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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Aug 1966, p. 1

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,.ppsRetitv ArcB àt aspecial meeting of the OnoPolice Trustees on Tues- day orning Fa, resolution was d'rafted and unanimously passed b-y the Board lodging their disa, -prvlof the Township of Clarke RetitdArea By-Iaw. The Re- stitdArea hy-iaw was gîven three readings by the Township of Clarke on June 7th, 1966, and is nwbeing processed. Thre Orono Police, Trustees sýtated their disapprovai of certain aspeýcts of the by-law but did not ~itthem in their protest. If no- cage is to be made in thre by-law ~OVE28, NUMBER 28o as iitlnowi requested from the law. exists thc T-rus«teeis haveý that Orono be exýcluded area defined ln the byv- The resolution was presented to Council at their regular meet- ing on Tuesday. A week ago Monday tire Trus- tees, ,at their regular meeting, gave consent for the establish- ment of a bus service between Or- ono and Oshawa by Trentway Bus Line Company. The route to be travelled between the two cen- tres Would be by the Taunton Rd. Theý service in',Oshawa is expected to reacb the downtown area and Shopping Plaza Two letters were received from, Mrs. O., Adam:s and Mss. Wm. Cobbledick noting the condition of Mili Street' adjacent to their properties where the pavement has dropped due to water, instal- lation. In this connection a letter was received from Marsbaill, Mack- lin and Monogbian informing the Trustees that the contractor. Gaf- fney, was to have road repairs completed witbin the next couple of weeks. ORONG WEEKLYf TIMES, THURSDAY, AU 7GUST 4tih, j1966 StockCar Races Atterac An Energetic 31,000 To Mosport Track Orolo Ti Stock car racing at Mospert on Saturday last proved a suecess- fuI venture \itir 31,000 spectators vîewrng tbe Kawastba 250. Tre big, tai l iding stock cars, roared around the circuit wîith a verfuaily unknown 'Sal Tovella, aChicago used car deýaler, reap- xng the spoils of the diay. Don White and bis big, red Charger appeared to have the Niîctory ail tied -up. Winner of the tîrst beat. be led the second by a full lap over bis next ciosest rival- Tiren with the victory spoils Ini sigiri, bis engine went dead. Vcteryv was left to a guy the paudcrowd of 31,000 bad neyer ùrdof, Sal Tovella To'nvella had driven bis colorful Flymoutir at a steady pace. Iu the jfirst lap ire took fourtb place. 50.Ip bet gve m a omtfort- ail vitoy oerUSAC -1965 champon Norm elsn uanther White fiiled thýirdi place with iis Dodge Charger wbile evesy- boysfavorite racing drieCn ~ainBilly Fstrtook tourti sptwitlirantheý,r Dodge. Tiretwity Mspot crcuit took ;- savage tolli arog tire ra-e t av-, JnsHurtbutise, lasted ne more -ai21 laps. His big Plymouth could take the strain only so long. Foster, who got involved lu some nose-to-tail dices with White and Andretti, was another driver bit witi trequent meciranical botirers. Stones were popping race tires by tire dozen. Nearly' every driv- er on tire tsack was forced to visit tire pits for tire changes. in tbe pits, tire csowd wa s treated te some really rapid stops. on one visit, Foster took two new tires and a fuli tank of gas in 17 seconds. The- big stocks proved a spcc- tacular addition to te Mosport schedule., The Durham CnrlArel tural Fali Fair Prze Ls a added for exhibitors and in many cases the prize money aw~arded bas been incseased- Two new clas- ses bave beeni added being one for rabbits and one for art. Ceusider- able change is noted lu the ligirt horse section. Anlyone wishing ai prize list may obtain same by -,ontacting tire