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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Sep 1966, p. 1

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ir o cel4r. 'The horse show at the Fair was tured above piayed a. large part ment for everyone and these two one of the largest si-nceý its incep- in the show on Saturday. 0f course' girls are readyý for a, fiing on one tien and four-horse teamns as pic- the annual fair provides entertain- of the rides la the Midway. Mr. E.l. Samn-uel, laspakng etcoldbe srnthrdby oh at the eptemnber mneet'ing of uthe ta nimoreindsutris tolo (cate rooChamber of omre re- '-ue riiplty W are not fered o dusryas abun tla gon to get largeidutres"h make or service and re taàil 'ýid "ýut an eiffortsoudbe buin-esses within ,a -cmuiy aeto increase th inustie li1e outiined hfis point by c-iting growth la This area.' specific instances whiere industry He-1 referred to Lnsysef- contributes financialiy to' vari-ous forts to locate Curvýply la Lindsay local enterprises directiy -and la- in 1953 followiýng a fire la the old iiety s refei-ences vwere 'fiax miii ,location- At thiat timne mannly ith Cuvpy ood Pro- llisay had one îndulstr~y but Jcios loeated il the -,Tlllage o! tm)ugh ts ' fforts fi , ras"' TTOtV" Orono.twn-fr located withnin the town. 21fr. Samnuel stated that industry Mr. Samutel said he did not fa,- contrîbutedi large sums ilataxes our "gcive-aways" to attrac4inla ti commnuit ies la whichi they are dusre an di ntfeltt locatedJ. Curvply, he said, paid such was needed. He did, however, $8000.00 annualiy in taxes o f stress the need te have correct which sum $400000 went to edu- inforýmation and answers for en- cation, even though Industry doces quiries on cost of land, cost of net- directly use thie services of services, labour miarket, rents etc. education. Theoreticaily this w%'ýhich nmust be preseated inaa couid be broken d1own 200 pleasïing atmiosphere. "Yoûu must ratepayers la Orono to mnean a also foliow throug,,h the eniquiries" savings of $20.00 on each tax bill, he said. lie said. The settiag aside of land for Ia services, M1r. Samuel poiated industriai use was 'Most import- to the fact that Curvply paid out ant, he said. This has been done approxîmateiy $150,000. for trans- in Orono and this land, he said, portation, gas, tr uck repaîrs, hy- should not be encroached upon by dro, water, a- intena'nce services, esdential development. One type heatiag, etc. This anîouat goes- dir- of deve!opment interferes with an- cectiyto the immediate area with ohr i ad direct benefits to those with tehsad whomr we deai. Othe'-s, he said, Mr. Samuel referred to the benéfit' through the purchases great aeed forcommunity plan- made by employees and he estim- niag and said ."You are iosiag ated that $100,000. of a $310,000. your 'builtin' market potential payr'li is' speat diire #, y in the to strip developmeat throughout community for rents, food.s, cloth- the community." la tIiis, he said, ing, appliailces and such. "This lie feit stroagly and was certain is your built-iirmarket", lie said. that strip' development would be- corne costly. Resîdeatial develop- Here Mr. Samuel pointe(d out that the effect of the built-în îmar- '(Continued page 8) *Rick Rickard of Srn Grange at the Orono Fair hast Saturday. Farmii, Newcastleý, displ-ays then The bull aiso headed the winning Grand Champion Shorthorrn Bull Shotrth)rn 'h-rd Dut te fair, The ron Juior irl Sotball Team rtan heWONN champ- ionsip ollowing their three 1trigh vitoresover Weýlcome in tefial eries. The third and finl gme asplayed in Orono last Thrda vening. The c (al grls have held the championsi fr three consecu- tiveC yeas. Thoswe on 'le team this year were Nac ixon, Honda Ten-, nnt, Naniicy Forrester, Marcilyn West, Julie Nea1, Glenda Tennant, Hazeden,~~Xn Cldweli, N½h'so ad Susan Butnting. Thie leagYue is com)rpo.sed of four teamia re!)resenting Orono, New- ,astle, Newtonville and Weicome. The league trophy was presen ted to Nanry Forrester on behaif of the Oron-o team, by Mrs. Margaret Breretop., president of the league. 