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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1966, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JL t,16 Beh indTheO In this paragraph frein thel: excellent guitiebook for water skiers, Tomn Dorwîu anti William Pearsal maletehle sport sound highly inviting '"Few sports of- fer as, mucli fun, excitoment and o-xhihpratiou as wator skiing. For ',-c beginuor nofhing quite equais lis first run. Tho -'s anticipafior in feeling the taut strengtli of thre f ow line. There's a itbrill ln the suddcn surgo utthelicsiart. Dis k'-'os rnýy h"cklo andi bc rqy eyen tumjble, but once he's up, tflfirsf ftimo skier is off on a vibrant fliglt across flic wafer. J-I's alive as nover before. If lic th.,,nks about it at ail, it's proba- ly 'to wondor bow if could ho sc exceedingly simple." Once a sport for ouly the weal. tby because it requîred a fast, expeusive ,luboarti, now water- skiing is within the reacli of more motiest budgets" since the devel- opinent of the outboarti into a powerful yet comparatively ec'on- omical craît. Dorwiin and Pearsall's book cal- led "The Young Sportsman's Guide to Water-Skiing "acknow- ledges Fred Waller, creator of cluerama, as the inventor of wa- ter-skis iu 1925. They also cite Bick Pope, proprietor of Florida's farned, Cypress Gardoens, as flie pronrioter supreme of water-ski- ing. The tilleront types of skies are tiescribeti anti advice is given ou how to choose the proper ones according to your weight. Then, the .best type of boat and the nec- essai-y' gear are recommendeti. Now that. you. have the proper equipemut, a speedy boa t, a cap- able driver and an alert look-out the authors outlne the sensible steps for your fîrst liîme on skies. ¶hey follew this with a chapter* on basic techniques: turning, crossiig the wake, proper form, knee action, a dock start and ian- dings. for the ýoIt, hands who consîder thîs elemnentary why not brandi. eut by reating the chapter on "Skî-Tricks"? Several simple tricks are suggested: tow bar be- tween the kneee,- ,riling a single ski, jumping the wake, forwart swan, skier's, salute; and: ther maore. exacting maneuvres: back- ward swan, forward, heel boit, foothold with ski overhead, back- ski turnaround, the 36 helicopter1 ward start, turnarountis, the one spin, the side slte, the slalom, and jumping. Besides skis, >it is possible to poil ormi on saucers or dises, ski shoos, afuaplanes, kites or even on bare feet. A section calleti "Courtesy andi Commonsense". outlines a code of ethies for water skiers along with safety rulesý. Pictures illustrat e the baud signais establiheti by the L'RVEV 0FLAHE ÉCOMPLE- ran (uraint Loal N ws TED NEAR PORT HOPE Mrs L ,SiclarToon, vsi- ,Port Hope's Skeena Marina was V M frs LaSnc rlatsirno v I-visitoýd last week by 'Explorer 5' Eà& $ $ cd i end an1eaiesi rn of Toronto, an inconspicous vos- Tue Credit Union is not on- week. I~~~sel with a crcw of five students [yteadisplcteae KEN ETH E. OX h~ave ms Jack Garden andfrom Univeristies in Ontario and yourrnoney, but tpy The doath occurreti, foilowîng a o h ub ,dvdnsa ouor etr short iilnoss, at the Memorial M.adMs avyPrnr Tesuet r okn n than îpýees to e . Hospital, Bowmanville, on Juîy Il 1r niMs lro ater Tesuet r okn r Ask about îl ie insurance if Knneh E Cox119Kin Stare spending two woeks in the the fhrst ,yoar phase of a fivo- provideti wteu de E.,Bomaniio. o as n isWestern Provinces. I ycar study of Lake Ontario. This charge f lîgbe savers, E.,Bowanvll. H wa i ý1s* ýMs. Noil Snolders and chiltiren 1 group is concerned with. alon even if 7Ofh year lare vîsiting in Holland for a f ew the -lakeshore. A son of the late Mrv. and Mrs. wecks with relatives. 'CO,,- , Dîstrict rhristopher Cox, the deceased Mrs Ken Gâmsby accompauied The, crew works with aerial was born in Darlington Township h Y Mrs. Mrs. Harod Snel Danny phofograplis of the shorelino fa- CREDJTU_ _ N Hec farmoti oast, of Bowmanville and Bobby of Toronto speunt the, ken by Ontario Hy d'o betwoon TesMa,1uusLuk for somo yoars andi in recent long week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 1956 anti 1958. Ontario Hydro is T IPbo-Mn , rngu ouk years lias lived in Bowmanvillo. Jim Gamsby, Moînnie andi Steven again taking pliotograplis of fthc ___ -Phone_________________ at St. Eustaclie, Quebec. arca for comparison. Mr. Cox, was an expert cabin- Rocent visitors with Mr. and' n ftecifcnen f- et maker being employod 9 years Mrs. Don Evans were Mr. anti Oeodh he ocrso by Oshawa Wood Protiucts Limi- Mrs. Wilfred Durant and daugli-othersoelTe inset sshgus ted. An-active membor of Trinity tors, Boverly, Bronda and Ger-ofesinTh sudns av United Churci, lie was a mnemberi ultine, Boucks Hill, Mr. and M~rs. gathereti samples of santi and soi] 1 oftle esio o te uri.sediment from along the shore- ' ;of he essin o thechuch. Lester Taylor anti sons Lester hune. These are gatheret inl bags 1TTé- i qiripr, hv iq ,,j, andi Kirk of Oshawa.