ORONO WEEKLY TiMES, TIIURSDA7V, SFPTEM~ER 22nd, 1966 R. R.- Waddell QC., O MAIN ST, ORONO J r' Telephoe I 38Orono B.S-A A- ASe: 0:L:S: pROFEsSIi> 1,E NGINEER ontaio Land Surveyor u FL 21Queen St. Box 1659~ Bowmanville, Ontrio [ L J. SKAiFE Chartereü, Accointant -m 5Waîter Stret PETERBORM.UGH Phone 74Z-5482 (N~~ UACEL SE OFiE-MAIN ST-1ORNO ~hene 12516 Res.201 JCK RID Auctionkeer and Valuatu, Speceialize in Farm and Furni'ture Sales Cou'suit me for terms and d ates pRO(NàE ORONO 319 PUMPING OUT 9 EPTIC TANKS WRITE WASHING STA»LES Bert Tompk in$&' Phone 786-255Z JACK A.FRE ,RONO BOOKKEEPING- SERVICE Income Tax Returus Prepared Orono, Bowmanville, Oslrawa Telephone Orono 3R2 Monu,.n,à.nts a d FamIM.mordas Our quaîity and service leaves nothIng to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a ne--,ibour, friend or relative The RÏJiIER GRANT-TE COMPANT 7,1 Ontarlo Street POeRHoPE TLgetDý&play In Southera 21 KMNG ST. WEST J llwmanille623-3393 g Torcnot 2-14 f JPort Hope'Office- a99 Walten St.- 885-4548 1 FREE APPRAISALS Exclusive Agent for J. OCIIONSKI CONSTRUCTION J 3-Bedrôom Bungalows j .1Priced from $15,375-0 j on lots 75x260 f fOrono Area Representative [ ROY 11VOSTER o Kendal -- Phone 321 g A large selection of Farms, f gHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro-o g perties lu this arça f Orvilte Chatterton Electrical Contracting j Electrie Ileating and Service PHONE 245 OR 10412 Oronn, Ontario Orono Electric* PIHONE 12û9 CONTRACTORS FOR FARiM and IOIJSE,-- WIRING Free Estimatéi APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairu to ail Iinds of Electrical Equipmiezt and Appiances Sudi at Metors- Water Heaters T.V. - Radios- Stoves -IronS PHamuIîtons InsuranIceg g Service 0Auto, 0 Ffre 0 U Package Policies f j idelity Bond, f j Liabi1ity Life First Mortgage Loans 0 ~Sadie Haiitongo fi Phone 1-R-16 Orono Box 133 MO. 8-35521 Stafford Brothers Limlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufactur ers of Cemetetry Memorials Dealers ln Domestic & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cut and Cemetery Repair Work FOR SAL', AUTIOï, ýN 5Il"E NO jýT I Apples for sa:, Walhy and' I ltave rr(eeived ïnstru"tion '0 Lynitonh urs _'Àano r Nursing Crab Apples. seil by public auction at the resi- i e bao accomroo,aý1tion 1foz J. W. BoYd. ho, 527M4, Or- dence of Mr. Arthur Wiliia=ný, ' ~ ' refm ono. a-p King St. East, Milbrook on Sep PoeO n 7W h-36-c temher 241h at 1 p.rn. sharp: Real ____ FOR SALE Estate, Ilousehold Furniture, An- PE One Girl Guide Uniform. $400, tiusec A-SOWNrfan E --At Menm- ingood condition. Terýms cash. No reseve. oii1lupkil onanilo Mrs. R. Pelletier, Phone 585M2 .J ane ýine_,Sna e1trbr18 96Nr Oron. a- r-~ BartowLeskard, Ont. Age ____ - AUCTION SALE 0F 1LA'ND 5Peas eiovpcd hisband o£ FOR ALEPROERT SAE T-980 i Alee Paondear brother of One Girl CudeAI)oxrrtey2/3 of aýn acre av('rl-. George Yeo), Hfampton; pOne Goulf it. uîiform, com- ofr land, being part of Lot 24, Con- Bessie (Mrs, Wm. Bell), B3elleville Aret, olv Mts. . Wallace, p'oni cession 8, Township 'of Manvers, Alice (Mrs, H. Cobbledick) Orono ~loxv <io. eCounty' of Durham, situated on r Annie (Mrs. HI-. Geldard) Willow- ýl e no1h e of Tihway No.7A dale; Jack of Orono and Doris Il asi erd of Bethany. ('.F¶nr and