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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Sep 1966, p. 3

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(IRONO WEEKLY TIMES, fUA, SICTEMHBER 22nd, 1966 Unit No.ý 5, r.C.W. held their first meeting for the faîl term on Tuesday evcning, September l3th in the Frienidship roomr, with only isýabel Challice was in charge o!f the devotionai and Jennie Bow- inn, gave the Bible ireading with Isabel giving the meditatian and prayer. Isabel reported on catering to a "'Get Acquainted" evening spon- sared by Consumers Gas ln whicli -our group cieared $27.52. A social time and discussion on catering followed and Unit 7 join- ed with us for lunch. Our next meeting will^ be held o" Otober 4th and wiil take the form of a pot-luck. supper at the home of Dorotliy B1 '.Kp tbi date in mind as an interestiag meeting is planaed. A Libra ry is more than Books la a word association test, 1 arn sure that given the,,word "library", a persan would likeiy counter ith "bool&'. Altliaugh books sliould always came first, there are other sources of inform. iiationjl and ideas that can be part of 1- brary service. Some of these sour- ces are newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, talking books, record- ings, >picture files, paintings, maps, i VIOTEON LIQOUR LOUNGES Lecf TO BE REÀD IN Ç~CME 1 By a- unanimious vote receatly iMr. and Mrs. R. E. LogaIn spentj Port Hope Town Counicil apprav- last we ek in Niagara Falls at the I cd a move to submit to a vote of Sheraton Brock Hotel, where Mr.,flic electorate, this December, the Logan attended the Supreme question of whetlipr the sale of Couacil of Scottishi Rite Mfasoas;liquor ln lounges and dining and received his 33rd degreý.e. l1oupiges sliould be allowed la M, -1lUr-T- i fPart Hope. !vMr. and ivrs. Jack Cuwiing of Parry Sound visited his aunt, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn recently. Mr. Ted His is a patient in the Bowmanviile Memorial Hospit- a., ille 01 tippngs nu Mr. Terry, Graham-ï, son ofMr f space 15s availab!e, a library and Mrs. Ed Graham, Orano aand may offer study areas and meet- 'Mr. Jim Wilson, son of Mr, and ing rooms for discussion groups. Mrs. Gus Wilson. Kirbiv have re- Art exhibits and displays (hobby, turned ta Kingston ta attend sec- sculpture, antiques, etc.) make lond year courses at Queen's Uni- any library a cultural centre ýversity. Mr. Dougflas Hamm, son \vhile fortunate a: e tho-se wlio can of Mïr. and Mrs. Donald Hanm, enjoy fie facilities of a library t Oronýo is attending Queea's as a, that pramotes lectures, films, lfirsf year student. puppet shows, drama. sfory hours, Miss Lyna ýLittie, Kendal spent discussion gî oups and paetry Sa dywfiM.adMs an readings. Stra ihM.adMs an n.epor i rI rom 'Ta take the library ta the peop- le, bookmabiles are frequently seen in cihies where out>iing sub- U ttawlaurbs are without a branch build- Ituseil ---~ ~ Iing, or in rural areas to serve Russll . Ilvey M.P..,uramschools and small villages. In thec manner of a kindly fam- lIydoctor Finance Minister Mitch, Want a quick solution toaa prob- e.ll Sharp this week diagnosed the lem? In albry with a goodl ref- aatian's juls and described some, of erence servie, the -, swer is as thie medicine lie feels should be near as your te1eýphon,î In pietro- prescribed, some of it unpalatable, palitan libraries, advancements 1,& deal with the problem of in-;in telecommuntirications and auto- ,(lation and rising prices. mated equipment mean rapid., ef- We have had a long and strong ficient information service. periad. of economic expansion A recent, television document- which has carried us fromn a con-,lary depicted a Toronto library dition of serjous and persistent branch that provided a photocop- unemploymenht to one of wide- ier on which a sheet of printed spread prosperity and virtually matter or a. diagrami from the fulil employrnent. Our inflationoary reference files couid be'duplicat- problemns which are evideunced by cd by a library paton on the spot higlier prices are cause, C gener- at a smalî cost. aispeakîng, because we Cania- At 'another brandi, a. member dians have been fo imp'atient ta chose a record ta which lie listen- get on with fao many, things at ed on ear-pliones; while other stu- once. This lias caused an increas- dents in special cubicles or car- ing spread in prîces resulttingressdidaoega anue fro flc rpidgroth n ntioal witli the aid of tape recorders. incarne which hasý created a very, Next time you visit a large Mhl level of demiand, which la buin ceutre, cali in at its library tura. makes it possible for buinj'wuMI find it most enlighteninig ûss and labour ta demiand morle ta sec what fliese libraries have aýnd more. ta offer. We have naw reachcd a position thaf is unstable. The presentf And 1 Quote trend cannot continue. We Cana- The phrase "a people's univer- dians cannot al pet what wc want'sity" although now quite aut of anid do what we want. If wc al date, indicates the Long-establisli- persisted in this course there ted idea that the public Ilibrary