O NOwEz i II3 HJSDY DTiML 5t,1r lu the Offices of *R. R. Waddefl Q.C., MAIN ST., ORONO j{ Telephone 138 Orono 1 ?,,iMERRILL D. BPOW!VtNL B.S.A. B.A:Sc* O.L:S: r~ PRFESSONALeNGINEER (Civil) Ontario Land SurveYOr i 21Queen St. Box 1659 c Bowmanville, Ontario C, Telephone 623-7251 f L. i. SK&IFE Chartered Acco' itant 375 Water Street PETERBOROUGH Phone 742-5482 Ceneral INSURANCE" FRED LY CETT OFîzFICE - MAIN ST, ORONO lient 125U Res. 216 JACK REID Orono's Liensed Aucetionleer and Valuatoi Specialize in Farm aud 1Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates PIIONE OltON0 319 PUMPINO OUT SEPTC IANKS SWRITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tompkns: Phone 786-2552 JACK A. FERREN ORONO BOOKKEEPING * SERVICE Income Tax lýeturns Prepared Orono, Bowmanville, Oshawa Telephone Orono MR Faiily lM mordas Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Aok the person who bo ught freux us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RU¶1TER GRANITE COMPANT M3 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE 4'Largeît D)6pLw In Suthera Oxtarw, 0 W.FRANK. LIMITED ù '21 KING ST. WEST G O Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronot 923-9174 U (jport Hlope Offic'e-0 o98 Waltefl St. -885-4548 g FREE APPRAISALS G 0 Exclusive Agent for J. OCO. K o CONSTRUCTION (j 3-Bedroom Bungalows J OPriced from $15,375-00 o Go on lots 75x200 (Orono Area Representativeg ROY FOSTER O o Kendal -' Phone 3g1 GA large selection of Farms, ( 0 Homes, Lots, Retreat Pro- ~perties la this area Orville Chatterton Electrical Contracting I Electrie Heating and Service - PHONE 245 'OR 10412 j Oronit, Ontarîo Orono Electric PHONE 129, *CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOU'SE WIRING Free Estimatew APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed RepaIra to ail kidÊ of Electrical Equipmenât and Appliances Such at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves- Irons Hamiltons Insurance g 0 0gù Service te, Pire Package Policies Fidelity Bond, Lîablity I Rf O First Mortgage Loans ôSadîe Hamiltono 13Phone 1-R-16 rn 0 Box 133 MO. 8-3552 IStafford Brothers 318 Limited 38Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealers in Domestie & Foreign Granites ând Mar.os. Imsriptlons Cnt and Cemetory RepaIr Work FORSALE1 FOR SALE FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE 1960 Chev., 6Cy, ut.Raio1 Girl's coat, size 8, in very good Th fohomn maiae l and, new tires. G'ood condition, condition.Th ofnmig a1,ge s Phone Orono ý348W. a-p Phone 479W, Orono. a-c 'announced of Jev-n Elainc iVoffat, ___________________________Registered Nurse, daughte of Mrs. Daviýd.-Sheldon Moffat of Orm FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SALESMAN ono andý the late Mr. Moffat, to, One 3-piece blue Snow Suit,, Business is good and we are Rudolph ý'- Fank Peltzer, son of' sýize 5; one spring coat, girls, size short of help. We prefer someone Mjrs. Rdil Borris Peltzer and 5 or 6; a baby's crib 2'x4'. wth selling experience, but 'lot the jl t r. Pel'tzer, of Rosecmar, Phone 195, Oronio after 3 p.m. an abs olute necessity. Must be Of jAlberta. The marriage will take a-c1 good character and having an 'place on Saturda2y, October 151h, eagerness to Iearn the reni estate1 at 3 o'clock ini Orono United FOR SALE F~ TENDER business. Can also be full' or partChcOroOaio a- - - ~~~~time. ___ __________ Tenders will be reccived by For confidential interview con- the unde-siý&ned solicitor up to tact- RECEPTION 12.00 noon on Friday the 3th JOHN F. DE WITH, Real Estate Wo1 eaie n red dny of Septprnher, 1966 for the Limîted, Bowmanville, 14 Frank kind lattis inv itands. putrchase of the p-operty,ýof Ruby Street. Phone 623-3950. c-35-c kittndyan "At thome" 10 be ient Blanche Couch, consisting of an atn n A oe obgvr insul stone 4 room bungalow with- by the following. commitîe in lose(d in porcl aid garage, situ- CRAE honour. of Mr. and Mrs.' Walter ale on, a spaciono le 'n a res ident- Applications will be received by, Murphy (niee H1azel Crowther) at ial section on the East side of the undersigned until 5.00 p.m. their homne. Edward St. in New- '1hurt'i Street South in Orono. Friday, September 23rd, for a castle on Septembý-er l7th fromi This bouse is equipped wîth ou ,caretaker for Clarke High School. ýtwo to five and seven to nine pm furnace, complete plumbing and Duties to commence immediately. Committee: Mrs. George Wal-' electrical installations, and is con- Please apply in writingstaigoMs let ere r.Mr nected to Town water. experience and M.ua. aonodrayo Patrson, Mers. ToemrSpencer, Higestor ny en-er ot ece Mrs. Harold Gibson, Mrs. Gordon sarly' accepted. Administrator and Secretary-DaiganiM.Rss icnon Inspection of the property may Treasurer, b3- be arranged by contacting Mrs 181 Church St., ________ William Hoar, Phone 345W, Or- Bowmanville. ono or Mr. David Gray, Phone 987-4456, Newcastle. W. Kay Lycett, Orono, Ontario. Solicitor for the Vendor. SLYCETT PIumnbing" HeatIngg phone 33P.11 O Orono, Ontario, 'czD C=0=0= oc> fWATSON's MarineL andl Cycle Orono Phone 146 McCULLOCH BOA & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes oi Mowers and 2 and 4 Engines OTACO PLOW POI AND MACHINER' PART-TIME RAD] TV REPAIRS - HI-FI - Stereo - Record Players - Antennas .