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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Sep 1966, p. 2

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OF.oN0, WEEKIL TIMES, TOURS DAI', SEPTLîM£.!R IL GG Severy Tliursday a t tâ? off cf ~l.a M&'n mee~, none 109, UTono, unLariý- Eevab.'iShed in 1938 by R. A, Fjrrester R-Yy C. Forrester- Ed tor and Mar3ager Aint what she used to bie The song "The Old Grey Mare" may carry more trutb than fiction in, some of its lines. However for tbose who ferecasted the end of the horse, their beliefs were shattered on Saturday at the Orono Fair wbere this animal was more than prominenit in bringing success te the fair. The Old Grey Mare is certainly net what she used te be' when she laboured day in and day eut on the farm pulling the pleugh, stone boat. logging etc. iii'Lz pe -jl in the borse's history it laboure i with its master te reap a living from the seil. Mechanization on the farm bas made fi-e herse obsolete in this facet of 111e. The herse bas hee-q forsaken on one hand Jbot as man bas turned some of bis time from continLiuo"ç labour te that of recreation be bas again found use for the horse. The g"andson or granidaughter of the Old Grey Mare bas adopted to tbis new 111e and now plays along wltb man la bis 'liesure time, No more pulling the plougb or ha'-vesting the grain so e e àct... the iron herse tracter dees this lowly job. One breeder at the Orono Fair said he k-new of at least 200 hobby herses and penies that b- vi',eed 'n ) the district witbin the last year. This, if being true, gives serne idea of the large scope in which the herse is new premînent, The horse has, in labours.. . . now the man enjoy fis leisure. e the past, served aN w&i oyitb horse again cornes forth to, help Sept. 15, 1965, We Are Celebrating or t Iap~ airBige /Ar:J ýL3t~ Jay ponsored by Jýoyce-Swieanor Appýliancee Ltd. Friday 'evening will end up with a darnce at the a t~er e:ter Campbell Arena with miusie Ever y ýhe Durations -Poit Fhope's newe!st dance bnd With an eeutive that bave a,'d Saturday and you see wby b Inhlin g m o rhly ctins the--e iq so nethng for everyone. noc lat yar~1-i t is tile ndu .ry ili bave exhibits of wode ha hi easfair, Sept. their pri oduets, several retail stor- 116 and 1 14, is well planned ith 'es wiil hýave exhibils, The Histor- soinethain - for everybody. "We ical Club wvill have space along are still iithesnall county fair but withte Stanp Club and Coin have added new attractions lithat'lub. Idlr b are unable to should draw the urban dweller te shlow wiýi! donaýte their space to our gates", quoted Mr, Morley the Týed Cïos, Cr'ýippled Children Philp, president (4 th!e Puit HOPe a idorthrorganizations. e i teatu ethis year Hiarniess racing prize menecy will beadeiosttn of West- bas been raised to encourage i -!Iioase appll n,, (s put in at the more entrieb, a horse show witb Trade Fair on Friday and Satur- Englisb, Western and Roadster i classes, an amateur centest, pet show, old tyme fiddling contestý are only some of the attractions that sbould make ibis the best fair yet. The local Ramrods Club a estaýig a car rodeo anid it is ÀI onde ond the Legion Pipe Band and î ee a Cadet E w 1 vr' take par-t. Add to tI:ýS -r'ne, ad- dition to the fa- , lb" J'Iusjli 1 Rlteal Trade Fair lbeld i the 1'-e Campbell A. ena, Friday JACK' 99 King St., .& When Ruying or Sellhng 'cal] VOUR ORONO fiAltEA REPRESENTATIVE Phone 1r12 %[embers of Oshawa trict Real Estale Sept. 15, 1l966 Our First In Bowmanville Cen1[rai (Pn1,tai i0 rLJuSt cScving Crporaton wishes, to express sincere. thanks to the people of Bowmnanville and the West Durham Area, for the generous support we have received over the past yeax. Your confidence is most inspiring . we will always strive to deserve your confide nce . . . with one thought in mind, "service to our cientsý," -:1 When you think of trust company services think of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINOS CORPORATION 23 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-2527 "Your Community Savings Headquarters" Higher interest rates - te make your money grow, Long ýer heurs - fer your cenvenience, Trus-ý. and Will Services - for yeur pence of nrind, RelEstate & Mortgage Depts. - te assist vou in yeur pro'1-rty transactions. ADVISORY BOARD Ross Ste-vens, Chairman; N. Byron Vanstone, A, Allan Str'ike, Wýilliaqm Taylor, Secretary, Bowmanville; William 'Reid, Vice-Chairman; W. Kay Lycctt, Orono; R. Murray Paterson, Newcastle. and Dis- Board WILLIAM TAYLOR, Branch Manager. k Over 25 exhibits Mil make the. sýhow in thle Peter Campbell Ar- ena and refreshments will be served by the Beaver Athltic As.- sociation Ladies. I O I h ____________ -'f HEHEVI m W -1 Wý-- E Commerce financing and bank services helped this farmer buy a new pick-up truck. Are you planning any purchases? Corne to the farmer's bank. CANADIAN IMPERIA1>'ýBA'NK 0FCOMMERCE Mid-September Week-end Attractions CHECK THESE FOR VALUES AND THINK YOU WTLL AGREE!!!!' lroning Board1 Silicon Pads, each........ $1.79 Metal Ironing Board ................. $6.9 '8 Bakeware Assortment, each ...... ......3à7e Flastic Runners 79e Ladies white Stoles $1.98 Colourful Metal Trays ][5" oblong ........ 95e 12" 'Round ................. * *75e Triple Towel Holders - all muetal each ..j.. 45e Artificial Fruit in Plastic Bag........... 49e Nursery Rhyme Knife, Fork, spoon, set ..75c 1'hotograph Albums - red or gen each . 88e Teflon 111/2" Griddle with spatula, each $5.78 Dab-A-Do Hair Setting 'Gel 16,oz. jar . ... 88e ilazel nLishop Hair Spray, 17 fluid, ozs. .. 99c Misses Go-Go B9ots in White, -3 - 10, pair $2.98 DUTCH IBULBS JIJS ARRIVED JïýIN BLK-Tulips 8t. ca.; D,,affodils and llyaeinths 13e each;Naesu 18e each. IN PACKAGE-l-lyacinthi, 4-'a:for 59c.; In a pot 49e for on1e; Daffodils, 4 for 59c.; Crocus, 20 for 69c. and more. Phone 122W, Orono Sel e "-te d For You WE

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