would lie an, excessive risc in1 must be the intellectuai resoure prices and costs because riglit for people who have not been ta now the country could nof, no university or for thase who are, matter liow liard it tries, produce nof studeats. at regular courses. enougli ta meet ail the demands. -Hon. William G. Davis If this kind of boom goes on Mmy Diseussion Goup will suffer as a result of higher Phone Mrs. S. Ruflierford, prices. Ail Canadian.s will suffer, 256M1, if you are interested la if a continued boom should lead belonigiag ta a literary group fa, a btist. spoasored by the Orona Public Aftfthe sane time we cannot Library. overlook the necessity of makiaýg eome improvemenft in Ille posi- tion 5of those cifizenis who are ernmenf's pragram of a guaran- rnost seriausly affected by boom teed fixed incarne of $105. per conditions. These are the people montli ta aid age pensioners wlio have no bargaiaing power of whicli is ta be iatroduced this their awn. Because ofP fixed in, Fali. 1He announced fiat there cames tliey are liopelcssly cauglit would be increases la veferans' ia tlie price risc spiral. Ia this disability pensions, war veferans class are aid age pcelsianers, vet-1 allowancs and pay and allowanc- erans and service personnel.* es for members of Canada's Arm- Mr. Sharp reaffirmed the gov- led Farces. g R YALBowmanville 623-5589g Thurs, Fri., Sat. - SEPTEMBERk 22,, 23 24 Th'TrutbAbout Sprinlg 0 g (COLOR)o Hayiey Milis, James MacArthur0 ~Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed.- Sept. 25, 26, 27, 28 g MTE GUNS OF'NAVAROE fiegr Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn Mrs., M. H-, Staples and lehi~terr exiiiUJJLeU i egn taso brother Mr. Roy Penfound of Os-i- corn ta) be judflged. awa' leff last Tliursday by Jet'i plane for Paris, France. Spain and Tlie members Corn Exh ibit Palestine. placed as follows: Congratulations to Miss Heather HaodSrnJh eig, Jean Rutherford, daugliter of Mr. arodSag, ohnPorerrna andMrs S.B.Rutherford, Orona Vivian,1 William Shea, Don ald and Richard Harlow Liscombe,1 Herringa, Philip Winslow, Janice son of Miýrs. Doris Liscombe, Corn- Adams and David Stewart. wall, on their recent marrnage. Mr. and Mrs. Liscombe will reside Thmebro!fecuwul la Cornwall.Th ebroftecuwul Seveal cr lads'of Oonolike ta take tuis opportunity fa Sevecltral c oas jo rno c xfendflicir tliaaks fa club lead- H ocltuSrngmembrs-joaurayedo er Dave Frew, Mr. Dairymple, atn CoelD sric at 4Sovtura ntaAgriculture Represenfafive, Mr. tendtc itic cnetinMatfliews ad ta Mr. Montgomery, \our new Assistant Agriculture ______ Represenfatîve for mýaking if aj year wortli remnembcring. UNITED CHIURCII Orono Pastoral * Charge ATTENTION Rev. B.ý E. Long tl V I o n_ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1966 GASOLINE - DIESE Orono- Sunday Sdhool at '10:00 Farm TankE Marning Service at 11:15 K rirb Service at 9:45 -D x < ' Sunday Sdhool at il1:00 âme 1 Leskard- î Sunday Scliool at /9:45 B ~md The Orange Curtain SAVING$ $ fle Credfit Union is w4 e0fr ly the handiost place to savefL your money, but It pays dividends as good, or botter. Lnan other plaices we saiie. Ask about the life insurance provided without added charge for eligible saverM even if: Orono District. CREDIT UN ION Tres.Ma.,Angus Loucla Phono 4z1O, Oronê Callyo Iicenied P1uir -4ig & who selis, instalIs CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATINQ Phone 143 Orono iî FARMERS'i 7hy Pay Moe iPremium Quality EL MOfTOR OILS is Avalable WHITBY 668-3341 Colleet or NEWCASTLE 981.4215 r LADIES' IIANDBAGS Beauti' fuUy styiedllandhags of genuine caif leather or vinyl with the more costly leather looký. Casual styles, dressy types and for the younger girls, small clutch purses Wlith disappearing chain handle. A good variety of colours. Priced from $2.98 to $1295. GLENAYR "KITTEN" SWEATERS A new stock of Ladies' Kitten Pullovers and 'Cardigans of ma ch- ine washable English botany, shetlantex and bulky wool. Beautiful ýnew Faîl shades. Sec the new heather-tones. Matching skirts and slims avail- able. ýSizes 34 to 42... Priced from $8.00O to $17.00. "IIUNTLEIGH" SWEATERS FOR, MEN See the new styles in "Huntleigh" Cardigans and Pullovers of pure botany wool. Boucle stitch, cable pattern and jersey knit stitch- Shades of blue, green, beige, burgundy, grey and the popular heather-tones. Siz- es to fit 36 to 46. Priced from $11.95 to $16.95. BATH- MAT SETS 2-piece Bath Mat Sets of heavy quality cotton ,-henil1eý thickly woven in a solid colour. Mat bas rubberized back. Shades of pink, rose, gre1ýn, aqua, beige .and burnt orange. Priced front $5.50O to $5-95. AR MSTRONG'S The voters will have their say on a special ballot to ie, provided on the day of the municipal edec- tian. Steps to hold the, liquor lounge vote will be initiatcd immediat- ely so the expression of publie oulalion may bc ta-ken this Dec- ember. NORITH DURHAM 4-H ACIIIEVEMENT DAY, o- r F'idav. August 26th the Nortl Durhamn 4-H1 Corn Club h-eld thleir Achievement Day at FPackstock, Fair Grounds. Each

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