ORONO WIREKlL, TIMES, THURS-#AY, SEPTIi~itï â15t1, 1066, Bebid Te rngeCurainL ocal News s.e~ M.and Mrs. Steves ýof Moue- , eve "AT15 S PUBLCgeearedn hntesol ton have taken up residence in LiERARY?coed An moeiprat one of the apartments of Mr. E.Sig] A public library is a "ibrary they need it to become aware of IDent on Main Street. The search for the fourth es- OR which provides free library ser the fact that libraries exst not ;capee from the United Counties -YOU vkee of a generai nature to the js for student days but for a Marie and Fred Andrews, Or- Tail at Cooourg has been called Sav people of its coïmmunity." This lifetime oo pn h OooFi ek off, a spokesmnan for the Bo-w- -Ov generally accepted definition of a By Helen E. Wessells. en~d with Donna and Jim Huttoni manville detachment of the OP-P o publie library should be thought-ot omavle said Monday. It is believed ithe You fully studied and reviewed by the AT THE BOARD MEETING Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Convier and man has eluded police and left Up people who, are responsible for1 Regular monthly meetings of Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. Jim the Newcastle area.( thelirar srviesto cmmu- 1' Orono Public Library Board H-utton spent Sunday eveningi Thomas Magnoff, 21, of Niagara ity T~steslibaryadinitra- e'ýe resumed on Sept. 12 with with Ruth a-id No-ýman Andrews 1 Fa7,ls, was spotted on the mainC ors, and staff should constantiy MK« cttadM.R Fradfmi. re fNecslStudyad Te remenrber that the service for rse rseia e rebr.ltercaughwatedatbox ary.d Te theo mnt Part is -nroviclpd without .- -- iw.. 1d, ,,,, l n an1.. .- - g--- --ume Icutb'ehi-n-d-' ' -oc recnvcna bxman seui charge, that it is general in ra- ve- e az fo1Iowý: Ireturned home on Saturday from w,,ith hlm who s'ipped into a near- fure, and that the libr.ary is forTar- 791; July- 667; August - a holiday at Gaspe Peninsula. b uhwsHryAlnCa _31 of the people of the co'nmrun- 698 fod 9 ity te Uc. A orogress report on relocation Mr. H. C. Ili cka bv. Oakvillefod 9 Public libraÈies are usuaily tax - rxealed tbzt ail renovations on Mr. J. W. Rickaby, To-onto, M-.i Two others who escaped last pp~tedmuncia'.couiw oh p, Town HalLTihrary room have and Mrs. R. P. Rickahv, Bowman- Thursday, Paul Leroux, 20' of' ileupprted .l insitutins. nTy 01&, he or't b " rtnvillIe attended Orono Fair on Sa"- Downsview and Jacques Morin, ri-;rlvave lîtt-'i o Te7 apca -;t Yen exeptýIin o 3pa ic ba t'rd pav and were e' coing dimier 19, of Montreal, were captured in lherfore ar theoie7 vh act 0,CI"ýtt-'on vilco- guests of Mr. and Mrs, Carl BiIU r r)-nto f ive îîours after their es- ~ ypay for library service. Ail wa e iOst"attatoofa, lighco in'lcpe persors have the right ýto expect aYef eth inalton flgtsigscpe Iï5rary service regard'ess uf cdu- Mr D Simpson wil! paint the Congratulations to Mr. Fred W. M,.g'rnff ad anôther man were tatio'nal backg-ouni a eligion, V1 vals. Truil of Orono, who celebrated bis spotel on the main street of New- ra~ o pliic. hepep' o te1 Shelving wvas orde-e' f rom 89th birthday on Tuesday, Sept- sie yOPCntbeDnald comniunity - the ibrary public Car adian Labaa a t. Stewart who cailed for help. He should be ýable to use the library rldoube-faced f-e tn gsh.e1_________________ was joined by Constable George at the hours most convenient for 13 sections of wa'i she1v e- 2 sec- Evans a.nd the two cornered Mag- them. The people of the commun- fions of children's picture book Asimov. noff behind a box factory. ity should also bie aware of the s-he'ves. These a- ail on métal Our London Office -T. Arm- Ahn o h te a a cets of public library service. up-ights with birch shelves. strong_ A unt for ithe3 poheinas cl The public library should ap- 1 A literary discussion group will The House at Satan's Elbow- g peal to all ages - from the child j e sponsored by the Lih'-ary. Tnn J. D. Carr. 1 ce officers from Bowmanville, whe. is ready fer his first picture 'terested parties may phone Mrs. Majesty's Rancho - Z. Grey ýWhitby, Lindsay, Cobourg and boo totheretre ciize wh . Ruthnerford, phone 256-M-1. IHot Rod Patrol - R. S! Bowen. Peterborough detachments aided book o th ýreiredciIýe-,ïwhoiMystery of Satellite 7 - C. by about 40 citizens, one witha now has time to catch up withCob.