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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1966, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, TIIURSDAVî, .ILA'~S,16 Three StaIwîarts At Oiawa IlLocal News by Russell C.Iioney,,MKP. Miss Maureen Shetier is a pa- AsPari ament prep ares to ad- P r o bh1I e M. SI tient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- jouirr for the summer it is aimnleý oowgaapnd- gonod tme tù, refleet on some of (Continued from page 4) tomy. themcawhohav cntrbutd t jceived the 75e plus the minimum flue strengtliening of the Pearson price, and the provincial competi- Mrs.W . B ailey, ndMr. andlifrs. Government in the, past few ition would have been eliminated. C.orW. ClengfanPor HapdMrs. months. We have establislied a Mr Greene did not sece fit to go on a motor trip to-the West Coast good legisiative record in this along with the idea and the unfor- on Sunday. smssion and some of the credit1 tunate, part of it is that, aithougli must go to three newcomers Of the 75e subsidy became effective Miss Mary Lynn Bailey is atten- the Cabinet, who were added by April lst, the farmers are only ding Queen's University, where the Prime' Minister after the NOv now receiving. their cheques. she is taking a summer course. ember 8th eleetion. I Responsibiity for Subsidies: -1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tennant Observing the unwritten law Of; The Federal Governmient lias fairness, which. in inherent inacetd hersnsbiy fo most Members of Parliament the the subsidization, of commodities, farm spokesmen for the opposi- and the responsibility must re- tion parties gave lawyer, Joe main there if present federal pro- Greene a few months to get tlie gramns, that have been carefully feel of lis office as Minister of laid out, are not to be destroye ,d. Agriculture. Tlie truce ended for Joe a month or so ago and since Mr. Greene could solve the pro- that fiie lie lias been the target blem, tomorrow morning if lie of opposition big guns wlio speak would follow the Honorable Wm. for farm ridings. The resuit lias Stewart's suggestion and announce been strictly no contest. It is llke a floor price of $3.50 per liundred one Of us ordinary mortaîs craw- for manufactuing milk across iing into the ring witli Cassius Canada. Clay. Only the Chef, John, Dief- On the meantime the tractors eniaker can match Joe Greene in continue to roll and the Ontario the cross-fire Of Parliameatary Minister of Agriculture remains debate. ina iffiult position, a positioni The ,new Agriculture Minister overwnie ne as ine uutrui has aliso been 'a goodadministra-Cocuon ton, la six monthis liehas intro- We 'are ail sympathetie to the duced more agricultural legisia- situation this group ot farmers tien than lias been passed by find themselves in, but we also Parliament la many six year per- jrealize that under these condi- iodla in the past The new clairy tions sympatliy is not enougli. pnhcJîy guarantees a fedýeral pay- ment of 75 cents per hu-ndred-1The Ontario, MiIk Mvarketing wei ght for al manu-Fa-ctu1riag mqilk B'oard, as establîshed by Mr. Ste- Theue National Dairý1y Com-missionwat isdoing an 'excellent job, ha-, been establislied and a work- and has made real progress ln abie system of crop insurance lias view of the facts that its mem- been appro ved. bers have held office for less than a year. Besicdes the legisiation origin- Giveni a chance, tliey should ating from his own, department reacli the objectives the dairy Joe Greene lias collaborated witli farmers of Ontario are anxious Forestry a.nd Rural Developnti for them Vo reacli. MWnister M. Sauve, in the pas- Witli respect to subsidies, how- sage of the Rural- Economie De- even, wliere these are. provided on velopment Act, new ARDA legus- any particular agicutural food latuon and the introduction of the commodity, it should be paid by Cnadian Livestock Feed Board- the Federal Government, because Manpower Minister Jean Mar- aidl the people of Canada nft chand has rapidly emerg&î d and ail the paoplfor t f Caisnada Quebec's most effective Minister. 