r>ecsetary.1 Mss. John Rickard, Newcastle., Three Orono boys, Gary Black, Harvey Partuer and Ken Eastes- brook, spent five and baif irours on Monday bicycling to Mallard Bay, Pigeon Lake, to visit Mr. and Mrs. B. Black wiro are bell- daying at their -cottàge. Thre boys pooied their resources te rent one bike and also to have a fiat tire repaired as they journeyed m;irth. GrassAnd Tree Fires Work Progressing At Orono Rink Work for the laying of the ce- ment floor 'at the Orono Arena progresses. The pipes for the ar- tîicial ice project have ail been r&'aid and Ievelled. Further to this the reinforcing mesh bas been completed in preparation for the cernent floor which will cover the freezing plant. The network -of pipes and mesh produce an interesting view in the rink. The cernent floor will be pour- ed well ln advance ofthe Orono Fair. This floor will certainly im- prove conditions in the building for Fair exhîbits 'as well as com- pleting the artificiai ice project forOrono and district. Stili Unconscious Wendy Harness, 9 year oid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Harness of Orono is stili uncon- scious in the Sick Chîldren's Hos- pital, Toronto. Wendy was .bit by a gravel truck June 21 while rid- ing her, bicycle home from school on the Taunton Road. Lare Tbacco Crop Outare to~a'~O officiais pre- dîcttire196- crp will betb baco mnutctuersdoubt tire suppy wii methtie soaring de- Harestet ie'1966 crop began Tuesday. Georg;e, A. Demeyere, cirairman ofthtie Ontario Flue- CuredTobacco Growers Marketing Board, estirnates tire yield- will reacir between 200,000,000 and 220,000,0010 pounds. But D. E. Kearney, vice-presi- dent of ImperiaI Tobacco Coin- ~pany ef Canada Ltd'., sal lu an itriwin Montreal that tire inutywill need about 235,000,- 000 pound1s tis, year. Demand for tobacco products lu Canada is moving ahead faster than anticipated by tire manufact- uring companies, ire said. Cigar- ette sales in Canada la .thre first (ive montirs ofttis yeas rose il per cent frrn tire corresponding period last year. Overseas dernand rose sirply thns year as wcll. Britisir comp- saes et from Rirodesian te- bacco, have skef 'Canadian grow- crs te suýpIy 55,000,000 peunýds tbis year, up 62 per cent from tire average of 34,000,000 poundai -senet years. "If Canadian growers don't meet thre demand lu Canada, tiren tire foreigri buyers will have to go empty-handed,"' Mr. Kearney sad Tirey eau go elsewireeJt buy bt wacan't beae of tir dty n impt, 'ntdobe& cured tobacco wîtir stems attaebed, is 20 cents a pound, sligbti- less tiran one-thiîd tire prj-ýe 0f tira domestie produet. Tire average of Canadian tobacco last year was 65.9 cents a pound. Ontario growers produce 97 per cent of Canada's tobacco crop. Tis was tire first year tbey were inforrned of tire needs of Britisir companies in ad;onee ofthtie planting season. Tire marketing board licenses farmers te grow enough tobacco to till tire demand anticipated lu ddv4nce by the tobacco companies. Tis year tire board autirerized 4,533 farms covering about 128,- 000 acres te grow tobacco, and about 120,000 acres were actually planted. 