--akn g Ibis reading. Therefore, books and AND 1 QUOTE Cob.ta'igdg information should be provided A great library contains the rtcalSéeen-'Rdu BtCawo lddthm for children, for the emerging diary of the human race. The Jarain al enen-R.d- Bt Cawfissord brued k them adut andl aduits - business men, great. consulting rrim of a wise Love is Forever - M. E. Bell custody. Two weeks ago, whileý lhousewives, professors, scientists, man îs, a library. - G. Dawson. Henry Huggins . B. Cleary. jbeing taken from Kingston Peni- Iokýso l ye.Ee hr Dorothy Robinson tentiay to Welland for trial he adequate school libraries are a- NEWBOOKS AT THE LIBRARY t _____the - ______ at Bowmanville. He was recap- vailable frm te eeentary The Missile Lords - J. Sutton tured a short tme later, through graduate days, students Wanderers. Eastward, Wander- of ail ages need the public lfbrary crs West - K. Winson. UNITED CHUIIH ______________ for supplcmentary information oi The Rest of the Robots L- Ê';.il ,OTICE ORONO WATER USERS Effective Sunday, September 1Sth Owing to alterations at the Water Tank, Customers are requested to restrict use of Water to household use and to limit use for Commercial and Industrial- purposes. The period ýof lindited use will, at present estimates, he for two weeks. Your co-operation would be appreciated., Signed, on behaif of - Ontario Water Re-- sources Commission. Ernest Dent, Manager Orono Iydro and Water System ROALBowmanville -0 623-5589g g Thursday to Saturday, September 15 to- 17 u9 t(Cler) Jerry Lewis, anet Leigli and Buster Keaton as Sund,-y to Wednesday, Septembe-r 18 to 21 g (Cler - Aduit EntertaÎnment) t ]ROCK HUDSON GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA ~Or Ki] Le Orone Pasteral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long, 5UNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 Sunday School at 10:00 Morning Service at 11:-15 rby-- Morning Service. at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 ýskard-, Sunday School at 9:45 ~I - Càl1youir S licenscd Plumbing & Mechanical Contractor who scils, installs -icra ntces PLUlVBING AND HEATING Phone 143 Orone î ou'jl Jui em if: neve been too busy to P e up. m're not interested in ving money. S neyer have to borrow 1Can't Afford te Pass pMembership in the Or ono District F-1- UNION as.-lian,, Angus Loucks Poe 4rl0, Or Why Pay More.... 'Vý,7 ON PREMIUM A v QUALITY FUEL OIL, PHONE NEWCASTLE 9837-4215 Servîng Orono, Newcastle and District NEW. FALL FASHIONS LADIES' DRESSES£ A good selection of new Fail Dresses. Have your choice of wool double knits and tweeds for casual wear or rayoncrepe and arnel for dress-up occasions. Beautiful'new Fall shades ini sizes _5 l 241/2. PRICED FROM $17.95 TO $32.50 LADIES' RATS See our selection of new Fali Hats. Dressy ýor,,asual Styles in rich rayon velvet, wool felt or beaver felt. ýSeveral of- the new peaked caps included. Ail of the new Autumn shades. PRICED FROM $5.50 TO $15.95 SHELLS A new stock of Ban-Lon and Wool Shelîs and Poor Boy Tops. Several styles in plain shades or Paisley -design. Sizes S, M, and L $5.50 to $7.95 SKIRTS New F al Skirts, plaids and plains.. Sheaths, A-Lines andPleats. Sizes 10 to 20. PRICED FROM .................$6.95 tW $16.95 The newest thing for Fail and Winter - Ladies' Pea Jackets of WOýol melton, ined with plaid flannel or wide wale corduroy, lined with or- lon pile. Double breasted styling. In green, brown, tourquoise and bur gandy.' Sizes 12 to 18. PRICEDFROýM.......... $22,95 to $24,95. ww -ll@qomiý %Umm IlE