t, n , I ÔRONO ýÔWEEKLY TIIÈIES, TOU RSDAV, SEPTEIVIPEl~thl, .1966, Ramce, Driver Testifies At Inquest For Dr., il. B. Cotnam,' supervising coroner for Ontario, conducted an inque&t in Newcastle Salurday, following the Grand Prix at Mos P t port.PoW The hearing was to investigate the death of Gordon Ralph Har- rison, a 31-year-old Scarborough flagman, who was struck and in- stantly killed at the Players 200 June 4. Two Santa Anna, California men, here for the Grand Prix told what they knew of, the fatal- ity. The officer's evidence and. that of ther witnesses will be heard at a future date to"be named by IDr.- Cotnam. Gerald Grant, the 31-year-old driver,' explained that his Lola Mark 2, T 70, came over a hill, struck an oil slick and ,careened out of control off the track. He was struck on the head and re- gained consciousness about five minutes later sitting on the ground beside his car. When examination at the track first aid centre revealed a slight concussion, Mr. 'Grant 'was taken immediately by ambulance tîu the Canadiana Motel, Toronto, where he had registered for several days. On learning of the fatality on his way to Toronto, Mr. Grant said he became su despondent that:he considered giving up rac- ing and persuiaded lis erew Vchef to allow hlmi to fly home the same'evening. Larry Webb, professionial miech- anic for Grant, assured the five- man coroner's jury that the Lola) T 70 was in excellenit condition prior to the race. H1e added that since an accident is bad public- ity it is race policy b mmdit ely transport the car fromn the track by trailer. This vehiicle left rigjat after the accident for California where il was examnin- ed and wrecked. Dr. Cotnam explained that the! OPP officer, sent to investigate, had been unable to rendh the scene ufltil much later hecause of the congestion of lraffic after the race. When he, 'did arrive tle body, the car and the daivet- were ail gone> which mnade in- vestigation difficull. Maiss Dia botes Survey Planned A mass diahetes survey will be conducted in the United Coun- ties beginning October 12. Fourteen directors of the Nor- thumlerland-Durham 1-ealth >and Tubercwlosis Association met at St. Peter's Anglican Church re- cently to make filial preparations for the survey. Jt was learned that 45,000 dia- betes sensitive detecturs, called ~iri-paks' have arrived. 'Dri-paîxs' are chemically-treated pieces of paper which react to secretions found in the urine of diabetie persons. -.11A Teams will be calling on homes throughout the United Counties to distrtibute. the papers. Tley will ehe in Bailieboro Oct, 12 an& Cobourg Nov. 4. The association las tàaken 0on the mass diabetes survey in ad- dition to its TV survey. Thurs- day's mneeting was conducted hy Jlohn Hiammoftd, general cbaikr- man of the mass survey. VIN CHAMPIONSHIP Durham County Junior Farm- ers were awarded the L indsay Cleaners Trophy for winning îthe dairy caîf club championship ai' ehe Lindsay Central Exhibition.. Members of the w inning - tea'n were: Erie Bowmani, Ennisllen; Murray YVellowlees, Enniskillent and Neil Tink, Hamupton.. To Spi I Mrý Patrijk the oenings: ainClub of Wednesday eve 18.15 p.m. in tI Trinity United ville- Nightcap. In 1963 Mr. Watson was named an Outstanding Canadian for his: contribution to television, and in lia 1964 produced. the award winning FI gm a film, The 700 Million, about Red 'China. Later that year, Watson and Douglas Leiterman launched This Hour Has Seven Days, and the foliowing year Watson turned Ut over the production responsibil- £ ities to Leiterman to become host; a Sali of the series. In the summner of this year, Mr. Watson resigned from the CBC after a long and un- successful fight to keep the pro- eak prarnalive, and lehasacpe 4ito ilb Political Science at Waterloo Un- ;peaker to the Cawý iversity. As a wrifer, Mr. Watson EWest Durham On nmade a significant contribution 'ning October 5, at to the'recently published book the auditorium Of The Restless Church. 1Church, Bowman-1 1 Admission to this, meeting will Mr. Watson was born in Tor be limited to subscribers oniy onto in 1929, atended tle Univer- f nd subscriptions will be aIvail- sity of Toronto where he received, able at the door the night of the lis B.A. and M.A. and went on meeting. Ail are welcome, to postgraduate studies at the University of Michigan. 11e join, ed the CBC in '1955, becoming producer of shows ranging from V~AIR PRIZE WINNERS Junior Magazine and Mr. Fixit to, Close-Up and This Hous Has Sev-1 Mrs. È. Stapleton, Orono was en Days. He founded Inquiry, and among the winners lu the home while in Ottiawa initiated regular baking competitions at tle Lind- political satire 'with the series1 say Fair. Here they are! GMÇ's big, bold new-trucks for 1967! Pickups with all-new styling. Strong, clean lines whioh further enhance GMC's reputation for Engineer ing Leadership. rThis great new look carrnes over into GMC's all-new 96" BBC -n edium-heavy duty cab series shown above. On top of this: New engine/trans- r,:~so combinations! A whole new'list of standard and optional features! 1967 is yu year for GMC! C910 GMC piakup with exr.a- cost Super Custom option 1 Nqow you can have your GMC truck trans-. fo rmed into luxurious transportation. ,Wîth bucket seats. console, fufl arpeting, bright trîim inside and out. Wliat a difference a name mnakes - AllI- newq 108" WB Handî -Van; GVWs to 9,000 Ibs! GMC's popular 90"WB 1½-ton Haidi-Van now available in larger 1081 WB size with 47 ou. ft. mnore londspace. New 108" 3/4-ton inodel available in GVWs to 6,000 Ibs. Seo your authbrized GMC Truck dealer Authori zed GMC Twuck Dealer in- Bowmanville 166 King St., E. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone: MA3-3396 T'el Owing to alterations at the Wateir Tank, Cu stoniers are requested to restrýiet use of Water to household use and to limit use forCommercial and Industrial purposes. The period of limiîted use will, at present estimates, be for two weeks. Yýour' co-operation would be appreciated, Signed on behaif of - Ontario Water Re- sources Commission. Ernest Dent, Manager Orûno ilydro and Water Systemt 1 1 vine.