0JPONO WEEKLYIMES,TMBDV L7U,16- Pperty Proves Suictable, For Regional Jail, qS*"URS A property being considered for ýthe proposed Kawartha Regional petention Centre has, been found. stlitable in regard to water and land structure. Frank Weldon, Victoria County elerk-treasurer and secretary Of -the centre committee, said pur- ehase lias not been made, but an oýcption is being held pending a eost 'report from the archîteets, Barnett and Reider of Toronto. it has been estimnated that the ýbuildiflg wili cost $1,5û0,000 ex- clusive of furnishings and fees. The land being considered' is ,a 97-acre tract on the BoWles pro- perty 1½z miles west of Highway ~28 on the south side of 'Highway. 115 in Cavan Township. Price be- ç~ onsidered is $18,000. The centre commnittee is to -Meet July 7 with Cavan Town- ,sbip councîl lan Millbrook to dis- eus road and other matters bear- Ing on the centré. Peterborouigh city and the ,co>unty are to bear 50 per cent of z4he cost, with the city's sliare of that figure set at about 68 per- .Cent on a population basis. Nort- -umberland and Durham County Swill pay 30 percent and Victoria -11aiburton* 20 percent. "M0qDERN DESIGN Alian Grossmafl. minister of ne- fonDm institutions, gave formi ap- 1proval June, 17 of this proposed centi'P aiong with two others -- TLhe Quinite Regional Détention Centre and the Canleton Regional tet 4ýntion. Centre. Th-e centre, are designed to provide up-to-daite accomnmodatioýn And Irehabilitation methods and tacîities for 'men and wotaen a- -waiting trial. C.onstruction of the Kawartha cenre likely will mean a building peitfee of about $750 ta Cavan jccoýrding to current rates,. 17 Schools ~Areorganrizution of the Publie $coisystem in Darlington I1qnship will resuit in the closing of the schools at Haydon, Long Sault, Enfield, Bradiey's, Baken's .?ro-vidence and Baseline No. 4. The pupils fnom these shool sections,. who wiii be in grades 1to 6 in September, will attend otfher schools. Ail pupils in grade, 7 and grade 8 will attend the -m. J. fob Senior Public Sehool, ierHmpton. Bus tran$porta Lionr lias been arrdnged. 1Pupýils who liave been attending ln--ydon school and live on Con. J wil attend Bunketon school. Ahl students from the Long Sault will go to Burekton. Grade 1 students at Enfield school will go to South Courtice School whie tliose of grades 2 to 63 will go to Nortli Courtice. Pu- 10 Vlisit Miss Sharon Larmer of Black- stocklias been selected to repre-1 sent Durham County on a 4-H Centennial trip to Manitoba- The trip is being financed by a grant received from the Nation- ai Centennial Commission through the Canadian Council on 4-H Clubs. One 4-H Club member from each county in Ontario, will be pàrticipating in the visit to Manitoba, Miss Larmerlias been active in botli 4-H Hornemaking and 4-H<> AgricultuI'al Clubs, completing eight agicutural projects and two hornemakîflg projects. She presently is enrolled in two agri- cultural clubs and a township dir- ector for the Durham County Jun, ion Farmers Club. The Ontario delegates will tra I vel by Air Canada to Winnipeg on July. 28th andi return on Aug- ust 4th. The trip is educationai and. delegates will be spending six days living wth 4-H families in the.Winnipeg area. pils from the Bradley Schoo w Ill be similarly allocated. Grade 1 to 3- students who at- tended Bake's school l go to Solina and Grades 4 to 6Î-)to the Northi Courtice school. Gra des1 to 6 at Providence School will go to Shaws. Grades 1 to 6 at Baseline, 2, 3 end 4 will attend, South Courtice, while those in these grades front Union school will attend. at En- niskillen. ,CalJyo<ur licensgd Plumbing &~ Mechanical Contractor who seils, insta lis Wpd 8uairantees CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 143 Orono ENJv OY! YOUm rS-%TO DE "PEND ON! aýàdm.tural O asa B hable Un bon ~NTLATION 0F NATUý-RAL 'GAS MAINS IN O4RONO WJLL BEGIN ON OR ABOUT'JULY l5th, Sitreets to be>piped for Natural Gas service are: MbAIN ST. MILL ST. CENTRE ST. PARK ST. STATION W. effort sible. Piptine construction 11be "iI be taken to assure as CHURCH ST. COBBLEDICK'ST. done by July 29th. Every littie inconvîence as pos~- perîenced, informed-Consumers' Gas man on the job. Meet Mr. C. H. Worid, manager of Consuy- es Gas, East Central District. He fide s.is Oshawa ad is responsibie for Cosumet s Gas opeàrtion ln you.r eommunîty. ELECTRLC and ACETYLENE REPAIRS te, ail FARM & INDUSTIAL EQUIPMENT Phon11e Newtoin.vlle 78S6-2977 iFor Further Information Calli CONSUMERS' GAS 29 CELINA ST.,W, OSHAWA Zenith 76900 Collect, or Orono 478 T w"' Mao"