ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY llth, 1966 DA'S FINEST lLUE BRAND lbud5 6 oz. VP 16 oz. pkg Prices Effective July 13, 14, 15, 16 We reserve the right to limit quantities Wite Swan Purina CAT CHOW and SEA NIP CAT ,'F-1O0) Gerber-'s Strained BABYFOODS BRUTNSWICK IN OIL S ARP»DI1NE S AYL-MER CHOICE p EAfis LESTOIL GERBERI'S JUNIOR FOODS PLUS WHVIITE TOOTH PASTE, twin paks 49c 19 ounce tins 2 tins 87c 4 3/4 ounce tins 8 tins 99c 'Regular tins 5 reg,, tins 49c 15 r+unce tins 3 for 49c 15k oz sze 4ýc 4 ins 69c . 59c GILLETTE HEADS UP HAIRDRESSING 3 oz, 59c McCORMICK'S AIMBASSADOR ASSORTED BISCUITS 24 oz pkg65 SAE3c. DEMPSTERS TWIvIST ROLLS' for 32c 5c OFF SOLO COLOURED MARGARINE 3 lb, 87c FRANZERVALE FROZEN2 lb. poly bag MIXED VEGETABLES 4 7,c LE31ON IGA OVEN FRESH MERINGUE PIE ea 49e ALLSORTS, ROPE TWISTS, 'RED TWIZZLEBS LICORICE 2 reg pkgs 49e FIRST OÈ tHRE SEASON, ONTARIO ,No.ý 1 GRADE NEW POATOES Produce of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade FREr-STONE PLACHES Produce of UJ.S.A.,Canada No, 1 Grade CANTALOUIES Size 45's 2 or .49ic anadaý o rd LARGE LETTUCE 'RoundAbOI PORT HOPE BLANK uUs 101hb bag Uc 2for 29c - -- - --------- . ......... - ------------ - - .. .. .... ORONO 10-O The ESCOS Juveniles blanked Orono 10-0 in an EOBA gaine at Orono on Thursday last. John Smith handled the 'pitch- ing for the wînners, allowing on- ly four hits, one walk and strik- ing out seven batters. Orono1 used three pitchers, Earl Cobbledick, Paul Jones and Barry Lane. They gave up 10 hits, eiglit walks and struck out six. Paul Jones for Orono hit a dolible and,a single. Brian FÔster and Guy Parks each had one lut. NEWSPAPER FOLDS AT BRIGHTON Publication of the Brighton Banner ,a weekly newspaper pub- lished by the Sotuthumberland News Service, has been suspend-, ?d indefiniteýly. The banner which began pub- lication in June 1965 under editor- publisher Donald S. Swain, was consolidated as Southumberland News Service on May 1, this year. TWENTY'ONE NEW TEACH- ERS FOR PORT HOPE -IlGil Twenty-one new teachers wvi11 begin teaching at Port Hope Dis- trict High School in September. They will replace 26 teachers who left at the end of the 1965- 66 term. There v-re 69 ýteachers at the Port HTope -Tigh School at the be- ginning cif the 1965-66 term. This will be ri,weta 64 teachersi- cluding t'- oininial at the be- ginning, of tu1e 1966-67 term with the shift -)r approximately 150 studifents to the Coutrice High School. Completion of the 'Courtice wing in preparation for September will mnean the elimination of some of the'-portable circular classrooms used at Port Hope during the past year. One portable classroom from the Port Hope School îs to he placed at, the Clarke High School where this year one more class- room is needed. MAN, DAUGHTER DIE IN BLAZING PLANE A Peterborough' man and hîs 20-year-old daugliter died in their hlazing single engîne pl ane Mon- day evening aiter it crashed in a pasture near Colborne, 18 miles oast of Cobourg. Benjaman Franklin Wilso n 52, G eneral Electicemtpioyee and his daughter Margaret had flown earlier from Peterborough to visit M., Wilson's brother-in-law. Witnesses saýid the plane.ý took off front the Colborne field, rose about 100 1feet then plunged to the ground, It was destroyed by fire in a matter of minutes, 'Drapes (Contiinued front page 1) prise sehool was decidely not in favour iof the proposai. Board mnembers stated, that the splitting; of grades was desirable. Mr. Greenwoodjc-1, chairman, stated that the policy had to be presen- ted. He was delegated to approaeh- Mrs. Wannan in this matter, Mrs. Barlow pointed out that it