f~q71N~ EFAILTIM7ES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IMt, 31966lS Tamblyn. secretary o JL iur iacc is hamn Holstein'Club. W. W. Werry and Sons of Ham- J pten took first in the bull. two Cham b rrTomger iSeek drey r of the show year and over class. The bull also Entorcem ent.of R -IaIw Hampton. Ru-nner-up was Glen ion ribbon. Glen aFrmws Rae arm.of Bwmanille Thefirst in the junior yearling heifer! The Orono Chamber of Com- premier exhibitor alsowas Wes- exhibition. Hig merce at their meeting on Mon- first daSy. ley Werry and Sons, whiie the Thesho,-'hie wa up ie- '-unner-up was Neil Macolm of 1 day evening at thp Newv Dutch h hw a pi Other winners incîuded Donald -Oven Restaurant, rî ;-e4 ,a motion tries by 35 bead over last year Burketon FaIls. Bujdd A4 Port Hope, Bruce Tiink again asking that the parkingý by- "had consider&Ve1i' depth i senior o apoRl .Gapi f Hi law which has been passed by the,. female clasFeF." Mf-. nap~. Winners of the classes were: :i3owmanville and Cedar Dale ÇCounties for the Main Street of A total of 22 ehhtr and 136 julnlio, heife- caif. Glen Rae Farm, Stock Farms in Orono. Orono, be enforced. The motion animals we'e, on 'lilay. Mrs. Bowmnvi"le: senior heife'- ca1f, -authorî7zed the Civic Comnmittee of DOreen McHo111m o fl 1ýRa Farm; bull Cal'f, jurior. Wne o h . aby thèe Chamnber to, approach the Or- Durham Çountv lar -rnesTni.n amOo,~v io WTrohv fthe Abe Taebeyfe oino Police Trusteesý t6 have this for 1966, priia~ in the show v 'c' We Y1oteso *action taken; The motion was pre- b11 preselitiyng each contestant t "dPb" aea h uhmCut lc sented by Mr. E. Hl. Samuel and 'wNith his wir;nin'z, ,io. ~ daa(ee~dj'o champ- -dwHte show was J. H. ose andl Mr. A. McLaren and carried. ion). Sons. W. W. Werry and Son won b Assistruifin v be Jack Keliough Trophy for the MT. Lvcett stated that he had so e- .~ &o fP~t Ta ±f-, crasfiý yearling bull premierý breeder and Ralph Glas- spoken to Mr. Woodyard on this PerrY. whoa'- -af*ma; rt na vl ov,'ssecl 1w ..pel won the Master Feeds specal ,matter on a number of occasions Ben Brown, pre ýrl-rt of 1bi - H2 .1ýJo!ýe and rson3 of Newcastle ty>to1vý for the grand champion and had even started a pétitoni ham Holstein (1711): a 'd CalloI and Eprl Wald:4ýe of Roseneath female. support of the $108,000.00 storm ____. __ ______ ___ ____________ sewer and paving project. In the latter, he stated, he had found considerable confusion and aq a. result 'iald aside the idea of a -petilion. '1e furthcr stated, thatl hear Mr. Woodlyard Lad dis d enssea a meeting with the 1 ter 'ested peopie, to prese'tifo'a tio-1 and gaini an overal frr The general concensus of the! meeting seemed to be that the) parking by-law could be instituted and eùforce-d without having the storm s'wror paving rjeto the Mai Steet R. C, orse statuta ~ av rbe that ',jt e driving busiesa way from Orono. Both W.,.Cr man and E. H. Samuel stated tha the b c-a ould be brought int force ~ .very lîttle cost. I wa also stated that biere appeýared no_- reason why the by-law, if efre now, shou!d hinder the sor glewer or paving project. Oneý meruber commented that parking- in Orono was now a "laughingý stock" for anyone who t-led ýto drive down the-Main street. Mr. Joseph Taub, presidenýrt îof the newiy formed compan, Nes,- ing Furniture Company, whi0fchý bas taken over Kelh4t Manufact- uring, was lintroduced to the mnee-t- ng by Mr. Joseph Klasner. Mr. R. C. Forrester alsoinformr- ed the meeting that theHate Rebekah Ludge were to etinsider a joint centennial project withi the Orono Chamber of Commerce. The $100.00 draw was won by .R. C. Forrester. 