__1 1 - __- è 1 1the former Ruby Jewell;- four -daughters, Mrs. Jack Wylie (Louise) of London, Ont., Mrs. Alan Greville (Helen) of Oak- ville and Mrs. Lionel Baker (Joyce) of Oshawa and Mrs. Ted Rogers (Mary) of Markham and two sons, Donald of Downsview and Gerald (Tim) of Orono. Also surviving is a brother Elmer Cox, RR 4, Bowmanville affl 16 grandchildren. The funeral service was held at the Marris Funerel Chapel, Bowmanville, on July 13. Inter- ment was iii Bowmanvile Cerne- i tery. jAmeican Water Ski Association. iThe book also deals with form- ing a club, and conducting tourna- ments. The conclusion is a gloss- ary of terms common to.the wat- erskier's vocabulary. 1This is à simple, easy-to-f ollow handbook with many helpful photogrAphs to ill1etrate the text. Why flot borrow it from the Orono Library, pick up a few new pointers, and surprise your fellow vacationers next trip to the lake?' AND 1 QUOTE. Choose an author as you choose a friend. Roscommon JACK 99 King St., E. BU WMAN VILLE lVhen Buying or Selllng cail WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE Phone 1U12 Members of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board ROYAL owmanville ~ o 623-5589 0 TIIURSDAY to SATURDAY, JULY 14, 15 and 16 0MATINEE SATURDAV - 35 centsg Jam es Stewart, Roýsemary Forsyth, Doug McClure g Aduits $1.00 Children 50e Studeuts 75e 0_ _ _ _ _ _ 00 StNDAY TO WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 18, 19, andi 20 0 tever Too Late Paul Ford and Counie Stevens OAduit Entertainmient Colour HOLIDAY NOTICE Lola's Beauty Shop will be on holidays from July 25th to Aug- ust 2ud inclusive.ý anti Mrs. Joh Lesh a vi.Ite -The stutyiy lcluties sound-test- withMr. nd.Ms. M J. ambln ig of the levels of the shoreline wisthM.atMr.. J. Tam by au echo apparatus, ownersbip of ail the properties along the Seven Cubs of the Orono Cub lakeshore anti property uses. ,Pack campeti ouf last week-end The crew, bas completed ex- with a number of, their leaders amination of tie lakeshore be- ýat Presqu'ile Provincial Park.. tween Port Hope anti Cobourg anti will returu te Toronte bar- A miscellanequs shower was bu o h etpae helt inl honour of Mrs. H Bradley.,orfrte etpae formerly Margaret Mitchell, Weti- The stutients check with local nsa even-ng at tie home of residents on changes lu the lake- Miss Margaret Mitdieton,. shore property as a result of e- rosion. Mrs. Coom Coulter, nee Mary They aise, draft blue-prints of Knox, of Alliston recently visitedth te shoreline frem the photo- wifh Mr. anti Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn.' grapis. The survey will continue until mit Septembier. and sent f0, the University of Guelph for analysisý. The students began their jour- ney from Nfiý.ara Falls lu the mitdile of May. UNITED, CHURCH Orono Pastoral 1e.B, E. Long ALL SRICSFOR JIJLY, W1LBE HELD IN Callyour )icensed iPlumbing & Mechanical Contractor who selis, instalis pd ~aate àCARA N PLUMiNG AND HEATNG Phone .143 Orone ATTENTION FARMERS! SAVEWhy Pay Moie SAVE onPremnium Qua'ity GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR C-,i Farm Tanks Available WHITBY 668-3341 E-5~~EMIcolleet THlE NEWCASTLE UNITED 1Lis or CHURCU NEW"CASTLE 9874215 j ren, reduced to HALE PRICE. 1 'GirI's Terylene Coat Set, pînk, size 12 months, regular $8.95' SALE PRICE ....- $4.48 2 Baby Blanket s, pink and, green, size 36"lx50"1 regular $3.95 SALE PRICE .$18 CIbldren's lT-Shirts with short sleeVes to fit up to 3X years Regular' 95c for---------.48e Regular $1.25 for-----63c Regular, $1.98 for-------99e Chlldren7s," Overall Sets, sizes 12 te 2- -nluiths, regular $2.98 SALE PRICE ......... $1.49 Children's Overails, sizes 12 Wý 24 xnonths, regular $1.95 SALE PRICE ........... 98e Girl's Culottes, red, grey and hlue, Sizes-4 to 6X, regular- $1.98 SALE PRICE -. 99e Size 8 to 14, reg. $2.95 for $1.48, Boy's Rompers and 2-piece Sufts, sizes 6 months to 2 years Regular $ 1.98 to $3.25 Now on Sale for ......... 99e tW$1,63 Boy's Sailor- Suits,. navy and wliite, sizeýs 2 and 3X years., Rleg. $3.98 SALE PRICE $1.99 Girl's Cotton Pedal Pushers and Slimàs, sizes 7 to 14. Regular $1.95 Wo $3.95 for 98e to $Ê~98 ~AR ý 1 rv e,%Êl ý

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