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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Sep 1966, p. 1

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$4,400 An approximate ,amowunt cf ThIe $3541is nritstantling te mieet floor thie total -cost -of Arificial lIce at $3,959. hýe Orono Arena. This ameunt a sun aws reported te the Orone Ama- the ic teur Athletic AssoèintioIx on Mon- Street Va evenIing when the organiza- tehed teraunual meeting .in At the ptar room at the r5ink. enling turnec Theý deficit et $4,358.41 follows vic-pi expenditLý, et the ice, plant et yet tii last yeralong with expendiltures ors3 ci for the ceýment leer and thle re- and R construction at the north end ef te the the rink.. zatiop. Needed etotal c-ost of the cernent amounted ta a sum of 9.02. During recent -months n c« $2,642 '80 'was raiseýd for, ce fund through the August kFair and-the Caif Draw. teMeeting on Monday eV- most of he officers were re-' Id for the cominýg year. A )resident and secretary have ýbe appoîited. Nýew direct- ýfStirI'!ng' Mather, Raye West Fon Taisma haluve been addeýd Sdirectorate cf the organi- A deficît of $300.00 -,as also reported in the general a ceo4unt of the Athlietie sscitin y the treasurer. A rink comrhûlýtee of Bruce Tennant, Gor o joery and Bert Black was formed for the coming season. Reýgistration for hockey is to be held this Fridlay evening, Sep- tember 2Srd at thJe Orono Muni- cipl uilin frt»m 7 to 8:30 p.m. This is theonly' registration that wlbe held i eat was re- VOUE28, NUMBER-' 36 O-RONO F:ELV TIMSTIIRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2"nd, 1966 T ~~~ ~ a e iaRceTk ura A MQet This is the era cf big mioney Fsports and the millionaire athiete. .Every sport has W;~ financial princes, competitors who earni up- w,ýard of '$100,000 a year, in salar- ieS or prize, mcney, addunvel ed frtne in endorsemen,-ts, pr- dutbonuses and appearancete. Cosstn îth the er4a, dollars a-le the icing cf glamour te sp-orts caIrrcng an ýexpensive sporj.tte be in ith. With $30,000f on the finishing Ih-e, dollaràaor coats-the ixth annuial Canadianm Grand Prix at Msprt on Saturdayý, Septemiber 24. Grandi( Prix whinner wll re- _eive a handsomne $6»000 and the The Grand Prix is a major Can- a;diaýn sports spectacle oTf its own aýnd u-pwards cf 26,000 are expect- ed '-o line Mosport's 25 miles cf tr~cheousbends andstih-a way wIien a select f iekid of 30 bla,-t c'ffi'th 196race. spoosoredj by the Britishi Empire Motor Club. Addinig te the Grand Prix's competitive spice is its position as the half-way race lu the Can- adian-Amýterican Challenge Cup, a series cf six sports car races for m ore th1an $300,000 in total prize mouey. The Can-Amn Challenge started- last w-eek eud in St. Jovite, Que., where Engýand~s John 'Surýes, the 1965 wcrd ecampïou, won $soôoO and" tolk the lead tcward an additional $19,250 whch is the pot for the Can-Axu champion. Second leg of the eveut will be heid lu Bridgehamptcn, N.Y. this Sunday with the international field trekkine te Mosport on Sept. 24, fer the third race ln the ser- iethe Grand Prix for $a,GOO andthe PepsiCola Trophy. 1 Surtees cf course will djrive lu the. Canadian Grand _Prix hoping te .add to bis treasury, to his lead lui Can-Amn series and te cp the TpýIsi-C-ola Trophy. Mýis major cempuetitien in Que- bec was Bruce McLaren cof New Zealand who -placedi second f61- lowed by teammate Chris Amen. The Grand PrIx wil feature cars powered by North Am'-erican V-8 -engines since the -Can-Am rser- les is staged for these plants. H1elp! Thbe Orono rtfiia Ice Cern- mfittee wish tecol,,-iete the work at 1 bc Orone Rinik within the ncxt two weeks. Work iý ncludes' fin- ishing the rgonstruction et the spectator section and upstaîrs rocm at the north end et the rink along with replacinýg some et the .idc cushionswnc had been ré- moived ter atrtos Werk b'.,,ecs have been arranged RselC. Honey, ,P.