ORONO WEEKIL TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. lStb, 1966 2à When you turn 21 ycu're no longer cov- er-ed by your parents' Ho-spitàl Insurance. To, keen insured, you Must t-,ke outf mdi- viduil rmembership wihn30 dîiys. Get your apphCLeiton form ati a L'ank, a hospital, or frorn, the Conniis- Sion. The 'fa-:mîIly' osPJ-a-l Insurance prernlLrn must now be paid ba cover husband and wife. Notify your "group' without deý3 lay OR, if yau bath a premniums direct, nat-,ý fy the Cormssïon. Te k eep i nsu red folIaW the instructions an the Hospital Insurance Certificate of Paymrei it dForm 104' that yaur, present employer is required to give you on leaving-. YO ur HOSPITAL INSURANICE iPlan Ontario Ifospital Services Commiiission Tloto 7, uQaari It Pays To Ad-verti*e- vind Horst is Stake, yoi luv Janey J., Grattan, owned by J. AT MORROW PAIX, 1 'filt and K. Graham of Lindsay won A,'Mqrrow Park, on Saturday Kit the Orono Fair stake race on evening, Keith West with Siski- fou Saturday of last week. The win was in a time of 2.11 with a field, of hine horses chosen from the" first three' horses in the three el- irination races. M ie P PJlain AI M. owned by Dave formerly of "This Heur Ha RoitgW-ey, /Orono and A. CampbýelI of Qshawa, placed second in the fir ai af ter having won its elimin- MlE C NA I ation race with a thime of 2.10. Plain AI. M was drivenby Keitb West: WEDNE Re id Harress's ho-'te Maud. Trinît3 eer's Missv. finished third in the stake having finished second ir Other S] Uts e'tmination race. Mauideen s Mssy waý driven by Junior West. Friay, October 28, 1966 - Agermac Giattan ' owned by Wednesday, Noveniber 16, Frank Wils and cdriven by Grl- sr aain ie Robirson p'aced firsI. in sre anadan ife i-a1on md fourth in the final I January 26, DE stake race. ,cn ihv Canada" Bud Gist, trained and driveni February 22, 19 by Jack Williams was -scratched du in fromn the stake feature. March 15, 1967 in the cons o'tion stake Joy iPfi Seeo n d Century" Gratta-,finished first fo"lowed bv Jacqueline Hal, owned blv Powell BUYy of Newcastle, and Hillcrest Jef- frey. SieiAdults Mr. Harvev, ownel1 bv H. S ine of Claremont was the hest in the ýiicel re .vaiiable from: surmmarv of the, invitation pace 1 Mr. Russi while Morning Cal, owned by Ehrlick ard Hooev, o tesum ti r. Arno mary in the Fe o-I Mrs. Ro Keilli Wood, with Dave Frisco placed second and first in the Busintessmen's Trot. Capital R. owned and driven by Gerald Rainey pigced f iftb and third in this feature of the races. P. G. NeweiI (Continued from page ' ownec by Buckham Transport iS beleived to have been travelling east on the Sixth line of Clarke. The two vehicles ended againsï the bank on the east side of the County road south of the intersec- tion. Fire broke out in the truck, and spread to the- Newell car. Pire extinguishers were used by a driver of a second truck to extin-, guish the car fire. It was necessary to pull the two vehicles apart wîth the second truck before Mr. New- elcould be removed from his The car is a total wreck while the truck is in a likewise condi- tion with most of the damage being done by the fire. The Orono Fire Depar tment at- tended the fire. COME TO THE Port H-ope Fair PORT HOPE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FR1. i:S"AT. - SEPT.16..17 AGRICULTURAL PARK- PORT HOPE SATURDAY HARNESS RACING - HORSE SHOW RAMRODS CAR RODEO AMATEUR CONTEST - FIREMEN'S TUG-O-WAR *PET SHOW - GENERAL EXHIBITS DAN C EPETER CAMPBELL ARENA PLUS Indwtrl &RýetaiI'2nd Annual TRADE FAIR Peter Caiýnp2bell Arena - Friday & Saturday CANADN WSTINGHOUSE DEMO;NSýTRATION Admiissin: Adults $1,00 Stud(eits '75e and 50c. This adits to Malin Grounds and Trade Fair Mr. Russ( ou Song finished third in the In 'the seventh race Keith West .vtation trot. Jack Williams placed third witb Bob Bea Abî. ;th Happy's Mac followed in gail and in- the eighth race fotîrth fth place. Junior West driving with Speedway Pat. Gerald Ro:~ itty Witty finished third in the inson finished fifth in the nintb curth race. iwith Jerry Hat. LTRICK WÂr TSON las Seven Days" wIl address the opening meeting of &N CLUB 0F, WEST- DURIIAM ESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1966 - 8:15, P.M. y United Church, Bowmanville Speakers in the 1966-67 Serles wIll be' Mr. George Vincent "Continent of Contrasts" 1966 - Mr. A. W. Preston "The Threat of Lei- )67 - Mr. N. Goldschmidt "The Cultural Explos- ý,7- Mr. Picire E. Trudeau "The Political Pen- H lou. J.7T. Tligrson "The Shape'0f, Canada in your 1966-1967 Subseription NOW *$5.00 single $8.00 per couple Students $1.00 ;ell Osborne- 987-4374 Newcastle iold Wallace 983-5614 Orono nald Hawthorne - 623-3200 Bowmanville sel Best - 263-2216 Hampton i 1~ The Most Exciting News . o Hit Hairdressin g in Yearsl Coor-X 'REDUCES HAIR PROCESSING TIME, TO MINUTES Yes . ,. we have recently installed this Iatest equipment. for. TINTING &BLEACHING and belieNFeit lor not time is cut t,0 minutes . . . for example. 1 HOUE (60 mins) 110W enly 6 minutes 1/2HOUR (30 mins.) now enly 3 minutes 1/ HOUR (15 mins.) now only 1% minutes, -' COLOR PROCESSING - BLËAC'-I.NG STRIPPING - RETOUCHING - VOIN G TIPPING - FROSTING .- REVERSE FR-OSTING F0 APPOINTMENT DIAL 6232n 65 KING. ST. W. BOWMANVILLE