieu, St. Henry, Mon-,, treal j FOR SALE jVariaus kinds of Spring -'box, Plants and Geranium plants 'iný full bloom. Cali todav at C. de Maay. North Street. Newcastle. Telephone 987-4916.c-23-p FOR SALE A 24" Heavy duty Moffat elect- rie range for sale. Phione 786-2425 Newtonville. a-p FOR SALE 1 Bcd Sp-iniý, and 2 Mattresses in good condition. Phone 216, Or- ana. a-p FOR SALE One DraPvmn and Tank. J. Walker, phone 1411 'Orano. PONY FOR SALE~ Beige coloured Shetland Ponv mare for sale. Reasonable. Phionol 14r8, Orono. a-c FOR SALE 1966 Voikswagan 1300 model, radio, white wall tires, Booster heater. Price $1675. Phone 987-4566 Newcastle. a-c FOR SALE A four-year-old Buckskin Geld- ing, Western broke. Phone 371J Orono. a p AUCTION SALE A- tio"ý sale of regcistered and grade Shorthorn cattie, pinto saddle' horses, farm machinery, etc' The property of Mr. Cecil IMalley, Lot 32, Concession 3, Clarke Township, 1 concession south and 1 mile west of Orono. Selling without reserve on Satur- day, June 18 at 1 p.m. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. H o 1Call your, )icensed Plurnbing &L. Mec-han; a'Conraecor, Who scils, instali e.d.iaes C,,ARM AN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phonae 143 Orono BUYNG itSELLING REALESTATE A.. VcGILL REAL ESTATE BROKER Phones: Orono 1407, Oshawa 728-428à -I Real Estate Mhen Buying or Selling call 1-12 ,>Orono Representing. Jack Ricard .REALTOR Il King St. E., Bownianville Member Oshawa and District Real, Estate Board 1 1

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