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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1966, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSiIAY, JUNE 2rd,> 1966 Oro0no0 -st 11dents Place, In Poster Contest The Durham County Farm Safe -______________ ty Council's safety poster and 38,000 ELIGIBLE poem ceompetition received wideFO response from elementary sehoolsFO PESN in Durham County. , In January' 1967, 38,000 people Judges of the posters, Mrs. Clare in Ontario who have reached thet AIIin and Mrs. Manseli Stacey, age of 68 and have a minimum both, of Bowmanville, conducted Of 10 years' iesidence in Canada the difficuit task of selecting will- ho eligible for Old Age Se- thirty-two posters from a total of curity payments of $75.00 a tiîree hundred and sixty-soven on- month. To ,date only 12.500 appli-c tries. Mrs. Wes Ycïjowlees and -ctions have heen received. The1 Mrs. E. Cryderman, both ofEn-, Regional Director of Old Age Sec- - niskillen, faced an equally dif- urity is appealin g to aIl residents fîcuit task of selecting eight win- who will be 68 in .1966 to' send nînig poems from one hundred and in' their applications as soon as forty-one poems entered. possible to ensure that cheques can ho issued to them on time. 'This year's competition differ- Applications for Old Age Securityj ed from last year's in that safety may heobotained from any post of-1 pocms wcre substituted for safe- fice and should ho sent to, the ty essays. The safty poem was Regional Director Old Age Seur- open to all gr.ades. Such large re- jity, 25 St. Clair Aver,% , East, Tor- sponse wasflot anticipated in the onto 7, Ontario. poem section and if a competiion Birth on hantismal certificates1 is conducted next yeai the Safety where available should ho suh-1 Counil ill rohbly ncrasemitted with the applications. If e.é amount of prize money. such documents are not availahie The safety posters were divided or cannot hcobotained, the appi into four sections: A - Grades 1 cation ýshould ho completed and and 2; B - Grades 3 and 4; C - sent to the Regional Director in Grades 5 asd 6; D _- Grades 7 and any case. The Regional Ofice will 8. 'Safety poems, open to ail grad- assist aipliciin±s Î" ol-taining oth- es, mode up section E. Prize mon- er evidence of age. cy for each section is: first - $7.00 Th ag reur en fo Od second - $500; third to -eighth -. TA ge ecreiyireing frdd $300. Prize money will ho pros-, g euiyi en eue .nted at the Durham Safety NightcahyrunihyJury17 ini Orono during September. The payment may be made to persons w~nnng ostr insecionD ~who are 65 years of age and'over. elso eligihie for entry at the Roy- zi Agricultural Winter Fair. ' 1SÜBSIDIES SAID Rsuits are as foiows: Section A: Richard Lax, Port ËFops; Wayne B'rown, Port Hope: J7an i Cotter, Port Hope; Barbara Gamsby, Port Hope; Rosemnary Arnold, Port Hope; Peter Harness Fort Hope; Bernie Westervelt, Port Hope: Linda Briden, Port Hope. NOT WANTED "Cood farmers don't want sub- sidies'" Russell Rowe, MPP for Northumberland said during an address to, the Cobourg Progres- sive Conservative Association in Cobourg recently. Mr.- Rowe condemned the NDPý Setion B: Elaine Kellogg, P ringi up iscotare s unong Or Mur- Holpe; Joannie Allun, Bowmanville; igu-icnetaogOtr ee AneHokn Bomn io 0s rural residents refeàrning to Janet Andrus, Port Htope; Allain rcn eosrtos in .the Wlson, Port Hlope; Katbyp Bickle, province. 1Bowmianvile; Allen Poynton, Port He also said he was in favour Hope; Michelle Robinson, Nestie- of w;ýhdrawingsome -of the pro- ton, sent 'subsidies now being paid to ýSection É.: Ricky Joues, Bow- farmers. mrnanville; Eileen Raynor, Port "The Farmiers' Union has drawn Hopfe; Joanne Brooks, Port Hope; little support in areas where the Earbara Taylor, Port Hope;, Car- Federation of Agriculture is pro- Olyn Jamieson, Port Hope; Reg. min1ent" M hr. Rojwe sai(,,lie also. Freethy, Bowmanville; Debb'e pcintd out that the federation is Tuhopson, Neort loe C'g btter informred and trying to Seriksh - ank Pr inope. r-work with the govrnment in Secton : Rlph anknso, isoiving the f armers' ýc1onmic on;Bill Lord, Port Hope; Ken- ipolis nethn Moon, Port IHope; Christinepobm. 