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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Sep 1966, p. 4

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ORONO WVEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTWEBER Sth, 16~__ Srr'xrture: St. John 3: 1-21. xvicb overcomi <P-om a sermon preacbied by Rev. wrong, BP E. Long) Jesus reyealed The Bible says, "God SO Ioved ibis truth in his the worid that H1e gave Rc is only eve --tually ir hi: be-gotten son, that whosoever lie- gave himse1f as hieves in Hlm sbould not perish kind. Jesus' life but bave everlasting life." We of- fact that God's li toný accept the, staf ornent with We love God1 ittie nnderstanding and with ac- loved us. ThatÀ tion5 wbich indicate a "what's the the coming of Ji ns faîlure, and flthe nature of smany stories and ds owýn life as lie ýsaviour of man- ademonstrates the love'is always first. becauSe, He first [s the meaning of Jesus Christ. ulilucile aL.ILUC.The Christian congregation is We have grown, accustomneilto a fellowsbip of love. If we are using the word love in rnany ways filied with bickerings, hatred, and wth littie thought. The word seifishne5Ss and disputes we are is used to express anything from not a trnly Christiàn congregation. a iiking for apple pie to the pas- The fruly Christian congregation sïirn feit for persons of the oppo- experiences the feiiowship of .SiPfe sex. Seldorn do, we catch the Christ, whicb is the feliowship of significance of God's love, which love. There are rnany 'wbo say is a deep, searching, abiding, re- that the Christian Church i5 pow- dem-ptive force, eriess 'fo deal with the ilis of the hurnan situation in our time, and The importance of love is clear- yet at the back of our minds is ly expressed in the words of the the feeling that if' we conid only Bible - "Re wboc docs not love get bebind or thirougb the sheli ofî does not know Cod for; God,,S ecclesiasticismi we couîd geti-0 love - there is no fear in love, Christ where we wvouldt have the but perfect love casts ont fear -lanswer in the natuire of God's If anyone says, 'I love God', and ýlove, hates bis brother, lie is a liar' A i beautiful insiglit concerning the1 The apostie Paul taught . t4at nature of Gcd'r, love is toalie love is the ,necessary ingredient found in the writing of the pro- for overy experience if it is to be phet Hosea, wbo had married ia Of lasting value. H1e points ont womnan by the name of Gomner, a .that, even martyrdom without woman who becéame a temple love counts for nothing. Even re- prostitute. Tbinking she conld lîgion without love i5 as notbing. lie dependent upon lier loyers for It is most likeiy true that the her own well-being, she is eventu- Pharisees were the most religions ally discarded and soid as a Slave. !people the worid bas known, yet Hosea, ber busband, seeks 'until Josus accused tbem of misSing he finds ber tben linys ber hack 'the point of true, religion hecanse and returns ber talier igbtful tbey were failing in love. Some of place in his home. Throngh al of Our expressions of cbarity are the painful e xperience hi5 love withont love and as sncb tbiey de- remains constant for ber, even grade, burt and destroy. fliongl she lias renonnced bis love 1 and disgraced herseif in becoming Thie nature of Goi'5 love is the1 the property of others. Thle pro- lway of forgiveness. We often phet nses bis tragic experience, speak of being able to forgîive but to reveal the nature of God'S not ta forget. Jnst wbat this love for bis wayward people. It means is bard fa determnine, but is nof a condeGcending love which it sud stogilv sris is a continuai reminder of failure, ing oma icetPal es but a forgivnig, redeeming love of a shop keeper who was prepar:- CARPENTERINC, REPAIRS AND REMODELLING -Free Estimates cal:. F. (Sam) Bruton, Phone 452M JACK IIICÂRD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying. or Selling cati WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE Phono irlZ Members of Osh awa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board FOR FAST AND EXPERT CARPET LAYVING and CLEANING CALL Na Obligation l -ing, fo hrmas. The phono ing5 and lie is told that bis five year oldi son has been src down in the street. 