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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Aug 1966, p. 1

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eý OROND EKYTPE VO-LUME 28, NUM"Ex 29 O'RONO Wý7EEELV TIMF-Sý THURFSýAY, AUGUST lh,16 To Consider Joint Kydro nd 91,000 GaIS. Water' WnlorCr~w it ~ ndlopum'ped i Da wv Uflum %BU~VUV V i**i *UlVV'%ujluM was running cls o oey and hé, anicipabed ;Ianotheýr debenre!i', next year. &ohE .Woyr and D. Simpson stated that off'ic- iais of Ontario 1Hydro, had said that there would be no need for any debentures for thenexb three years. It 'was stated that the in- creased hydro rates were to take care, of éxpenditures bobi this ycar and next year. Mr. Dent ont- llinedl some of the work that wl have btobe underbaken this year which iricluded reconsiruùiion, for the hotel block, 3-phas-ýe ser- vice bo tbe Do-Nut plan!t and also work on Division Streetc-. It was also cxpressed- at the meeting that Hydro vehicle equip- -ment, was not the best. Thc lad- der ruck bas been baken out of service 'leaving ýone biruck for hy- dro and waber work1-la the Vil- lage. Mr. Woodyard stated that on Saturday and Sunday ,,vhe, had made a survey of trees in the Vil- lage and in his- opinin sbated that' a lot of thereentrtee, trouble was du it poor pruning practices by botlh hydro and bel- ephone. Ue said limbs, whVen cut off should bceuct verbicle and close to thétrn thsalwg bhem to, heal over. Leav-ing stnbs only cause raddcy he said. ile also said that ood pr-0 ng The Orono ilydro Commission, thvough corespondenice, received approv ai from the Ontarîol Hydro of the uc-w hydro rate structure which came int effect in the Police Village of Orono, on Aug- ust lst. As the gro-ss bill is to be the net bE i a ive per cenit charge wiil be made on overdueacuns The letter was placed on file. Mr. Dent, hydro manager, asked thé Commission what their desire was in hiring a helper for hydro work. E. R. Woodyard, asked if hydro was to have a two or three crew, Mr. Dent said that they could not th,-ink of g'oi>rg backL to an two-man crcw. Mr. Woodyard also asked how nuhwork had to be done to the -nd: of the year for this,' he saîd wouli5d affect the decision on the size of tbc crew. Both Mr. Simp- snand Mr. Woodyard asked for a worýk programme to the end of ,h ear along with a financial reportto cover this programme. Thriis request was covered by a resolution. Mr, Dent. also suggested that the Orono Commission meet with the Newcastle Public Utilities te see if some arrangement could be made in joint use of a work crcw, between the two centres. This sug-' gsinis to Lbe followcTd u ta ~ater dte b bc commiss3ion. C mmssonthat teOronoHyr Need f Teanciîng Staff, The Public Scireol Board of bbc Township of Clarke met la Lock-' hart's Scirool Monday evening when it was reported îhgt there wmas stili five teacirer vacancies. Tb was iai-se stated that other Froarils were aiso having trouble la birlng tireir requirement of 't;eachers, Tire local Board is to again advertisc- for teachers and preparations are being made te bire 'teacirers on letters of pc-r- 'mission. lb Was expected by tire Board that one or twe, contracts would ba signed within bbc next few ,ays. Mrs. Barlow was aubhorized, te make furtir interviews. A rc-quest was made to tire Board concerning the use of the closed Lakeshore scirool for a re- union of former studeats of tire scirool. Tire reunion would be held ln 1967. lb twas pointcd out ,at bbc- meeting tirat tire scirool wxas te bie sold and that tire Bpard ivould net be la a position bu grant bbc use of tire scireol. Mr. James Lowery was aubier- izc-d te Iook after the positioning of entrance culvents te boti tire Lockhart ani Newtonvillc- scireels. Mr. Wm, Wannan was authorized, te secure prices for soidding at tire Lockhart's scirool, Curbiirg 15 aise to be placed at Newtonville and Lookirarts. Ib was reported at bhc meeting tirat Grades 1 te 4 are te be taught at Enterprise wbile grades, 5 te 8 are te be týaught at bbe Kirby sciroo-L. tme Junior playgrouad eLqnipment is te be installed at Enterpnise scieol. Ail locks at tire Browvn's sehool are,ý te be cbanged as a niumber ef eys are miissing for tire scirool. Before setting- conditions and establisiring a prnice for thre use of the Newtonville g-ym. by the' Scouts and Cubs, the secretary, Mr. H., Best, waýý requestedý to cbntact.tire Port Hlope Board to find out their arrïangements for sucir groups. Mr. Greenwood ýre-, ported that the Newtonville care- taker was not overly anxious