Pr oceed* ith Orono Rocud Pin The Orono Police Trustes at a special meeting on Monday even- ing passed a resolution asking tint >the Township of Clarke pre- pare the necessary by-laws for submi s'on to tire Ontario Muni-, * cipal Board for the construction of storm sewers, curbs and pav- ing. of certain streets in Orono. Tire total cost of the project bas been estimated in the neighbour- hooci of $108,000.00. The cost to Orono taxpayers bas been stated to be around $35,000. providiag the Provincial grants are received and porviding the Couaties does the Main street projeet included in thescireme. Tire, work would be completed at one timne with, paymeat for the works spread 'over a number of years. Streets to be done under the project include tire business section of M ain street, Centre St. Park St., Churcir St., Dickson St. -and Duciress Street. Thre project would add an addi- tional four milîs to the Village mill rate over thre next five years. ONE-DAY GARBAGE PICK-UP The Trustees have reached an agreerent witir Mr. Donald Ten- riant for Garbage pick-up in tire Village of Orono. Tire entire Vil- lage will be covered in one day, that being Tuesday. Notice of the ~change in pick-up is to be sent to ail residents of Orono. The Orono dump will also be open to, people in Orono every Tuesday Mr. Tennaat is to receive a, sum of $190.00 a montli for this ser- -vice. INCREASE TRUSTEE REMUNERATION On motion of Simpson' and Nicholson tire rate of pa-y to tire O0rono Police Trustees for '1966 is to be set at $10O.O0a 1y.ear plus an additional $100.00O per tr-ustee to look after the water wors ys- tem la rOrono. Tis wiIl brin'g the rate of pay for Trustees to $200. a year la comnparisoýn wth 'the previous $75.00 a year. Drapel Tire Townshrip of Clarkre Publie 'Scirool Board met on Monday ev- -eming in Lockhart's Scirool With :Mrs. Bari>sw, Mr. J. Lowery andl Mr, bl4rliey Robinson present. Tire minutes of a Previe6us -meeting eutlined tire poîicy of tire Board to proceed witi tire con- struction of a 6-room scireol witir ,e gyn at Kirby. Tire gym is to' be se constnucted as toire suit- able as a Community Centre- for tiearea. Altiroughir ts policy was given approval t'y tire Public Sehool inspecter it passed on a :3-2 majority of tire .Buarti. Mx. Robinson was reponted as saying tint ire was in faveur of building the scireol bu.t felt *it sireuld ire ý,one. concession souti of tire pro- pesed location at KirbY. "DISAPPROVE- OF DRAPES Tire Beard met vth Mr.-'Reia, Architect ef tire Newtornville ýShol and Mr. -Evans of tire Ev- ans Drapery cempaay, Toronto. Tie Board had withireld payaient ,of $750.00 for tire-drapes, in tire Newtonville scirool as tirey were not, satisfied witi tire clour or there use in tire teacirer's roorn. IL was poiated eut te tire Board tinttire cost of drapes was an allewaace in tire contract. ,net -a firlu price. The drapes in tire gym at Newtoaville could not at tins time ire -cianged but tire Archi- teeL stated ti-atLire purpie trim, had thrown eveýrythiag eut of bal- ance and tirat ire would have tins chaaged t iis expenses. -Tire drapes iastalled, *it was stated, werecireosen because of price and aise black-out qualities. Mrs. Bar- low said tint tire Bnard was nôt at ail satisfied-witi tire clour )of -the dr apes. Mn. Reid 'again felt tire changing oif 'tir 'm colour would correct tire clashr of colouns IL was aise learned thàt 'tire -same -drapeny material was Le b used in Lockhart,'s, gym aand tea-'. cier's room and tirhat tire mater- Ial had alreaciy nieen ~ucrsd Consumers Meet Orono Public Consumers Gas, Company on Tuesday evening ield a geL- acquaiated meeting in tire Orono Town Hall. Tirere were about 25 local citizeas preseat along witir twelve reprersentatives of tire Gas Comnpany. Mr. C. H. WorlId, East Central District mana!?er of Coasumers Gas outlined tire growth of'natur- ai gas in Canada stating Liat hins indutsry was now tire fifti largest in tire country. H1e said tirat na- tural gas use was safe, slent and rnost competitve witir otirer sources of ireat and eaergy pro- duciag fuels. Mr. World pointý out that Coasurners- had institu- ted fifteen rate reductions lanLthe cost of natural gas over tire -past years evea inspite of ising opera- ting costs. TL was stated at tire meeting tirat tire Gas Company iad faitir la tire future of Orono and tirat tirey were irere to stay as a tax- payîng utility. "We are satisfied tirat we can irelp Orono", said Mr. World. Ia tins ire said that Con- sumters Industrial Commission would ire endeavouring to assist witi tire placing of iadustry in Orono wiether or not tire indus- try used gas. "IL is our sincere de- sire", ire said, "that we becomle a part of your comrunity' "Our future is coanected, with your success." MVr. World also stated tirat Con- sumers Gas Cornpany rad a well- traiaed staff and t-iat Liey were sur e tirey were selling thre best produet along with tire best ser- vice. Foilowing tireadrs by Mr. Wýlonld a film wa i o otliaing tire procedure aad mretho1d of in- stalling main transmsso linés. 