(Dur- ha)Chia cf thýe Liberal Cauus nnon~dtoday from Re- gina whlere hie is hosting Common- weaqýlhPriamyîntarians, that a general meetin-cf caucus will be callecd for Tue ,sÏay affernoon, Oc- tebe 4t, 196~nt 2:30 p.n. prier te tAe rsmtof the Session fo'r üthe w Saturdays and everycue wil e welcome te give a hand tIci omplete this job. It is expected that the rinj< wil be in operation sometime around thie first cf November. With now h-aving arificial ice those lu the area can eý-xpect an extendrol use cf the ri:-k with a probable two month earlier opening than ln past years. TroutReproductio)n To Be Studi ed Extensive efforts will be made and st udies carried eut te deter- mine how well raiubow trout may be able te live and reproduce in sections of the Ganaraska River above Corbett's Dam it was de- tided receutly at a meeting cf lu- terested parties held in the board room of the Department of Landls and' Pôrests at Lindsay. The -meeting was calle<j to dis- cuss the feasibility cf evenually building a fish laddter at, ýCotbett's Dam te allow rainbow trout easy access to mrore uoretherly reaches cf the river. About 20 persons were present including A. C. Crowhurst and Cyil Heudersen, of Port Hope~ Town Council; Reeve GCeorgeFin- nie of Hope Township; E. Brewn of Prt Hope Parks Board; and represenitaffives cf the Ontario Federation cf Hunters and Ang- lers nrud the Department cf Latîds aud Forests- Aise at the meeting was George Totten of the engineering f irm of Tetteni, ims, Hubieki and Asso- ciates cf Cobourg. Before -a ladder is built it was decided te make sure that ramn- bow tout will be able to live and reproduce in the river. It wvas noted that brown trout have been ,f ailing ,te reproduce and as a result are becoming ex- tinct in the Ganaraska River. Thus, it may be. that rainbow trout will not 'find thec water con- ditions compatable. either., Two courses cf action are open. If is piroposed either te net rain- bows below Ccrbett's Dam and put themi over the dam, or tc stock the river with a quautity cf two-year-cld trout. In elîher. case the_ prcgress cf the fish will be studied and if rainbow trout are able te live and reproduce it is likely a fish ladder will be'built. It was also noted by the meet- ing 'that the new river channel being builîtin- conjunctien with the Port Hope centennial park prcject will allow greater nî'm- bers cf rainbcws te reach the Cor- bett's Dam' area. Fund County Road Commission The Oro'io D'a -. Fetvj o one-act play-s wîul' I b t e'd his year in the Oro: e To ' r lali on. three consecutixe r.ig.-"itq, October 27 tu 29. At the prosent time nine plays are expected te copete in img m~ade ntry. TEe date *eft hae - - a _ s msvd e ate Octe er ratk than Septem' et- as it ttt.t this cxtended pe kI . 1 e further time te piay,, C,'~ the summer sea-ü. At the September meetin.g of the Township of Carke Counci' ' acceunts were pa-sed i the fol- lowing amounts: $152,722.35 Gen- cral; $36,709.45 for the Rond De- partmernt; $1478,26 for Wclfare and $2,044.08 for the Orene Pol- ice Trustees. Acommittee of the Reeve aud Deputy-reeve wsappointed te miu with the Orono Police Tusý- fies for esabli'mhing a Pubie 'IUttil- ities. Thismetg betweeni the, twc groups, is alse ite ,discuss au amout te be paid from the, Oronot Water Service for services rende- ered by the Township office- Council also gave, appreval et their September meeting for the dissolving ef the Local lm- prevement Water System ou Div- ision Street. This water systemn will uow become part cf the o ver- ail municipal watersytm A committec was aise set up by Ceuneil te muetr with MNr. R. Hicks conceruing the cotrol be-, tween thet* partius for Cie op- eration of the Township dump. The formation ef the committee was, prompted by a letter from Mr. Hicks in which he wished tu close eut the operatien et the dump. The County Road Commission gav e their approval on Monday of this week to the project of storm sewers, paving and curbing on the Main Street of Orono wïthin the confines cf the business sec- tien. The approval was granted followîng a report by the Counties E-ngineer. Both the Coiunties' En- gizieer and the Police Village En- gineers met on the site last week to review 'the project. The Village project cf $108,000. w~hichi includes stormn sewers, 1crbing and paving on Church, Centre. Park. Diekson and Main t s ee ý,wv a-,the approvai cf D p~t iriof Highways and -) tisFad Commission. JT0 'vr befDre the project can be dea'e it must'have the app' ival cf tht Ontario Municipal Board. Aýs et a s'ubmission has nqt been, made to t ae Municipal Board for this uride: taking. Until such time aý the submission is mPade the Bo ard wilI make ne decison on the project.