ATop-,Notch- Garlener Wins iTop Award The home sronig and gardenlsof Mr. adMr James Luxon, Cobbledick Street, Orono, wothe top honours in this division held in con- junction vith l the recent I1otiîculturaI Flower Show. Mr. James, Luxon, (inset) is the proud gardelier of the prize winning entry. V(i L-UME 28, NUMBEII 31 ORONO WVEEKLC TIMES, THURS»)AY, FSLPT-EIIIBER st, 16 orticutual ciey S filclsl owr o The Orono Horticultural Soci-. ety heldthe] rFlower adVeg- Show luthe lowjer audfi- torýium o cf the Orono United 'Church o--2 ThursLiay, Auigust 25. Therewa a splendid showiïig of 1fty-seven entries from thirty- three exhîbitors. Consideriug th'ie very dry season the quality of the entries was very good. Much credit must be given thie sho caîrman, Mrs. Fairbrother and her commîttee for the way the classes were displayed. The, Orono Art Class also added much ta the show with some very love- 13' paintings& The capable judges were Mrs. Sanford and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johaston af Oshawa. Winnersi'lu the different classes are as fol- lows: Section. A. Front View Arrange mnents- 6 Different- Garden Flowers: Mrs. E. Schmid; Mrs. O. ChalIlice. Matell Arrangement: Mrs. T. Fairbrother, Mrs. O . Challice, Mrs. C. Billings. "Copy a Pieture"l: Mrs. K. Schoenmaker; Mrs. O. Challice; Mrs. E. Schmid. Modern Line Arrangement: Mrs. T. Fairbrother,, Mrs. K. Schoenmaker, Mr&. E. Schrnid. Arrangement af Roses: Mrs. T. Fairbroth-er. Nature-'sz Abundauce: Mrs. T. Fairbi )ther, Mrs. O. Challice, Mrs. Rý. Chapmau. Settioei B- D*iuing-,, Table Centrepiece: Mrs, Fairbroe, Mrs. Billings, Mrýs. Coffee Table Arrangement: Wrs. ýG. Watson, Mrs. Fairbrother, Mrs. E. Schmid. Cup and Saucer Arrangement: Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. E. Sher- win, Ms G. Watson. 1Floral. Decorated GIAt Package: Mrs. Fairbrother, Mrs. E. Schmid, Mrs. O. Challice. Section C_ Basket of Gladioii: Carl Bill- mnga. Basket of Mixed Flowers: Mrs.- E. Schmid, MSs. Fairbrother, Basket af Zinnias: Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. T. Fairbrother. Section D-. Asters, 3 , one colour: Mrs.,L. Filooey, O. Luxton, Mrs. M-jcGee.ý Astrs,5 ie: O.Lut, Pa tes ;, any variety: Mrs. Dean., GiCant Zinnias, 3: MÈs. E_ Mill- son, Mrs. L. Hoe , , L. Mc- Pamý. Pom Zinni' as, 5: MIrs. L. Schm'id. Nastrtims: rs.E, Schulid. African Mariaid, 5: Mrs. E. Milison, Mrs, Fairbrotelier, Mrs. Hooey, Frenêh Marigolds, 5: Mrs. Mill- son, Mrs. Billiugs, Mrs. Schmid. Scabiosa, 5: Mrs. E. Schmid. Gladiolus, 1: Mrs. W. Wood, W. Wood, Mrs. T. Coatham. H.> T. Rose: Mrs. L. Hooey, Q Luxton, Mrs. H. Dean. Fiaribunda or Polynuthus Rose Spray: Mrs. H. Deýan, Mrs. E. Mill- son, 0. Luxtan, Grandiflora Rose, 1 spray: Mrs. G. Wats on, O. Luxton, 3/rs. C. Miller, Da1ha, dcorative: O.,- Luxton. TubeousBegoia:Mrs. Fair- brothýer,, Mr, ,Billings, Mrs., H. Cp9bbie*ick- Milîsoni, Ars. G. W7atsou, Mrs.K Dean. Section E.- ColecionaIVegetable,ýs: Mrs. C. Bilings, Mr&. O. Chaillie, Mrs. H. Dean., 'Beets, 3: Mrs. C. B3illings, C. Billing, Carrots: Mrs. C. Billings,, C, Billingg, Cucumbers: Mrs. O. Challice. Onions: Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. C. Billings, C. Billings. Spauiish Oulous: Mms. T. Coat- Peppers: Mrs C. illings, C. (Continued on Page 8) The County Road Commission, mess 'section. This section of the on Tuesday deferred their decis- village rond is under the juris- ion in respect ta storm sewers a- diction oI the Couniy. long with curbing and paving on This work has been requested the Main street in the Orono bus- by the Orouô Police Trustees in Commission Raises em ieration The Orono Hydro Commission- ers on- Monday evening raised their annual pay bo $100.00 from the pi esent2 $75.00. The meeting was Cie r, gular monthly meeting post- poned from last week. The