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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Sep 1966, p. 3

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~»tOO WEKL TIESTHURSDAY, SEPTE1WBER 8th, 1966 itented With County Delay 'The Oronoô Police Trustees in a taining to the road on the Main special meeting last week expres- Street of Orono. Ail requests and - sed. their diseontent wth the complaints must bc fiied with the County Road Commission in post- County road department. poning' their decision to proceed Mr. Woodyard said that hie had with the Main Street storm sewer been informed that greater 'em- and pavirg. projeet. As the Main, phasis was bçing placed by the Street is a County Road this por- Counties on projeets at Main and tion of the, $108000 rono road Mill street intersection and on poetis the responsibility of straighteningà the curve on the the, County. Miil Hifi. Further lie said hie had been under the impression that E. R. Woodyard stated that he these projects had been approved. was to attend the last meeting of At the meeting Mr. Woodyard the County Road Commission but was given authority to file a comn- bad been irfo-maed by Reeve John plaint on behaîf of the Orono Stone, chanirman af the County Trustees against, the Restrictive 'Road Commission, that it wasn't %.'rea By-law. necesary as the Counties were go- ing ahead with the job, te be doneý as one projeet aiong with the -Village portion. Under this direc-I 'tion, Mr. Woodyard dlaims hie dit- - net attend the meeting. However I the foliow,ýing day hie received a1 phone cail from the Village engin-, eers sayiig that no action had been taken by the Commission ýýon the prôjee-t. - 'In speaking with the County Road Engineer, Mr. Woodyiard said, 'that he had stated that the' storm sewiering had been discuss- RUAD ed and that hie and the Village () 1HERADSs engineers were to go over the MJRPIE project toecorne to a decision. M. MJRPIE 'Woodyard ciaimed there appeared te be toe much confusion but that it right ail corne eut in the wash. lie further informed the meeting, that approval hadT yet te be ob- tained from the bank in connec- tien with the blan 'for the preject M R Mr. D. Simpson was criticài 0f SAVE 16e! Ieeve Stone when lie said "We L rkg. 'ýould get -mrore done 'ff our rep- resentative gave it a push " Somne SA of the Road Commission, hle said,- -seemd lafavour ef theproject- 'Mr. F. Niéholson said, "We should get somnethirg when the reeve is, CHT-"i NT NOODI the head of the County Road Cern- TUL-: NOODL] missin." T~.YDPACKS Mr. D. Simpon stated 'that thre SAVE 13c!- Trustees woîîted to get the whole v prejeet underway to correct the situation on 'the Main Street. -HeD'1 suggested stronger the Trustees. WITH MEAT -In further discussion -Mr. -Wood- WITII MUSHROOB yard stated that lie did not like ,the lack of decision between the PICKLING FE2 County and the Thtstees and in Ibhis vein the- Trustees ýpassed a&% I reolution that they wouid. acceptV no responsibillity for anything per-.irw Expansion (Contînued from, page l' tions will be1 chiefly located north, and west of the present school complex. Tennis 'courts and park- ing ojreas wll be replaçed. Th.e present road around the school will -be modified and restrieted to, foot traffie. Main automobile en- trance to the school will be from Deglaquiree Street through the newýx Centennial GateS which were erected last year. The work now in progress marks the beginning of -putting into ef- feet the recommendations con- tained in the Developmenit Plan Committee report. This committêe was under thq £Chairmanship of A, A. Duncanson. in a June Il report at the school Britton M. Osier, chair, man of the board of governorS had this to say with reference to the committee's report, "It was implicit in the Report that there have been, and will continue to be changes in the conrept of educa- tion and that it is essential that fuil use be made ýýf new 1deaS, new facilitieS and new "'-tools." The Governing Body after givinig ^he matter very careful consider ation decided to, adopt the re port and the suggestions contain ed therein" Two committees have been formed, a Building Comimittee un' der the chairmanship of P. G. St. G. O'Brian which will be re- spo sible for the development of the plans witbh arrcitect R. A. _Thck. The fund raî9ing comimittee is under co-chairman E. J. 