ORONO "WEEKLV TIMES, TIJURSDAY, AUGUTST 4th, 1966 Inez Joyce Harris Bride 0f Douglas Melville The rnarriage of Inez Joyce -Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. !L.-awrence Harris, Oroneo teDeg- las Melville Hird, son of Mr. and -Mrs. John Melville Hird, Whitby took place at Ail Saints, Anglican Church, Whitby on June 18th, 1966ý at 2 pxn. Rev. S. J. Arm- 4trong officiated. The church was decorated with white mums and snapdragons, The wedding musie was played by MArs. Broughton, church organist. The bride was given in marri- zge by her father, and was wear- -Lg a formai gown -of white satin with a scooped neckline and fit- ted bodice, flowerd appliques a- round the neckline and down the back edging of the Chapel train -which f ails from the waist. Flow- ered appliques and a bow set off lhe skirt front. The btide's veil was elbow length, caught by a. ~crown of satin material with, flowered appliques. Her flowers' were white orchids with yellowý ,entres and white stephanctis. The bridai attendants were Miss, Judith Haight of Oshawa, maid of honour; and bridesmaids Miss Evelyn Harris of Toronto and Miss! Lînda Harris of Orono, sisters of, the bride. The bridai ttendants 'wore sheaths of yellow taffeta with lace overlay and a remove- able floor length overskirt 0fi _3ellow taffeta, scoopedl neeklile ,pnd capp ed sleeves. Their yellow tipîle veils were worn with f low- -ered headpieces. Their bouquets vere crescent shaped white daisy- rhums, the maid of honour had golden garnet roses., The best man was John Hird of' Yoronto, brother of the groom. 'The ushers were Ronald Harris of Orono, brothier of the bride and Richard Suittonn of Toronto, cousin cof the 1grýïoom. A reetn was held at the hnme of the bride, on the 8th 1hie, north of Orono. The bride's roother received wearing a sheath drecss of turquoise crepe with, ,iite accesories and aý corsage of, -çddýte gardenias anid stephatotis. 1T he groom's mother assisted 'iýearing a sheath dress -of blue sik wth white accessories an~d a corsage of white gardenias and, t ephanotis. The bride's travelling costume 'was a three-piece white and navy. ,ýst, a red hat and white accessor- ies andl a corsage of red roses. Their trip will be to British Col-, -embia. The bride attended Oak Public School; Orono lligh Sehool and, graduated fi om t'he Ontario Hos-ý pital, Whitby as a registered nurse. The groom attended Whit- Éy District High School, Univers- i!ty of Toronto, York University, imlcMaster University and is a Post Graduate student ln SocielogY at MeMaster University. Guests were present from St. Cloud, Minnesota, U.S.A., Port Ar- 4Lnur, Houton, Michigan, SA, 'Toronto, Bowmranville, Wýýhitby, Oshawa, Orono, Hamniltonr, Scar- borough, Ajax and Bagotvilie, Quebec. Many miscellaneous sbowers! ,were held prior to the wedding. In Toronto hostess Mrs. John iHird,' in Orono the hostesses wvere ,Mrs. Robert Morton and Mrs, 1ýeorge Mrton; a comnmunity shower was held at the Firby, 'United Church where many love- ly gifts were received. Progressive Conservatives about 200 strong,, gathered at Orono Park recently With their families to enjoy a picnic sponsored by the .burham County Progressive Con- ïervatîve Association. The day was cool and severai for some time to corne. Ail speakers agreed it would be necessary' to take governmental Bmoves aimedat bettering the lot B ird of farmers in order to achieve a ---- strong. economy in generalý Rows . .P.P fo Norhumer-throughout the province, land.LIBERAL LEADER PROMISES At 92 years of age, Herbert SMAHTC GVRMN H'ooey of Blackstock qualified, as YPTI IC'GVRMN the oldest P.C. in attendance and A Liberal majority in Queen's was awarded a prize. Park wouid provide a goverument Thee wre nc spechs gv-which would always be sympath- Ten y r CaruterseeMr.sRowe, etic to the needs and aspirations and Ga recard ho, M.coedlof