ROOWEEKLC TIMES, THURSDAY, SETMEIst, 1966, ORONO WEEIKLY TIMIES (Autbrz~d s SeondCa smail, Pnost(f'.ceDeam&t Purn shed EveryThuxsclay at thre offie lPub;catS M~aun reet, Enhone 10D, orono, ntri E21jabished in'1938 by RA.Fo1- r Re F orrester- Edior a aa g'r CORRECTION! On the front page of this issue we have give n credît to M1r, andMrs. James Luxon for having the best judged home surroundings and gardens in Orono. This should have re.nd Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Luxton with Mr. Oscar Luxton being the top-notch gardener. Our apologies, CONGRATULATIONS Students at the Clarke Higli School who this year wrote their Grade 13 brought honour flot only to themselves but to the staff and the school as a whole. From the scant information that is available it does appear that Clarke Higli School faired better than other High Schools in the area, having one Ontario Scholarship only, wth three other students above the, seventy-five percent mark. It is our wish to pass along congratulations to the .students and staff for their achîevement of excellence in the field of education. NEEDS STUDY The Township, of Clarke is to enbark on a road needs study this fall which, will set the guide lines for road improvements ini the coming years within the bounds of the Township. The cost of the project haýs been'estimated around $8,000.o0. The Ontario Department-'of Highways will grant assistance in the project. * Such a plan, when ýcompleted, should be most val- rableto the Township of Clarke in setting up a road pro- gram on a planned basis. The initial cost of the plan will be more than recovered by sound planning on well established facts., Roadi work in the future can be do ne where the need is,, geatest and where the traffic is heaviest, [t, will elimin- ate guess work and strengthen councl's hand in their de- cisionS for undertaking certain projeets. Any planned program of work looks like, sondi business and the roada needs low line with this thought. Cou eimbarking on the project. AnÊglnl show uncil is to bçý commended in Another successful annual Jun- Senior: Evelene Brown, Char- ior Show was held August 25th maine Newman, Donna, Challice. in Orono United Church.. Ninety-ý Dininig Table Arrangement: five entries were sbown. The jud- Novice: Laurie Schmid, Yvon-1 ges were from Bowmanville Ki- ne Schoenmaker. waiiis Club. Fred Tippin, Ross Senior: Julie Schmid, Dennis Jackman and Ted Hutton. Cobbledick, Evelene Brown. The Kiwanis Club sponsors our Carrots:a garden club trophies and Curvply Novice: Dale Evans, Laurie Wood Products of Orono spon- Schmidt, Yvonne Schoenmaker. sored our prize mon ey for our Senior:- Evelene Brown, Dennis gai-dca competitions. Our special Cobbledick, Julie Schmid. thanks to all who assisted us inIjBeets: oui- Junior work. Novice: Dale Evans, Yvonne Our next special event will beSchoenmaker, Laurie Schmid. 1 a new idea for our group. A spec- Senior: Evelene Brown, Den-1 i Flower Service to be held in nis, Cobbledicek, Charmaine, New- Orono United Church on Sunday,I man. September llth. Rev. Basil Long Tomatoes: wili be la charge of the service Novice: -Yvonne Schoenmaker,, and -special music wiil be -sup- Dale Evans, Laurie Schmid. plied. Any sick and shut-in will Senior: Evelene Brown,' Den- be gîven our baskets of flowers, nis Cobbledick, Donna Challice. foliowing the service. Driftwood Arrangement: Our tea room, as usual,. was Novice: Laurie- Schmid, Dale. well patronized and our total Emans. ý proceeds from- silver collection Senior: Julie Schmid, Gaye amounted te $1575. IQuintîn, Donna Challice. Age in the Novice section is Potted Plant:' 6 to il years; la the Senior sec- Novice: Dale Evans. tien 12 te 16 years. Resuits la the Senior: Dennis Cobbledick, judgng -are as follows: Donna Challice. Asters: Vegetable 'and Fruit Characters: Novice section: Yvonc, Schoen-j Novice: Dale Evans, Jamie maker, Nancy Mercer, 'Lauric Quinton,, Laurie Schmid. Scbmid. Senior: Donna Challice, Julie Senior Section: Wendy Mercer. Schmaid, Gaye Quinton. Zinnias: Snapshot of a Garden Sceisu: Novice Section: Laurie Schmid, Novice: Da le, Evans. Dale Evans, Nancy Mercer. Senior: Dennis Cobbledick, Ev- Senior Section: Evelene Brown, elene Brown, Donna Challice. Donna Challice, Catby Milîson. -Most Points ln the Show: Dale Afriean Marigolds: Evans, Bowmanville Kiwanis Tro- Novice: Dale Evans, Nancy phy winncýr., Mercer, Susan West. Best arrangement in the Show: Senior: Gaye Quinton, Charm- Julie Schmid, prize donated by aine Newman, Wendy Mercer. Mrs. E. Milîson. Three Unlisted Flowers: Best Garden, 1966 - Cash prizes Novice: Elaine Vagg, Ymonne donated by Curvply Wood Prod- Schoemnaker, Dale Evans. Ilcts, Orono: Novice: Cathy Mill- Senior: Donna Challice, Julie son, Nancy Mercer, Elaine Vagg. Schmid, Evelene Brown. Senior: lst Donna Challice, Vase of Mixed Fîowers: Bowmiaaville Kiwanis Trophy Novice: Yvonne Schoenmaker,- winner; 