- Towers - PA System for rent Ail parts and labour gua IIARRY WIERSY*[ Phone 1737 Building a Hou or remodelling your one, thon eontacl Floyd Nichol PIIONE 2191 OROP O PUMBNGand HEATING (j SaIts and Service ( c24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEo a B-A FINANCING' LO'% LoïW Irest Rates à~>f o3Phonos: 0 Hampton CO. 3-2288 FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received bythe undersigned up to 12:00 noon on Monday the 3rd day of October 1966 for the purchase of the fol-t lowing properties owned by theJ Public School Board of the Town- ship SchooI Area of Clarke. L. Real property composed of Part of Lot 17 Broken Front Con- cession of the Township of, Clar-ke o6f the County of Durham having a frontage of 82' more or'less -and depth of 264' more or less, sub- ject to the purchasers agreeing and covenanting to demolish sand 1 GUIDE & BROWNIE NOTICE Brownieý, und"'r the leadership of Mrs. Gordon Lowery, will com- mence Monday, September l9th at, 6:45 pm. Girl Guides, under the leader- ship of Mrs. W. K. Lycett, will commence'Wednesdaýy, September- 2lst at 7 p.m. Meeting place in Christian Ed- ucation Building in Iower auditor- iumr., Ail girlsbetween the ages of '7 b 114 years, welcome. a-c MUSIC LESSONS remove the building prese1iù Piano and Theory. situate upon the property wti Tuesday Iifterrioon and evening a time to be specified. at Orono United Church. 1Mrs. Stella Morton A.T.C.M., 2. Real property composed of R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont. Phone: Or- Part of Lot 25,. Concession 4, of ono 502MI. a-p' the -Towniship of Ciairke ii the_______________ Coun-ty of, Durham havîng a front- age of 99' more or 'less and a ýCOMING EVENT depth of 165' more or less, sub- Kirby U.C.W. is having an Ar- ject to the purchasers agreeing tex demonstration in the Sund'ay 'and covenanting to demolishý and School room on, September 201h remove the building presently at 8 o'clock Everyone welcome. situate upon the property within a-c a time to be specified._______ TS 1 j3. Real property composed of GARY BARCHARD bf Lawn Part of Lot 18, Concession 7, of Interior and Exterior. Painting: Ceuinty of Durham containing one- Phone 987-4324 Newcastle, ont- INTS haîf acre more or less together * d-33-c LY with building thereon.________________ 4. School BelisIN EMRA 5. Two Oil Space Heaters. [O0 6. One 200 gallon oul storage tank ALLEN-ln loving memnory of a > 7.One eep-ell ump.dear husband and father, Williamn 7. Oe dep-wll pmp.Allen wvho left us suddenly Sept. Inspection -of the said proper- 17th, 1963. tics may be arranged by contact- ing the undersigned Horace R. One prýecious to. our hearts has aranteed Best, Phone 320W Orono, Ontario. gone, A Highest or any tender not nec- !The voice we loved is stilled, OrOno, essarily accepted. The place made vacant 'in our FOR SALEhome FOR SALE Can nieyer mnore be filled. Gendron De-Luxe Crib) and !No one you loved was by your mattress. Pale grey, colourful side Re? decals, new condition - $1800. To hear your last faint sigh. lPhone Johnson, Orono 409W,1 To whisper just a loving wo(rd after 5 p.m. a-p B3eforýe you losed youir eyes. present When last we sawý your smilin.g AUCTION SALE fc 1 hve ecevedinsrucion toYou looked so young and happy,. selI by public auction at the resi- fileyor as at awell. lT denc .E asoMr. Arhur iloa, We stood by an open grave,, Kin St EatMilbrok o Sp- And we watched them lower the tember 24that 1 p.m. sharp: Real on elv, Estate, Household Furniture, An- oew lvd We wc'ild have given our lives NJo tiques etc. to savýe, Terms cash. No reseve. R. J PaneAuctoner. ut e ke our thoughts couldn't R. J.Payne Auwaken.r Ris soul 1iný that lonely grave, ~o~oAUCTIO SALE S we laid our hearts beside 1-dm Shorthorn cattie, farm machin- dry, hay, grain, furniture etc., the property of Mr. Roy Mercer, Lot 6, Concession 7, Clarke Town- Ship. 1/2 mile east of Kendal, seIl- ing without reserve on Saturday, $eptembeý l7th at 1 p.m. Terms cash. J. Reid, Auctioneer NOTrICE Lyntonhurst Manor Nursîing Home has accommodation for ladies and gentlemen. Phone Orono 371W. h-36-c And, quietly walked away. lHe left us a memory we are proud bo Own, Mhe heartaches in this world are many. But to lose you "Bill" was ýthe greatest of any. God took him, it was his will, Within our hearts hp iveth still. Lovingly remembeLed and nev- er forgotten Vour wif e Cennie and daughter Trudy.