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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jul 1966, p. 1

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-oy it5-a' ýAccden w - - mllhurst BlVd. Planis urhaum Farii Brenda Boy, 15 year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hoy of Kendal was killed lu a car- truck accident Tuesday evening about 5:00 o'clock. At the time of the accident Miss Boy was riding ini the front seat 'of the family car driven by her father along with lier brother Larry who was a passenger in the back seat. The accident occurred at thre intersection of Concession St. (Training School Rd.) and the G. DoRN VOLUME 28, NUMBER 26. Richard sideroad in Darlington Township. Miss Hoy was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. Mr. Hoy's condition was isted as serlous but not critical on Wed- nesday mqrning. Larry, the third pasenger in the car, was released from Blospital. Mr. McNight, the truck driver was aiso released from hospital. It is assumed that the gravel t*rick was týravelling nortli on ÏEKLy the side road while Mr. Hoy was driving towards Bowmanville on the Training School road. pact demolished both vehicles. Mr. Roy was trapped in1 the wreckage until such time as two tow trucks were able to part the vehicle enough so that the police and -ambulance attendants were able to remove hlm. The truck driver was also pinnéd for a short period iilbis overturned truck ORONO WEEKLY TIME, THURSDAY,ý JULV Zlst, 1966 No "Paper Hope River Projeet Next Week The Ganaraska Region Conser- vation Authority receutly gave the green liglit for the start of construction on the Ganarasha River wall adjacent to the ior mier Arbo leather propcýrty pur- chascd by the Town of Port Hope for a Cetennial project. The Ganaraska Bridge Com- pany was awarded the contract. The extent of work to ha dioue depends on Port Hope council on wlietler it will approve an addi- ion al $5,634 to le spent on the river wall. Council lias already approveýd au expenditure of $9000 This amount is 90, percent of thc autliority's share of the pro- ject. The provincial gove-,rumeut pro ides a 50 per cent gran from qh dprtueut of ce, g and re- TI-ur,-es.e TI nti rit agred or tme aumbr im tiug ts sare to ted' by te GnarshBridge Com- pa ny was vaiued at ,Iý$31,268. Tlie a-',, hority lad plauuýed ear 1r 'on c-ot of $2G-,000.00. Th ie Annunal Durham County junior Judging Competition was licld on Tlrursday, July l4th in tcOrono Town Hlall. Eigîtyfour ~one:tatscompeted for tic -przemoey in thc tîre divi- sions.z The awards were as follows ltpri-ze $10.00, 2nd $700; 3rd $5;> 41;lth $4.00; 5th $3.00; and 6,ht1 t lti$2.00. Bolders of the 'top five posi- tions in enci division were: NOVICE-George Elson, RR 1, FraserVille, 1sý; John Porter, RH I. Janetvffle, 2nd; Garfield Payne RR 3, Newcastle, 3rd; Ronald Viv- ian, RH 2, Janetville, 4t1; and Philip 'Nichols, RR 3, Newcastle, 5th. JUTNIOR: Glen Milîron, RH 1, En. nishillen, lst; Gerry Cornisi, RR 1, Tyrone, 2ud; Daid Kellogg, R R 1, Port Hope, 3rd; Philip Olan, RR i, Cavan, 4ti and Mary Se- ward, RH 3,, Millbrook, 5ti. SENIOR: Jim Byers, RH 2, Burke- ton, îst; Brian Bradley, RH 3, iowmanv1le, 2ucl; Sharon Lar- mer, RH 2, Nestieton, 3rd; Terry Malcolm, RH 2, Janetville, 4ti and Alan Trew, RH 1 Campbiell- croft, 5tli. A jndging teamn consistiug of, George Elson, John, Fallis, Philip Adams and coacbed by Philip Winslow xvas also eutered. This, team received thc prize moncy 'cf Six casses made up the judging compe',titon. Theye were; dairy, -beef, swine, slieep, grain & pota- tocs. Besides tic classes, reasons for tirese classes were also gîven. The Province lias already ap- proved' $10,'000 for its share of the project. Mr. Anseil said to do tlie com- pete work the authority would need an additional grant of $5,- 634 by an order-in-council. He told the authority "lie was pretty well assured lie would get the additional grant." If council of Port Hope agree to the increased a.mount the town share will rîse from $9,000 to $14. 