ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 23rdn, L1966 ~ubs~c evry hurdayat t :f Uic ý ut uatioi Main Street, Piione 100e, urono, untario E-eab1îshed in 1938 15y R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edîtor and Manager ADangerous 'Intersection Thse nortis entrance into Orono has, since its recon- struction caused some confusion for through traffie on Highway 115. It is assumed that the death of Mr. Francis Murphy on, Tuesday morning was the. cause of confusion at titis intersection. The accident Tuesday was not the first to occur at the intersection from confusion. In talking to one driver whose truck overturned at the intersection some montha ago. he revealed that he was unavtfire that he was on a take- off lane. This driver considered thl'at he was stili on High- way 115. Too late he reaiized his mistake and the curve la net rne-gotiable at a high rate of speed. Other vesicles, botb cars a9nd trucks, have been noted coming into Orono only to tuTrn- around to go back out again after apparcntly real Li'ng their mistake., The new enitrances have certainly enhanced the ap- proaches into the Village and in most respects are better titan their predesessors. There does, however, exist one maj- or flaw and this la in faulty design of the north entrance. Thtis entrance for through-traffic, especially for strangers, la confusing and as such la dâingerous. ¶Jnfortunately botit entrances are on curves in the ruad which no doubt increases the problemi of design. Thtis ýstouidC, not be a deterrent for corrective measures which aeccrtainly needed. T31e Department should take a ,good look at titis probiem îïand possibly with better signing, overhead signing, they could eliminate a lot of the doubt and thus a lot of tedanger at the, nortit entrance. A Costly Plan The recent majority decision of the Tüwnshtip Public Sehooel Board to option land immediateiy west of Kirby de- noDtes the intention of building a new school in titis area. T1se school, we understand, la te be a: six-roomn scitool and ,will allow the closing of three one-room scitools along with onte two,-room achool being ClarkeUnion, Enterprise, Kirby and Leskard. The decisioûn tc, build the new achool ini the Kirby district may have mnent when cofisideied only for titis -par- ticýular area, The losing of the aimaller scitools la a trend of the day and is one in which areas are being forced. Tihe picture, however changes drastically when other considerations are met. The Board bas been advised to consider obtaining 'iaii~ Orono for a new scisool to handie additional enrol- ment and als o t eliminate tise two basement clasarooma. Thtis advice, we understand, has been advanced by the De- partment representatives. It is also considered undesirable to, build additions te the, present, Orono, Scitool and with titis thought a new scisool would certaînly be necessary. Taking titis fact into consideratiionthe picture of new. scitool building for the whole area changes drastically. Are we 10 end up, due to lack of foresigist, with two nexv shoswithin two miles of one another and with both scitools being under thte dcsired size of 300 to '400 pupils? Sucit a 'plan would be costly in a service that is already rrounting in costs. Nýeighbouring areas are, in the great mai ority, plan. nir g for larger schools with te view of providing economn iic commodation along with upgrading the educational bystem., It has beeni noted that Peterborought Countyý public schoolý system is foliowing te same pattern as Darlington but her-,-e iin Cark conîderation to larger units is many year- aayan pssJibly aong danost custly piith. The lcal yste canot bt help increase educational coas wth malerunis, upicatonof gymna, libraries and Thesmaierunits besides beusjg costly are harder te stýaff wiTthgrd A teachers Whto today can have their dr ~ ~ ~ f ole --adti ain the lrgrscitools, Unfotunaely igier bildig csta could have the effeet, of lowering lte standard of education in lte area, tch Board ihas aready, hesitated bo compete financiaily for teachers and titis fadt coald be further aggravated by undue building costs. It has aiso been shown that larger units are more economical to build titan the amaller units, - -It is time tisaI Clarke took a good look and formu. ai W. C. Brown said there waaÎ one girl at hýs school who wouid like to take the course. The ques- * tin i whther the board is rc- With Testimonia~ quired to pay the uto flt student to',go to a high sch&ol A testimonial banquet was held1 Wednesday nîght in Port Perry to honour Mr. Roy H. Cornish, who retires this year after being prin- cipal of the Port Perry 'Public Sehool for 34 years. Mr. Cornish, formerly of Orono, was honoured by a gathering of some- two hun- dred and f ifty under the auspices of the 'Port Perry Chamber of Commerce. The retiring principal was pre- sented with a camera. Those attending from Orono and Coîborne