2ad, Dale Evans; 3rd, Laurie Schmid, Dale Evans, Evelere Brown- a, as no provision for one or two Jing the evening was a décisio'n to- Letter Edito perso dweliIt also objected enter a tug-ofg-war event with to the definition of frontage for counties firefighters making Uip, O)rono, ùntarlo, corner lots anid st,-ated that the two teamis at 'the Port Hope Fair August Slst, 1966 proposed minimum frontage was September 16 and 17. It was also IDear Editor: inot realistic. Objection was also decided to have as much antique placed ýagainst the f act that there firefighting equipment as could in reading last week's paper 1 is no allowance of multiple bous- be gatbered on view at the Port r oticed that the Library Board "in- ing dwellings where, approval Hope Fair this year. tends to spend two thousand dol- could be obtained fromn the De- The special charity associated lars repairing the baseme it of the partment of Health. 'it was with firefigbters wîll have a local town hall. I understand that f cit that a lesser flooî area could booth at the Trade Fair held in the board was left a considerable Ïbe allowed in -multiple dwellings PCMR in conjunction with the arnount of money ,somiewhere in1 The objection is to be filed Eal Fair where literature and in- the neigbourbood of $18,000 by prior to Saturday. formation on this cause will bc Mviss Renwick. 1 would think it ____ __le would be a wonderful thing to ORNOH TAa theab los f h.usns Miss Renwick's memory te build TO RO IOSTERAt e the l eofigterbsins a completeily new building ln ber T FRFIHE es en the firefhtr ad name. What is the point of spend- The Orono fire department get noe uc and refresh- ing the mon ey on a place that is played bost to the United Count- ments suPplied b the hast de- probobly bnly temporary. The ies Mutual Aid Firefighters Asso- partment. basement of the town hall is a ciation recently with Fire Chief The next meeting of the associ- very dreary place and even with Ross Mvercer as chairman of tbehetem wlbe 22. nMilb improvements will certainly not meeting., etme 2 have the cheery atmosphère that More than 50 firefighters from the present library has. throughout the Counties attend- * I am only speaking for myself cd the- meeting which included a and maybe there arc things more1 demlonstration- of the effective- complicated that the board feels ness of foam on oul in a fire start- that building a new library 'ý ed for the purpose in an excava- HOM; buyinag a building and remodel- tion near the township, barns. ling it is too expensive. 1 would Other items, that came up dur- ê be interested to hear the com- ments of other people who use thie library and its advantages as ~~ 1 dO, Aii iA rrcACLUJLOC JUVENILES PLAY IN 'O.B.A. PLAVDOWN TOURNAMENT The Orono Juvenile Basebal club will play in a four team O.B.A playdown tournament this Satur- day to determine the Ontario 'D' Championship in the Juvenile division. The tournament is to be play- ed in Ciarkesburg, in the Geor- I gian Bay region, with the first game of the tournament being be- tween Orono and Clarkesburg. In the second game Beeton and Wal- pole Island, will play, The winners of these two series will play for the Ontarlo Chanxpionship in the 4fternoon. ALL TEACHING'POSITIONS FILLED IN CLARKE As of the first of the wieek al vacancies in, the teaching staff of the Clarke Township schos had been filled. -The B3oard has been ara work to fuI the rast few positions but ah sehools will open- with teiache rs. TO PRESENT OBJECTION TO RESTItICTED AREA BVLAW The Orono Police Trusteesheld a speýcial meeting on Wednesday evening when they passed a reso- lution authorizing a letter of ob- jectioýn to be filed with the clerk of thc municipality againsýt the Restrictive Area By-law. The letter pointed out that al- though the B3oard was aware of the nced for control it feit that the blanket coverage of the by-Iaw did have a detîlînental effect and would in Orono's instance possibly nccessitate debenturing for, utili- ticls. The letter contained a nm FOR- Shop At The Sign Cf The O US A RELTOE 9 TRANSISTER STT' PAM C 1 RN NAI ugust back to IB g EBoys Go'od TiiSept* S5. Sec Your Sale Bill jIn addition we offer the followîng for Labour jDay Week-end as Special Attractions IHazel Bishop Haîr Spray, only .... .,....,. 99c Nylons, 2. pair and 1 spare per package ... 88e ITea Towels .....,... per pair.35c or .3 for $1.00 e Jacquard Towels, large sîze....... each 98c Bird in Cage, 10 lite pink or red Flowers $2.98 IThigh IIîgh Stretch Hose, white and coloured, pair for......... .... $1.39 Ladies' Hlaitdbags, newand'stylish, only $2.98 ILadies' Whimsies in Netf, priced ........ $1.39 Ladies' velvet PiHI Box style hat.....$2.39 Teeners lland and Shoulder Hand Bags $1.98 Ample Quantity School Supplies Black Sehool Bags with lock & key, ecdi$3189 Footballs - Spaldîng officiai size ........ $4.95 Ion 5 to $.OO Sore I Phone _122W, OronoI r 1