ORONO WEEKIL TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER lSth, 11966 IT'S SO EASY! This week you simply get DOUBLE the amount of your cash -N~* register tape-- compiete dollars only will be doubled. This gives you additional tapes to use for items from the IGA Gift Catalogue l --or Eaton Merchandise Certificates. LM PORTANT - For easy counting at the checkouts only complote dollars will be doubled, for example: if your cash register tape totais $18.64 you will reeiîve an additionai, $18.00 in Bonus Tapes FREE! PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 14, 15, 16, 17 We BIserve the Riglit to Liuïit Quantities. TABLE--JUiTEi Canada's Finest Quality Red or Blne Brand Beef Blade Bonie Removed Blade orBoneles Short Shoulder Roast 9c Freshly Ground NI NIZOý,.,,e4 ED'lb 69c Table Rite Siiced 5 Varieties C OK eMD NMEAT8 Go z pkg 27 C, Alpine - Primirose or Triangle EE F STEAKETTES lb 6& 12 oz, Tins 2tins 99c' Save 17e - Rose Sweet or Mixed 16 oz. Jars Relish or Pickles 3 for $1 'White Swan Twin Paks. TISSUE 2 ltwin paks 49C 3doz 99c l 25c 2 lb 49c f amily size 59c 48 oz. Pkgs. pkgzs 79c 215 oz. Tins tins 29e 224 oz. Jars 2jars 89e 2 lb pkgs 69c Canada No. 1 Grade, Bradford G-rown BAANS2 lb 29c' CEý,LERtY 2 sialiks 29c Nahsco18 oz. Pkgs. Fraservale Frozen Shi eded Whet 2 for69à-c lVxed Veg'etables NEW TM MTIE. H CENjTURV DC.3N« OF THE ENGLISH LNUC UNABRIDGEDl wirH so.06 Pusc. AND THIS COUPON COUPON 0000 UNTFIL AWBECOUPON ý.ý Hospitallty Lemon Meringue, Pie Monareh Soft Margarine IGA Faney Applesauce ,Raspberýry or Strawbermy Aylmer Jarn Save 15e Jewell Sho(,rten-*g -III CA ENTRING REPAJRS AND RÊMODELLING -Free Estimates - £ali: F. (SB)[ruton Phone 452M Save 29C - Beef or Irish 24 oz. Tins ,Swft's STEW 2 uins 89c Save- 35(, - -LuiacheoLn Meat PEM Setand Juicy Valencia Produce cf U.S.A, Californias Finest S4-,E-,LLSS GRAPâ'S Kendal News Perhaps the most important news event around KendaI during the past week was that the weli diggers, drilling on the property of Mr. Robert Reid in front of his new house went down 188 feet. Then on Friday they struck a flowing well. It continues to flow out to the road and down to the seventh line. Reminds us of Num- bers 20,' verse il: And Moses iift- ed up bis hand and witb bis rod he smote the rock twice and tke water came out abundantly. On Wednesidiay evening, Sept- ember 7, the United Churcb WC>- men metai >tbe home of Mrs. R. Mercer. The President, Mrs. R. Elliott opened the meeting wîth the hymn "In Christ there is no East or WeFt" VIrs. R. Mercer read the twenty-third' Psalm. Mrs. W. Mercer took the devotion- ai on the Shepherd's Psalm. Mfter reading the. minutes it was mev- e4c and seeonded that the bill for Ithe new floor covering on the k.tchen be paid $23000. Caried, Proceeds from the Donnybrook Sale were $115 00. It was agrer<vl that we serve sandwiches and coffee Aýt Roy Mercer's sa1e on Saturdâv, -Sept. 17. , , The anniversary wil be Octob- er 16 and Kendai, Turkey Supper October l9th. The topie was given by Mrs. G. Cathcart telling of the work our United Church, does among the jIndians, Mr. Robt. Marsh was sent to Kiemtu, B.C. to teach themn how to build or repair their homes. H1e sectired the help of Cantain May to teach th.em navi- tation. A ,large H11e Iein: rast Vancouver is provided to . give Indian girls a decent place te sieep. Several ladies ordered a box of greeting cards to be ord- ered fro-m the Canadian Indian Centre iToronto. Lunch 3m served by our host- esss, rs.J. Carscadden and Miss C. W Stewart. Sorry t report a bad accident at Carson's Corner eariy Wed.nes- day mornîrg. MVr. Pete Newellis1 seriousiy humrt and his car burned iwhiie, he collided with a gravel Ig truck.- This' "hidden intersection" bas ne warnîng signs. INDUSTRY- A BUILT.IN MARKET (Çontinued from page 1) ment sbould, be within the bidll- Up area and controlled sub-divi- siens, he. said. We.are not getting the population concentrated in areas wbere services and educa- tion can be provded economicaliy. Mri, Samuel said be feut that t'he Chamber couid bave sbown imore enthusiasm in ýassistng Mr. Myles in locating bis donut fact- ory. At ibis point be stated that ,tbe assistance given Keirit b ad initialiy esiablished a good ini- dustry in Orono wbich be felt would again blossom fortb. He again referred to tbe built- in market provided by indusiry and urged tbe Chamber to pri- vide the facts wben caiied upon by potential locating 'industries. Show them that you can move -ami thai you bave, e nthusiasm. Mr. Samuel was introduced by Mr. S. B. Rutherford wbo outlined tbe growth of Curvply Woo d Pro- duets from a plant of one in 1949 to one now employng over one hundred. It was also pointed out that Cuý,rply was thie largest manuifacturer of cuirved plywood in _Nocrih, America bavîng a con- sideralbie export market. Mr. Ruiherford aise, referred to the iieresi in Communiiy affairs hei hyMr.Samuel. The speaker was thned by Mr. A. McLaren.