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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jul 1966, p. 5

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'T -~**~- -w--- _____________ __________ ~Irzz~ OTIONO WEEKLY TIME, TIURSDAY, ,JULY Zlst, 1966 "Camping la the most econ- omical way for a family to enjoy a vacation." Thus states author ,eorge S. Wells la his "Rappier i aiily Camping." It defiaitely is a f act that if a f amiiy wishes te sec the world, the cost of motels and restaur- ants would limnit the horizons~ of the average couple w th scacral chï]dreî tu tote aloug. Excry year more and more famidiies are tura- i g to tents, car-top teats, tent- trailers, travel trailers, pick-up campers or bouse cars. Wells stressés that family camp- ing is not ail joy and blils, and newcomers ia particular must be alerted to the hazards they will encounter. Read this concise, chatty handbook betore liou de cide whether you aie outdoorsy, prataica]., patient. adaptable ns advcî tuions enough for s-ch-a Bargan ase ent eùties or t aijÎ . à 7 Ï YOUR SELECTION Boy's Lightwelight Summer Jackets,, sizes 8 - 16, priced only ................ $4.98 SBoy's Girl's, Ladies and Men's Running Shoes available in'ail sizes and colours Priced, at Only 89c, 99c, $1.39, $1-75, $1.79 Boy's Matching Pyjamas and ilousecoat Set, sizes 4 - 6X, priced............ $4.19 Bo'y's lightweight Pullovers in size 4-6X $1.99 1 Boy's Sweat Shirts in assorted colours, available in S, M and L.., priced ..... $1.491 SBoy's Cool Summer Pyjamas in assorted colours, 4- 6X, priced............ $1.98 1Viscôàunt Boy's Underwear in sizes 4 - 6X j 3 pair for... ............... ..$100 ~ Girl's ýS»rm Line Blouses in sizes 3 - 6X, $1.79 SGirl's Cotton Pyjamas, available in sizes 4 - 6X, prieed .......... ...... $1.98 Girl's Cotton Dresses, assorted colours, in sizes 4 - 6X, prieed Only............ $2.66 Westinghouse Bug-A-Way Porch Lite in 100 or 60 watt, only........39e Six Citroncîla Candles in a package for .59c, tOronio 5cqto0$1,00 -Store Family Phone 122W, OronoI FaiyAllowance Chèques Cheerfully'Cashed THE STORE, WITII MORE RYAL Bowmanville O 623-5589 0 THURSDAY to SATURDAY, JULY 21, 2%, 23 O Special Francis Matince Saturday O MARNIE fi TIPPI HEDREN and SEAN CONNERY (Color,, Aduit) 00 SUNDAY TO TUESDAV, JULY 24, 25 and 26 0 J'esse James Meets 0 Fra.nkenstein's Daughter, 0 (Color> 0 '"BILLY THE KID vs. DRACULA' 0 (Color) 0 WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY, JULY 27, 28, 29 and 30 THE UbGLYT" DACHSHUND gJean Jones, Suzanne Pleshette (Color)0 Oaise "IWINNIE THE POOH"I (Color)0 SUNDAY MIDNI GHT SHOW, JULY lllst fl(Color) and (OFit SUNDAY te SATURDAY, JULY Slst ta AUGUST 6flh AUDEY EPBRNREX HARRIS7ON (CàIor) One Show, Nighitly t -7:30 Aduis $.25 Studeuf s 75c. Childreix 50e Behin The c~nge Cii tan afari. misccllacous shower was The author, a confirmned advo- hcld at the home' of Mrs. saal ateof aming as a healthful Ariams fo- M-. iHa-Ve -1 ; v and economical 'holi,,,ay, aiso is ne Marga et Mitchell, o.i Thu1sý weil aware of the pitfalls, and day eveniiýý las't. The ho-ltess ý,as[ even liscusisess them under these head- Miss Ruth Gordon with Mrs. Ken -3'OulV ngs . Adaris, ass;sting. OR 1. It Always Ras To Ramn. Mr. ani M's. 0. W. Ro&'ph spe'it - ol 2. Balmy Days are Rare. 'ttc vïeek cnd visiting frle sds in savîn 3. Natu c's Teeth a-rd C1aws. Ottawa. OR 4. Ashes ln the l3eans. Mrs. Douglas Gamî.by ard vou-i ý yoU 1 5. Touring? Wïthout Reservat;ons diwhter ae visiting v ith her 1 inane 6. US. ad Caadia Cam- 1Von C gr. U S. jCîainCm sister aýn:dfamily, Mr. a- d Jrs Up grouPack Williams. 