ORONO WEEKLC TIES, THURSDAY,SETM R s,16 r ithe races at Morrow Park last ýBekiÏnd The u range .urtaïïn Locail News Saturday nîght. Two lclytan ed horses lowered their mark at Whenever a new projeet is at- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and the meet. tempted lu Orono, or any other Although it iqý to my knowledge daughters of Scarborougli visited JakWlim1wotan n ,ommunîty, sidewalk superintend- If no immediate conceru, if it with the former's father Mr. Chas. drac ive lld is,. ahotrase owid ents vehemently disapprove; dis- ever did become a choice between Taylo r recently. dryvJ. N. Gest, o seBow niled senters vocalize loud and clear; offices and library (as lias been Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. yoJ.red its mr tBwo secondsl e armchair generals knowingly stra- îtd tapasta h on Gordon Simpson of, Bowmanville we twnteffheeti tegize. ýslip Hall with its auditorium and on the birth, of a daughter. tvhen t on t.1e2.fTif the ast- While the Oono Lbrarystare is basically a cultural and Mrs. Jack Bail, John and Bar- etme of 10.th s wa t. he farst- Whiial thetrerandotheboarcesesteraceaof, themer ht.t Theehorse Board's modest project of moving sca1ete n h fie aebr fAle pn eea has been racîng well this year and the Library to the Town Hall is out of context, not a library. days with' Mrs. Neil Porter. ha I o ae areda muto a far cry from the Toronto City Financing thse Project Five Orono 'G.ILT. girls are i i3'.0 For its win on Saturday Hall fracas, it has raised many No tax or grant moneys will be, attendiug Camp Quin-Mo-Lac this the mutuals paid $170 diverse opinions, just as that con- used, and rnone of the original lweek. They a-e Misspes Elaine 1.0 troversial - clamshell didi. Renwick bequest wilI bc touched' cmd ua odAuAn er atandaddie Befre he ssu beome moe fr rnovtios.ott, GeKe DeJonge and Ellen by Gerald Robinson, lowered itsi confused through misleading The moniey used, represents the Milison. Earlier, 'in July ýtwo in- mark by a full six seconds on Sat- statements, may I explain the exehange rec-eived when th Am- treit ilMse oneudywe twntesxhrc facts of the Board's decision? In enican chequýe was converted 1 Brloe d a ncyils MssBaraaîl t-urdaytimen of wn 2.15.h ac ail undertakings, there must be a Canadian currency. tendelo d NnC am Prraball T nase f1 .5 balance between idealism and re- Miss Renwick's gift will ,b e girls a migpPretoia.y sposo- Orn"dier eein practic- aîiy. tritlyforcaita exendturscd by the U.CWV.. of Orono United ally every race of the niglit with What is the Ideal? (shelving, desk, furniture, etc.) Church. a total of fourteen entries. 'A new library building,, of - ail of which are removeable ogauaingoM.adMs n te scn ae Kna core h a hscosdrdiesta cudb ae oayD. Challice on the birth of a son. Brook, owned by L. Downes of unfasile?- ftur prmiss. he ulkof he Mr. Albert Mitchell is attending Kendal and driven -by A. Downes, First, the Renwick bequest of legacy could be invested with the teCnda ainlEhbto lcdsvnh $18,916, is not sufficient for ineetpoiig ud o oethis week in connection with the In, the third race Keith West grandiose building sechemes. ,With books and equipment. Once the DePa eto adsadFoes.ile:scndwtB the tux-payers of Clarke -Township Library is adequatel1y equipped, patet9fLnsad rss-'lcdscodwt ob Bea Abi- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. gail, Junior West sixth with Lady maintuining many public build- most of the interest could be add-Th tn h eemrido enadGrl oisnsv ings and constructing several new j'ed to the principal to build up a hSat ey, ugus Ie lu amp- o !eant ith the oAnston evry sehools, they should not be bur- reserve fund for a future building belîfrdyPregshtertian Cmrcli e Jîmmy G. ArstrnUnko.y dened with another new buildingprra. Rev. Black. Mrs. Stone. is the Junior West placed fourth with, this year.,1 There are always 'reasons for former Eve Mae of Campbellford. Kitty Witty in the fourîli. lu the Secondly, before any library is not doing something. To some, M.adMs tn ev hssxl et etcosdtewr built, the needs of the community 1 there may be good reasons for not wee n ymtrfrHalifax in sevenîli place with Hal B. Her- must be known. 