-~ - -~ r - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY,SETME 29th, -I96 cord for men of the future? i- tory, Geography, Bîography (So man begýan to, write about events that had, occurred everywhere, and about 'People who had partic: ipated in these events.) 000- General Works. The numbers up to 100 areus ed for bibliographies, books a- bout books, and for books which 'contain information on many subjects sucb as eneyclopedias ;and other refei ence -works. Ail reference books have R before ; the number. A STORY ABOUT THE DEWEY; BIECIMAL SYSTEM 0F CLASSI- DISCUSSION G.ROIJP f1CATION An organizational rnretingV -, Sorne years ago Mr. Melville,- be held Wedrp d-1-nOtobe- 5 lDwcy devised a system of class-,7:30 p.mi at t' Library. Pboc'e .iy.ing-books which is used- in,256M1 for dt~s ~'ay libraries. Hle chose certain rin subjeets and numbers, s0 tat al nonfiction books on the1 sa-ne subjeet would be together , )P the shelf. Hie chose these sub j ects by imagining himself to be , rehstoric or- primitive man. -E asked himself questions he I BEST BUY. - SAVE 14e! d, gh.it such a man would have 10- Who arn I? Philosophy an~d Psychology (Man thinks a- bout himself.) 200- Who made me? Religion ýMan thinks about, God). 300- Who is the man in the -ýext cave? Social Sciences (Man thinks about other people.) 400- llow can Il make that man -understand mie? (Phlilolo gy -Lan- gosuge (MNan learnis to coiimmuni- caewihohers through word.s). 50-Who cani I understand Laur nd the world about me? Sene(Man irn to under- rn ature on the landi, in the seand in the sky). E0-iHow, canl use what I ~no abutnature? Applied Seceand- Useful Arts. (Primî- rive mian Iearned about fire and 1- v to ma-iike weapons. Man! thruhthe agecs learned ab)ot thbe wheel, about miedicine, plan- tir, crops, cook,-ing ,foodls, uild- în rcIVidges, and( how to make ail 700ý--- How cariT enoiiory leli e. timle? Fine Arts and] Recrea- 114. (By tihis timle, prim1itive I Man IhadI more time t 'o (do the , nngýs he enjoyNedI. FHe learnedi twto paint pîiures a nd to iiiieae musî. Ile also ïle arin e Žawto dcî1e andf to play gameQs) Ho- low can Ii g1ive to nmy ddrna record of Mm's heroici heed s? Literature (Mýani became Sstoryteller. He creates sagaýs, Ibes, eic, poetry and plays a- mout lis ýancestors and( the people teknew, L.ater, rman Put these into rîitng for al People 'tf Q00- Uow Cal i 1leave a re- PART-TIME RADIO - I-l-Stereo -Record Players -Antennas - fowe.rs ;.,PA systeun for rent Alil parts a'.10 labour gaate IIARRtY WIERSMA Phone 1131 Orono HOM HEAT SERVICE JACK 99 Kn tE Whte-n Buying, or celn al] WILF HAWiKE 'VOUR OI11ONO AREA Phione 1r12 Memubers of Oshawa anrd ir- trict Real Estate Board roui 1 I MP WýArTED Behiaad The -Pl Aruy- hbrary member can hene- ZI; mor-e fully from his library's. eolleetioii of books if he under- stands, the arrangement of the books on the shelves. Fiction is easily uinderstood, \being arranged alphabetically un- dier the author's namne. Non-fiction, is arranged accord- ing to the Dewey Decîmal Class- 1fication. Here is an, excellent explana- tiJon 'of this method from a leaf- let used in the Los Angeles! County Public Library, a Short Order Cook Exper.ence preferred but not necessary. New Dutch Oven Restaur-ant T'~LEBHONE (NO 290 ~* A * lA * i i., A i-A I -Beef or Irish d STEWTvS 2J$1 BIEST BUY! - SAVE IM13T D. fBaard's 15-Oz. Tins Champion BOU,,Food 7 o$1 BEST BUY! - SAVE 23c! - Assorted Fruit 48-0z. Tins Del Monte Drinks 3F$1 BEST BUY! -- Fancy Quality 48-0z. Tins Aylmer TomutloJuice 3Ô '$ Cash Vour 19e Coupon! BEST BUY! - SAVE 6c! - Parfait - 114m. 10.0z. Pkg., MONARCH Dessert 43c S eci I - S~c - ~' we Check'd Branded r AYou Save T'.y:7ýcŽ-VVEith TAmv and Price"-Teniler Juicy ib. 55e "Ve! Trimmed" - Tender ~EA i STE K ~' ib. 95e fIea r o r eat P io Ses? Lean floneleýss I Reula 49e - resh Baked Suren ]radFul24-oz. size ! APEPIîE 39 Weko or Snbaa 0AMorr2 to Pkg. LEONBUNS 45c FRESH FROZEN Re. 19e -Dr gon Brand g Rg 7C, -Pr8 Oz, Pkg Eg~g Reis 73u. -5T BUY! -AVEllc -California Seedless 15-0z. Pkga. I Sun-a»Id Raisins 3j$ 1BEST BUV! - SAVE 7c! - White or Coloured ,Delsey TISSUE 4R'oIs59C FEATURE! - Choice Qualty mm6z Tn Maple, Leof PIJMPKLIN 8 ý1 $1 SAVE 14c! - Unlversal Red Sockeye Salm'on /2 IL.tin 55 c SAVE 25c! - Clark's l0-0z. Tins TOMATO Soup .10O $1 SAVE 18c!-Nestle's 1-Lb. Tins OUIK '2 for $1 SAVE 16c!-Pie FiJings and Puddings 4-0z. Pkgs. JEuL-O 8 for $1 Crushed - Sliced- Tid Bits LEE'S Choice 20-Oz. Tins INEAPPE 4 for $ SRVE1se!- Van Camp Wîth Pork'15-Oz. Tins BEANS5 for $1 j, )à ;JN ïI j P OD CE JUICY TREE RIPENED SUNKIdsT GOOD SIZE Doz. F resh Flailourfuj California L EMO0N-S 6 Crispy Fresh, Marsli - No. i1 CELERY LARGE STALK Sweet and Tasty - No, i PARSN IPS F O 23~ 24-Os. Pkg. 25~ Save 10e! - G'iant Size S e, -AsrtdSo.Jars Save 16e! - Pint Bricks SUN SPUN -FRO N TEC et4! - Suee ks's 'A oWimnerlMIlS 4 lot $1 1 - Red and White, Orono ______________________ - - A Fuil-time and Part-time Waitress plus i li 1