* Reeve J. Slore stated on Mon- day that the Counties were lu a- gicement with the Trustees' plans for the Man Street and were go- ing along with the project paying tne costs for the Maihi Street por- tion cf the overali scheme.- As far as the Counties were concerned the work could be donc this year, he said. This may depend, how- ever, on gaining appreval from heMunicipal Board in time te hiave the -work started this fail. Receilve,@s 33rd Mrl R. E. Logan cf Orono was Co-oîneted Hcnorary Inspector General of the Supremne Couneil 33rd! degree of the Ancient and Accýepted ScottIisIh Rite for the Dominion of Canada on Tuesday, Septemnber 13th at the Session 6f Mhe Supremne Council. The'session was hieldi in Niagara Falls, Ontar- io. MUr. Logan is>a Past Grand Stewar4d cf GrandLodge and Past Master cf Orono Lodge and Jer-, usailem Lodge, No. 31 cf Bowman- Hielhas been a Mr-,on since jt.în.iing TweedJ Lodge ini 1914, lat- er affiliating with Jerusalem Lod- g~ und the Orono:,Lodge. Mr. Lo- gnis a mnember cf Peterborough Lod ge of Perfection and Moore Sovereigu Consistory cf Hamilton. Celebrate F-i*ftieth Anniversa ry Inagurl 0 CetenialCommittee HeId The Clarke Township General Centenni'al Committee hel d ts in- augurai meceting on Wednesday of last weenl the Orono Town HaIll- Mr. 1K L. McQiiýggan, -pro- jeût of'ficer te'- CenAtnnial Plan- ning for the Ontlario Departmeilt eof Tourism and Information was present te assist 'the Cemmitte wth their erganizatien. and te eut- une the work of thev Coit'tee. Mr. MeQuiggan stated that the general cemmittee e acerdn ating committee, for Centennial p roj ects withini the muniipaIîty. It -,as aise sggste tat thils C-ordiiiating Cmiteset -I. p sub-commlrittees b ocover awdr area oet intereýts îfor t he eit niai. Commiittee members were in- forméd that the Department weuld assiSt, the committee at any time. The 'local committee intends te subuit te the public a sehedule of events fer the Centennial year cf local and provincial înterests. This schedule is te be ready early ln the uýew year. Mrs. -T. Fairbrother was author- ized to 'contact Clarke Township PubliceScheol Board as was Mrs. S. Lancaster the Women's Insti- tutes in the Town,Iip te find eut thýeir plains for 1967. The resuits cf rhe ,-,nuiries are te be re- ported at the uext meeting te be held on September 28th in the Orono Town Hall. Organizations and individuals are asked te present their sug- gestions te the Centennial Cen- mittce either verbally or in writ-, ing. Letters may be written to the Ciarke Township General Cen- tennial Coninittee, Box '38, Orono, Otarie. Members et the Commiittee are Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mrs. T. Fairbrother, Mrs. E. Schmid, Mrs. J. Stark, Mr. H. Partuer, Mr, D, iSaples and Reeve J. W. Stone. Other members may be added by, Council as the need arises. 1Over forty relatives gathered at a delightful Dinner Party iu Port Hope ou Mcnday evening, Sep- tember 12, te celebrate the Gold- en Wedding AnniVtersary et Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Tamblyn, Or- eue' . Amoug head table gue-ss were the two bridesmaids -ýcf flt years aga, - Mrs, EVa Leishmau, Oshawa, sister of the bride, and' Mrs. Mary Coulter, Alliston, niece of the grocm. Follcwing the sumptueus din- ner, Mr., Gordon Werry, Toronto, officiated as Master, of Ceremon- (Ceutinued page 3) For Rint< a »Zo avaza IRUWOMo a nager w wu nUV a - - y

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