000NOWEK VOLUME 28, NUMBER 25 ORONO GIRLS CONTINUE WINNI NG WAYS The Orono junior Girls" Soft- baIl team continue their wianing ways and chalked Uip another win on Monday evening la tire Orono Park. The 'victory for -Orono was decisive with a score of 21-2 a- gainst tire'Newtoaville -club. Orono started, off in the first inain.g with three ruas, fourin tire second,, five in the tirird and aine iii the fifth. Newtonville scored tireir two runs la tire fift~h frame. Nancy Forrester pitéhed for Orono wi;th ten strike-outs. K. Ble(keli pitcired( the gaine for the Nex~oavlleClub. Caroline Johanson and Nancy For- restèr both reuistered home ruas for tire Orono tearn. The actuial- film sbown was tire laying of gas mains to the city of Osirawa. 'Tire staff of Casumers was in- troduced along with local coatrac- tors la heating and plumbing. The m eeting was also informed of the field office which bas been set up ia Orono, a trailer parked between tire Town Hall and'tire Municipal Building. Gas appliances were also on dis- play at thee meeting witir consider- able interesi being shownlan tirern expected that work on the instaPlaion of gas mains la thre Villagpe of Orono will be started e thetie latter part of tins week, or tire early part 'of next week. The wvork, after being state, wiltaire two weeks to Tco Gaud y On motion of Barlow and Low- ery tire Board is to accept a $25. discourt on the Netonville pro- ject as well as a $50.00 reb-ate o the LockharL's school. The r-notýin also included that the teachers would ire allowed 'to pick tire drapes for tire teacher's room lan both scirools. There isz to be ne) change ln the plans or drapes la the gym at the Lockhart's scirool. Mrs. Merkley's rernuneration for teaching rnusic in a numnbe1 'of the area schools was set at $175. per classroorn per year. This was set by motion of Lowery and Robr- Mr. Greenwood reported tirat Counceil of tire Township of Clarke 'had agreed te the sale of the Oakr scirool when they learned that this scirool had been strippd, to bare walls inside. He aàlso pointéd out that he had informed council tint the Board planned to retain tie Cowanville School, ýit hein-g more central te the whole area. A letter from the Public Scirool inspector inforrned tire Board that the Minister had not givea appro- val for the draft plan of tire '- Ciroaski sub-division. The letter was sent to tire Board ia tirat the Board iad asked for the reserving of land ia tire sub-division for a scirool site. Mr. Best inforred the meeting that certain iaterim, payrnts on grants rnay be advanced thîs year and tirat thns would ielp Lo offset tire advance given by coun- cil to tire Board. Tire contracet price for tire two- room addition and gym at Lock- harts school has been estirnated at $94,000.00,. WNew swings -are Le, be previded at Lockhart's sehool. Tire Board is as to advertise for two care- takers and also set a sum of '$140. a montir fer car-taking Lire four- room schools. Tis payment is fer a ten moith perk0d. DISTRIBUTION 0OF GRADES Tire expected enrolment figures for Septemnber, 196 were present- ed to the Board. Total" enroirnent is expected to be 771. Tire manage mrent cornmittee was autirorized te make a study of the enrelmnent figuLre at tire varieus scirools and to report at tire August meeting tireir recommendations of re-le- catiag some grades la certain ar- ea scirools. Mr. Greenwood asked tire Board if, they stîll ireld to the policy of placing tire Junior grades at Eni- tepisand tire Senior grades to Kiiby as set'eut by motion. rArs. Barlow stdted tirat sire felt tis was most sensible and would puit tire Board in a better position to hune a teacirer for tire Kirby scirool. IL was reported tirat Mrs. Waaaan, teacher at tire Enter- (Continued on, Page 8 TI s ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14th, 1966 Plan -lo)Re-instate Ol MC oil ' s Farm Celebrate 2 5th On Saturday July 9th over one hundred and'fiftv friends and re- latives called ta honour Normano aigd Ruth Allia on the occassion of their twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary. The guests were received by their daughters, Joan and Sharon. and welcomed by Ruth and Nor- man to their home, which wae especially charming with seveï al beautiful floral gifts. Refreshments were served in the dîning-room ;the table with the wedding cake and, floral candie arrangements was lovely. Noman and Ruth thanked their, rnany friends for their lovely gifts 'and cards; and their many Orrono friends who called and mfingled with their guests frorn Hamilton, Toronto, Peterborough, Port Perry, Oshawa, -Bowrnanville, and Newcastle, making it for then a rnost memorable day. JU7NE PROMOTIONS EnterpriseReut S3S..2C, CLARKE UNION Nmsini Grder ofmen To Grade -Vil Barahaâra