were Mr. and Mrs. N. McNally, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cornish, Mrs, Charles Hutton, Messrs. A. E. West, H. Mercer,5 F. E. Lycctt, W. E. Armstrong and J. C. Tamblyn. on June lst Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coïrnish were guests of the Port PryPuiblic School -Board at a banquet attenfldh-by fifty, guests. Mr. Cornish, on this occasion, was presented vithi a framed ardui- tect's dr.awý,ing of the Port Perry School, a set of matched luggage and a set- of golf clubs. It was also revealed that -the school name, was to be changed to the R. H. Cornish Public Scbool. DURHAM FARMERS I[OIN PROTEs'r MOVE Durhamn County members of the Ontario Farmers Union haveý oincd in spreading protest dem- onstrations by driving tractors on Hlighway 115. Tbey were sched- uled to patrol a one-mile section of the bighway, five miles cast of the Highway 35 junction from 1 to 6 o'clock on Tuesday. Seven, tractors were lined up for the patrol and more were ex- pected on Wednesday. points ,of ýconterition )ty thse Durham group are said to go f ar- ther than the demands for a firm .$400 a hundredweight for milk. J'uniorGil LJoing WeII The Orono Junior Gîrl's Soft- hall cubý have opened their sched- ule 'of summer;play in fine forn. Thiey played both Monday and on Tuesday eveninigs registering vie- tories on both ,occasion. On Monday evening in thse Or- ono Park" the local girls defeated Newtonville by a score of 255 in five innings of pay. The Orono girls counted a total of sixteen runs in the thId inning along with one in the first and eight ini the second. Nancy Nixoný regis- tered the first home run of the season for Orono. Nancy Forres- ter pitched the game for the lo- cal girls with eight strike-outs. Newtonville scored one in the second and four in the fifth ' 2 The two clubs resumed play on Tuesday niglit in Newtonville. A- gain Orono took the victory 24-13, The thîrd inning was a ten run affair for te local girls who ad- vanced stcadily throughout the game. Ronda Tennant and Nancy Nixon both hit home runs. Honda Tennant was the .wînning pitcher with seven strike-outs. JUNIOR GIRLS5 SOFTBALL SCIIEDULE FOR 19661 Ail games to start at 6:45> pm Mon., dune 27, Welcome at Orono Wed., June 29, Orono at Welconw Mon., July 4, Newcastle àt Orono Tues., July 5, Orono at Newcastle Mon,, July 11, NewtonvillIe Orono Thurs. July 14, Orono at Newo SCHOOL BOARD SEEKS RULING vihere the course la available out- sîde the high achool area. Part of the school act legislatiSi states a resident sehool studertr The urhm Dstrct ighhas the right, to take the course, School Board will seek a ruling from the department of education on the board's responsibility in dropping the special commercial rrO=<:;<:>o=co=c course next term. Th ed1for a ruling arose out an n Byani l of a lengthy discussion of a re- PLUMBlrNG and HEATING qucat by the Port Hope committee ' Sale s and. Service , that speci«al comimercial classes ',24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEé. rot bc offered at the scitool next Uj September. 0 B-A FINA*NCING , i ibrok ULow lnterest Rates MlbokHigh Scitool Princip- _____________________ Hampton CO. 32288 Û Tyrone CO. 3-2650 v EAYNS $ $ Mhe Credit Union is not on- Êy the handiest place to save your money, but it pays dividends as- good, or better, than other places te save. Ask about the 111e insurance provided without added charge for eligible savers, even if:- Orono District CREDIT UNION, Treas.-Man,, Angus Loucks Phone 4r10, Orono BUYING OR SELL ING REAL ESTATE A.J. MCGILL REAL ESTATE BROKERt Phones: Orono .1407 Oshawa 728-4285 Why Pay ore...,16 AVE l'*ON PREMIUM FL LOIL ga i ?IIO10NE NIEWCASTLE 987 -4215 DX FUEL IL Servîng Orone, Newcastle and District Lat St NeWS Flashes An-nouneing that Spring is gone and Summer's here beingîng with it joy and cheer. Ilere are a few seleetions awaiting you; Floral Decoôrated Chiina -Coffee Mugs ..... 33e Lander Wonder Cream, iuedicated and greasetess, .... ..-... 51/2 oz. jar ..... «. 59e Decorated Glass Cüookie Jars, only ...... $1.-19 Air-cooled Seat Ventilators at ..,;....... $1.98 16" Squarellassocks preced at ........ $4.69 Deluxe Kneeling- Pad, 9"x13%/", priced ..63e Large Size S ilad Set and Servers....... $1.19 Ladies' Cctton Shifts in small, medium and large, prýiced at ........ ........ $2.98 %'Jurly Chore Pot Cleaners, guarýanteed rustproof, priced at.. ......... 2 for 25c J3YsWalking- Shorts, sizes,8 to 16, only . $1.98 Bo'sTry lene .Jackets,, size 8' to 14, only $4.98 IBysT-Shirts -ýavdiIable i smiall,, medium and large-, 3priced......... .... 59e and 89e Giant Coo'ler Chest $1.89 wvith carrying handle, priced at ..........$2.67 Cottage Blanets-, 56"x68" at only ..... $2.57 Men's, Ladies and Childrens, 'Zorïi' Saudals priced at - ........ 57c, 49e & 39,è~ Oroo5cto $1,00 Store C Phone, 122W, Orono WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE (cru