for the additional work. and some board, members expressed some scepticism on the use of tire gym by outside groups. Mr. Best is'to, report his findings- at thre nexb meeting of thre Board. Tbree sehool buildings wbich have been permanently closed are to be advertised for sale byten, der. Tire schools are Oak, Antiocir«' and Lakesirore. , Mr. Best ýreported that around $1-700.00 bad been spent on text books this year and that most of tire texts had been standardized throughout tire arca, Itb was stated aithtie meeting tirat the Cowanville scirool la to be retained -as a spare school whicir could be used -in an emerg- ency. It is expected tirat students from this school may tins year attend Lockhart's achool. he Board took 'no action to pay an additional sum of money.te lWIr. Carscadden 'for busing four students which hrad not been re- ported during the scbool term. On question of Mrs. Barlow lb was stated tirat children from tire O'Chonskî subdivision, west rif Oronoa, would have to walk to tire Orono school. This was due to a resolution passed by thre Board last year seting out their policy of busing. ln some instanc- es a student' may be bused if witin a mile and a quarter while others must bc et least two miles ,distance from bhc sehool. M%,unicipal wa,,ter in Orono is stili muich in demand. A new re- cord of 91,000 gallons was used from the system during a vecent twenty-four' hour period. With about 275 connections now made to the system each 'family unit is using close to 340 gallons per day. The use of water in Orono sur- passes that of Newcastle where the average daily use for 250 customers runs between 40,000 to 45,000 galions. Customers in N catepay, for their water by metered rate wýhere in Orono no meters are uised. A fiat rate ch]-arge is lev-(-iedannually Thee i litledoubt that water- ing lw, takes- a considerable a- mount of Iwater,3 from the Munici- pal system.i A comnpet'*ition1 is being, spýon- sored teoVobtin a design, for the Duvham, C entr-ai %gicultnral -Sp- ciety 1967 Ce-n'tennial P rize List cover. This comipetition is open to High ,School students, and is - sponsoredi by Spring - Grange Farm, Mr. John Rickard, New- castle, Ointario. Prizes will be awarded la ap5,nounts_ ;of $5 00, $3.00 an 2.00 Exhîitsý will be on1 Fipa tbb rn air this comig Setemer 8h, th ani on bristol oadsize, of cover 18"x12'. Tw',o colours may be usýed :n the desiga. Printing bo appear on the cover is "Durham Central Agricultural Society Pair at Or- ono, September 7, 8, anýd 9, 1967." Entries whcn completed may be left Ut th.e hoýme of Mrs.' John Rickard4 Newcastle' or taken bo the, fair office, Orono prier to Thursday .noon, September 9, 1966 Thisis an, oPpotrunity for tirose aritehigir schireolstudents to pu4t tireir talents, to worç Beaeer Sigbted It, han bec-n reported that a bear has been isigirted in tre>,area of tire third line of Clarke-, wc-st of 116. TÉ-e report states that tire bear has bec-n sec-n on flive or six 'occasions and that *other marks Tihe Township of Clarke at their recent August mneeting gave two. readings te a by-law on bebaîf of bbc- Police Village of Oronae te aubirorize tire çonstruction, re- construction and extenf,,oa n of certain capitol works la bbe Pol- ice Village at an estimated total costof $108,700.00. Tire work an outlined lanbbceby-law Includes 9torm sewers, curbs, gutters and paving of Churci Street nortir, Centre, Street, Park Street, Dick- son Street, Princess Street, and a portion of Main Street ia tire business section of bbc- Village. Tire estimatcd cost of bbc- storrn sewcrs amounts te a sum of $52,- 900,00 while tire\ curbing, gutter- ing and paving amjounts te an c-s- imated $55,800.00 The by-law aise makes provision for bbc Township te bez'row a This comiing Wedkeýsday, Aug- ust l7th a StreetFair andi Dance will be hield on the Main 'Street of Orono. The night is beîing spon- sored by the Orono ArtifIcial, Ice Committee with total proceeds going towards the cost of instail- ing_ Artificial Ice in the Orono Thi-e Street Pair will take the uisaal formý on the MinStreet VIithilnumierouis gamres o chance-, Musicfor he dnceunder the star-s wl be poie by Norm MeKeen anýd Is Western Four. Also to tkeplae on Wdc day will be the draw foJr te -icli colour Television wich wil be held arouind eleven ocok The nighýt is beingsonre to helppa the cost of artific-iai ice b inOono and suppoý-rt of the Street Pair -will assist with this project in the Village. Bus -service Trentway Bus Lines Limited of Pet'vjborough have established a bus