6à4. Port Hope Reeve Ruth Clarke said sheis lopeful tînt' council will approve the extra moules. Broken down the varýions costs of tihe projeet are asý follow,,s: site preparation $6,400-, construction of the westý wail, $12,917; cliannel exca,,vation $11-170; fieldstone f aciug for tlie west waill, $6,575; mongineerngcots $17ý 6 ad Mr. Anse;Il tolu h that $20,C;00 worth of ready approved for tI cold !start immediately. Th îtlank ýof tlie not includcd ',athceot S upplent,ary 1 is es of judgiug. farmi meut quiz, au ident!ifica were also given. Tic scores of tiese ciglit eveý mincd tic winner. Two demonstration te'e participated in tic days tion. Tire winuing team Heeringa, Janice Adamn Winslow of thc North D H -Caîf Club carried out stration cutitled "Masti on the Loose." Tire second team with Wes Lane- and Ted SI the Engineering Club, ca a demoustration entitieé niug a Layout of Farm Tic- second team, recei ward of $1000 wliile th( team received a $1500 a the eligibility to compel Regional Demonstration tion at thc Peterboroni Day. Awards for this cc were provided for by th( County Milk Committece Tire comnpetition was ticstf of tic Otarii ment of Agriculture ar Bowmanville office, Tic tivities weré kept moi tic aid of leaders - County's 4-H clubs along hlep of neigibovriu'g ai representatives., Special thauks go, ou Mr. Lloyd ikirnuerMi Tamblyn, Mr. Willi1am and Mr. G. B.Rihr for providing tic cei es of livestock vIiicb ti Due to holidays there will be no paper published next week. The office of the Orono Times will be closed from July -23 -to Augus t lst. anagmentCourse Water IGreat Demand The Orono; Water System dur- ing this dry season lias been an- swering an increasing demnand for the supply of water. The re- cord to date for a tweuty-four hours period has been 87,000 gal- Ions. Use lias ranged duriug the month of July fromn 27,000 to the near 90,000 gallon mark over a twenty-four1 hour period. The big- gest demands have been placed on the system over the week-end no0 doulit due to the watering of lawns. The number of users of water froin the unicipal System also continues 'to increase with the total number now connected lie- ing 256. ;owmanville, Ontario July l9th, 1966 Boy C Forrester, Editor, Orono Weekly Times, Orono, Ontario, Dear Sirs: Re., Education aud local Polities" 1a congratýiulate you ou tlie Editorial, 'Local Politïc.s Cost- ly' wbc appeared lur your paper reccutly. Its themne of local poli- tical pressures resulting iu ih-couceived scirool building programs is one hil needs to bce brouglit to the-publ,,icý attention, particu- larly' lu iýtiese times of clienging-educational trýends. I understaud the,',aj presýent 1lier e îisa proposed bidigprog-ram forpublic sciools in he Township ofClarlke ndtînt accoring to the dlitoia tIrep q'ernof oca poiiti~ lis pe~ej.itseif t jhc. d slreu tQ Luil a r 1,;b-'cfsmalle, scliools ratiier thn a lrecntaune. auîîo'r.ty Befo e adldr essing myscif to the large v7s- the small scirool work ai istuatio r ay 1 make a f ew em'-s rgad osecoýdar -d'Ica- le wall u nderfthe jirrisdiction Uttc DrimCounty Distric-t Higli Suhool Board of: wiicli I am a memiber. Your editorial indicate,îr, that tIco sebools whiclr were built by the Board recently weresmle Ganras tin recommrended and not gcared to çxtend facilities for Vo ýcation- il~ a pakis atraining. Some of wliat was said;ru yur cdtorial may lie truc but ]ett pPc c ie liasten to assure tint further V c-ýationral and Tedlinical ac- comrmodatron is under active cousideýration and that lu duc course ail of tire District Higli Schools, witl tIc possible exception of Mill- browill probabiy bave furtlier additions for Tecluical and Vo- cainlsubJects. I3G SS WITH US Niow may I turu to tic matter of the large versus the small scloioo. It îs probably obvions to mort professional educators and iaymeu, interested in education, that change and bigness arc upon six cass- us. One ueeds only -to look at the studios lu connection witli curricu- six cas lum change and new teaching metliods being conducted by thé De- imng- partment of Education, the Ontario' Curriculum 1institute, whidli tion quiz is being replaced by thc Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, uts ýdr and by some of the larger Boards lu the Province themselveis. Bar- ,nt deer- rie Lowes, Chairman of thre Toronto Board of Education lias recently 1rms aiso been widely quoted as to changes in curriculum and techniques competi whidli are ail geared to give a better ýeducation to individual of John sîdns rs, Philip The Department of Education has apparently recommended )urlaàn 4- that thec size of public scloolr lie from 300 to 400 students. Foilow- a demon- ing are the resasons wly I sliould support this move to Bigness - tis, Thief thiere may of course lie other more valid reasons which are knowu to educators