'lWeirad trouble cashier tins y e ar, witiré hailstones, trost, and wind." Mr. Demeyere said. "Tire drougirt tils summer hasn't hurt us so f ar because rnost et our farms are issigated, but unless we gel ramn in tbe next week ýor two, we wiil ireilu trouble." Tire tobacco irarvesi will net ire- gin, in> earncst- until- August 8, de - spite tire' early stan hase, Mr. Damcyere said, More tiran 500 European stuil- ents are scbeduled te arrive at Forestý and grass fires have kept the Orono Firefighters busy tire latter part of last week with one fise in tire Mosport area se- quiring fourteen hours over a tirree day pesiod. The fire, reported to have started by campers using a bar- becue, was in a planýtàtion of Chris'tmas trees resuiting iin an estirnated loss of $25,000.00. Tire fise was located just east'of -Mos- port and was started on Saturday. Botirtire Orono Fire department and- the Newcastle Department fought.the blaze for four irours. The Orono Department spent an- other six hours on Sunday anîd four irours on Monday in the same area extinguisbing furtheýr outbreaks of the fire. It bas been reported that as- ound sixty acresý of Christmas trees were destsoyved 'by tire f ire. Wirile attending, the fisce ead of Mosport on Monday tireloa firemen extinguished a grass fire nor'th Mf Mosport and tire bound- ary road wben a muffler feul off a baller catching thre hay on fire. Botirtire Caesasea and'Pontypool fire departments were cailed te tins tire. On Saturday the local depart- ment not conly answered the eall eajst of Mot)sport but also were pre'sent attÎle Cear'ymninrg ac- cidient, 2:45 on Hlighiway 115 so i 0 rono, oruzproperty grass fise (east ý of Cowanville Auto Wckr at 10:00 arn. and at a gass "ire ut the Clougli prpe ty t :30 ýp.m. ln Orono, *Tire De.partrnent aîso extingu- isired ýa giass and Ire fr onMon day, July 25th on tire'oWýebià farm on the ténth uïne ofq Clare. ins tire covered 20 off ire îdeof llighýway 11,9 rnst norir f treVillage. DuigSturday there was a tirird and minor tire inside tire Mosport circuit. Tire. grass and tree blaze burnedt for iraîf an heur beore track mas- shalls bongirt it under control witir tire extinguisirers., Tire ' forests tall et depatmetoe lands and looked lu gratitude te tire maiin ou uesday merning. 111 dou't tbink it is geing te ire enoirgi," said, Ms. Breen efthtie Departrnent ef Lands and ForestIs. "This area is tire worst I haveTý ever seeu it. Tire slightcésttig wiii set it off." Tire departmeut iras se tas as- caped set free witi its 10.000 acres et, trees on land stretching west trern Higirway 115. IlWe are hoping aud keaping a cnstant guard on tba land," saidA lui. Breen. Toronto International Ais port be- gin ning tuis weekend te jein tire estimated 50,000 workers wbo wfl b-.e eugaged in ticeirarvest. Ano)ther 2,000 workers are ex- pc tet corne frorntire soutir- cr Jlnîted States wircre tire te- b-acco ir,-arvest bas been completed. 1, e cc e Pîtued abveis M. lu Mlrs. Douglas Melvilfe 1irdiro were msrricd Saturday, Jun-e i8tir .66Tire bridie, Inez Jce Har- r stire daugiter 'et Ms. und M"s Lswene HrrsOrone sud tira groom, Ms. Douglas Me vila 1-ird, son et Ms, sud Mrss J. M. Hird, Whitby. Two passons were killed sud fous were injured early Saturdsy mornîng ln a iead-on twe-esr crash ou Highwsy 35 just seutir ot Oreno. Jean Boland, 17 etof Pretoria 'Rd., Gaît, a passenger in a car driven, by Patr ickr Mizzoui, 23-et Earls- dale Ave.., was killed, 'Lauden Boyles, 49, et Carrel St.,, Toronto was aise killad in the ac- cident. Andrew Hart, 48 etofBroadview Ave., Toronto, divroftoeeoe tire autos, is lu- serieus condition in Toronto General HeIspitai. Drives efthtie second car, Psat- ticik Miziz'was taken te Oshr- awa Hospital wirere is reported te ire in serlous condition, Two other passeugers in tire Mizzoni car werd aise injured. They are Veronica Dominas, 227 Andrew St., Gaît wiro was takan to, Osirawa bospitai aud Peter Grabarin, Don Milîs Rd.,- Don ilswho is in serlous condition Alu To)ronto General Hospital. A fourtir person was net sari- eusly njured., OMM ------------

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