service between Oshawa and Orono. The service is available twice weekly at the presenj time, on Thursdays and Saturdays. The route betvveen the two centrcs is along the Taunton Road. Free transportation is bcing. provided on August llth and l3th of this week with the service to both downtown Oshawa and the Shopping Centre. The service op. ened last Saturday, August 6th., such as claw marks on trees have also been observed. Parents are concerned i this area-for the safety of thei child- ren, it is reported. Work at thc Ovono Rink vaa b ful swing 'on Wednesday we the cement floor was poured - fa bbc rînkbuilding. The floor is bbc ful size of Uhc ice surface and tis operation practically com- pictes thre artificial ice project at thre rink. During thec day well over fifty volnnteered their belp Ina wheel- lag the cernent from the cernent trucks iabo the building. Two wheel carts were used and by, noon the floor was haîf cern- picted.- 1A cernent contracter from Ajax was hired to ovense the project and te level and trowcl tire ce- rnent. Trose in charge cf the projeet wore most' happy witir the turn eut of volunteer help which made sumoýf $38,080.00 eitirer on boan from a b4nk or by debenture at an interest rate net grea-ter biran six pE-cent. Tiscàst wlll be levied againsbtirhe Village proper- ty and is te be rc-paid over a five year period commencing la 1967. Township Counciliaise gave 3 readiags te necessary- by-laws cstablishing tire Nominations and Election. dates for tic- Townsbip anda Police. Village. Nominations areý te be ireld on Novemàber 25ti wibir elections, if nccessary, on Decemiber Stir, Approval was also given te Mr. R. D. Parker te improve bbc town- ship road at lots 16 and 17, con- cession 3. Tis work was requcst- cd by MnF. Parker'anad is te be undertaken at ne cost te tire Municipality. Tire work îs to be donc under the supervision of thre Township Road Superintea- 4Oth Annivérsary Ahappy family ,'y"gettogethe" wais leld at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Coathýam, Somerville Rd. on Sunday, August 7. The occas& ion for* this pleasaot gathering waýs the fortiethwe:dding annïvers- ary of Mr, and Mdrs. Coathanm, August 4. After some time spent aiiJt- ing, lunch. was served on the spac- ious lawN in uthe coýol shade of t he man beutiultreeýs. A presenta- tino ole lamp was mdeto th bid nd groomrr offrty occsin."Phy eceiîved ,other gift an cads romnu merous Thoe wo atenedwere Mr. andMrs Dil Martineill and f'am- Stplto, Vr. and Mr. ay Sta- pltn and daý!ughters, Mr. and Mrs.GlnnStplto adfan-i1y, aIlý of N3ovil M.r.Tommy Coatham of red Deer, Alta., Mr. and rs.TedCbahamand f arn- ily M. 'omCoat-;hamà, Mr. and Mr Iflse oahm ail of Callrs b bbc eveîngwere 'r.a nd rs obS-o and Local Nw Miss LynLittie7, Kendal is, spendinýg a.flew das ith Mr. and Mrs. Wayne aiey Mr.,and JMrs. HrodCobbledick and Dennis ar on a motor trip to the East Coast Mr. aýnd MrS. Lorne Perrauit have returnecd from a tour of the southern States. a big undertaking one of caseJor 'tbc mai ovibyý A number 'of ladies of tire community'also lent their liclp by pvovîding 'lunch of sand- wiches and coffee -durilig tbc day. Sorne of bbc hcip on Wedaesday were placed at working on the nortir end of the proj ect of, an up- stairs booth and lower waiting room. During June and July volin- béers relaid bbce freezing pipes at tire rink along with covering them witih reinforcing and levelling. The pipes were ail retestc-d witlb- eut one leak appearing. Thre total project cf artificiai ice at the Oreno Rink bas bec-n cstimat-d . at around, $16,000.00. Present figures available indicate a furtirer sum of at least $5,000.00 nec-ded to mec-t thns expenditure. September 9tir was declared 'a Cîvic Holidlay in Clarke Township for Public Scirools enabling tie sceirooli chikriren te attend tic- n- nal Oroýno, Fair.2 Aletter was recc-ived concern- ingý imrovement at tire intersec- tio o 115 and 35 witir tire Coua- ty Road Noi. 1 and tic Sixtir Lne ofCarc A petition from Mr. Wm. Forb- c-s and seven otirer property own- crs reques(t-dtire closingof Pnin- cc-sa Street la Orono frorn Main stree:t te Ch;iurèh street. The ne- qucat was referd te tire Orono, Police Trustees, Mn, K., L. McQuiggaa, of thc De- pantmcat of.Tourisrn and Inform- ation met witb Council at wirich tîmeý Centéanial proýjects wcrc- dis- cýussc-d and aise tir e work of tire Genc-ral Cen.tennîial Comrniite. T-wo Readings Given By-law For' Orono $108,OOO1 Rond Projeet, Dance, August

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