William de- FOR S1ALE Sale to be held on the property at: ceased.Re e at the Barlow One "Teco" t i barrel oil 11:00 A.M. LOCAL TIME Barlow Funieral Home, Orono fer hurning space heater with small TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 27th, service Tuesday, September 2th tankç - ike new. Ni';ce finish. $25001 1966 p5 9, p.rn. Interment Orono Cerne- Call Orono 282W. a-p TERMS: $5000 Deposit at time of tery. o.a'e (cash or certified cheque___ FOR SALE made payable to (Treasurer of IT 1955 ('hrvsler Sedan Automatie. Ontario) balancee payable within JOH{NSON-Mr. and Mrs. David P h ne 1 3 M O on .a i th îrty days. m t on p e s Johnson are happy to announoe Phono103MOrono a-pFor further infomain pes the birth of a son (John David), contact: at the Memorial -Hospital, Bow- FOR SALE THE AUCTIONEER: manville, September l3th, 1966. CGirl's Winft- '- r-,, size 8, in ;M.JakRed very gond condition.. Orono, Ontario.a- Pbore 479W. Orono. a-c Telephone: Orono 319 _________ ____ OR CARI) OF iTHANKS FORSAL PVTENER Central Region, I wish to express my thanks ti- FO AL V EDE ight-of-Way Division, those who sent gifts, cards and Tendlers wil be received by 1eateto ihas visited me while I was in the hos- the undersigned solicitor up fo 1'1own),view,, Ontario. ipital. Special thanks to Memoriaf 12.00 noon on Friday the 3th'lTlpoe 248-3438 iHospital staff, Dr. McKenzie amIt day of September. 1966 for the ieepORe: al my Stai-kvîlle friends. purchase of the prope'ly .of Ruby Dprmn o ihas Mrs. Gertrude, Etweg, Blanche Couch. consisting of an, Deptrtm toff i No- , IR.1 Nwov>lOt insul stone 4 rooffi bungalow .with Di Hoet StrieetNorh, RR 1a-povle,(n closed in po-ch and garage, situ- Port Hope, Ontario. aIe on a suj-a(ious lot la a resident- Te'ephone: 885-6381 TAN VO la sctononth Estsie fsale ujc to a reserve fid Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Tamblyn Chiurchi Street South in Orono. DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAVS wish to thanlc their many friends ;This hiouse is equipped with oilNlIO h1batfl ad, lwr fur-nae, co1înp1etc plumnbing andl NAI.Ie h euiu adfoe electrical ins:tallations and is con,-it and telegi-ama recelved on nected tfo Town water. WANTED the occasion of the 50th -annjvers- H-igh-est or any tender not neces- Maie press operators, age 25 to ary of their wedding, Septembes- .sarily aeýpted. 40 years. Steady position with 12, 1916,. We also thank the niecesn I1nspection of the property may go0(d wages and copy p idthe sumatdous banquetisev ori lbe arrang0ed by contacting i-s. benefits- tesj-pios aqe evdi wtiPtan 1ir! Phone 345W, Apply Cuirvpliiy Wood Products, our hionnur in Port Hope on Mon- ono or Mýr. David Gray, Phione Orono. 'Phone 150. a-c da'eni.a- W.8 4456, Newcastle. ,TOURS - CARI) 0F THANKS Orono, Ontario. "Colour Tour to Algonqv in UN W wihtoeen ou Solicitor for the Vendor. 'ParBaerde at'îii heartfeit thanks .and appreciationÈ age." Suaceda , ctober 2nd. , for the mnerous acts of kindnesa%. FOR SLE BgTENDR Phn 85-2, oe Travelmessages of sympathy, the gener- FORSAE Bý ENDR Aheny 5-Port Hope Traeb-c'ous donations to the Muspular Tenders wiii be received by the! ' i or op - Dystrophy Fund and beautifl undersigned up to 12:00 noon on wloral offerings receîved during Monday the 3rd day of October -Wheeling W. VA Jamboree" our recent bereavement in tho 1966 for the purchase of the fol- Thanksgiving Weekend, Octo- ioss of ou r beloved mother, Em- I iowing properties owned by the ber 7-10. Hotel, tour an d tickets ma Luna., We especialiy thank Dr. Public Sehool Board of the Town- to Jamboree' included. Cronk, the nurses and, staff of~ slip School Area of Carke. 