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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1966, p. 1

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00 'd, rnted Advance .,OON WEEKY "l IEs, VOLUME 28, INUMBER 2.5 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY -ith, 1966- 3>00 Taking Water Safety I stuctins A r o Pool Three hundred and forty child- zen have enrolled for swimming lesonis being held at the Orono swîimming pool during the month ofJuly. The program is un der the sponsorship of the Orono Water Safety organization headed. by ln- zteneLsted ladies in the atea. Registration is henviest la the two beginning classes, the Tad- pales and Beginnenrs.' One -hua- ,dred and thirty-two young child- -men have tnrolled 'in the tadpole group wth 97 ia the Beginners. The Junior division fias sixty la number wîth thirty Intermed- lates, twelve'Seniors~ and s x try- ing for thir Bronze and Bronze The classes are under the direc.- tion of Mrs. Shirley Reynolds of flampton with assitance front Mrs. Nel Snelder, Mrs. Marilyn Barabaîl, Beverley Tennant, Car- ai Nixon, Elaine Forrester and Donny MacKenzie. Tests iil be held for the Be- ginrgroup sametime in the third 'week of July. The Juniors, Inteirmediate, Senior andf Bronze tests will be under the juirisdic- tin of the Canadian Red Cross> Water Safety program and ýI ,ex-, pected ta be held sometime dur-' ingý the ),ast wegek af Juiy. Ar- rgements are now being made ta obtain the qualified tester for the Red Cross tests. This persan' will be setot Orona by the Red Cross. Graiduati.on Party Beld For Orono Grail e0 i tlý-,ers Last Wednesday e-vening a gra duation dinner and party was beld la honour ofte graduating elass of the Orono PbiSchool The dinner vwas he,-ld la the basement of th -Ooo United beiïng atteîî'dd1)yparetI1he he stùdentis,mebr of the cho ecigstaff, v ýP MembisW The ýbanquet wspoie the- parents a hecilrn i students of grade,- seven aog ., with thein ohrr ssiî,uit- dertaking the serving of close aý one hundred. Mn. Wm. Lycett, ,principal aI the Orano Schooi acted as master of ceremonies for the evening. la addressîng the group he out- lned the importance of the homne, school and church i- h field of (Contiued page 2) LETJ TE', A , Celebrate* 6Oth Anriversary serving -set of matching cups and Orana ceiebrated their /sixtieth saucers and tea pot. wedding anniversary on Saturday Best wishes were received from June 251h. Over twa hundred rel- the Queen along with ot 'her nepre- atives3 and friends called on the sentatives of the Canadian and cul for tbis happy occasion. -Otaia governiY.ents and friends Mni. and Mrs. 'Donald Hamm frmPr oe oeug, in- pened thir ome for the occa- say, Lakefield, St. Mary's Miltrin, sion, the homure 'la .hich Mn. and T'hornhili, Ee±hiany, Toronto, Osh- MIrs. Ernest Hamm.i haid formerly awa, Bownianville, Chicg.ea, .m- lived 7 befare imoving ta rono ilo, eereogli &,rd Bnace- Mn. m d Mns. H-atmm were pre- brdg. entied with a bleauliful arnay of Mn. ai Mrs. ErneýS HaUýizun a i red rc-se uds,,talelamnpsand a. A Graduate At a special meeting of the Council, af the Township of Clarke last week council gave authority to the treasurer of the Township ta pay an advance of$43.000.60 ta the Township of Clarke Public School Area of their 1968 tax levy. Direction is also ta be giv- en the -Canadian Imperial Bank of,ý Commerce, Orono ta boan the money with the intenest for said boanbeing changeable to the Pub- lic Sehool Anea. The above action was requested by Mr. Lawrence Greenwood, chairman of the Township Schooi Area. Board. The yeariy ievy is- nat due ta be paid until the end of the fiscal year. A by-law was also passed in ac- condiance with regulations author- izing th0e borrowing of $107,442.00 upon de bentures-ta pay part of the cost of a Waten System in Or- oua. Rate of intenrest, is set by the by-law at 5 1/4 percent wîth, ne- payment aven a period of thunty years.. Third reading was also given a by-law 'issuing franchise to Con- sumers Gas Company ta instal gas mains along any Township road to service residents of the municipality. The franchise ta the gas company la for a period of twenty years. By letter the Onrono Police Truts- tees asked for the nedrafting of the Garbage by-law ta bring, it more ila une with present day conditions. The clenk was instrue- ted ta prepare the draft and have it presented at the July 5th meet- ing. Presenatatiion marks 50 years i ii istry Misýs Patricia Anin Partner, dIaughter of Mr. anid Mrs. Harvey Partner, Orona, gradutated Wed- ,nesday, June 29thi in the Regis- tered Nursing Ass-istant's Course Davenport