f j- - ~ ~ i ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 1966 Pr ose $1,0)Dog, Tax The O -ono Police Trustees met on Mnd~y eenig i th Orno d fourth in the Invitation trof Huon 1oficee ignthfule rnda and fifth with Speedway Pat in ffic .ýt u!aed the fifth race of the niglit. Cbrirman E. R. Woodyard re- ported that the Township Road depa'tmnent was to have a c om- plete. firancial statement of ex-« penditures, available on Police Village work conducted this year,_ by the first of October. Mr. Woodya'r i referred to the storm sewer project on Duchess Street along wth additional catch bas- ins on ('hurch street at an esti- mated cost of $2500.00. Mr. Simp- son feit that the cost would be closer to $350000 by the tinie the îob was done. PNo Action on Dismlissals The Trustees again tabled two recommendations for dismissal iromn the Fire Department pend- ing a meeting, with the fire chef. The meeting is to be arranged as s-oon as possible. Mr. Simpson btated that thie Township is a- waiting a report from, the Trust- ees and >also he stated that the forms had not yet been sent into the Fîre Underwriters. The sc retary was authorized- to set uip the meeting with the Fire Chief. The Trustees are to obtain a complete financial report prior to the next regular meeting. The chairman requested the Trustee s to again send a letter to Councîl asking that Counlcîl set a néw rate for dogs at $10.0G. H1e said,'that in other municipal- ities this hazd liminaMed fifty percent of the djog, population. "We have to do this or hire a dog catcher," he- said. Mr. Simp,- son said lie didi not agriee with this as it added costs to a pro that looked after their dogs. No action was taken in sending the letter to Couincil, ATHETIC TO PAY FULL COST 0F RIK TRANSFORMER A delegatirn of Messrs, Bruce Tennant and Earl Taylor. met with the rono- Hydro (iComlmis- sion on Monday evenîng- when the delegation referred to what they considered a higli cost, for the purchase and installation of three transformiers at the Orono Rink. The delegation stated thiat they were under the impression thal the total cost of the operation was to have been $800.00. The eost Ievied against the Athletih was an amount of $1100,00. Mr. Dent, *manager of Hydro, stated that lie had informeda meeting of the Athletic last year tiat the total cost would likely amount to around $1200. The $800.00 figure was for thç pur- chase of the transformers only. This figure did not include con- trois, carrying charges and instal- lation, lie said. Mr.ý Simpson said as. there was no written agreemnent f ault more than likely restedi on both sides and lie did feel that there was a lack of comimunication within the Athletic Association îtself. The Commiission agreed to fore. go interest chargzes providing thE account waLs strightpaned up witl in a short pro of time. KENDAL HORSE REGISTERS PET]ERBOROUýGII WINý Kendal Brook owned by L Downes and driven by A. D)owne. registered its first win in twent3 starts, last Saturday niglit at Mor row Park, Peterborough. The wlr was taken in a time of 213.4 an came in the last event of tii race card. Fred Lycett's 'Royal Duke' went in its four-th start of thE in Peterboioui.,h on Saturday ani crossed the finish wire in thirý position. The event, the seconc race, was won by Lady Dean, dri yen by Junior West. SCOUT PAPER DRIVE THIS SATURDAY The Orono Scouts and Cubs will hold a paper drive this Sat- urday, October lst. Paper il e picked up Saturday morning and residents are asked ta have such securely tied and placed 'at the road side. Funds derived through the sale of the paper are used for scout-. ing and cubing. FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Highway 115, 1/ mile South of Orono iligli Quallty Frutit Produùce 6 quar t 9C APPIIES 6 quart 75ce *. ,the6 friom FO RD FORDS -FALCONS MUSTANGS m Fa rIRLANES- lu THUNDERBIRDS Coming on See them A lat 0 N AFORD SALES 219 King St. E., Bowmanvilje' Phohe '623-2534 The les, car is here ... 1967 Acadiîan.. Be- the first, on your block to drive one home! Beat the rush. The new Acadians are'out. The-y'!e out ta makei Acadian has six trim-size models for '67. Take your pick. It's very easy to, chosour new car in the very love pricc b fijI. ExtrLeel easy ta boiy the Easy Car. So drive home a new Acadian and if you ~c.Dut tatsoly one reason you'll cal! 67 A, Ldian the Fis y Car want ta spread a tt!fe joy.. park it where your neighbors can see it. 15 brsy on the e yes. Easy to drive. And MN m V& y ý,ey t0o o.A 7 1 Every ncw Ac-dian comes with a host of 1967 Lok tAcdansnew stylinv.. Siee -ier-a . uesnciuding dual master cylinder Ný:t. Easy t, i ermen onto m ih wýarning lrght, lane change luw on n ic t utlcEýyT e EcvCar idirecion-5ignaI cero,l.four vw- ,zaýrd warni nU fladsher.and M Car. Try it for comfort an.td handling. on disPlaY at Your Poitiac dealer's tomorrow ýpassernger-guard door Iocks onil dooa, Set youýr autharized Acdealer Authorized Acadian- Pontiac - Buick Dýealef in Bowmanlville ROBSON* MOTOR$ LIMITED 166 King st- . .BwavleOt hn:MA3.3396 »E S'URE TO WATCH TELEVISED CANADIA1N FOOTeALL LEAGUE GAMES. SEELO ACAL LISTIlNGS FOR TiME AND liANNEL Af j