'Flower Decorationl ,Service The Orono Junior Gardeners' Club of Orono. held their 'first flower servi ce Sunday, Septemb___ 1lth in Orono Unted Chureh. Fourteen members and their1 'leader Mrs. Fair'ýrother and, dir- ector Mrs. 0. -Chaîlice parae into church earrying flou-ers. Wayne Couvier -and P eter O0- brist received the'fiowe'-s making a very beautiful displav at the front of the churcli. The f1owersi Inter were distributed t ? '-'ariy sick and shut-ins and resýL';Àomes in t'.e district. The memhers suiv- e1t vo beautiful musical renditions. Peter 'Obrist of Neatete sang aàol -'God Who Touched Earth 'Witb Beauty". an~d Fve1ere r-ro,ýr sn- Donna C1a1c of 0-o o sang the due' 1n --Ca-n<' Rev. Long-gave a very inspiring sermon entitled "A Sermon From a Garden," directed primarily to the Junior Members of the con- gregation but of equal inspiration to ail present. We would especially like to, thank Mr Long for his excellent talk and'to Mrs. Mérton for the lovely music supplied. We will ail look forward to oui' next flowyer service and hope ta perhaps ýail boys and girls in the area will participate next year. 'Hloistein Show Wiris Judges Praise The Durham County Hlstein Club black andiwht show was descêlbed by WIl. J. Knapp, judge j £rom Greenwood Farmns, Gaî, as' an exceptionlalfine show FÏridiay,- zas the -Oronio 'Fair wound up t SOCKEYE SALMON SAVE 10e! .TOMATO JUICE SV le! 18-Oz, Tins 3 ~ TOMIATO KETCHUIP SAVE 10e! E. D. SMITH'S l.-Oz. ]BUS. Z 39 t CAKE MIXES 'SAVE l! BETTY CROCKER 2 PKGýS 8O9C PEANÏUT BUTTER R~ED & WHITE lHOMOGENIlZED 16-0z, Jar FRENCH'S MUSTARD REý&PrD 2 FOR 49c~ SAVE 18e ! - 8c OFF PACK SUPER WHITE PASTE WAX- Great Art Mail lu Offer! SUCCESS 1 -lb. Tîn 59c SAVE Ici 14-Oz. Aerosol Tin Jet Sprny BON'AMI 65C SAV O!- BJLLY BrE l12-Oz. Plastie Tubs Crcî d~ ONEY 2 for 57c SAVE4c I14-Oz. Pkg. Mllnýi Rc E45c SAVE 20e! - CAR' NATION 3-Lb. Pkg. INSTANT MILK $1.09 N BEST, BUV! - SAVE 24c! - WVITE OR COL( BEST BUY! - SAVE Ce! - LANCIA DURED 2-Lb. Ceflo SPAGHETTI Or MACARGNI 37 BEST BUY! -'Save 8c!-"Win $100 a Month for Life" Fkg. of 60 SALADA TEA B>AEGS 19e BE.ST PUY! - SAVE Mc - WHITE OR COLOURED WRITE SWAN TISSUE 2 Roils 25e BEST BUY! - SAVE Mc - GERIR'S Assoirt. -4h. -Oz. Jas.i STRAINED FOGUS 4F 9 ____________~49R -QUICK SERVICE FROZEN FOODS- SAVE 13c! - OLD SOUTE PLOIRIDA 4-Oz. Tins ORANGE JUICE 4 for 89c SUPREME MIXED VEGETÂBLES, 2-lb. bag 49e BFST BUY!- SAVE Me 12-0z. Pkg. BEST BUY! - SAVE 4e! - NEW DOUBLiý L 21 14-0z, F R scolour Individ CI pliofilm bug IGULAR $5.1-S VALUE r~ff~ Wh;t~, Or~no ".SP'ECIALLY SELECTED"-Yalue Check'd-Tender, Juicy LOI N'O'N PORK 'NI "lYOU SAVE TWICE WITH TRIM & PRICE"I FoR FR4YING - '"TNXDER JUICY_" LOIN PORK ÇHOPS lb. 8"DA O TFIG "LEAN MEATY" - ALWAYS TENDER PORK SPARERIBS IL79 "WELL STREAKE»" -"ALWAYÈS TENDER" miLD CUED J-Lb. Pkg. PERSIl BLICE» Rindless Bacon 63c Pork Liver ' lb. 39cj 1 d-- SUNSHINE FRESII FRUITS 'AND ýVEGETABLES CALIFORNIA PRERSE ROM THE GARDENS 2-1b. Bagf PRSE PROM TEE GARDENS-CRISP 3-Lb. G Fresh Carrots 1 9c IL 3,5PRESE PROM THE GARDENS I l . iPepper 'Squash 2 for 29c Reg. 89c - Special $letI SHAMPOO T'L Head & Shou1ders ~h Eeg. 85-. ICR: BLUIE Lamge if. Seret Deodrant, U pet. $1.19 PaulyM». ,reat TootIhpaste 99e nf fýhe niir- 1 1.11PPM firqf FRUIT MARKET ighway 115, % mile South of Orono figh Quality Fruit Produce Bartlett Pear SpPecial ushel $4.251 6 qt$1.10 i l'i 1 , Iý tiý' AJAX Ljy-ý 7ý,ý