ORONO WEEKLC TIMES, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER là, 1966 Isaïàah 55: 1-9 St. John 7: 37-39 We are constantly reminded ofi the national and international concern about the value of water1 and thediminishing supply in the1 North American Continent, and1 that it will be folly to continue taking that supply for granted. The hiot, dry month of Juiy and the parched, thirsty soul have been a forceful reminder of our dependonce upon our waterways. The Bible reminds us that if man's existence is dependent on water, so it is. with spfritual things. The Psalmist writes, "As pants the hart for cooling streamns, so longs ýmy soul after thee, 0 God" Here the Psaimist uses the pic- ture of his very dry, barren coun- try and the graceful hart with heaving flanks and- parched tongue seeking for water in what- ever shady nooks it canufind, and it reminds hlm of his own great need for God. Man, made in the image of God, cannot be spiritu- ally satisfied until ho binds his Ged. Worship is one of the spiritual waterways, but worship is' far m ore than meeting together on, Sunday. Worship is an attitude, a longing. It is a need, an impulse and it ouglit to bc part of every- thing we do. Meeting together for fellowship, however, is of the utmost imperancé for the soul that thîrsts for God. Another waterway is the recog- nition of true values. jeremiah, the prophet, says, "Mey people have commttedý two evils; theyj have forsaken me the fountain of living water. and have hewed out csterns for themselves, broken eitrsthat can hoki, no water." Hoe compares the stale water of the cistern te the living water ofi the bubbling spring, and points out that the cracked cistern ev- entually disappeints those who de- pend upon ît. t is not se with REPAIRS AND REMODELLING -Free Estimatos - ca11: F. (Sami) Bruton Phono 452M JACK REALTOR 99 Kîng St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Bnying or Selllng caTi WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE Phonoe1r12 Members of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board f ft îe 5SPi rit, God who neyer fails:. As a generatien of people eas- ily satisfied with the artificial, we need te ho re"minded that in the end the cheap substitute fer roal 'values will beave us feeling that we have been cheated. The physicai man grows eld and weak and finaliy succumbs te the way of the flesit, but the spirit is last with which te ho reckoned. A third watorway is tho way, of the accoptance of Cod's invita- tion which cornes in the word of Isaiah, "Ho! ye that'-thirst, ceme ye te waters, corne buy wine and, milk without money and witheut price. Why do you spend your' money for the things thait can neyer satisfy?" Many have saîd that we live in a matorialistie ago. This is ,quite true, but it only emphasises the to seo the fuliness of thelir expec- ROY ROGERS, DALE EVANS fact that man of our. day needs tations in that which was far1 INVITED TO OSHAWA more than ever the water of the greater than any strict form 'of lFOLrKFESTIVAL Spirit. The great urge to gather religion. The invitation is a chiai- The King and Queen of Côwý- and pile up possessions makes it longe te every Christian, to be- boys - Roy Rogers and Dale Evans ail but impossible for many to find comne a channel of- the living wat-- may ho the guests of honor at real satisfaction. er of God's spirit. the 1967 Oshawa Folk Festival. The ew estaentpics up Finlly,'th forth ateway Robert Spencer, 1044 King St. The ew estmen pics u Fiall, th forthwatrwa E., Oshawa, a persenal friend of- the theme of the old and points is the resuit which. cornes from Roy and Dale, has been asked by te Christ who said, ."If any man abiding in Ced. The Psalmist Jan Drygala. festival president thirst lot him come unto me and says, "The man of Ged shaH e adgnrlmngrt ode drink." 0f course the invitation ef like, a tree planted by the rivers ýadgneasimanatertopt te hav Isaiah or of Jesus is of little val- of water that brings forth bis ngat i oes ia t tecit. hv ue te those who de net recegnîzo fruit in bis season. There is a _________________ their thirst, and it is character- stabiiity and a rew a-d for the FIRST MAJOR RECITAL istie of many that they seek te porson who seeks the living water. A T CNE FOR find their, satisfaction in almest, Trees that are away from the BOWMANVILLE PIANIST any other place titan in Christ. water in a barren ]and are dwarf-i A young Bowmanville pianist Just as Isaiah's invitation was a cd' and blighted, and their life gave bis first major recital at the- reminder te a people who had span- is short. He whe cornes te Canadian National Exhibition on beon called te be priests and Christ and abides in Him will be Wednesday. prophets, called te bring other iiko a tree whese reots go deep, The pianist is 271year-old Henry nations ta' Ced; a people whe keeping the troc -strong and safe H. Vanderkooi of RR 4, Bowman- weýre more ceneerned about bo- in the qferms, the wind and the ville. ing prosperous in material things, sand.. The result of abiding in His recital was sponsored by so Jesus' invitation is a challengei Christ is te have the deep roots the Ontario Registered Musie te the descendents ofthose people locf faith, peace, jey and power. Teachers' Association. - ~- ~ Caseof 4 Tins Deep Bond-SA~VE 17e 20-Oz. Tins REYNOI D'S S AVE 4e! 25 ft. Rtol SAVE 50c!- 30e Off Pack SAVE 6e! 4z.Se FANCY ASSORtTED BIG SPAVINGS In Health and -Beauty Aids REG. 69c! -Anoti Cavity Gt. 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