'Phone or write Rowe Travel iBelleville General Hospital, Dr- 1. Real' property composed of Agency, Port h-1ope ý885-2527, McKenzie, 11ev. Long. Barlow Part of Lot 17 Broken Front Con- b-c Funieral Home, Quinte Rebekah cession of the Township of'Ciarke _____________- -Lodge No. 3, members and Past of the County of Durham having Gan a froatage of 82' more or less and Chartered Bus to Voi'kdale Grns of the Orono Heather ]Re- a depth of 26-11 more or iess, sub-iand downtowni Toronto. September bekali Lodgeand.al members of' ,ettteiueaesareig26th. the immediate famiiy who helped and covenantîng to demolish and Phone Port Hope 885-2527. so,,much during lier illness. remove the building presently b-cBernice, MJarvin and familles-. situate upon the property withli CARI) 0F THANKS a time to be specified.I MEETING iBISO ~ewudlk o 2. Real property composed Of The Horticultural meeting, this ARTW ewollk 't Part of Lot 25, Concession 4, of1hrd~ngtSpebr2n thank ail our many frîends, rela- the Township of Clarke in the will be held at 8 p.m. la the Or- 'ie n egbus frter Couty f Drha hainga font on UatedChuch ainAudtor rany acts of kindaess,, expres- Coulty f Drha hainga font onoUnied hurh Min udiorsions of sym athy and floral trî-. age of 99' more or less and a ium. Mrs. Jennie Norton will bs rciep uin h oso depth of 165' more or less, sub- show slides of Virginia. The prize abelocved huad nd therot? of ject to the purchasers agreeing, money will be given out. Also our gratitude to 11ev. B. and coveaanting to demoalish and Lunch will be served. Corne Ln o i omotn od remove the building presentlY>1 and bring a friend. a-c aLn Borow unea mefortn od situate upon the pr.operty within -_and_________Ba terloughfu ervicHe. fo a time to be specified. 1tei huhflsrie 3. Real property, composed of HOCKEY REGISTRLATION The Bairstow Familsr Part of Lot 18, Concession 7, of Registration for hockey players _ the Township ofý Clarke of the will be heMd at *he Orono Munîci- PART-TIME RADIO County of Durhami conitaiingî, one- lpal BuildýinI this Fr,ýidy evening, ¶rV REPAIRS haîf acre more or less tgehe Septemnber 23rd franm 7 to 8:30 __ HI-FI - Stereo with building thereon. .Paesae se~t ae -Record Players 4. Sehool Belîs their birth certifîcates ar.c $400, Antennas - Towers 5. Two Oil Space Heaters. jfee at this ýtime. Every-one inter-'_- PA Systein for rent 6. One 200 gallon oil storage tank ested in' playiag hockey is urg- Ail parts and labour guaranteed, 7. One deep-well punîp. 1 e oattond this registration. HAR WIERSMA Inspec tion of the said proper. Phone 1737 Oron, tics may be arranged by contact- 'NOTICE in g the undersigned Horace R. Shioh United Church will hold Best, Phone 320W Orono, Ontario.1 their hot turkey supper on Wed- Higbest or any tender not nec- nesday, November 2nd, starting at B me B ar essarîly accepted. 1:0 . ap gPUBN IETN TENDERSCG0I.T.fi Saksand Sevi