11e- learns that the policeman on duty had waved the boy across the street feeling that ail was'clear. But a teenager who came from a very< annhappy, broken home waS work- ing out his frustration and resent- mient b-ehind the wheel of a high powiered car at 60,n miles an hour. 1The litie boy died on the way fo the hspital leaving bis father filied with hate. The father ini- structed hîs iawyer to, do every- thing in his ,power to-have this teenager sentenced, in sucb a way thiat bis life would, be taken, and, failing that -to have hlm sent' down for the rest of bis hife. On Suniday the father and moth-, er went fo church. They had not been in the habit of going and the preacher didn't know them or their story. But, he talked about Jesus Christ and Hfis, death, bis resur rection and bis promise of, power in the lives of those who accepted hlm. Leavirqg the Chnrcb, the busband said, "4Grace, we,; haven't w7orked at if but we've been Christians baven't we? We have a great need now and maybeî Jesus can heip us." Thaf night he prayed, earnestly and the resuit was that lie had a dream. In the dream he Maw bis son who was now a mature man. The son said. "Dad, you just love the boy who drove that automobile." When he wakened the father feit a change corne in birnself. H1e found the teenager, got hlm clear of the charges that were, against bim, brougbt' bim into bis shop to work, and often bad fellowship with hlm in his own home. The young man chhnged from 'an ir- responsible, reckless boy into a fine mature young man, who thought that the father was the most wonderful hurnan being that couid possibiy be. That father, whose heart was f illed with hate found the meaning of God's love in bis own forgiveness. 'When a congregation is made np of people who know that kind of love it becornes a redemptive fellowship that gives strengtb, inspiration, peace, Joy and power If bocomes a chaninel of God's The wedding t10 ust the 2th, 1966 of Shelagh Carolyn ghter of Mr. and Murphy, Tyrone a] ton Hancock, son o: Robert IHancock,( Tyrono United Chu Rev. David Nont i rhe Chnirch was( yeillow and whifte n land Coombes sang music accompanied eanor Brent. iMurphy - Hancock Wedding ýok place Aug- were lavishly trimni-ed with sculp- one frili at bottom, self bow at- at 3:30 o'clock tured silk braid over lace. The :frort of empire waist. Thc\ worc iMurphy, dan- back was enhanced by a cascade yeilow bows- in their bair and, 1Mrs. Walter of fuilness, ending in a ýsplit Icarried nosegays of rust and yel. nd John Eger- cathedrai train bordered with low carnations and golden yeilow f Mr. and Mrs. similar lace and a self bow at roses. Orono, at the 'back waist. A fhrce fier vcii cas- The best mran was Mr. Likr, irch. cading from a train of lace trirn- Doyle of Nestleton and flhc ush- hey officiated. Imed witb pearis and crystal beads ers were Mr. Allan Hancock, Co- decorated witb 'completed tho ensemble. The' bourg, Mr Ken Mrlrphy, Zion, nums. Mr. Row- bridt&s flowers were a cascade They wore white. jackets and g the wedding bouquet of white stephanotis and black pantsý. 1by Mrs. El- carnations and golden yellow A reception held at the- roses. Tyrone Community Hall. The The bride, given in marriage by The bridai attendants. were, 1b ride's going away outfit was a her father, wore a full length Maid of Hlonour, Miss Peggyi pale green flowered two piece Empire 'A' line gown of siik or- Hancock, Orono, :sister of the dress of chiffon over taffeta and ganza over taffeta with. a self groomn; Mrs. John Doyle, NeStie- beige accessories. She. wore a bow accentuating front waist of ton and Miss Midge Phiilips, Ty- corsage of white carnations and' bodice, which was styled with a rone. Their gowns were identical,i yellow roses. batteau scalloped neckline and formai Iength yeiiow chiffon ov- Mr. and Mrs. Hancock are re- short French sieeve. The neckline, e r orange taffeta with empire siding at 59 Church St., Bowman- sieeves, front an d hem of gown waist, eibow length sleeves, withi ville. 'FIROPEN TO, PUBLIC SEPTEMBER 9, 10, FREE .75 .25 FREE SATURDA Y COMMENCING 1.00 p.m, FEATURING THE ORONO FAIR STAKE WNAGERING PRIVILiEGES Frilday's Programme SCROOL PARADE at 1:30 p.m. Sehool Grandstand Performanceo, Public Sehool Floats Hoistein Show 4-il Achievement Day Fat Calf Show at 2.00 p.m. Ontario Provincial Police Motorcycle Precision Ride at 3:00 p.m. Fat Caif Auction Sale at 6:30 p.m. Farm Implement Display Manmmoth Midway - Grand Capital Shows Cake Auction PONY RACES iu sulkies sponsored by 'Brown Motoro, Bowmanville Ontario Provincial Police Motorcycle Precision Ride at 7:30 p.m. Fiddling Contest 8 p.m. Sponsored by Russell Honey, M.P'., $20., $15.. $10 and $5. Beauty Qucen Compet ition Sponsored by Ricard Real Estate "Miss,,Dtrham Central"ý to ho chosen at 9:00 p.m. Admissions Public Sehool Children A dults' ---- ------- -- Cars Grandstand - ---------- Saturday's Programme Officiai Opening - Mr. J. K. Chartes, Canada Departmont of Agriculture Big 4 Guernsey Club Regional Show Orono Baud LiÎgîit Ilorse Show Reavy Horseý Show Beef Cattie Rabbit Show Afternoon Harness Races with Wagering Privileges ORONO FAIR STAKE FEATURE Farm Implement Dispiay 7amm'oth Midway, Grand Capitol Shows Exihibilq open Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. -¶I.U-{I)AY NIGHT- AMATEUR SHOW Co-sponsored by Robson Motors -and John DeWith, Roaltor SATURDAYNIGHT FAIR DANCE Town Hall, Orono commoncing 9:30 p.m. jimmy Fisher and Orchestra Admissions: Public Sehool Children ------- .25 Under School Age ------- FREE Aduits ------ ------- 1.00 C ars ------------- .25 Grandstand -------FREE Evoning Adwnis,,,ion ----------- .75

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