Comnission ais:o rucciveri and accepted a report by the man- ager, Mr. E. Dent. The report esti- mates a surplus of $11,000.00 at the end of the year. Capital works yet to be undertaken amount to some $6310,00. By resoluitionthe CommTission di. to c-harge six percent interest oni amounts i owing the hydro by two local organizations. The Orono Ice Fund owes a sum of $1110.30 and the Orono Park Board an amount of $116.02. Both organizations are !o ble notified, of the interest charge. The Commission. Chairman, Douglas Simpson,' was given au- thority ta endeavour ta arrange a meeting with the Newcastle. Public Utilities with a view to ,pooling work persionnel Ontario Hydro representatives are also to be asked to attend 'the proýposed meeting. connection with the $108,0U0 Village Rond Program. The pro- posed work for Main Street is in- cluded in the estimated figure of $108,000.00. The Road Commission is ta ar- range a meeting with the Orono P'olice Trustees which will likely be called for sometime in mid- Septeýmber. At, this time the Trustees will bel given the oppor- tunity to presen;t their case for the installation of a storm sewer (Continued page, 3) Junior Bond Starts onda ith50 Thé Orano Junior Band wilI open its lu session this Monday evening, September 5th at 7.30 p.m. Pràctice sessons will be held upstairs in the Orono Town Hall and will continue every Monday evening. The Junior Band will have a compliment of young musiocian.s numbering Irom fo>rtY-five to fift- ty. A group of twenty-two wha ,, 1have been practîcing during, the su1.,, ,ner months will john wîth the original twenty-eight -ta bol- ster the number in the band con- siderably., Mr. A. Darch will continue as baudmaster for the group. Mr. Darch bas stated that ail parts for musical selections will now be well represented. Besides the cor- net section additions will be noted in the bass, bnritoue and clarinet sections., A full section of trom- bones bas been added as has a section of saxophones. Einphasis this flu. season wil be directed, to music reading, aud quality of toue, states Mr. Darck. It is, als'o anticipatel. that at least one concert will be held prior ta December with a number ta, fol- low in,1967. T ýo stimulate and maintain in- terest 'éonsiderable new music ha ta be purchased 'this year amount- îug 'into the huudreds of dollars and -will be suitable for ;the Jun- ior Band. Further, the Senior Band on Monday evening of thîs week passed a motion allottîng manies, from $55000 -ta $600.00, for the purchase ofI more instru- ments ta be used lu the Junier Bland. A fiat rate charge aI $1-00 .a month bas been set for Junior Baud members and this will in- clude the weekly practice, the use aI their present instrument, and is thought ta be adequate ta meet repairs 'and purchase new music. There, wîll be no rentai charges of $400 as bas existed in the past. The Orono Baud, will provide ail instruments now ir, use withhi ',)e $3.00 rate. If y'our child l a.a member of the Junior Baud make sure they are ont ou Monday night when the Baud starts up for the flu seasaon. Auy Junion Baud member wha bas a silver stand at home is ask- ecd ta, return it ta either Mr. Car- max Coruish of Mr. Roy Forrester this week, as they are xeeded by, the Senior Baud for an engage- ment in, Port Perry on Monday afteruoon. The County Rond Commission on Tuesday accepthbd the tender of Bennett Paving Ca. ta pave the County Rond from Kirby ta Ken- dal The work is ta be completed by October lSth. .. The contract price for paving and for a deceleration lane on Highway 115 at Kirby is $66,000, $10,000. of this amount will be paid by the Province for the de-- celeratian mune. Again this year the Ontario'Provincial Police Mo torcycle Precision Squ a will akùis ;appearance at the Orono Fair on Fn., Sept. 9, 3 and 7:30