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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Sep 1966, p. 13

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ORONJO WEEKLY TIMES. THIURSDAY, SEPTlýEMBER Z9th, 19ý66 Ës àw~ -- ~W. KAY LYCEU, B. A U Barrister,- Solicitor in the of o R.R. Waddell Q.C., fi MAIN ST., ORONO f Telephone 138 Orono Î ERRILL D.BRW I fipROFESýSIONAL ENGINEER o(civil)ý 0i Ontarjo Land Surveyor 0i .121 Queen St. Box 16591! Bowmaflile. otarlo ý Telephofle 623-7251 â75 WtrStreet- Phone 742-5482 IN SURAC SEL FRED LYCETTi OFFICE - MAIN ST, OROINO Phone IZ516 'Res. 20216 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farmi and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms anid dates PHONE ORONO 319 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS - Phone 786-2552 ORONO BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Itncome Tax Returns Prepared Orono,- Bowmanvilie, Oshawa Telephone Orono 3R2 Osur quality and service leaves c hii obe esired Ask the pern ýlwho hought fron' US, a neighbo3eur, fiCd r relativeý The AT1'iRGJAN1IP -La-rges: liiplaV ;in Southeru gREAL ESTATE 0 'g 2LIMITE!) A g 1KN ST. WEST [ g Bowmanville 623-3393 o Toronot 923-9174 Port Hope Office- 0i o98, Walten St.. 885-4548 fi o o FREE eAPPRAISALS gExclusive Agent for f J . OCHONSKI g CONSTRUCTION 3-Bedroom Bungalows gPriced from $15,375-00 on lots 75x200 f fOrono Area Representative g ROY FOSTER gAKendal .- Phone 321 g Alarge selection of Farms, f gHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro-o perties in this area f É,1ectrical Contracting jElectrie 1llýeating and Service1 5 PHONE 245 OR 10412 Oroîvi, Ontario - jî Orono E ecnt * 'day of Septemnber, 1966 for the PHONE U pulrchase Of 'the property of Ruby PHON 129Blanichi e uh on-sisting of ani CONTRACTORS FOR insul stone 4 room bungalow witbi -FARM-an4 UOIJSE clrsed inrroreh -nrag stu at',e Onn aspaýcious lot jinarsde- WTIRTNG l section on file East side of FreeEstiatesChu"rcb Street South in Orono. APPLIANCE SALES This bouise is eqippedj witb ou furnace, complete plumbling and Prompt and Gunranteed Repaira lcrclisalain n scn to) ailtrkil intaoftiolsactriccon Equipme kn andoApletiac nected to Town water. Suds at Metors - Water Heaters Hgeto n edrntncs T.V. - Radios- Stoves - Irn ariiy accepted. Inspection of the, property niay ~ be, arranged by contacting Mrs. OWilliam Hoar, Phone 345W,Or 9gono or Mr. David Gray,Phn ni ~it o ~ s g 987-4456, Newcasl aye ye.t Orono, Ontario. Insuiranlce FOR SALE BV. TENDER SerVîCe Tenders will be received by the ev undersigned up to 12:00 noon on fMonday the. 3rd dJay of0eor g g 1966 for the, purchase of the fol- Auto, lowing properties ownred by the pPublic School Board of the Town- Fire ship School Area of Clarke. S1. Real Property composed of. j Package Plce Part of Lot 17 Broken Front Con- Scession of the Townisbip of Clarke Fidîelity Bond, of the County of Durb'Ian having 1ýlitaýilty a frontage of 82' more or Iess andi Ua depth of 264' more or less, sub- Life ject to the purchasers agreeing First Mortgage Loans U and covenanting to demolis an 9remove the building presently g b Isituate upon- the Property witbin a time to be _sPecified. g V 2- Real property composed of sadie JQ àPart of Lot 25, Concession 4, of othe Township of Clarke in the '~County of Durhiam having a front-, oage of 99'. more or less 'and a 9 Phone 1-R-16 Orono f depth of 165' more or less, sub. jeet !to the purchasers agreeing [J and covenanting ta demolish andi remove the building presently situate upon the property within ja time to be specified. Box 133 M.835 3. Real property composed of 7-,J Part of Lot 18, Concession 7 , of ~ roh~s the To-,nship of Ca liýe of the, î r su COu! *Of D:hmcon4aining one, Lîmîetihalf acie moie or !ess together 318 Dundias St. E. Whitbyl Ont. with building thereon. h 4. School Belis Manufacturers of 5. TWO Oil S ace Heaers. Cenietery Meýlmorials 6O One 200 galon ou storage,tanký 7,. On - deepwe1l pump. D e a le rs t I s p ct o n of th e_ a d p o e and Marbls- ncipifl u igth n e gcd orace R and CrnrRpaT Wr BsC hne30WOono. 'Ontario). ig et o 1aryt rder not rec- ________________________-essai yaccepted. ROOM.' & BOARD Poom-- n board available in comforta ll ome. App'ly Mrs. Dorothy Bailey, phone 382 Orono.