1hudpyfri, fti ancs Ho Is a restiess, energetic n,isary, yAe aruhrMPP sma f stature but lonngon intel- byAe arthrMPP ligence and drive. This former la- bour leader will make his mark if he ie s not become too impa- tient with theý complexities of the political process at the national level. Old 'pro Robert. Winters joined' the Cabinet after an absence of seven years. H1e las added a great deal of quiet strength. Bob Win- ters'is a big, handsome, genial engineer. and businessman who as Mnister in the St. Laurqnt Go v erument in the late '5's. He ex-ý udes the strength and confidence and is certÈinly one of the impor- tant factors in the 'steadier, surer approacli the Goven ment lias had in this session of Parliament. McHOME HEAT JACK RîICARD REALTO'R 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selhing catI WILFHAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE Phone irlZe Members o f Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board Bowmanvll 623-5589 U, FRIDAY and SATiUKDAY, JUL Y 7, 8 and EIAL ROCK-A-BYE SATUR-DAY MATINEE r.ry Lewis and Tony Curtis Adult Entertalument FROM SUNDAY TO SATURDAY, JULV 10ý to JULY 16 MATINEE SATURDAY, JULY 16 - 35c James Stewart Rosemnary Forsyth Doug McClure (Color) Aduits $1.00 Chldren 50 Students 75e and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jc Bair stow and family are hoidy iag touring the WesternPr- inces. Mr. William Buntinig is attend- [ng a course of study at Dorset this week. Consumers Gas Company is interested in purchasing property fro mthe Durham Agricultural So-, ciety at the east ead of Centre street. A special meeting is being held tonight with the fair, board, Consumers would, like to place a substation for Orono on this site. Mr. and Mrs. Donald' Staples and family spent the long week- end at Lake Baptiste. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bradley (nee Margaret ,Mitchell, daugliter of Mn. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell, wlio were niarfied last Tliursday ,In the Hampton United Churcli. S UNITED CIIURCH Orono Pastoral Rev. B.- E. Long ALL SEVCES FOR WII.L BE REL» IN THE NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCUE Oro/noGirls Continue On Winninig Streak The, Orono Junior Gi'rls Soit- bai team again registered an- other victory on Monday night xvhen they dýefeate.dthe Ne* ;eastle girls by a score of 18-3. The local club decided the outcomýe of the game in .ýhe fourth inning when tley scored nine runs while ýat bat. The game was payed before the Orono fans in the Oronio park. The Orono girls sharing in the vietory were Nancy Nixon, Carol Ana Caldwell, Susan Buntin:g, Valarie Partridýge, Caroline John- s'on, Shelley Mercer, Kathy Mid- dleton, Diane Nicholson, Marilyn West, Glenda Tennant, Ronda Tennant and Nancy Forrester. Both 'Orono and Newcastle scored, two runs -in the: first inn- ing with no scoring by either club la the second fraine. Orono then ýedged one ahead in the third, nine in the fourth, one in the fifth and five in the Il sixth. Newcastle's, other rua was> scored ini the fiftli inning. Only seven Newcastle batters relached the bases with two being on walks. Nancy Forrester piteli- ing for Orono struck out a total of fourteen Newcastle players il% the seven înnings she pitched. ORONO AGAIN VICTORS 30-13 The Orono and Newca stle girl& returncd to, the diamoad on Tues- day evening, in Newcastle where Orono held up their winning formn with a 30-13 victory. Orono turn- ed, on the Power hitting register- ing six home runs, two each bY' Caroline Johnson and Nancy For- rester and'one eaeh by Carol Ann Caldwell and 'Ronda Tennant. Ronad, Tennant and Nancy For- rester shared in the pitching for- the Orono club. *"ALE O I E We are clearing the balance of our Ladies' Spring and Suni nier Dresses at reduced prices. C(Yttons as wvell as better dresses are LI the group from 9 to 24 în'sizÈes, Cor-n ad Look tem over. 14. DRESSES, LRegulaJr values b$10.95 14 DRESS3ES, regular values to-$11.95 22 DRESSES, regular values to'$13.95 YOLTR CI-OICE $7.50 YOUR COC 89 YOUR CHOICE $9.95 Uo ~ 14 DRESSES regular values to $15-95 YOUR CHOICE $11-95 16 DRESSES, regular values to $19-95 YOUR CHOICE $14.95 Q _____________________ *c~D c. U o "J o 1111.1 o g g O Colon o SPI g g g a THE 4 C'a 0F .SAVING CON4FIDENC.E! CON VENIENCE1 COMFORTI! CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST . CONFIDENCE - knowing that you are reeeiving the best rate of interest - paid more often. 2. CONVENIENCE- longer saving hours dally and, ail day Saturday- 3. COMFORT - dealing with friendly people - iith a com- muulty Trust'Company. 4, SAVE WITH. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 King S8t. W. Bowffanvtlie 623-2527 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa FQUNTMNHMD7235221 1 1 lit a nupr whieh hé- ha% little , controi', 1

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