'Caif Dralw Nets $822 For ýIce Fund A fat caif donated to the Orono A"rtificial Ice: Fund Committee netted a sum of $822.00 for the ice fund. The caif donated by Harold and Bob Moffat of Orono was pre- sented as a prize for a lucky draw. The committee was busy during the two days of the Fair seliing tickets on the animal with total sales amounting to $722.00. .The draw was held at 5:00 o'- dlock on Saturday with Dr. John Wýerryý of Bowmanville, being the lucky winnýer. Dr. Werry, in his generosity, returned to the Ar- tificial Ice Fund a sumn of $100.00. Thus in ail the caîf netted the ice fund a total of $822.00ý Mr. P.,G Newell of Newcastle was seriously injured early Wed- nesday rnorning in a car-truck ac- cident at the Sixth Line and New- tonville road intersection, one mile south of Kendai. Mr. Newell is a patient in Toronto General Hospital with buras and other in- juries r:ncetermined as of Wed- nesday morning. The accident hap'pened around 7:15 a.m. when it is assumed that Mr. Newell was traveling south on the County road. The gravel truck (Continued page 6) Mr. Donald Stapies, president of the Durham Central Agricul- tural Society, announced at the Orono Fair Saturday eveaing, a gate receipt increase of $1152.00 over, that of last year. The total receipts this year amounts to $4364.00 Not only was attendance at the fair up over iast year but also was the number of individ- ual exhibits. In 1965 one hundred and nine'ty-five, exhibitors made' entries at the fair. This year the number bas. risen to two hundred and sixty. The excellent weather condi- tions along with an abundance of good exhibits and înteresting en- tertainment-has recorded tb-'p q1ýq edition of the Durham Central Fair la Orono as a success and possibly the best yet to have been held. The horse show iacluding light and heavy horses was terrmed by the Judge. Mr. Kennedy of Guelph, as hetter than any he had seen' anywhere la Ontario. All classes were well supported with entries and judging started at 'l):00 a rn- Saturdav mo'-ning. Týýn four ho-se hýtcheý l-e -ei tnred in the o-'e r'ýas alone. Sad- Oe classes an! Ponv 'ae W ?vr P'so mo-1 --e appealing ani, liedl The ' frv ,xhibit wa,,. tWhvear, the ]ir-gest ever on i d'p7ni at the 0-o-o fair, Five hO ir] a-d twenty biids weie, o-, exY -1.,,it a ýd this, num.her çould have been increased only for the fact that space was not available for an- other fifty which had to b'e turu- ed away. The domestic science de- partment heid true to forjýast with its iargest entry lîst of nany years. Over oneý hundred cakes were exhibited in this division a- lone. A new section was added this year in rabbits and in it first appearance'saw close to one hundred animais ln competition, A section for art including bâth oul and water colours was spon- soreil as a competition this year. This show created great interest' and ýadded much to thc annual exý- hibition. The inside exhibits such as art,, dornestic, science, flowers, fruit and grain, needlecraft and prixate dîsplays we e g,, eatiy en- hanced by the new cernent floor is the Arena and the renovations at the north end of the rink. 0fsoe disappointment was the md~a which was, this year, 'maler than usual and was with- out a ride or any form of enter- talanent for the smailer children. T"e two day fair starting on id :d with1 a school children's pa .i,,e 5savv ani ne-eased interest a'fi'ets, cf the fair. Attend- a was, on Fridav afternoon devening, an improvement ov- er that of last year. Th>je fair drce in the Town Hall o n Sat- u'iyevening conciuded the act- ivities of tihe two day exhibition la Orono. Susani West was the proud de- eco-ated bicycle class. There ig ier of this decorated bicycle were forty-five entries in-the con- when she won first prize in the test heid on Friday. Mr. Orvîlle Challîce, president of the Orono H-orticultural Society discusses the flower sahow et the Orono Fai. with MrE. R. Wooi- Followmg tme piesentation Oï a Cooler to driver J. Murphy of 'lie inpn' h'-eJaneyG.Gran, in tue 0om.o Fair Stakie are pic- yard, echa-irmani lice Trus.,tees. tbe Village was ed. of the Orono Po- Beautification of no doubt discuss- rujeu .v. v. J. Murphy and l'Is, k Ca-ma-i who presented the Cooler on behalf of Carman PlUM- bi ng and Heating. MON! -l

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