'Huycke, G.N. FiSher -and J. R. LeMesur- 128-OZ. PLASTIC T rustees Disco, yStili Has Nose For Victory inson with Jimmy G Unko, ownýed by C. and B. Armstrong placed fifth while Keith West driving Bob Bea Abigail, owned by Me- Gil of Lindsay, placed sixth. la the third race Keith West placeýd sixth with Keen's Dan and Junior West seventh with the -Reid 'Harness ho'se, Maujee-n's Missy. Keithi West finiýýhed third wvith the A. Shar~p, K. West, horse, Siskiyou Son g. in the fou rth race. Jack Williams finished second with Bud Gist in the sevehtb race, the free-for-all, which went in a time of 2.09.2. The race was won by Singleland, owaed bY W. Given of Bridgenorth. The L. Ehrlick, Lawrence Hooey entry', Morning Cail, won the in- vitation pace in a time of 2.10. Junior West drove the Dr. 11. E. Castie entry, Eltsag Jimmy, te a second place finish in this event'. In the final race of the nîglit Keith West placed sixth with Vital Victor, ory' continues its winning ways with a victory at Greenwood last week, on Thursday ni ght. Mr, Robi nson raced in the first and second: race, placing fifth with Algermnac in the first race and first with Vital Victory in the second event. 1 Junior West placed fourth with iGrattan, Portage recently at the Greenwood raceway. At Peterboroughi on Saturday niglit a number of plie-ups kept drivers on their toes and specta- tors on their feet. Fortunateýly no0 serious mishap was 'registered. In the second race Geralýd Rob- 1, driving his armer Paul, at Port n Monday, was an na haif mile event. O S III' IREG.3c Weston or Sunbeam OLD FASHION OATMEAL 4oul COOKIES 15 to pkg, ~1 :J i 3Iî SOLO ZGARINE ' AXE 13c! )N SOUPS FIE, IE SDg e CHEV B6Y-.AR-D),E' MNERS o' 2 TURE! -.CANADA JEGARS 69C RED & WHITE INSTANT COFFEE SAVE 8e! 5-Z.JAR79 BUY 1'- GET 2 FREE MIR DETERGENT SAVE 14c! AL L 3 FOR SAVE 6c! - CASH YOUR COUPON ON BQLD DETERGENT NEW DETERGENT DISCOVERY GIANT PKG. SUNSHINE FRESH! NATION'S BEST NO 1- 4-QT. BASKET GARDEN FRESH WAXED lb. 9P DEST BUY!-SAVE 18!-With Pork-In Chili Sauce 20-oz. ins CLARK'S BEANS '316 à BEST BUY! - SAVE 9c! - eat & Serve!7OZ' Kraft inners 4155 BEST BUY! - SAVE ý20e! - 6c OFF PACK. 2 3c -1b. Jar Kraft Peanut Butter 71 BEST BUY! - SAVE 10el Giant O i -oz. pouchles TuaNG Orange- Crystals 20 BEST BUVI - SAVE, 10e! - Ground te Your Taste lb. bag Aunt Mary's COFFEE 79je FEOZEN 1FOODSI Save 40! Morton's Beef, Chieken, Turkey MEAT DINNERS- 1-oz. pkg. 59C SUPREME FRENCH FRIES 2-1b. 53e Save 6c! - Hfighliner Brand COD FILLETS 16-oz. pkg. 43e Save 8e! LCOD FISH STICKS 8-oz. pkg. 39e Large Variety Paek SUPREME BISCUITSI 49c BI G IN HEALTIH Free Conmb Witit I n~~i~ '~'~ ~ I BtYLREEM ~P~LM Vf~VfJ r~ L J¶(.MACLEANS TOOTII P SILVIKRIN SHAMPO( SAVINGS! IAND BEAUTY AIDS Large Tube Reg. 85é! 73e PASTE Giant Tube Reg. 73e! 59e (10 Reg. Btl. Reg. 85c! 73c Red und White, Orono -1'li Kitt- WPf a-d Keiý' eSt 1Bill Reid, 4~i"h ,T~'~r!a'-p I. a own horse, Fai 4,rce o-ned bv R. E Powell of Perry Pair on Newcastle. Pasv winner in ' TBUY! - SAVE 19e! - AYLMEIC lO-oz. titis "IOATO SOUiP 6,()69e R UND STEA"Spcially Selected" Value' Checkd Branded ROUNDOASTEAK. EXTRA LEAN BNLS O'9,LLE D RUMP SR A ST 93eZI Cube Style StewIng Beef 69 SCHNEIDER'S MILD SEASONED - PURE FORK COUNTRY SAUSAGE lb. 69e SCHNEIDER'S. FAMOUS FOUR VARIETIES 6-oz. VP LUNCHSEON fMEAqT 2 F 49c MI'--, - ý ý . - - -1-1i------.wç_-«»ý-ý1 - Mun ---l 1 a

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