the electorate, Andrew Thomnp- the Gasnt Rfeder elecon wthotd1;son, Ontario Liberal Leader, said thelas leerl eecton wtho1 u ïrecently at the annual picnic of §uccess.11,1 11 the Durhamu County Liberal Asso- Making referen~ce to his defeat ciation held at Waltona Park in Mr. Rickard said, "'This is a land Newcastle. of honey and I got stung." I Over 2,000 persons aý1n1 Concern was expressed by thc the event to take part in the speakers about the pres-ent statei sports and bail game between the of farm cconomy. noither and southern Lîo)eîais of Mr, Carruthers said this topie the County. would bec2ne whîch would be dis- The Leader, of the officiai Op- cusssed "on every street corner" position blasted the Ontario Con- servative government for showing Smith Fals home for retarded arrogance toward the electorate children was epressed by Mr. in the matters of refusing to see Thompson who told bis audience delegations at Queen's Park and he had just completed a tour et failure to get about the country the Ottawa Valley area. and, communicate with- the citi- zens. "We have the wealth in Ontario to make conditions in that home Mr. Thompson charged that better and we cannot remain coin- Conservative cabinet members placent about matters such as show lack of concern by giving these", he said. cold receptions to delegations of farmers, businessmen and labour Mr. Thompson said that1 candi- uions. dates of high ability are coming Farmers especiaî:y were ern- forward and are being sought for countering business hardship be- the next election. If the, Liberal cause, of the economie cost-price1 Party were elected to power, Mr. squeeze, the, speaker said. IThompson said. he would promise one of the finest group of able Speaking of the difficulties Of members- ever, to sit at, Queen's labour an.d union fears Of court Park. injunctions which îestrict their activity, Mr. Thorapson called fori lWr. Thompson was introduced the establishment of a labour- yRselHny ..frDr management council which would ha, Rusil ltoeMpr oria urib enabie constant, dialogue between ham w a i udethe rv finlofb partiesparor thderolhtidirection of parifr thsluio o mtul r, Thompson had corne to the problems.'point where it coulci easily win Concern over condition at the the next election. n±~ 'i~A1 :i mii FEATURE! SAVE 9c! SUPREME ÉRAND DONUTS 2 049c, IBEST BUY! - Save 7c! - AUNT MARY'S 24-Oz, Loaves SRLICE'D BREAD 3o6,5ýI EAIE!SVOlFEATUE AV e EG !- WESTON or SUNBEAM SUPREME BRAND SUPREME BRAWD HAMBURG BUNS or RASPBERPRY APPLE PI WIENER ROLLS- BUTTER HORNlS 8TO PACKAGE oPkg. Vor Save Twice TENDER LOIN with Trim and Price! LO1 O'P R K PORK CHOPS lb.89 RIBPORIONLEAN MEATYPORK Specîally Seleeted,q SPARERIBSlb19 Value Check'd, lb< ALWAVS TENDER - FRESH SLICED Tender and Juicy PORK LIVER lb, 49 FOR FRYING-MUM SEASONED PURE PORU 3 to 31/ lb. average ~JÇ~ lb. 69Ê BEST BUY! - Save 24e! - WHITE OR COLOURED TISSUE, WHIT_ SW N8ôroils $1 I BEST BUY! - Save 34ü! TWIN BAR OR PABCHMENT 1Lb. Pkgs. M__K___ 4 for $ BEST BUY!- 1-zBottles BEST BUY! - Save 13c! -KEAPI DELIJXE 8-0z. Pkgs, CHEESE SUICES 2 for 69e SAVE~~ 10!-Oz. Round Tin PRE Lndieo M9a SAVE 12c! - EiVAPORATED MILK SAVEF 9e! - KE LLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES Tai! Tins 6 for 99e 10-0z. Pkgs 2 for 65e, SAVE 9û! - LIBBY'S FANCY 48-0z. Tins TOMATO JUICE 2 for, 69e FROZEN FOOD FEATURES l SSAVE 4c! - WELCH'S F GRAPE JUICE 6-oz. 2 o 4,3 STJPREME Brand FANCY PEAS 2-Lb. Bag 53e Save 14e!- 10e Off Pack! - Purina DOG CHOW 5-lb. Bug 85c Best Bny! - Save 6e!- Red & White TEA BAGS Pkg. of 60 59C Save 4c!-Red & White I-TýIngenized 16-0z. Jar PEANUT BUTTER ý3% Sunshine Fresh Produ,-ce TREF RIPENED SUKS 3 D o z SWEET, SALMON FLESHX #1 Extr3a Large Size CANTALOUP ESe.49 ALL IPUBPOSE #1 3-L'b, Bag YELLD fO IO INS eo. 49e NUTRITIOUS HOME. GROWN #1 3-Lb. Bag ea. 39e eti an] bite, rono 19 "'1>1000