« FOR SALE Three, Brownie uniforms, go ï condition. Mrs. James Loweryï. phone 256W2, Orono. a-c APARTMENT FOR RENT 1 HELP .WANTED -Onie 3-bedroon' apartment, coni- Maie press operators, age 25 to pletely new,' modemn kîtchen and 40 years. Steady position with four-piece bathroom, freshly dec- good wages and, company, paid or2itec. Immedîate poýýsess!orf eeis MiSt, heate. rc $l00 Appýly Curvply Wood Produdts, pýer monthhae.ýODo Phone 150. a-c Phone R. Miller, Orono 150. Ooo a-c __________________COMING EVENT NOTICE Due to final preparation before dm1 ceonver'sion and testing, oly emergericy, tel1ephýone instalia- tions 'will 'be made fron' Oct. 1 until after conversion. Central Community Telephione Co. Ltd. FOR, SALE Huse Plants; Jap-Umbrella- Palm; Dracaena; Gianit-King Col- eus. Your choice 25e a plant. Phone~ 550W. E. A. Leamenl, Cedar Knoll Farms, RHÉ. North, Orono. 4-p FOR SALE One Quaker Oul Space ileater; 100 gai, tank and fuel line. Apply Mrs. A. Tennant, Orono.' a-p .FOR SALE Breakfaij Nook - 2 benches and, 'table witb arborite top M's.P, Werry, phione 382M Orono. a-p AUCTION SALE Auction sale of bedroon', liv- îngýroom and kitchen f urniture,! electrie stove, refrigerator, Find- lay cook- stove, box 'stove,: wash sets, dishes, 'etc., the property of M'r. Norman Kennedy, Lot. 11, Con. 6, Clarke Township, one con- cession southad a hall mile west of Kendal; sligwithout reserve 'on Saturday,, October 15t at 1 P. 'm. Terms cash. Property sold. Jack, Reid Auctioneer; Clerk, L. Harris. F'OR'SALE BV TENDER Tenders will be received by~ the undýerýsigned solicitoýr up toi 1200 Un V n v LiUdY b ile 1ULL The Orono Girl Guides will be holding a Bazaar, Bake Sale and Afternoont Tea on October isuli in the Ang«lican Cburch Sunday Scioci Ron'. c-C Orono 2228. a-c HELP WANTED COMING EVENT Midle aged lady for rest home1 Don't miss, Radio interview oni ýor one week. No heavy work. 'CKLB with C. G. Hilborn, District Phione (irono 371W. a-p FEMALE IIIELP WANTEDI Female help wanted for fact- ory work. Apply Cu rvply Wood Products, Orono. Ask for Denise Annaert. a-c SALESMAN WANTED Gener-al Motors Franchise Dealer requires a salesman for new and, used 'carS. Weekly drawing account, against mon- thly commissions. Ail company benefits. CalilGard Coons, Robson Sales Manager, 623-3396 CAREER SALES OPPORTUNITV ONTARIO'S FASTEST - GROWING FORD, DE ALERSILIP * NEEDS NEW AND USED CAR SALESMAN To Qutallfv you must Be over 21 [NTERESTED in Sales as a 1Career Willing to go through an initial Period of Training A Graduate of Grade XII High School, A Resident of this area for more than three years Selllng experience is not essential if you possess an earnest, desfre for personal suceess Apply STU. MACINTOSH 623-2534 MacDonald Ford -Sales Oshawa Bowmanville, Field Secretary for, West Dur-. ham, discuss-ing activities of the CNIB in our own area Tuesday, October 11th, and Thursday, Oc- tober l4th at 3:15 p.m. a-p NOTICE The business people, of Oreno anýd surrounding district will be called on in the near future to buy crosses, -sprays etc., for our Armistice service. Money to aîd disabled veterans who risked their 'liveýs for us. a-C George Dunlop NOTICE Dr. A. F., McKenzie will not be in bis office fron' September 28 to October 16. Both dates inclus- iv e,.- ANNOUNCEMENT, We ae ,pleased to ftnnounce -that we have the agency for Chiristniasý Cards, Christmas Gifts, Personal- ized Stationery by Name-On. For catalogue and samples con-- tact: MR. H. BROOKS, Phone 351W Orono a-p ROWE TOURS -Colour Tour to Algonquin Park, Bracebridge, Santa's Vill- age." Sunday, October 2nd. Phone 885*2527, Rowe Travel Agency, Port Hope b-c "Wheeling W. VA Jamboree" Thanksgiving Weekend, 'Octo- ber 7-10. Hotel, tour and tickets to Jamboree included. 1 Phone or write Rowe Travel ýAgency, Port Hope 885-2527 T-HE S5110W 0 F THE Bowmanvifle Shiowroom Fridacy, September,30 Free Roses focr' the Ladies IJOGir Prizes R~fres1-irnents ÏOM AC'ENO il SCIAL HOUR Roy Nichl tf FOR RE 'NT Bungalow, Orono, 5' roorms. bath, hydro, heavy wiring, spac- ious cupboards, tule floors.' Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, phone

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