Phoenix (H'1), Donrald To Grade VI YvneKoora-eeff (11), Elaine 'Brien (H), Michael Verbrýugghe Keaneth Cow,ýling. To Grade V Debra Adams (H1),. Kala O'Brien, (1-),, Wendy Harness, E laine Phoenix, Ricky, Sioen, Wayne Gib- son. To Grade IV Gregory Torlinson (H1), ae Pho enix (11), Ellen Heard (H), Rosernary Schrneger (H1), Janet Hills (H1), Julie Adams (H). To Grade III John Berry (H), Timrny O'Brien (H), Nancy VerbrugÉghe (H), Leonie Koorneef (I-1). To Grade II Robert Phoenix (H1), Ingrid Schmegner (R), Ronny Sioen, Muriel Gibson and Colleen Gor- don (equal). Pe rfect Health Record, Barbara Debra, Julia, John, Rosemary. SpelIing, Barbara, John. The Orono Chamber of Com- merce met on Moaday evening, at the New Dtuch Oven Restaurant with tean members present. It wasthe feeling of the greup that they should assist in some way with the annual fair in Or- ono as well as taking this oppor- tunity to belp -promote the many features of Orono to the thou- sands who are in attendanýce at the annual exhibition. It was felt that the'exbibiting ,of Old MacDonald's Farm in for- mer years had been a worthwhile feature and that if possible the' Chamber should endeavour this year to again prornote the farm' at the Orono Fair. In this the pre- sident 'was authorized to contact the fair mnanager, ,Mr. George Car-, son to see wbat arrangements could be made in this connection. *It wits also suggested that to promote Orono a display of the various features1 could be promo- ted by the Chamiber. These fea- tures would include the park, the tree nursery, local industry, busi- ness eniterprises, farrn enterprises etc. This suiggestion is to, be fol- lowed u-p with further considera- tion. The Orocno Chamber donated a suof $500. to the Durham Central Aglricultural Society. Thie meeting was inforied that acampig area was 'being de- veloped la coinn-ection withth owhp Centenial projee.t. At thre preseatt imne the Ceaiteunial Cornmittee is viaîting on painsw which are being drawa up for the old dumrrp aea. These plans will include picaic area, parkingarea as well as a camping area. Mr. Carman Cornish was tire wiaaer of the moathly draw of $100.00. The secretai-y was authorized to write Rudy Sign Company. la con- nection, with the Orono sign at the south of the Village. IL wasý also reported, at Lthe neeting that help'was needed at, the Oroi-o riaik in the laying of tire pipes for artificial ice. Tis work must be completed this week. Foll1owing the laying of tire pipes the pipes have tQ b te lëvelIed and prepared for the cernent floor. This floor muist be poured at least three weeks prii>r to the Orono Fair te give ample ime for curinÊ. . An invitation was also extended on behaîf of the Consurner's Gas Company to attend the Tuesday meeting in the Township Hall in c-onnection with the gas in-stalla- tion In Orono. Trent University Pla n New Petroglyph Study Trent University will undertake a new study of Lire Peterboroungh Petroglypirs, iL was announced re- cently by president T. H. B. Sy- moans.Tire study will be made la conjunetion witi tire parks divi- sion of tire Ontario Departmeat of Lands and Forests., Tire Petroglypirs are a1 series of rock carvings along a ridge of crystailine limestone in tire bush country nortir of Stoney lake. The carvings aumber 92 figures, ia- cludiag animais, iruman forais and geometrical symbols. They are thougirt by some autirities to have been executed by, Indians as long as 3500 years age and by otirers to have been done within tire last few centunies. IL is iroped tirat tire new study wiIl cast fur- tirer ligit on tire date of tire car- vings. Tire Trent study, wiicn will iast for two or tiree weeks during September, 1966, wiil photo- grapir Lie petroglypir site ia de- Lail and wili utilize- new latexm techniques Lto record tire carviags., Ia addition an extended study will be made of tire immediate ar- en and enviroarnent to discover any indication of tire reasoas wiry tins spot was ciroea for tire- cary- ing of these markings. Tire study wili be unden tire direct supervision of Professor Ronald Vastokas, assistant pro)- f essor of anthnopology at Trent University. Prof essor Vastokas, wiro studied at tire University of Toronto and at Côturnbia Univen- sity, baàs worked with tire arcir- oogcidivision of Lire-Royal OtioMuseum and tire National Muemof Canada on tire inves- tiainof Jadian and otirer his- toie sites at Rice Lake, Picirer- iag,,, James Bay, Lake of thre Woods, Lake Superior, Lake Win- ni!peg and in tire Yukon Terrtory H1e was a member,.of tire expe- dition wiie explored tire Ser- pent Mounds near Peterboroughr la 1957, and tire field directer of Trent's first, arciraeological expe- ditien, wiricir explored a site on tire Trent River in 1966. Tire uni- versity's 'anciraeological program is uftder tire everal directioii ef Professor Keanetir Kidd, tire chairman of Trent's departraent of anthropology. -- - . ~"i~/ r' -