Road, Toronto. pays Costly Visit A deer paying a visît to th4e Village early Sunday morning, abruptlyÎ, ended its hife and cue cosdrbe damage taa' 96 the ee as; it jumrped ini front of thei;r late model car T'le icdn occuirn-d in front of the home Of ur .adMrs . ,, Webber, Main strýet. south. Il appears that the deerï jumiped off the front.lawn of i ,h ebes directly in the patin of the oncomin,1g car. Mr. and Mrs. MccHugh were 1returnlng, from monitor bîke racinà.la Belle- ville. leýadlights were dami-aged along with a fender and the hIood of the automobile. The incident happened so fast the driver was net immediately aware of what it was that had jumped in front of hlm. <offee. Shop Opens In Orono Orono is to again have a Coffee Shop with Hank's Coffee Shop opening to the public on Friday, July 8th. The new enterprise is, being opeî'ated in conjunction with the'Bake Shop on the Main Street of Orono, Preparations for the officiai o- pening have been completed and the Cof Ice Shop has been outfit- ted with one table and 7 stools Renovations to the front of the bakery, which will house the Shop has provided a pleasing atmos- phere for this new business in Orono. The Coffee Shop wili serve light' lunches, snacks, ice cream dishes, hamburgsi, cigarettes, chacolate bars etc. In- display cases along the north wall of the Caffe Shop will bé dispiays of pies, cakes, pastries and bread for sale. This ne2w business iii Orano will be an asset té the business sec- tion and will provide a service that lias been too long absent. REV. JOHN K ITCHEN Tributes to the 50 years of ser- vice Rev. John Kitchen has given1 ta the church la China and Can- adla were paid at a special gather- inig la St. Paul's-Cipýpawa United Churcli recently.1 The overflaw congregation heard Rev. K. A. Moyer, ministen of Lundy's Lane United Churcli, nead a personai testimonial ta aa "mrani of God" who had came out af ntiyement to build the new cýhurc-h la Chippawa. Witnessing ta the v alue to the comimunity of Mr.Kice were Rev. L. T. C. Harbaur, president of the Niagara Presbytery, Rev. T. V. Rutherford of, the United Churcli Ministerial Association and. Rev. Robert W. Koch, presi- dent of the Greater Niagara Min- isterial Association. The congre gations of Lundys Lane, Orono, Kinby and St. Paui's- Chippawa which Mn. Kitchen bas served since returaing from 25 years missionary work la China combined 10o give himi and his wife a gift af money as a token af their warm appreciatian of his ministry. In the words of Fritz Jonker, clerk of the session at St. Paul's- Chippawa, it is hoped it wili be used by Mn. and Mrs. Kitchený on their trip1 home to England which begins, la July. The service included a solo by Mrs. Grace Doyle of St. Davids, who nendered Mr. Kitchen's f av-, ounite hymn "How great thon art' and renditions by the ladies en- semble of Lundy's Lané choir and the senior choir of St. Paul's church. Fallowing the service there was a receptian in the lower chuncli hall. Those attending from 'Orona were Mn. and Mrs, O.« W. FIolph, Mrs. D. MeLanen, Mrs, R. Ponter, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrong, Mn. Charmes Anmstrong, Mn. and Mrs. Stan Chapman'and Mn. and Ms. FRaymond Chapman. Enterprise Report The oloinîs the pro>motion Ilst ff Enterprise School, S£S No, 19, Claïke Township Schoo-i Area ,(In order of Merit) To Grade IX:- ýayýe- Alldread,H; Donna Cocli- rane (H)ý; Helen Knapp (H>. To Gr ade VIII: Nancy Percdue (P) To Grade VII ; I,,aren Lowery (H); Bi Rans- berry (H); Craig Cochrane (H); Joanne DeSmit (H1); Ken.ny Chap- man H). To Grade VI Donnie Ferran (H1); Karin Cox, (H); Robi Parry (H); Warren Johaston (11); Sharon Lowery (H Roger Downes (H1); David Ard, (H), Nancy Adair (P); lIana Knappi (P); James Tennant (FIec) To Grade Il: Patty Ransberry (H); Sh-eila Kavanaugh (H); Martin Jna (P) Mark Joncas (P); Da1_ý ill- son () Nranand Ruth XAllen vvere .-hý.surprisedr guests ,Ita aniLâw'y dinner party Sunday at the homeý oIthi daughter and son-in4aw, Joan and Neil Ellott, RFI, Kendal onth occassion of their fcrth- coming twenty-fifth weddîng an- niversary. The bride and groom of twen- ty-five years were presented W11 arrivai with a corsage an& button- iere by their daughters Joan and Shanon; and Bud Hay presented them with Electric Doon Chimes on behalf of those present, Those attending were Ellen Winter, Osh- awLillian and Harry Taylor of Napanee, Jean and» Bud Hay of Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Logan and, Sharon Allia, Onono, and Joan, Nei, Karen, Davîd and Christine Elliott.

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