7. Why Should Yc'J GetLost, The o.. ieDeak-- n 8. Kis Wîl Be Kds. w'e'd a ca i to a grass fl* o Pc 9. Canmping On Bî' \V'ýcel 'hind the property of, Mr. H. R. c 10. What Siappeus To The Bpudget.Balow Monday afternioon. Il. Camping Ras A Philosopy .an .Rthieadsn Treas.. AND 1 QUOTE: ' Fraser have rieturned to their 1 P The world is a great book, Of home, on Main Street afteýr living which they who n.,ver stir from1 for sornetime iu Oshawa. ___ home read only a page. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harvey and -Augustun family have moved iato the resi- by Dorothy Robinison dencýe of the late Mr. Wm.,Mailey 1 on Mill Street. Locl NwsORONO GIRLS DROPON Mr. osaDieinso, e Ne- eThe Oroneo Junior Girls suffer- edtheir first league loss last castie aad a former road superia- Thursday evening in Newtonville. tendent for Clarke Township, The Newtonvillýe girls won the ~die;d suddenly at bis summer .cot- gamne, by a score o f 19-16. They tage on Monday. came from behind te win the Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford gamýe by placiag eight ruas acrosýs ieft on Thursday for holidays la 'n the fourth, five in the, fifth and Nakina and other northern sec- two in the sixth. Ia this part of a tions of the Proyince. Mr. aad the game Orono gave up a num- Mrs. Paul Rutherford and family ber of walks. Nancy Forrester wili aiseo travel with Mr. and wvas the iosiag pitcher white B. IMrs. S. B. Rutherford. Henderson chalked up the win. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell Returning te the Oronýo diamoad Me aad family are speudiag three Ion Monday aight Orono returaed weeks at thkeir summer cottage. to the winning side of the, score Members of Unit 6, U.C.Wf., and card by defeating Welcome 21-10.1 their husbaads enjoyed a social Roadia Teanant and Diane Nichol- eveaiag at the summier cottage of I son shared in the pitchiaig dutieis' dl Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton for Orono la this win. Orono had c on Sat-urday eveaing. big inaings in1 the third and fifthÀ Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Schoea- scoriag a total of flfteen ruas liPUM maker, Hoiland, are visig with these two frames. Weicome rai LM Mr. and Mrsý. Klaas Sehoeamaker lied la the sixth with eight ruas. and famiiy and Mr, John Schoea- maker. UNITED CHURCH Why Pay More......' Orono PastoralA E ON PREMIUM QVALITY FUEL OIL MinusterPHONE NEWCASTLI Rev. B. E. Long ALL SERVICES FOR JULY DX FUEL. WILL BE HELD IN THE NEWCASTLE UNITED Serving Orono, Newcastle CHURCH Further Reduction IL ADIE3 DREI We stili have soýme good styles in Ladies' D sizes 9 to 241/2 which we are offering at greatly prIces. 14 DRESSES, Regular values to $12.50 YOUR CI 14 DRESSES, Regular values t:o $13.95 'YOUR CI] 14 DRESSES, Regular values to $16.50 YOUR CE] 16 DRESSES, Regular values to $21.50 YOUR CMI Several Girl's Cotton Dresses, latest styles f ri to 6X years and 7 to 12 years, Reg. $4.95 SALE PRI in -jSES y RESSES in REDIJCED FIOICE $7.50 [OICE $8.95 [OICE $9.915 LMICE $12.95 om4 "CE .. $3.79 7 only, Straw and, Viscose HANDAttaStv styles. Beige, navy, and black. Regular Price $2.98 ....... SALE PRICE....... $219 Regular Price $3.98 ..... SALE PRICE......$298 qO.nCT O-ONO Callyour censed Plumbing & chanical Contractor who selis, inst ails cpd~ ,-antees ARMAN MNG AND HEATING- Phone 143 Orono ýe been too busy to Ltp. .e not interested in ig money. never have t6 borrow ey. 'an't AMford tu Pass .Xembership in the rt n., Liistiict ED- 1 TUNION ,Man., Angus Loucks Uone 4r10, Orono E,987r4215 QIL and District 2' -

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