1967 will be a establishing the Library in the wek Mr.by tor foregtXbet year of transition with the Orono Town,, Hall, but in the final anaîy- he-sM.Soesadegae tobrt Public Library becoming the sis, it amounts to 'this: A new the Canadian Good Roads Con- In the eighth event Keith West, Clarke Township Public Library. library cannot be built without uetion. They also intend to tour driving Keen's Dan, placed third The needs of the ientire Township several years of careful fore- the easteru provinces before re-, while Junior West driving Maud- -il nobe fully realized for atogi;l h enie r h turning home. een's Missey, the Reid Harness ___________-a_____________inhorh, plucetsmxthareiltheaso few years; how many people will1 librarians, the Board members dove Speaedway Pt. K if h ain respond to this library' service is1 and the library members expected irv pewyPtiffhi unknowu. Only when these f act- 1to sit back timidly and cope with Ou no Horses Set I h~n thae . osaeknown, eau a new building the adverse conditions of theeid Iag itpaeeonPsend acit be plunned, 1preseut site for even one more Ri ,anpae eodwt lîbrdyb e wiwould this new winter wh New Records aler-Riddell Gold; Kith West fourth venient location in the, hub, of a needlessly apathetie attitude. Orono horsemen und O n liu ms fifth with Happy's Muc. things mucli more than a munici-ýAd1 ut horses 'eems rmnti pal office does. Goodcetasis A newspaper should be the are nonexistent ut present. maximum of information, and the Our pes enltyqatesluteminimum of comment. -Cobden UNITED Pay Moreh Ourat isRealty? rer nthstaDorothy lRobinson UNITEDCoUrC. Forrester building. Why ntsa there? Orono Pastoral, ON PREI Aithougli this has been a fine AA ToE* QUAI village library, itlias outgrown LJI) uue FUEL OIL usefulness. There is no roomh for more ýshelves without sacrifîciug. Nearly 5,000 Canadians will ,s Minister PHO11NE NEWCA1 the study table and chairs; the die in automobile accident 's dur- Rev. B. E. Long heât is suffocatiugly uubeurable ing 1966 and the upcoming Labor lu summer; the cold is foot-chili- Day weekend will be a leading SERVICES FOR AUGUSTE must be lugged fromn home; heatý cording to Ail Canada Insurance WL EHL ND A F U is provided by a space beuter, Federation. ORONO UNITED CHURCIT sibuabed ut the only accessible The Federation, which repre- NEWCASTLE UNITED CHUR CH SrigOo-o 'w exit. (A fire marshall's inspection sents most of Cunud's automo- would surely condemn this set- bile insurance companies, recoin- WL ONWT RN up). mends these driving hints which What is the Balance? may help you bo corne home ulive. The balance between the ideai- 1. Slow, dowuï, excessive speed isin of a new library and the real- is a contributiug factor ln, many M ity of' our present library is the accidents and particularly fatal Town Hall room. After con-tenu- accidents. BCO plating about 10 other possibili- 2. Be sure youir car is lu goodA ties, this proposal was deemed the mechanical conidition. b best move -, the happy Medium. 3., Avoid driving when over- Here is a sinaîl gain in space; tired and make frequeut "coffee more shelf room and therefore, stops" during long trips. more books; warmth lu winter; 4. Drive "ýdefensively' so that coolness lu summer; -.a dlean, you are prepared to avoid the BOY'S ATITLETIC BOOTS BOY'S biiltfloor; easy maintenance; other driver who makes a- mis- Age tc fBy titeBosKitdC accesýs to washrooms and a cent-. take. Ago tc fBysAhei ot nte rai location. With the Clarke 5. Obey ail traff le regulations with built-in arch, sponge insole and cushionon and bin see. Township Council responsible, for and rules of the road; while these heel. Duck uppersiith crepe outsoies. Two rwanble operubing expenses in 1967, it will regulations May sometimes s em veto ee p. nhite ibe tri. e up6 tod 12.d a mean a saving lu rent and fuel overly conservative, they are gen- oca.Wiewtblèrm Szs6e12 to use their own building. lerally accurate- and helpful - Puiced per plair----------.1 4.95 ROYALBowmanville _______2_____9 OTHURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAV, SEPTEMBER 1, 2 and 3 u 'WALT DISNEYS gIN COLOUR Children 35e anytime SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHO0W, SEPTEMBER 4 MONDAY TO WVEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 5, 6, and 7 g Speed Bout Thrllet <'Adult Entetainienit) (Colour) g-SEABIDE SWINGERS g FR'EDDIF- and DREAMERS WHITE, CANVAS SIIOES Four-eyelet Canvas Shoes with white compound oubsoles, sponge insoles. Canadian made. Sizes 4 to 10. Priced per pair---------.. $2.98 BOY'S SWEATERS Good quulîty Cardigans of Lambswool and Orlon with V-neck and two inset pockets. Burgnndy only. Sizes to fit 8 to 14 years. Priccd each............. $7.95 -Callyour 11enldPuiibing& Mechanical Contractor wýho seils, installis o.dgiiarantees CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone. 143 Orono EM1UMc LITV 6 .STIE ý9'7-4215 ML OIL castIe and District PIOLO SHIRTS Otton Polo Shirts with coliar s.Attractive stripes in green, Sizes to fit up to 14 years. ......$3.25 BOY'S JAY-DEES For -the older boys, scrubbed Denhu Pants - the lived-in look, latest for boys. Con- tinental style. Soft bine only. Waist sizes 32 te 36. Pelced per pair........ $5.25 SKIRTS New Wool Skirts for Faîl. Plaids and plain shades. Sizes 10 te 16. Priced-per pair . ... $6.95 t-o $9.95 -e H 1pe 1111iIJoin, even if: .-you've been too busy to sigu Uup. OR -you're not interested lu saving money. OR ---yon neyer bave to borrow imoney. You Can't Afford to Pass Up Membership ln the Cri ný3 District CR EDI F UNION Treas.-M an., Angus Loucks Phone 4r10, Orono aooao.o-w---eoM~o.o.-foa ONCWbleO eo--*- Se