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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1966, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1966 A. CarruthersM.P. Outlines« Dairymen's Problems' The sers of protest meetings If the answer was simply ta being held by the Ontario Farm- provide a further 25csubsidy, the Unnn 2T,jnd the. -aem )nvneOntario.( rvrnment wou T 1 m triactor demonstrations on our sure, quickly accede to the re-t highways miust be rather confus- quest, but it is flot that simpfle, ing to the average citizen. These as the following farts wiil illus- deinsrtin, however, have trate.3 their basis in a situation that bas, (1) The dairy farmers, of Can- been develoning over the years; ada asked that a $4.00 price be t a situation in which the farmer, established for manufacturing and particularly the small fariner milk, to which the Federal and lias been caught between the Ontario Government agreed. higli costs, of opera ting his farmi Theprice of $4.00 was estab- and the comparatively low return lished by the Federal Govern- hîs is receiving for his produce. ment in order that they could A Serious Problem: find out whether or not $4.00 This particular situation cen- would provide the necessary in- ters around the pliglitof the pro- centîve to assure the, consumers ducer, of manufactured milk, that of Canada a high quality produet is milk used in the production of and continuity 0f supply. ire ýcreain, powdered milk, but- Any increased subsidy by On- ter, cheese, etc. tario would' break this agreement 1T he situation was outlined by -and upset the calculations and the Honourable J. J. Greene, Fed- philosphy on which the Federal eral Minister of Agriculture when Governmnent policy was establish- lie stated the Government's new ed. dairy policy on Mardi 3rd. The outlook for the new, dairy (2) Quebec, following its isola- year is for continued deteriora- tion, policy, does not adhere to tien ini the economic position'of the floor price for milk in Que- the dalry farmer, he said, unless bec. Quebec's own subsidy mere- governnent actiion sucli as I arnî ly guarantees the $3.25 level. now announcing is taken. Resuits' of Quebec'sý Policy: Federal Assistance: The resuit is Quebec dairy firmns The action referred to) was the are able to buy milk cheaply and establishment of an 85e subsiýdytheir cheaper products are mov- to the producer of manýufatured ing into Ontario, having a very mik, over and abovec the $3.25 ^detrimental effect on the floor p>rices established'by Ottawa IDairy' Industry. Any in ,;ease in This poficy became effective on subsidy or price by the Ontario April lst of this year. Governinent would only aggra- Eff ec ofthe ubsdy:vate an already serlous situation. Effet oftheSubsdy:Mr. George McLaughlin, chair- (1) The programme should re- mnan of the Onýtaria Milk Market- elt i a price to the producer of îug Board, further emphasized $4,10 per 100 pounds. Sucli, how- the difficulties involved when the- ever, is not the case and for the spoke to a siilar protest meet- fcllowing reasons: .in~g at Formosa a few days ago. The Federal Government de- The canned tomato) business, lie duets 10e of the amounit to be said,. lias gone from Ontario to lield in a fund ta be used for the Qnuebec because Ontario produc- export of any surplus dairy pro- ers set* their prices too higli. A duets, The remaining 75c is to be great deal.of Ontario's tabacco in-* paid to the producers directly on dustr has shifted to Quebec for the bassf«315 milk bringig the the sainie reaso>nlie added, and amount io 00. 1,<>withihi reeent ,weeks two milk Under the former syst.m of plants have rrioveii frorm Ontýarlo eubsidies the, producer would to Westerni Canadaa. have received $4.00 per huendred but, because of % change in m-e-, Efforts by On1tarlo: thod 'of payment, the producer What steps, then, hiave been iiow pays the trueking costs, ranig- taken by Mýr. Stewtartt ad the OIn- ing fromn 15c ta 30e per 10() Ibs., tarlo, Governninent tQ solve ,the leaving hlm on the aýverage only, problein? $3.75 per hundred pounds. (1) Mfter somew 20 years o dis- Ontario Government Critisized agreemjent among the varlous sec- The protestas of the O.F.U., how- tions of the mnilk industry, 1&. ever, are not levelled at the Fed- Stewart was able to establish the eral Governinent but at the Oni- Ontiario MiIk Marketing Board, tarie Governmnent, and particular- t.he aim of whiqi is the pooling ly at the Honourable, William Ste- of ail mnilk in Onitai i and the ýes- wart, minister of agriculture for tablishinent of stability in the in- refuisngte set Îl~e prîce of mianu- duLstry. facturing milk at-$4.00 or to po (2) In view of the fact that vide a subsidy to brîng the riJce Quebec and Ontario produce prac- to that amoàunt at the faf;-rm lveLticlly ail the manufactured mîyilk No Simple Solution in Canada, Mýr Stewart lias at- tempted to reacli an agreement on. a minimum prîce with Quebec. Que 1bec, however, lias remained firm in its policy of ne mîimumf price. (3) The M.Inister aise suggested to Mr. Greene that it would be wise to instruct any plants in Canada that, pýroviding they paid the minimum price of $3.25 for milk, they would then qualify for the 75e per hundred subsidy for 3.5 milk. This would put ail processors in the country on the samne basis and the farmer would. have re- (Continued page 5) Residents of 000N are cordially invited to PREI EREO WITH NATURALGA8I JULY l2th, OROm TOWN HALL Corne INleet-Your Cornrunity's New Tax-paying ljtillty. CérneSe-w fascinating movies itled "IIIow Natural Gas Cornes To Your ýComrunity" and "You Would Neyer Knwof interest toy everyonke. Corne Meet-MrI., C. ILWerld and the- district staff. Ccne ee The laLest in rn9dern Natural Gas Equijnent on dis- play. AN4NOUNOINGue.. THE OPENING 0F ANL) BAKERY MAIN STREET - ORONO FiDAJL t FREE Do-Nut with every Coffee or Tea Serving-, Lig ht Meals, Snacks, Ice Crearn Delights and Confections PIES- CAKES - PA,ýSTRIES - BREý"AD FREE REC IPES FREE REFRESHIIMHNTS EVERYONE WELCOME Meet -r. C. H. World, manager of Consumn- ers'Eas aentral District,, whowill en- tm ieetin-' u ndn ns voDgauqes tionis abê ttNatur1 dal Git mean to ùhe eop d« t of orr Ca m ity. For Further, Information, Cal IYaS 29 CELINA SI., OSHIAWA Zenith 70900 Collect or Orono 478 Why Pay Mr... 7-zON PREMIUM QUALITy 1 FEL 90OILga PHlON E NEWCASTLE 987-4215 Serving Orono, Newcastle and District

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