who make education their life-time job: members kinner of - 1. The larger schools allow more spccific courses genred for arried ont the capacities and iuterests of varions students. It hag% been said jd "Plan- that if a studeut lias special interests and aptitudes lu art, music, Buildings mathemnatics, mecliauics or otier fields, thîs interest and capacity vt-,r nnn- . (Coutinued page 2) e wiuuîng ward and ,te, in the Compcti- lb Junior ompetition ýe Durham ,et up by io Depart- id Food, Sday's ne- viug witl frmintic witb the grî cultural t aso to ir Carlos Tamblyn and Sons lent class- hey didý ini Consumners Gar Company broke tic first grotrnd lu Orono ou Mon- day on thc installation of gas mains. It fi expected tiat thc work will lic completed within a two wcek period. 'l ro crewrs are at work înstal- lin., toc inmchiaud 2 inch natur- a.. i ains. One crew started on Centr Street whîie tic aller crcw c mncd their werk ou Main Natural gar xvi lie trausmitted lot Ornofrom thc main line along Higliwny 115. Entrance wvill lic made along Centre Street whe1-e at tic casteru cend a redu- ing mli -station will lie construet- cd. This mb-station reduces tic pressure from tic main line suit- aile for drstribiution tiroughout Orono. Atotal of 11,980 feet of gas pipe wil libe laid to serve residents on Main Street, Miii Street, Park Street, Churcli Street, Centre Street, Cobbledick Street and Sta- tion Street. Installation along other streets lu Crono, will l1ie ýcompieted wben the deuîand war- rants suci extcntious Tic pipe ir bciug laid about Ilirce feet underground and lu, 22 foot lengtlis. Tic pipe is wrapped and lie joinsý are wclded and fur- tier wrpped During flc nstallatron period a"d possi'v ýfo-r a short p)eriod af- ter a teir.po ary office li5as beeri setup liy Consumners Gar lu a t-aller parkcd between thc Orono Town Hall ýand thc Municipal Building on Park Street. Approval Gi*veitiPort i g Co etit At the request of the Durhamn County Farm Management Asso> ciation members, a spceýial 'day lias been planned by the Exten- sion Brandi Personnel ýot the, On- tario Dep'artment of Agricutlure and Food for Mouday, July 25th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 in the Hope Township area. The purposes of such a day: is ta give some insight into the future cf Agricultural Marketing and al so provide information to farurers on the methods ta be used lin planning a change or expansion in the farming operation and ther varions enterprises. Such a day lias now been plan- ned to be- held at the farms of Roy, McHolm, Malcolm and Bey. Gray, Garden Hill. Inu the morn- ing we will look into the fai'ming enterprise at the farm of Roy Me- Holm * and would asir you to bring your lunch with you. Soit drinks will lie pro-Výided. Weather permit- ting we will eat at thé Garden 1Hl1 Park or lu case of unisatis- factory weatlier will go ta a lo- cal hall at noon. A feature of the noon hiour wilI lie an ad'dress by Pr'ofessor Rober-t G. Marsiraîl, Department of Agri.- cultural Ecouomics, University of Gueipli. Professor Marshiall will make somîe forecasts for the uext five ýto ten year period on -the gerlmarket outlook for the varins copsiuntis area includ- iug rvetoc. Wecomeudthis address to ail- farmerad their wive ip urhm Coutyand ev- îerone lute ico1iýyjrwlcn ladd1-iion an ito las beenè e, tended to frmeïslathe nei;h- bourin gcounties. The morigs Nuso e h fa-ni of R- dHlr il le a by Cha'iar1 aeg, lir. Departmnent of Ag-, culture i Management Specialisti, -sfor the Department of Agriculture in Brightonr while the afternoou dîs- cussion will lie keyed -up liv Mr. Robert Bell, Ferm, Management, Spccialist, Ottawa. Thle mornîng's discussion wil l be mainly on the dairy ýoperation and everyorre will be quite welcome to ask ques- tions. Expensive land, a limited acreage and other factors.willlie discussed at tlie McHohm farm. In the case of the Gray farmi varions factors could lie considered for this f arm lias a cow-caîf opera tion, sow and feeder operation, poultry and grain corn. Everyone is welcome, to attend this day and a special. invitation is extended to the ladies. Welie- lieve you will obtain much useful information that could help you in discussiug your owu farm op- erlation. The day is sponsored jointly by the Durham County Farm, Management Assoaciation and Extension Brancir of the On- tario Department of Agriculture.

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