111.Part Hope; Lynda McHolm,. Port Hope; Gerald Anderson, Ty- tonville; Brenda Henderson, New- ron,_e; Li nda Inwards, Port Hope. tonville. Section E: Christine Hil, Port The Durham Countyý Safety Hope;, Carol Caldwell, Orono; Rick 1Council sponsors this Competi- Bol,,an Nestieton;' Daniel Hane- tion ihi an effort to make children, wich, Bowmranville; Arthur Groot, anid parenits m-rore coascious of O-ý-ono; Dawn Bîsset, Port Hlope; home, farm agnd hlgh-way safety. Rs/a ary Kennedy, Bowmanville Wanted at once. Man or woman,, S'usan Sith !ýPn-- Hope, full or part tîme to continue sup- Honourable Mentions for Safe- plying consurC ers ini Durham ty Poemns: Johin Martel. Newton- county with 'Rawleigh Producits. vlle; M1arie VanCamp, Nestieton; New Special Offer Selling method Cathy Elliott, Newtonville; Cyn- enables you to make $100 weekly;' thia Inch, Port Hope; Marie AKi- $50' part time. Write Rawleigh, rnow, Port Hope; Janicýe Elliott, Dept. F-306-122, 4005 Richilieu, Bowmanville; ileather Reid, New- St. Henry, Montreal. ALBowm an'Ille gg __623-5589' 0 I'HURSDAY- FRIDAY- SATURDAY - JUNE 23, 24, 25 f~J WALT DISNEY'S gef ThokY's Uncle tCo> Tommy Kirk, Annette r SUJN. MON. TUES. WED. - lUNE 2, 2', 28,29 'HM'N GREEN" (CUiff Richaird)ý j Local News Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith of Oshawa 'and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Solina visited their aunt Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Sunday. Mrs. Raye Grenneil of Ottawa visited Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Monday. Mr. Grenneil was a fore- man at the Forestry some years ago, Remember, Orono Church Sun- day School Anniversary this Sun- day. Services at 10:00 a.m. and 11:15 arn. For. furthe.r informa- tion see 'Coming Event.' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Mrs. Harry Bailey and Mrs. George Webster of Bowmanville attended the wedding of their cousin, Mr. Robert C. Cumming to Miss Judith Hlalstead in St. John's Anglican Church, Kitchener on Saturday. Mr. Larry Miller and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn accompanicd Mr. and Mrs. R. Van Horne on a motor trip to Niagara Falls last Wednes- day. Mr. Thos. Lewis is a patient in, the Oshawa GeneralIUospîtal, *and making favourable progress. SERVCE ËM # T"U[TF'l' Oro Rev (no Pastoral Charge minister B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE 26th, 1966 CHTURCH SERVICES Oronoù 11:15 a 'm. Leskard - 2 p.m. Kirby 9:45 a.m. SUNjiýDAY SCHOOL Oronio - 10 a. Leskard -10 a.m. Kirby -Il am RICE SALE O DISCONTINUED UNES Suntan OR Sunburn Lotion Deodorants Shampoos flair Sprays Permanents Combà & Brushes Bath Saits Bath Brushes Shower Caps Skin Creams Hand Lotions Face Powder Tooth Paste Feminine Travel Syninge ASA Tablets Vitamin Tonie Gauze Absorbent Cotton Adhésiveo fçle Nose Drops Cough Syrup Insect Killer Air Freshener Gift Wrap &-Ribbon Boxed Stationery Scribblers Wallets Nylons Dresser Sets SPECIALS, 1 lb. Chocolates reg. $1.25 for ------------ DuBarry Cosmeties and flair Colour, 1/3 Off Oul Paints & Brushes 20% off Kodak Film, black - white, 120,-620 or 127, Kodacolor CX - 120, 127 or 620 ------------ Kodachrome Il 8mm ---------------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 9 9 e. 2 roils f or 99e ------------- $1.39 ---------- $4.39 Effective June 23, 24, 25 - Thurs., Fri, Sat. j STUTT'S PMHARMACYý I ORONO, ONTARIO LADIES' RATS Vour last chance to buy one of our Spring and Summer Hats at reduced prie- os. We are off eing the balance at AT IIALF PRICE NUDE-HEEL ROSE Seamfree 408 needie-nylon hose with nude heel for wearing with Suinmer San- dais. Medium beige shade. Sizos 9 to,11.-- PRICE PER PAIR .... $1.00. BOY'S KORATRON SLACKS Ban Press Slaeks, neyer need ironing. Dark green and black. Sizes li 16, 18 and PRICE PER PAIR ... .5 BOY'S CLAM DIGGERS Býoys' Clam Diggers which are so pop- ular for $ummer woar. Black, blue and White with contrasting stripe. Sizes 10'to 16. PRICE PER PAIR ...$.0 Kitted COTTON ý'T-SHIIRTS Boy's lac-Shirts and Henley style T- Shirts of knitted cotton for casual com- fort and active sports. Shades of gold, blue, red, yellow and black. Sizes 8 to 16 years. PRICED PROM $2.25 to $2.98 BOY 'S SWIMý TRUN"'KS Boys' Swini Trunks of rayon lastex, several styles in black, bIne and gold. Suzes 8 to 16 years. PRICED FROM $2.00 tk $2.49 neeeeA R..c-eMo e eee-S a . feeNG'Sete /ýftýN UNITi

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